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By -sincerelystyles

187K 7K 4.6K

Orphan, Aubrey Thomas was founded by Voldemort himself, before his powers were taken away from infant Harry P... More

[2] ; POTIONS 101
[17] ; ROAMING


9.7K 385 185
By -sincerelystyles

✧∘ଂ ࿐

THE COMMON ROOM was almost empty. There were a few lingering students in the dungeon, but most everyone was down at the Qudditch trails. Aubrey had scribbled semi-legible chicken scratch onto a piece of parchment for her Transfiguration class. She looked around the room, sighing softly, growing bored of the same routine. For the last few weeks, she's been going to her classes, getting more acquainted with Harry Potter and his two best friends, doing her homework, and sending owls to her adoptive family and The Dark Lord. It was a slow process getting more friendly with Harry-he was outputting toward the mysterious girl.

Harry felt a strange feeling hovering over Aubrey; she was a missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

Aubrey stuffed her books, parchments, and quills into her bag, leaving through the dungeon door. She made her way toward the outside, nearing closer to the Qudditch field, spotting three big hoops standing high into the sky, seeing Gryffindor students zooming across the light blue sky.

She headed up toward the stands, spotting Hermione Granger looking intently at Ron blocking the hoops. Aubrey smirked, knowing this was the perfect time to make friends with the most intelligent witch at Hogwarts.

"Hello, Hermione," Aubrey greeted most pleasantly, sitting beside the girl.

Hermione gave her a friendly smile, before turning her attention to Ron. "So, do you have a thing for Ron?" Aubrey asked, her eyebrows raising up.

The intelligent witch blushed in embarrassment, her cheeks tinting red. "That obvious, huh?" Aubrey smirked in amusement, nodding her head.

"I think everyone at Hogwarts can see how much you both fancy each other," Aubrey claimed, her eyes locked on Harry, who was on his broomstick in the sky, watching the student's performances.

Hermione blushed even more, ignoring the brunette's truthful statement. "Come on Ron!" The witch shouted, seeing Ron struggle to get a bludger into one of the hoops, guarded by Cormac McLaggen."Confundus," Hermione whispered, as Cormac was forcibly moved to one side, allowing Ron to score the bludger into a hoop.

The Gryffindor students cheered in triumph, turning the nasty Slytherin's chant, 'Weasley is our king' to a much more positive cheer. Aubrey sniggered, hearing the charm come out of Hermione's mouth. Hermione smiled guiltily under the brunette's glaze. "I think we're going to be great friends, Hermione."

"Why so?" Hermione curiously asked, her brows frowning.

Aubrey bit the inside of her cheek, she started feeling sentimental. She instantly regretted her decision of sitting beside the witch. "I grew up not really having any friends. And if I did have people I hung around, it was always guys. It's just nice I might have a friend that's a girl..." The brunette trailed off, her lips twisting into a flat-line-she felt a strange feeling of warmth and friendship feeling her body.

Hermione brightly smiled, her arms wrapping around the girl. "Aubrey, I wasn't sure of you at first, but I can see you're a talented, thoughtful person. I'd be happy to have you as a friend, and I bet Harry and Ron would also love to have you in our group." Aubrey raised her arms slowly, wrapping them around Hermione. It felt weird to have a friend-and Aubrey didn't know if she truthfully happy about it.

✧∘ଂ ࿐

AS WINTER BEGAN, Aubrey was becoming better friends with the infamous golden trio. She knew their strengths, weakness, and what made them tick. She evidently reported everything back to The Dark Lord, including Harry's newest obsession: The Half-Blood Prince's book. That was the cause of Harry's immaculate success in Potions. The book was Harry's knowledge to black magic, and Aubrey needed to get it from him.

The quartet was bundled up in winter clothes, walking toward Hogsmeade. Hermione had practically interrogated Harry on his obsession with the book, as the other three agreed.

"Harry, don't you have any intention on finding out who the book belongs to?" Aubrey chimed in, her glaze tearing at the raven-haired wizard.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, Aubrey," Harry grumbled in frustration, "Besides how would you find the person who owned in?"

"The library might be useful," Aubrey shrugged.

"I already check," Hermione sighed. "I found nothing. I couldn't find a reference to the Half-Blood Prince anywhere," the witch complained, her tone full of spitefulness.

"There we go," Harry said, "That settles it, then."

Aubrey scoffed in disagreement. "No, not that settles it then. Harry, that book is hooked to dark magic. You-Know-Who could've owned in," the brunette threw out accusations. She needed Harry to be more interested in finding out the owner, so she could report back to Voldemort.

Harry nodded reluctantly, knowing his newest friend was right. The quartet had spotted Professor Flitwick and Professor Slughorn going down to The Three Broomsticks. Harry had suggested they all should join. The group frowned, but followed the wizard in suit.

The quartet sat at a table, Aubrey sitting beside Harry, and Ron and Hermione sat together. The brunette couldn't help but give a look toward the smartest witch, as she flushed. Harry ordered four butterbeers for them all, as Ron spotted his sister on a date with Dean Thomas. Ron looked disgusted, scrunching up his nose.

"Harry, my boy!" Slughorn expressed, greeting the wizard. "So, wonderful to see you. And you three," he greeted, looking around at the table.

Slughorn and Harry had began a small conversation, before bringing up an occasional supper party he used to have. "Would you be game?" He asked Harry.

"I'd consider it an honor, sir," Harry nodded with great delight.

"You'd be welcomed too, Granger, Thomas," Slughorn happily mentioned.

"I'd be delighted, sir," Hermione spoke, almost choking on her drink.

Aubrey chuckled. "Of course, professor."

"Splendid!" Slughorn boasted, "Look for my owl." The man looked over at Ron, "Good to see you, Wallenby."

Aubrey spit out her drink, busting out laughing. Ron glared at her, as the other two joined her. "I'm sorry, Ron, but that was really funny," she tried to apologized, but let out brief giggles. Harry couldn't help but smile, feeling his stomach flip at the sight of the witch's enthused smile.

"What are you playing at?" Ron insisted, referring to Slughorn.

"Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him," Harry said.

"Get to know him?" Ron questioned.

Harry shrugged. "Dunno. It must be important. If it wasn't Dumbledore wouldn't of asked."

Aubrey wondered what importance Slughorn is to Dumbledore; she knew she was going to have to pry it out of him. She looked around the table, seeing the smiling faces of the trio; her glaze landing on Harry. Something about him made her feel extremely nervous inside, her hands felt clammy and her stomach twisted and turned. Aubrey knew she needed to push those silly feelings inside, and focus what was most important-completing The Dark Lord's task.

While the quartet was on their way toward the castle, they spotted Katie Bell raised up toward the sky, her black hair tangled around her, and her mouth hung open. Aubrey spotted a brown paper bag, with an elegant necklace peeping out. Her eyes narrowed down onto the bag. Hagrid had stopped anyone from coming any further, as he had taken Katie to the hospital wing.

"I'll be right back. I've got to owl my family real quick," Aubrey lied, as she started pulling away from the group.

"Are you really leaving at this moment? You can owl your family anytime. McGonagall and Snape are going to want to talk to all of us," Harry insisted, disappointment filling his tone.

Aubrey instantly felt bad, but she regained her focus. "I'm sorry. I have to go." She hastily ran toward the castle, marching toward the common room. When she entered into the room, she spotted Draco laughing away to Blaise. Aubrey huffed in anger, gripping the blond's arm, pulling him to a secluded corner of the room.

"What the hell, Aubrey?" Draco hissed, smoothing out his black, sharp-like suit.

"You bloody twat!" Aubrey cursed. "You really gave a cursed necklace to Katie Bell, to give to Dumbledore? How stupid are you?"

Draco gave her daggers. "How dare you speak to me like that, filthy little mudblood."

Aubrey gritted her teeth. "How brave, Draco. Using tough words, aren't ya? This is why your family fails, brother dearest. The Malfoy's have a long history at talking the talk, but when it comes to taking action, you run away like cowards."

Draco was astonished at her venomous tone. He tried his hardest to remain his darken self. "What have you've been doing? Getting cozy with Saint Potter and his blood traitor friends?" He hissed.

The brunette rolled her eyes. "I'm gaining their trust, you insufferable pig. Gotten any further with the cabinet?" Draco remained silent. "Of course, a failure like your father."

"Don't say a word about my father!" Draco sneered at her, as Aubrey remained calm.

"Your father is a coward, just like The Dark Lord said," Aubrey whispered coldly, her voice narrowed in on the wizard's.

Aubrey pulled away, grinning viciously at the blonde. Draco stared at her like she was pure evil-filled with dark, black magic.

✧∘ଂ ࿐

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