her frozen world, his frozen...

By YukiEvans6

263 8 4

Kagome wasn't a normal girl like her twin sister kikyo. Her world was always revolted around ice and snow for... More

Here's Sesshomaru

New home a new life

182 5 1
By YukiEvans6

A five year old little girl with straight long black hair snuck over to her twin's sisters bed. She shook her lightly making her sister groan and roll away. The girl pouted when idea came to her head making her smirk. She climbed up onto the bed and began to jump around. Her sister looked up at her and threw her pillow at her telling her to go back to sleep. The other sister smirked and fell on top of her dramatically.

"I can't the sky's awake so I'm awake, so we have to play." She said, dramatically. Her sister rolled her eyes.

"Go play by yourself." Her twin said, throwing her off of her. Her smiled evilly and shook her again after making her sit up to look at her.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" She asked, smiling bright.

Her sister giggled and jumped out of bed so they could go play in the dojo. They ran down the steps giggling quietly trying not to wake their parents. Soon they made it to the dojo and after shutting the door her sister began to use her magic of ice, snow, and frost. She asked her sister if she was ready making her sister giggle and nod yes. The sister shot her magic up into the air making it snow while turning the floor to ice. They skated for a bit then snowball fights, and building snowmen. They were having some much they didn't notice their dad watching them.

"Girls," Their father said, stepping into the room hiding a snowball behind him. The girls looked worried that they were in trouble for their winter in door fun when they saw the snowball. The girl squealed and tried to get away as another snowball fight happened again. Laughter filled the room as he finally caught his girls then jumped into a pile of snow with them in his arms.

"Now remember girls, this must stay in the family about Kagome's extra special powers besides her sacred powers." Their father said.

"Don't worry daddy, I always be there to protect my sister." They said at the same time making them laugh. Their father smiled at his daughters with proud eyes and hugged them.

"Kagome and Kikyo always remember love will always thaw any frozen heart."

The girls smiled at each and hugged as they nodded at their father. Kagome made Kikyo pinky promised to be the best of friends forever and protect each other no matter what. Kikyo smiled and nodded as their pinkies entwined sealing their promise and fate.

~Twelve years later~

Kagome looked around her room one last time with a sigh. She was going to miss her room since they were moving to Tokyo. So many good memories were in this room that it made a tear run down her cheek with small snow flurry around her. A knock came to her door. Kagome turned around to see her sister standing there with a sad smile. Kikyo held her arms out for a hug as Kagome ran over to her and cried softly into her chest.

"Don't worry Kagome, we still have each other, plus the memories. Now come on mom is waiting for us downstairs." Kikyo said, softly with a comforting voice. Kagome smiled and wiped her tears away.

"Thanks sis you're the best." Kagome replied, as she grabbed her last box. Kikyo grabbed Kagome's purse for her and they headed downstairs to the moving truck and Kagome's car. They looked around at Kyoto's beauty before climbing into the car. Kagome and Kikyo held each others hands tight and nodded as Kagome began to follow the moving truck. It took them literally six hours not counting the McDonald's stop they did.

They finally made it to the house well actually manor making the girls gasp. Their mom got a job at the most powerful and successful business company of all time Tahakashi crop, as one of the head branch managers in the stocks section. Kagome parked her light blue 2012 mustang in front of the manor and looked it over. The manor was white with a red roof and shutters making the girls giggle.

"Miko colors." They said, laughing as they got out of the car.

Suki watched her girls with a happy loving smile. She knew the move would be hard on them, but they always had each others back since infants. Kagome and Kikyo ran over to their mom and dragged her in making all three laugh as they looked around. The entrance held a beautiful chandelier with a long red carpet stairway leading to the second floor as the marble floor shined from the light.

"Ok girls, off you go and pick which room...." Suki started to say. Before she could finish the girls were off looking around making Suki shakes her head with a smile and went to start bringing things inside. Kagome took the west wing all the way down to the last door. It was bigger then her old room with a walk in closet, a balcony, and a queen size bed. She found her room but would have to paint it another color since pink wasn't her thing. Meanwhile Kikyo took the east wing the three door in the middle of the hall way. It was just like Kagome's minus the balcony and it was bright red making her smile bright since it was her favorite color.

The Higurashi girls soon had everything unpacked in their new home. They flopped down on the couch trying to decided on what to do for dinner when a knock came to the door. Kikyo and Suki looked at Kagome making her whine "Why me," as she got off the couch and went to answer. When she opened the door she saw a beautiful woman in her late 30's with a small child with puppy ears on her head.

"Hello dear I'm Izayoi Tahakashi from next door and this little cute is my daughter Rin." The woman said, politely. Kagome smiled shyly while whispering a hello and come in. Izayoi and Rin followed Kagome to the living room. Suki and Kikyo looked up to see who had come in. Suki gasped with a bright smile.

"Izayoi Tahakashi is that you?" Their mom asked.

The women squealed and ran over to each and hugged. Suki and Izayoi began to check up while introducing their daughters to each other. Rin smiled shyly at Kagome and Kikyo and began to ask them questions about what they liked and what they did for fun. Kagome began to feel uncomfortable then asked to be excused. Suki nodded with a smile then went back to her conversation. An hour later Izayoi and Rin went home leaving chicken and rice with mixed vegetables as a welcome to the neighborhood gift.

"Kikyo please go get your sister, please,"

"Sure mom." Kikyo replied, with a sigh as she went to Kagome's room. She knocked and entered the room to see her sister using her powers to change the room. The walls were ice blue with a snowflake and frost pattern while the edges were white.

"Not bad sis." Kikyo complemented, Kagome blush quickly putting her gloves back on.

"Thanks, but I still don't have full control over them yet," Kagome said, sighing as she looked down at her hands. Kikyo smiled sadly at her sister then threw her arm around her shoulder. "Come on let's go eat, I'm starving plus with our new school you wont have to hide them anymore, ice princess." She said, trying to cheer Kagome up. Kagome just rolled her eyes with a smile wondering what tomorrow had in store for her. The girls made it downstairs to see their mom putting plates out for them.

After eating dinner Kikyo and Kagome were on dish duty. Kagome was humming softly while being lost in thought with a small smile. Kikyo noticed her sister staring out the window to the back yard with confused eyes.

"So.....?" Kikyo asked.

Kagome snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her sister confused. She raised an eyebrow asking so what.

"What are you going to do with all those instruments you brought with you?" Kikyo asked, knowing that music was Kagome's release for her emotion's. Kagome began to tell her about making the room next door to her bedroom the music room. Kagome smirked while putting the dry dishes away.

"What about you Miss, Future-fashion-designer?" Kagome asked.

"Oh I am taking the room across from me to turn it into my fashion heaven." Kikyo said with a dreamy smile. Kagome giggled at her sister dreamy eyes while shaking her head as she went off to bed for school tomorrow. Before she made it half way up the stairs Kikyo told her to follow her. Kagome was confused and followed her sister to her room. Kikyo walked in then straight for her closet as Kagome sat on the bed waiting. Two minutes later Kikyo came out with a present bag for her.

"Kikyo what's this for? Our birthday is in December?" Kagome asked, confused as she tried to look inside.

"NO! You can open it tomorrow, I made you an outfit for tomorrow, now off to bed." Kikyo said with a giggle. Kagome joked saying she was starting to sound like mom making her smirk. Kikyo pouted as she threw a pillow at Kagome telling to get out making Kagome laugh hard as she ran out the door before the pillow hit her. Kagome was in her room getting ready to close the curtains to get change when she saw a flash of silver across from her. She looked out the window to the one across from her to see a young man with sliver hair, and elf like ears and his bare chest. Kagome looked into his smoldering golden eyes making her blush. Quickly she shut the curtains and got ready for bed. Her heart was beating a mile a minute for some reason. Kagome shook her head then flopped down on her bed to get some sleep for tomorrow. That night she dreamed of the guy she saw with a small smile came to her in her sleep.

The next morning Kikyo ran into Kagome's room. Kagome groaned and rolled away with a pillow over her head mumbling to let her sleep. Kikyo sighed then smirked evilly when an idea came to her head.

"Kagome your music room is on fire!" She exclaimed dramatically.

"WHAT!" Kagome yelled as she shot up and ran for her music room. Kikyo was laughing her ass off but stopped when she felt a ice cold snowball hit her. She looked at Kagome and started to pray for her life as Kagome began to chase her around. Suki sighed from the kitchen and yelled for her daughters to get ready for school. Kagome muttered her breath as she went back to her room to get ready. She opened the bag her sister gave and gasped.

Inside the bag was an ice light blue shirt with lace sleeves with snowflake embroider. It came with white skinny jeans, a white short sleeve denim jacket and light blue ballet flats. Kagome smiled bright and quickly got ready after a hot shower and met her sister and mom in the kitchen for a quick breakfast not realizing she forgot her gloves.

"Morning everyone." Kagome said, pouring herself a cup of hot chocolate. She kissed her mom on the cheek as a thanks for breakfast.

"Now girls remember to behave and make lots of friends, I'm off to work and you guys have my number in case of an emergency." Suki said, worried about her daughters especially Kagome. Kikyo rolled her eyes as Kagome sighed saying they would be fine at the same time making them giggle. Suki smiled at her daughters then nodded and left for work. The girls put their plates in the sink and washed them up before they would head to school. Kagome ran upstairs for her car keys, phone, backpack, and her gloves just in case of an enemergancy.

Kagome rolled her eyes when she saw her sister tapping her foot impatiently.

"Come on Kaggie's we don't want to be late or to early." Kikyo whined with a pout. Kagome giggled and told her to hop in after unlocking the car. The girls put on the radio and sang long to their favorite songs. Soon they were in Shikon Tama Academy. The miko's got out of the car and sat on the trunk of the car watching be come in as Panic at the Disco played from the car. As the sisters talked they were suddenly stopped by the sound of slutly music coming from a bright hot pink car. Kagome and Kikyo looked confused as they watched everyone else turn their music off. Three girls stepped out of the car. Two had black hair and one with white hair. The women glared at Kikyo and Kagome and stormed over to them.

"You two must be new here." The woman with black hair and red eyes hissed.

"Yeah what of it?" Kikyo growled, glaring right back at them. Kagome hopped off the back of her car and stood in front of her sister.

"I'm Kagura. My sisters and I run this school we will let you of with a warning this time for you whores." Kagura growled then walked away.

Kikyo put her hand on her sisters shoulder shacking her head saying she wasn't worth it. Kagome sighed and put her one glove back on quickly when she saw a girl jog over to them with a smile.

"Hi I'm Sango Teniji, that was cool since no one has the guts to step up to the sluts of the school." Sango said, after introducing herself. Kagome smiled shyly and slightly hide behind her sister as she nodded her head.

"I'm Kikyo and this is my sister Kagome, she is very shy once you get to know her." Kikyo said, linking arms with Kagome as she gave a small wave. Sango smiled and waved back at Kagome as she asked if they needed help with anything to let her know. Kagome asked Sango quietly where the office would be at. Sango giggled then told them she would show them to the office to get their schedules. As they walked to the front door Sango waved bye to her friends. Kagome noticed it was the same man she saw the other night from her window. She noticed him staring at her for a second then turned away from her.

"Kaggie's are you ok?" Kikyo asked, as she pulled her sister back to earth.

"Yeah I'm Kiki." Kagome answered with a smile. They were half way to the office when the girls her a meow coming from Sango's direction. Sango blushed while laughing nervously as she pulled her two tailed fireneko out of her slightly opened book bag. Before Sango could say anything Kagome squealed at the cute kitten and grabbed it from Sango. Kagome cooed and pet the kitten making Kikyo and Sango laugh.

"I see you like Kirara. She's my best friend and partner." Sango told them with a giggle.

"She is so adorable Sango! Oh Kikyo can I get one please~!" Kagome begged her sister. Kikyo hated that trick she would use to get her way when it came to cute cuddly creatures.

"We will see Kagome." Kikyo sighed as she shook her head with a smile. Kagome nodded with a pout then handed Kirara back to Sango as they entered the office. The secretary asked for the girls last name.

"Higurashi." The twins said at the same time then giggled while waiting for their schedules. After a few minutes they had their schedules and went outside if they had classes together. Kagome looked at her sister worried when Kikyo was in ap class and she was in ap honor classes. She bite her lip trying to keep her powers under control when she felt her sisters hand.

"It'll be fine Kagome, look we have lunch and gym together at least." Kikyo cooed softly trying to calm down her sister.

"I can ask Sesshomaru to show you where your classes are Kagome." Sango offered as she saw her friends coming this way. Kagome looked at Sango confused and asked who was that. A cool icy voice made Kagome stiffen up as she slowly turn around.

"That would be this Sesshomaru." 

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