Time || Solby

By You_will_never_know-

49.7K 1.6K 1.1K

Sequel to Real || Solby! "I know this isn't really a good place, or time, or plan, or... Hell, it isn't a goo... More

First and hopefully only author note!
Thing 2 is better than thing 1 because this chapter is 2!
Wherefour art thou, Romeo?!
Free high fives sold here for $5
Sixitysixtysiiiiiiii-oh wait
DAD JOKES ARE FUNNY sorry what number is this
Eight ate bait... And got a stomachache
Me: 7+2? Hitler: NINE
Guess who's a ten...^^^
Chapter Elven
If you're twelve you're not old enough to read half the stuff on Wattpad
I was tagged..twice
The number thirteen? Not on my watch!
I want to address an obvious subject
Fact of the day: 15 is a number. You're welcome.
Should i do it? se- ready? SE- no jk thats old news now
Chapter seventeen.
Remember the teens from the last chapter? They found another teen
Sorry I totally forgot what chapter this is and I'm too lazy to check
This book is now of legal age.... To drink apple juice duh
What an exciting opportunity for you guys
I have no idea what chapter number this would be
Ya know what's a better joke than 24? ........
This is the worst part about writing books

Hey, I'm fourte-oh wait you will never knoww!

1.4K 53 23
By You_will_never_know-

Pretttyyyyyy^^ listen to the lyrics too, I love the "there is a crack in the door filled with light" artist:NEEDTOBREATHE, song: Wasteland

C  O  L  B  Y

Beep beep.

I opened my eyes, hearing the quiet text tone. Glancing around, I spotted a bright screen and reached for it. I examined the phone through sleep-blurred eyes and realized that it wasn't mine, it was Sam's. I also realized that the name of the person that disrupted my sleep was someone I didn't know.

Who's Bella?

I debated whether or not to open it, as I easily could because I knew Sam's password. After a short time, I rationalized it by saying, "if we share everything, than I could look any time."

I clicked it open, reading the text.

Bella🎭: hey, would you wanna hang out soon like we planned?

I frowned. I decided not to jump to conclusions, though the text seemed rather suspicious to me. If anything, Sam is loyal to me, right? I clicked the phone off, glancing over at the sleeping boy. I smiled softly, but it was taken over by my furrowed eyebrows. What could he have possibly planned with this stranger? 

I laid my head back down, wanting to wrap my arms around Sam. If I could just hold onto him, he'd never leave. He was that sort of person, one to adapt to to someone he loves if they want him to. I always thought he must get tired of it, but he seemed to do it with such ease. He was truly kind and caring.

With these thoughts in mind, I was able to ask him about the girl when he woke up.

"Morning," he coughed.

"Morning. You getting sick?" I asked.

"No, I had something stuck in my throat." He sat up and popped his knuckles.

"Oh. Hey, I just woke up to a text you got from... Bella I think it was. She was wondering if you wanted to do what you planned to do soon." I kept my voice extremely nonchalant, as though I was telling him the weather.

"Oh, cool, thanks." He reached over me to grab his phone and unlocked it.

I raised one eyebrow. Well, he doesn't seem too flustered, so I guess that's a good sign. "I don't remember meeting anyone named Bella. Did you just meet her?" 

it took him a second to look up from his texts. "Oh, yeah! She's cool, she knows sign language and I asked her if she'd maybe teach me something."

I smiled, relieved. "Cool."

Sam was oblivious to my sudden relaxing. His eyes lit up as he turned to me. "Hey, maybe she could come here to teach me! That way you could learn some too and we could talk to eachother."

I shrugged. "Yeah, sure."

He smiled and went back to his phone, typing. "Okay, she wants to come over at around 12:00. Does that work?"

"Yeah, maybe we could film a video with her!" I said, getting used to the idea.

"Maybe... I don't know if she'd want to be on camera though."

"True, we can ask her when she gets here." I flipped the blankets off my legs and walked to look in my closet. 

I picked out a grey ripped shirt and some black jeans, putting them on. I smirked, grabbing a matching red ripped shirt and black jeans and throwing the outfit at Sam. I laughed as he just sat there frozen and still squinting, the shirt draping over his head.

"That's a little aggressive, don't you think?" He said, picking the articles of clothing up. 

"Nope, it suits me perfectly."

"Ahh, true." He stood up and put the outfit on, glancing at me and finally seeing why I picked it out. "Oh, we're matching!"

"Wow, took you long enough! Let's get moving, or were in danger of turning into potatoes." 

Sam's eyebrows shot up. "I thought I was already a chicken!"

"And I thought that meant I'd eat you but it didn't happen." I held my hands up defensively and shrugged.

He shook his head and smiled, walking out the door and downstairs. I followed him into the kitchen and he grabbed eggs and other breakfasty stuff from the fridge. Seeing the ingredients, I assumed what he was making and grabbed a pan and spatula. He smiled as he set them on the stove, turning on the flames and buttering the pan. He cracked the eggs, scrambling them and simultaneously adding cheese, onions, mushrooms, peppers, ham, salt and pepper. Once it was all in the pan, he folded the egg masterpiece in half, sliding it onto a plate.

"One omelette, sir?" He said formally, handing me the plate.

"Why thank you, master chef Sam!" I bowed, taking the plate reverently. 

He grinned as I grabbed a fork and sat down at the counter. As I ate the delicious concoction I watched Sam cook his own omelette. He made it the same as mine, only left out the peppers. I smiled, remembering how he always complained about the skin getting stuck in his mouth. 

He sat down by me, eating his omelette and looking at his phone. Having left my phone upstairs, I simply looked at Sam instead. I couldn't help thinking what a cute little kid he was. With his focused, baby blue eyes that had little freckles of deep blue, and his soft, slippery blonde hair, he always looked adorable. How could I ever say no to such a person? We got along so well, too. Everything we did only made us stronger, constantly moving onward and upward. 

A knock on the door startled me out of my trance, and I jumped up as Sam did the same. We both walked to the door together, and Sam opened it.standing there was a very pretty girl with light brown hair and eyes. She smiled at Sam and I.

"Hi, Sam! And I'm guessing you're Colby?" She said.

"Yeah, nice to meet you!" 

Sam fumbled with his hands. Bella grinned and made clear motions, showing him what he was doing wrong. "It means nice to meet you," she explained.

"Oh, I see." I nodded, trying to do it myself. 

"No, try like this!" She grabbed my hands and I flinched. She didn't seem to notice as she helped my hands move the right way. "There, that's right."

I smiled, thanking her with a nod. "Shall we go inside?"

"Yes, let's!" Sam said, stepping aside for Bella.

We all went inside and sat on the couch. Almost instantly, Bella started showing us the 'most basic form of sign language'; fingerspelling. I knew a little bit about this, but I didn't know most of the letters. We went through the alphabet a couple times, and I didn't think I'd ever be able to memorize that many handshapes. After that, she showed us how to introduce yourself and ask for someone's name. I thought it was pretty cool that people actually talked using only their hands and faces.

S  A  M

Bella was really chill about the whole thing, and she was a good teacher. I liked learning the different letters.

Towards the end Colby excused himself to go to the bathroom and Bella leaned over to me to whisper as if Colby was still close enough to hear.

"Boy, Colby is super attractive!" 

"Thank-oh, uh yeah.." I grinned awkwardly. I hadn't told her that Colby was my boyfriend...

"What's wrong? Sorry, is it weird for me to say that?" She leaned back.

"Uh.. Sort of." I shrugged.

"Sorry," she laughed. "I get it, maybe I would feel weird if someone told me that about my best friend." 

"Hah..." I halfheartedly laughed and we sat a little awkwardly until Colby came back. 

We finished up quickly, and Bella left with a big smile, telling us we did really well. We smiled back and thanked her, saying we should meet again to learn more.

"That was cool!" Colby said, making the sign for 'cool' which Bella showed us.

I laughed. "Yeah, I thought so too." 

"Bella's really nice. I think we could really make good friends with her!" 

I smiled a little, trying to ignore the feeling that pushed up my throat. Was I jealous? Maybe, I guess I was just used to being the only one truly close to Colby. Well, I guess that's my bad because it's not a sin for him to have other friends.

"Sam?" Colby said, snapping me out of it.

"Oh, yeah?" 

"I said we should meet with her again soon, to learn more and get to know her too." 

"Yeah, that's fine!" I smiled at him. I just have to remind myself that Colby and I are not the only people on earth, and Colby can talk to other people if he wants to. Plus, I'd figure out a way to tell Bella he's not available for the taking.

MAMAAAAAA OOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry I'm listening to queen

But be sure to listen to the song at the top cause it's actually really great!

| 1470 |

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