Young God | L. Laufeyson

By getbuckyplums

1.9M 97.2K 84.9K

▷Set before Thor: The Dark World and includes Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Thor: Ragnarok A simple acci... More

1. Crossfire
2. Valley of Kings
3. Dangerous Blindness
4. Alluring Honesty
5. Failure
6. Sympathy
7. Prince of Asgard
8. Risky Alliance
9. The War Criminal
10. Bloody Consequences
11. Sentence
12. Nightmares
13. Original Sin
14. Madness
15. Sincerity
16. Bonding
17. Child of the Damned
18. Dancing in the Dark
19. Deadly Chaos
20. Vulnerability
21. Tortured Mind
22. Escape
23. Overwhelming
25. Betrayal
26. More Than That
27. I Remember
28. Memory Lane
29. I'll Be Good
30. Reset
31. Yearning
32. Mistaken
33. Return
34. Love Me Again
35. Back Home
36. Half Brother
37. Surrounded by Enemies
38. Mary Poppins
39. Break the Chain
40. Broken
41. The Price of Love
42. Safe and Sound
| End of Everything |
43. Ragnarok
44. Trip to New York
45. Wizards on Earth
46. The Goddess of Death
47. Sakaar
48. The Grandmaster
49. Valkyrie
50. A Green Surprise
51. What Heroes do
52. Bruce Banner
53. The Revengers
54. Revolution
55. The God of Thunder
56. It's a People
57. Shattered
Acknowledgments & Trivia
How to make Aurora jealous
Slumber Party
First Crush
!!! Infinity War !!!
Personal Protector

24. Trust

32.6K 1.8K 1.4K
By getbuckyplums

"Oh, this looks so ancient and cool! I love it!" Aurora is beaming of joy and she looks around Malekith's dark ship. It's not like the typical spaceship she's used to, more like a giant spherical control room. Thor motions for her to start the ship and she nods eagerly before narrowing her eyes.

"And you are sure you are capable of making this ship fly again?" Thor questions while Aurora reads the difficult, ancient language with the help of the translator implant on her neck to find the correct button.

"Without a doubt, she is." Loki confirms confidently and this makes Aurora grin until she finally figures it out and presses the right button.

"Got it!" The ship comes back to life and a bright blue light appears around them, showing various holograms, including a map of their surrounding in Asgard. "Can I fly it, pleeeease?? It's been so long and I'm a great pilot, please, let me fly it!"

"My apologies to disappoint you." Thor now takes over and places his hands above both controllers to start the ship. Aurora moves aside with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest while Loki stands besides her, shooting her a comforting glance. The God of Thunder turns the ship around, crashing into  several columns of the palace.

"You're causing more destruction than I did. I told you I'm a great pilot, you know." Aurora mentions again and Loki supports her with a sarcastic comment.

"I think you missed a column."

"Shut up!" Thor groans with annoyance and finally flies through the walls out of the palace. As they fly through Asgard, Aurora looks out and sees Loki's home planet for the very first time, even though just for a split second. The whole planet is drowning in gold and shimmer, appearing wealthy and aesthetically pleasing like a divine place in heaven.

"Look, why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the better pilot." Loki suggests and Thor scoffs.

"Is that right? Well, out of the two of us which one can actually fly?"

"Hello? Guys? I'm here, I'm literally here." Aurora pipes up with a growing impatience and groans. "I literally flew through a meteorite storm with just one engine once and still got through without a scratch! Just let me fly! And I can fly myself too, Thor, I have jet boots!"

"It's part of the plan." He just simply explains and continues the flight as their ship gets shot and he is forced to dodge with a sharp turn. Jane, who is still overstrained by the Aether, feels dizzy and collapses to the ground.

"Oh, dear. Is she dead?" Loki asks nonchalantly and Thor looks worriedly at her.


"I'm okay." The brunette mumbles and Aurora sighs, kneeling down and helping the human to sit up carefully. Jane is becoming weaker and weaker as the Aether absorbs her energy. Because of the little distraction, the ship gets hit and Thor loses control for a second which leads to flying through a massive building, destroying it.

"Not a word." Thor's threat is directed to Loki who was about to make a comment. They are through most of the parts of the city and villages as they get closer to the outlying area, yet several Asgardian ships now follow them.

"Now they're following us." Loki complains as their opponents start to shoot at them. "Now they're firing at us!"

"No shit." Aurora deadpans and tilts her head towards Loki before looking at Thor. "But for real though, you should at least try to dodge properly- "

"Yeah, thank you for the commentary, both of you! It's not at all distracting!" Thor cuts them both off, not expecting them to work so well together. Either they argue the whole time or they match way too great to each other, nothing in between.

Thor hits a huge monument of King Bor with the ship, breaking his head off and now Loki just gets more sarcastic. "Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather."

The four of them slowly reach the bridge of Asgard and under them is now the big sea, close by the nature side but they are still followed by Asgard's pilots.

"You know this is wonderful." Loki's voice dips in irony and almost anger. He hadn't pictured their escape like this, and worse, Aurora is now in even more trouble. "This is a tremendous idea. Let's steal the biggest most obvious ship in the universe and escape, flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight, so everyone can see us. It's brilliant, Thor! It's truly brilliant- "

Thor suddenly pushes his brother off the ship without warning, Loki's scream still echoing in the air. With widened eyes, Aurora's hand flies towards her mouth and she stares at the open door where Loki was standing just seconds ago. Her heart drops to her toes as she turns to Thor, shock still partly paralyzing her.

She raises both hands into the air in surrender with a grimace. "Thor, I'm sure we will find a peaceful solution and can work on it together as very pacific allies, I sometimes have a big mouth, I know, I- "

"Aurora." He interrupts her with a little chuckle as he picks up Jane. "Jump."

"Okay." Aurora doesn't question him and just blindly trusts him, activating her jet boots just in case before jumping off the ship. She could've flown safely down, but what would be the fun in that? Her life has always been reckless like this and that is what she passionately loves.

A cheerful cry of joy and excitement escapes her mouth as Aurora hurtles in the free fall towards the sea beneath her. The air forcefully enters her ears and the adrenaline kicks in, making her heart race. Instead of the water, the auburn-haired girl lands in welcoming arms which were prepared to catch her on the smaller ship.

"That was awesome! Let's do it again!" Aurora shouts with enthusiasm and faces her catcher.

"I unconditionally agree." Fandral smirks at her and she lifts a brow, not expecting him to be the one to catch her. Both of Loki's hands, due to the shackles, are tightened around Fandral's arm and he glares at the warrior.

"Put her down. Now." The fallen prince hisses and Fandral laughs as Aurora scrambles out of the Asgardian's arms. At the same time, Thor lands with Jane on the small ship and Asgard's pilots continue to follow Malekith's empty ship.

"I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki." Fandral comments and Aurora checks on Loki, he seems luckily fine.

"You lied to me." Loki realizes as Thor puts Jane down. "I'm impressed."

"I'm glad you're pleased." A hint of sarcasm laces Thor's strong voice. "Now, do as you promised. Take us to your secret pathway."

With a genuine smile, Loki takes over the ship's control, his hands lying on the aircraft's steering and the speed incredibly increases. Aurora's auburn hair flutter wildly around and although she truly enjoys the refreshing breeze, her eyes are glued to Loki. His green eyes sparkle of pleasure and she's never seen him so radiant. And this somehow makes her heart go wild like crazy.

"Fandral." Thor motions to the new ships that follow them and the blonde warrior nods.

"Right." Picking up a rope, he steps on the edge of the ship before jumping off to land on the other aircraft. "For Asgard."

It doesn't take him long to defeat their followers and he salutes at Thor, wishing him and the others luck. Meanwhile Loki still flies the ship with the same high speed towards a complete other direction- the mountains. Aurora is almost skeptical and glances at him, only to get his smirk in return which immediately lets her mistrust dissipate.

"Loki!" Thor warns his brother but he doesn't seem to stop, fully aware of the direction.

"If it were easy, everyone would do it." He just simply states and Thor turns around as he secures Jane, glaring at Loki.

"Are you mad?!"

"Possibly." The God of Mischief just responds and his eyes sparkle more than ever. A little grin appears on Aurora's lips and she feels a glowing excitement in her chest, caused by the man next to her. She places her hand on his upper arm, slightly squeezing it.

"Do it. I know you can." Aurora encourages him and his smirks just widens at her undoubted trust in him. Her blue eyes only reveal her faith, no fear and he focuses back on his aim.

The ship barely squeezes through the small opening of the mountain as the rocky walls of the passage leave scratches on the aircraft. Glowing sparks fly off the metal and Aurora holds tightly onto Loki before they get thrown within the bright explosion of colors into Svartalfheim. The four of them crash rather roughly on the deserted planet and the God of Lies smiles contently.


A/N- Honestly, I enjoyed this scene way too much.

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