Gabriel & Athena, Book One: F...

By NMBooks

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FORMERLY TITLED "FATUM" Chosen as a Wattpad Featured Story in May 2017 There's a reason high school senior At... More

Letter to the Fans
Update: November 30, 2017


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By NMBooks

Chapter Soundtrack - Chapter 11: "Elsewhere" by Sarah McLachlan


            I stared at him, trying to keep my breathing even.  "I think our options are kind of limited," I finally said.

            "I wouldn't say that," he smirked.  "All we have to do is be a little creative."

            "Really?" I replied cautiously, almost afraid to know what he was thinking.  "What exactly did you have in mind?"

            "We could play a game," he suggested, his voice calculating.

            "Uh...well I didn't see any board games lying around.  All there seems to be are those books over there," I said, gesturing towards the bookshelf.

            "Yeah, I saw those too, and don't even think about going to grab one.  Call me selfish, but I want all of your attention tonight."

            "You don't have to worry," I said softly.  "It's yours."  Again, silence enveloped us. 

            Gabe was the first to say something next.  "I was actually thinking we could play truth or dare."

            "Truth or dare?" I repeated.

            "C'mon, it'll be fun.  We'll get to know more about each other and it'll make the time pass quicker."  He turned to look out the window.  "It looks like we might be here awhile."

            I didn't know why I was hesitating.  It's not like I had anything to hide.  I had already told Gabe everything about Jackson and aside from that humiliating experience my life had been pretty uneventful.  What did I have to lose?  "Okay, let's play."

            "Great!" He flashed a devastating smile my way.  "I'll start.  Truth or dare?"

            "Truth," I said.

            "Why did your parents name you Athena?"

            "Oh no," I moaned.  "Can I pass on this one?"


            "Because it's really embarrassing.  Please don't make me answer," I pleaded.

            "Well, you could always take the dare," he said in a sinister voice.

            I contemplated both choices for a moment and made my decision.  "My mother was the one who chose the name Athena.  Despite what you initially assumed, I wasn't named after the Greek goddess.  I was named after the Greek heiress."

            "Wait a minute," he interrupted.  "Are you telling me you were named after Athina Roussel, Aristotle Onassis's granddaughter?"

            I cringed as I continued.  "Yes.  My mother thought it sounded very exotic and there was something about maybe someday it would bring me similar good fortune.  I don't know."

            He erupted into laughter.  "Wow, your mother sounds like a very interesting lady."

            "Interesting is one way to describe her," I chuckled.

            "I think your name suits you.  Don't you like it?" he asked, his laughter fading.

            "Hey, one question at a time.  I believe it's my turn now.  Truth or dare?"

            "Truth," he answered.

            "Have you ever been in a serious relationship?"

            "Define serious," he replied, his eyes filled with amusement, probably knowing this is what I had been dying to find out for weeks now.

            "Something lasting more than three months," I clarified.

            "No, I've never been in a serious relationship," he revealed.

            "So you are a player," I said.  "I guess some of those stories about you are true."

            He rolled his eyes.  "I'm not a player.  I've always been upfront about my feelings and intentions with every girl I've dated."

            "And how many girls is that exactly?" I asked, trying to hide the jealousy building inside me.

            "Hey, hey, one question at a time, remember?" he said mockingly.  "My turn again.  Truth or dare?"


            "You're always going to pick truth, aren't you?" he asked dryly.

            "Probably," I answered matter-of-factly.  "Truth or dare?"

            "I didn't ask my question yet?" he cried.

            "Actually, you did.  You're gonna have to keep up, city boy.  Now, truth or dare?" I asked again.

            He sighed, narrowing his eyes.  "Whoever makes the mistake of underestimating you, goddess, is truly a fool.  Dare."

            I was the one to give him a deliciously evil smile this time.  "I dare you to read to me."

            "What?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

            "I've got a good feeling that during your week of spying on me you had the pleasure of seeing me read aloud."

            He shrugged his shoulders, but the look in his eyes confirmed my suspicions.  Lovely. 

            "I think it's only fair I get to see you do the same as well."

            "There's barely any light," he complained.

            "There's enough," I stated with finality.  "Now, why don't you go pick a book?  I'll wait."

            "So much for this game being fun," he muttered as he stood up and walked towards the small bookshelf.

            "What are you talking about?  I'm having tons of fun," I said with glee.

            He turned to give me a scorching glare.  "Would you mind pointing the light in this direction so I can see what my choices are?" he grunted.

            "Sure," I said happily, grabbing the flashlight and swinging it in his direction.

            He stared at the selection, reading the titles on the bindings.  He was taking his sweet time, not by accident I was sure.

            "Any book will do, Gabe," I said impatiently.

            "Ah, Dickens," he said, about to pull a book off the shelf.

            "Which one?" I asked.

            He stopped and turned his face towards me.  "A Tale of Two Cities."

            "Ugh, no thank you."

            "I thought any book would do?  What is it exactly that offends you about this story?" he asked curiously, raising one eyebrow.

            "Let's just say I wasn't a fan of Sydney Carton's fate," I answered.

            "I'm surprised.  I would think a man sacrificing everything for the woman he loves would garner your admiration at the very least," He responded, his voice low.

            I stared at him, thinking about why I had never taken to this classic.  Ultimately it was that Sydney Carton's love for Lucie had always been unrequited.  As Gabe said, he sacrificed everything for the woman he loved, but my problem was that she didn't love him back.  It didn't seem fair to poor Sydney. 

            Instead of responding to his comment, I decided to bring the conversation back to the dare I was confident he was purposely stalling.

            "I'm sure you can find another book to read.  I see plenty of options," I said sweetly, smirking.

            He narrowed his eyes and gazed back at the rows of books in front of him.  He finally removed one from the bottom shelf and blew away the dust on it.  He walked back and sat on the couch, closer to me this time.

            "What will I have the pleasure of listening to?" I inquired with a wide smile.

            He lifted the book so I could see the cover.  Persuasion. 

            "Have you read this before?" I asked, surprised at his choice.

            "I've read all of Austen's work," he declared matter-of-factly.  He opened the book and began to flip through the pages.

            I scoffed disbelievingly.  "You're kidding.  All of them?"

            His eyes darted up to mine.  "Every. Single. One."  His lips betrayed a hint of a smile before he turned his attention back to the book in his hands, once again scanning the pages. 

            I realized he was looking for a specific passage.  Though I myself had read all of Jane Austen's books repeatedly, I tried to remember what could be of such significance from this novel that he was so focused in finding.

            Seconds later he stopped, settling on a page.  He looked up at me briefly, his eyes now filled with the same anxiousness I had seen earlier while we were on the couch.  His gaze quickly returned to the book, and in a quiet, seductive voice, he began to read:

            I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone forever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath.

            He looked up at me as he said the next line: For you alone, I think and plan.

            I exhaled slowly, having unconsciously been holding my breath.  I was lost in the hypnotizing sound of his voice, his words practically touching me as he spoke.  We stared at each other in a heavy silence before he continued:

            Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in F. W.

            "Okay," I breathed, cutting him off, "You can stop now."

            "Are you sure you don't want to hear more?" he asked slowly. His eyes were burning now as they raked over my face.

             "Um...yeah...that's more than enough.  It's your turn, I think," I said shakily, trying to form a reasonable thought.  His haunting voice had taken my insides on a rollercoaster ride and it was taking a while for everything to return to its rightful place.

            He closed the book and set it on the table, never taking his eyes off of me.  "Truth or dare?"

            "Truth," I said, letting out a deep breath.

            "If you could live out one scene from any book, what would it be?"

            I instantly smiled.  "That one's easy.  It would definitely be the ball scene from Pride & Prejudice.  The one where Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to dance and even though she's confronting him about his hatred for Mr. Wickham, you get the sense that something more is going on.  It's one of my favorite parts of the book because the reader can tell they're falling in love, even if the characters don't realize it yet.  Plus, and I know this is going to sound really cheesy, but I've always wanted to go to a ball.  The way they were back then with the women all wearing these fantastic dresses, arriving by carriage and walking into this magnificently decorated ballroom.  A small orchestra in one corner..." I stopped speaking, suddenly embarrassed at my confession.

            He was staring at me with a slight smile, his head tilted to one side.

            I laughed slightly.  "I'm sure it wouldn't exactly be your idea of a good time."

            "Well, that depends.  Would I have to wear one of those huge, white scarves around my neck?"

            We both started laughing.  Outside, the rain was still beating down hard.  The flashlight wasn't as bright as before, the battery probably dying.

            "It doesn't matter.  Those things don't exist these days.  People have house parties, not balls," I stated.  I still couldn't believe I had actually just revealed one of my silliest fantasies to him.  He had been telling the truth when he said he had the power to break down barriers.  I didn't have too many left where he was concerned.  "My turn again," I said.  "Truth or dare?"


            "If you could be anything you wanted to be in the future, what would you be?"

            "Athena," he moaned in frustration, closing his eyes as his head fell backwards.

            "It's a hypothetical okay, just go with it," I chastised.

            He brought his head back up and looked at me.  "Fine," he muttered.  He looked down for a minute, not saying anything.  Then he took a deep breath.  "If I could be anything, I would become an architect."

            "Really?" I whispered. 

            He nodded his head slightly.  "I kind of have this fascination with buildings.  I like thinking about how to make the most out of space without sacrificing on design.  For example, right now I've got about ten different ideas of how to make this cabin more appealing."

            "Have you ever sketched anything?" I asked, trying to conceal my amazement at what he was telling me.  Gabriel Valente, heir to a life of crime, wanted to be an architect.  It seemed so...normal, and very unexpected.

            He hesitated.  "I've drawn a few ideas, mostly houses.  In New York, we live in a huge home, but I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a massive house in the suburbs or the country.  It would have to have a big backyard, and maybe be on a lake."

            As I listened to him describe his dream home, I found myself getting lost in it as well.  I couldn't stop from picturing myself in that house with Gabe, living a life together.   The euphoria of the fantasy didn't last long.  The reality of our situation brought me back to Earth.  Sure, we had made a deal.  And he very well could try to turn his back on his father and lead a normal, safe life.  But he himself had said it wouldn't be that simple.  As much as there was a chance it could happen, there was also a very real chance that it wouldn't, which would make the images currently playing in my head nothing more than wishful thinking.  The unknown was simultaneously thrilling and nerve-racking.

            "What's wrong?" Gabe asked quietly.

            "Nothing," I answered, taking a deep breath.  I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts I hadn't noticed he was no longer speaking, but instead staring at me, again.

            "Whose turn is it?" I mumbled, trying to shake the dream of a normal future with Gabe from my mind.

            "I believe it's mine.  Truth or dare?" Gabe asked.

            I looked at him and narrowed my eyes.  "Dare," I said, jutting out my chin and giving him a wide smile.

            "Finally!" Gabe exclaimed.

            I chuckled.  "Why, were you running out of questions to ask?"

            "On the contrary, I have a feeling that when it comes to you, my curiosity will never be satisfied."

            "Then what's with the shout of joy?"

            "I'm excited because there's a dare I've been waiting to challenge you with all night," he revealed, his voice becoming low.

            My body started to tense, unconsciously knowing what was coming before Gabe even spoke the words.  "What's the dare?" I asked shakily. 

            "I dare close your eyes," he said, his eyes slowly moving from my eyes to my lips and back, making it clear what he was really asking. 

            My heart, my blood, my brain...everything started speeding into overdrive.  "Okay," I managed to say.  It was all I could muster as my body continued to turn on me. I closed my eyes and immediately felt him shift his body towards me.  He placed both of his hands just above my elbows, pulling me closer to him.  So close I could now feel his warm breath on my left cheek.

            "I don't think I've ever had to work so hard for this with anyone," he said before placing a soft kiss at the edge of my lips.

            I gasped as his kiss, scorching hot, blazed through my skin, into my blood and began to melt every bone in my body.

            "Why fate thought we should wait, I'm not sure.  But you're worth the wait, Athena," he breathed, placing another light kiss on the other side of my lips.

            As his hands began to slide up my arms, I started to feel light-headed from the overwhelming sensations his lips had caused.  Within seconds my face was cradled between both his palms and his lips brushed against mine, causing them to part. 

            "You're worth everything," he whispered before capturing my mouth with his own, moving softly at first.

            Instinct led my response, which was to drape my arms around his neck and pull him closer, the intensity of our kissing starting to quicken along with my heartbeat before he suddenly grabbed my shoulders and gently pushed me away.

            I opened my eyes to find him staring at me, his pupils dilated and his breathing ragged.  I was about to ask him if something was wrong but only managed to say his name before he fiercely grabbed my waist with one hand, lifted my left leg with the other and pulled me onto his lap.  I was now straddling him, my hands on his shoulders.  We were face to face, his eyes gazing into mine, bright halos shining with a passion I couldn't believe was for me.  But it was there, and I felt it for him as well.  His fingers trailed up my back as he let out a quiet sigh and kissed me again, this time deeper.  I felt his tongue slowly caress mine, causing me to let out a small groan of pleasure that I felt everywhere.  I matched his movements, which became more urgent, as if he wanted to taste every inch of mouth.

            My fingers were in his hair, grabbing and pushing him closer.  As the minutes passed, I knew one of us would have to stop for air, but neither of us seemed to be willing.  Finally, we both surrendered at the same time, gasping for breath but still holding each other close.  I pressed my forehead against his and tried to calm my pounding heart.

            As the adrenaline started to subside, my mind replayed the last few minutes.  I was still in shock from the emotions kissing him had stirred inside of me, not only the passion but the connection.  The feeling that this person who was now studying me with his brilliant brown eyes was meant for me.  Whether it was right or wrong, it was real and true.  His whispered words right before his lips had met mine suddenly crept back into my thoughts.  You're worth everything.  Yes, that was exactly how I felt also.  And I needed to tell him.

            "Gabe," I murmured, "What you said earlier..."

            "I know," he said, cutting me off.  "I know what you're going to say.  I know that we've only known each other for about a minute, and..."

            "Gabe, that's not..."

            "And that this is moving fast," he continued, his eyes now anxious, his arms tightening around my waist and pulling me closer, "but I feel like I've known you forever.  And I've been waiting for you, goddess, without even knowing it and now you're here..."

            "Gabe!" I said, practically shouting. I placed one finger against his lips to ensure his silence.  "May I speak now?" I asked quietly, raising one eyebrow.

            He slowly nodded, and I reluctantly removed my finger, instead placing my palm against his cheek.  He stared at me warily, obviously nervous at what my next words would be.

            I smiled slightly, a heady feeling taking over me knowing that this declaration was what he was hoping for.  And what we both wanted.  "What I was going to that you're worth everything too."

            He exhaled as a wide grin spread across his face, and my heart blossomed beneath the radiating glow of the joy and relief in his eyes.  He placed his hand over mine, lifting it from his cheek so that he could kiss the inside of my palm. 

            I shuddered as his kiss reverberated through me, sending me spiraling back into the mind-numbing place where nothing existed except Gabe.  And myself.  And his lips, which were on their way to once again claiming mine.

            Hours later, we were still in the same position on the couch, having spent the time alternating between talking and not talking.  I glanced out the window.   "It stopped raining," I stammered, my ability to speak suddenly thwarted by Gabe planting small kisses along the right side of my neck. 

            "So," he mumbled, lazily dragging his lips to the other side of my neck.

            I closed my eyes, my fingers digging into his shoulders.  "So," I responded, trying to remember what I had been about to say before he started to cast his spell over me again.  Though it was almost painful, I pushed him away gently.  "So," I repeated, taking a deep breath, clearing my mind, "It's probably getting late."  I scanned the couch and surrounding area for my purse, only to realize I had left it in Gabe's car.  "Do you have the time?" I asked.

            He took his cell phone from his pocket.  "Eleven-thirty," he answered.

            "What?" I cried, jumping off the couch.  "We have to leave.  By the time we find our way back to your car and then drive back to mine, I'll barely be able to make it home by curfew."

            "You have a curfew?" he asked, a look of shock on his face.

            "Yes, city boy, I have a curfew," I replied sarcastically, picking up the book from the table and returning it to the bookshelf.  "And if we don't leave now, I'm going to have to deal with my parents."

            He stood up, grabbing the flashlight.  "Don't worry.  We'll make it back in time."

            "You're taking the flashlight?" I asked, walking towards the door.

            "From the looks of things, it's clear whoever owns this cabin hasn't checked on it in a while.  I doubt they'd mind," he said, taking my hand.  He led me out the door and into the chilly darkness. 

            "Do you think you'll know how to get back?" I asked, trying to figure out which way we had come from.

            "You mean you didn't see the little pieces of bread I was dropping on the ground to help us find our way?" he replied innocently.

            "Ha ha," I sneered, "Let's go."

            He laughed and started walking, pulling me behind him.  I had underestimated his sense of direction as we made it back to his car in no time.  As we walked towards the Aston Martin, he suddenly grabbed me into his arms and pressed his lips to mine.  Unfortunately it ended just as quickly as it had begun, probably because I had a curfew to make.  He pulled away and opened the passenger door for me.  We arrived at Sparrow High in record time and before I knew it, we were exiting his car and making our way towards mine.  I unlocked the door, but before I could reach for the handle, his hand was there, opening the door for me.  I turned to face him.

            "So tonight was...interesting.  It had all the makings for a good story," I said, grinning at him.

            He chuckled, moving strands of hair away from my face.  "Honestly, aside from the moments involving Jackson Montgomery, hands down funnest night of my life."  Before I could enthusiastically agree with him, he bent his head down to mine.

            I shivered as the kiss began to deepen and knew if I didn't back away now, I would definitely be late getting home.  Very late.  I placed my hand against his chest and pushed him back.  "Will I see you tomorrow?"

            "Count on it," he promised.

            "Good," I said.  "I better go before I'm grounded for the next month."

            "Wow, curfews...the risk of being grounded...this place is like an episode of The Brady Bunch," he teased, flashing me a wide smile.

            I rolled my eyes.  "Changing your mind about planting some roots here?" I asked, sliding into the driver's seat.

            "No.  I think it makes me want to stay even more."

            We exchanged a long look before he carefully shut the door.  I waved at him as I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way home.  I fished my cell phone out of my purse just to see if I had any missed calls or texts, and to my surprise, I had five missed calls and one message.  Five missed calls?  I quickly pulled over to the side of the road and clicked to check who they were from, shocked to see my home phone number listed.  Why would my parents be calling?  I wasn't late yet and this hadn't been the first time I had stayed out until midnight.  It wasn't like them to be this overprotective.  I quickly listened to the message and was horrified at what I heard:

            "Athena, this is your father.  Nathan told us what happened at the basketball game tonight.  He also told us who you were with.  I won't even get into that now, but Nate said you left the gym with him in a hurry.  I just want to know that you're safe, sweetheart, so give me a call as soon as you get this message."

            I slowly lowered the phone from my ear.  They knew I had been with Gabe and they had been trying to reach me all night.  My parents were probably frantic by now.  I was going to kill Nate.  What had caused him to go back on his word?  It's not like Gabe had gotten into a brawl with Jackson.  And there was no way Nate could have known about Jackson chasing us or my escape with Gabe into the woods. 

            I drove the rest of the way home and as I pulled into my driveway, I could see the drapes of the living room window sway.  They had been waiting for me.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.  This night really was turning into the most outrageous, unpredictable night ever.  And something inside was telling me that it wouldn't be ending on a high note.

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