My Favorite Accident

By bau_basscannon

12.6K 283 137

Kirstie ran away from both an emotionally and mentally abusive marriage.That both her and her 2 year old daug... More

Chapter One♥️
Chapter Two♥️
Chapter Three♥️
Chapter Four♥️
Chapter Five♥️
Chapter Six♥️
Chapter Seven♥️
Chapter Eight♥️
Chapter Nine♥️
Chapter Ten♥️
Chapter Eleven♥️
Chapter Twelve♥️
Chapter Thirteen♥️
Chapter Fifteen♥️
Chapter Sixteen♥️
Chapter Seventeen♥️
Chapter Eighteen♥️
Chapter Nineteen♥️
Chapter Twenty♥️
Chapter Twenty-One♥️
Chapter Twenty-Two♥️
Chapter Twenty-Three♥️
Chapter Twenty-Four♥️
Author's Note♥️

Chapter Fourteen♥️

427 12 12
By bau_basscannon

Chapter Fourteen♥️


A couple days later.Avi still hasn't woken up.I haven't spoken to Esther since she told me those 6 words.They were so sudden.I expected her to yell at me for following her.After she told me that.I swear heartbreak soared across her face.

I know I'm saying heartbreak a lot,but that's the only thing I can describe.She got up and went back into the room.When I came in she was on my pull out.I laid down and the next morning she was gone.

She hasn't spoken to anyone.Well there's the fact the only one she would talk to is in a coma.She would ignore someone when they tried talking to her.At times she would just disappear.Come back a few hours later.

Darien: "Kirst?"

Me: "Mhm?"

Darien: "Have you seen Esther?"

Me: "She left again."

Darien: "I'm worried.She's been gone since 11 and it's almost 6."

Mhm...She's never been gone this long.I looked at his face and he looked like he was going to cry.He loved Esther more than anything else in this whole entire world.

Just like that Esther walks in.Well hops in with her crutches.

Darien: "Baby.."

He walked over to her and she just kept walking.She sat down and sighed deeply.

Darien: "Where have you been?"

Esther: "I don't have time for your shit Dar!"

She snapped and that's the loudest I've heard her speak in the few day span.She had a pissed off look on her face.Made me wonder if that was the hormones or something else.

Darien: "I'm not giving you shit!My fiancée was gone for 7 hours!I was worried that something happened to you."

Esther: "I wasn't gone for 7 hours."

Darien: "Almost!"

Esther: "So?I took a little walk."

Darien: "Walk?Esther,you aren't supposed to be on your crutches for long!"

Esther: "You think I care?"

Darien: "That's it!You don't care about a damn thing!Maybe I care about you!"

Esther: "Maybe I don't love you anymore!"

That.That was the last straw.I had no breath and I couldn't move a muscle.

Tears welled up in Darien's eyes.What pissed me off.Esther had no one ounce of regret saying that.She didn't care.

Esther lifted her hand and carefully slid the ring off.Even though she gently placed it down on his hand it seemed like she slammed it.Just like she did with his heart.

He closed his fist and began walking out.

I followed him.

Esther: "I can be with Kevin again!"

Darien just dropped onto the floor.The ring still clenched in his fist.I dropped on my knees and hugged him.His free hand wrapped around one of my arms.He was sobbing.Didn't care what others saw.

Heartbreak doesn't care what time it shows up.If someone sees....So what?I rubbed his back.

Me: "Hey.Let's do something."

Darien: "I want to curl up in my bed and die."

Me: "No please don't do that."

Darien: "The love of my life hates me Kirst!"

He let go and looked at me.

Darien: "How am I supposed to do something if I know she hates me?How can I be happy when she just made the most miserable man on this fucking planet?!"

Nurse Jackie: "Mr.Koop there are children here!"

He stood up and glared at her.His hands shoved into the door furiously.

Darien: "I don't fucking care!"

I continued following him even though him protesting me to stop.I was not going to give.He ran and I ran faster.I was a year round athlete in middle and high school.

Being the fastest one on your track team sure as hell works.

Darien: "Kirstie,stop following me!"

Me: "You're just giving up?!Lay in a bed and make her words tear you apart!"

Darien: "She's the love of my life!"

Me: "No!"

Then he stopped.He turned and looked at me softly.He let me give my little speech.

Me: "The love of your life isn't up there!"

Yeah I chased him all the way to the lobby.

Me: "That isn't the Esther Rose Kaplan soon to be Koop you know and love.Up there is a complete bitch.She is my best friend so I have a right to say that.Even though I would be on your side,but I know what's going on with her and you need to talk to her.Up there isn't the woman you fell in love with."

Darien: "The woman I fell in love with no longer exists Kirstie.Just let me go home."


{A/N: Surprise!}

The door slammed with Kirstie following Darien.Did I just say that?I have no idea why I fucking said that!I just stared at the door wishing it would open with him,but it didn't.I looked at my now empty finger.

I tore it off with eye contact and not one pinch of sorrow or remorse.

I had my hand on my flat stomach.I hate this.I hate myself.I have no idea why I did this.I'm so sorry.You don't deserve this.So much stress yet still young.I wish you could tell me.Tell me so I could solve this problem.I never wanted this to happen.

Well...Who would wish being pregnant and not knowing the father?Whether is your beautiful wonderful fiancé or your best friend/ex boyfriend.I screw up everything.

Tears well up in my eyes and I feel movement.I look down at my stomach lovingly.I removed my hand and it stopped.After putting it on again I felt the butterfly like movement inside my stomach.Maybe something nice is going to come out of this crappy situation.

The door slammed opened and I heard a literal growl.My hand flew off my stomach and I sat up.

Kirstie: "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Me: "What?"

Kirstie: "What nerve do you have doing that to him?He left because he thinks you don't love him anymore!Do you Es?"

Me: "More than he could understand."

Kirstie: "Than why'd you do it?"

Me: "I don't want to hurt him if the baby doesn't belong to him."

Kirstie: "Who's the other possibility?"

I looked at my feet.

Me: "Kevin."

Kirstie: "Kevin?"

Me: " night.Him,Avi,and I got drunk.Avi went into his room with Aleen and us..."

Kirstie: "Do your parents now?"

I shook my head immediately.I looked back up at her.

Me: "They would already be pissed enough I got pregnant before marriage,

but cheating on him too?"

Kirstie: "You need to tell him before it's too late."

Me: "I know."


I pull away from the long hug Esther and I shared.She didn't want to pull away so I decided to keep it going for a few more seconds.

Esther: "Thanks Kirst.I really needed that.

I love you."

Me: "You're welcome.I love you too."

We started talking about things.Like the baby.Names,what she wants to have...

She even said she wanted me to be the

Godmother with Avi...Her chuckled made me smile.

Esther: "He is going to be your husband."

Me: "You guys have so much hope for Kavi."

Esther: "Hey!Don't put quotes around it!

I worked hard on the name."

Me: "You literally put a K in front of Avi Es."

Esther: "It was the decision of Kavi or Avstie."

Me: "Ew.."

Esther: "See!"

Our conversation got cut short.We heard a slight bang and a deep groan.Her eyes widened and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

?: "Ow fuck."

Esther: "Avi?"

She got up and started hopping to the bed.

Avi: "Essy?"

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