Ninjago X Reader Oneshots | S...

By Little_Ninja-Nerds

116K 1.8K 2.1K

🌱Scenarios with you're favorite Ninja from Ninjago! 🌱Will include both Movie and Series and they may inclu... More

Movie! Kai x Reader }} Star Quarterback
Series! Cole x Reader }} Tell Me You Love Me
Movie! Cole x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Kai x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Series! Cole x Reader }} Baking is the way to a Ninja's Heart
♤Movie! Kai x Reader }} Mornings (NSFW)
Movie! Jay x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Affection
♤Series! Cole x Reader }} Sundress (NSFW)
Series! Lloyd x Reader }} GUY.exe
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Prom
Series! Kai x Reader }} Evil Twin
(old) Movie! Cole X Reader }} Talking? Nah, Kissing
(old) Movie! Cole X Reader }} Photos
(old) ♤Series! Lloyd X Reader }} Sexy Dinner (NSFW)

(old)Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Your Different

8.7K 132 240
By Little_Ninja-Nerds

I'm may be making things up for your life, so if nothing I say is you, then I guess change it up a bit for you. Hope you enjoy, this kind of relates to my life.

Warning: None

Word count: 2707

3rd person P.O.V

Ninjago High. The most popular highschool in Ninjago city, and probably the only. And today was Y/N's first day.

Her parents decided that she should finally be in public school, since she was home schooled her whole life. How ever, the only social things she ever did was sports.

You see, D/N kept signing Y/N up in sports, trying to find a sport she was good at. Y/N's eventually set on volleyball- after doing dance, cheer, gymnastics, and karate- she also set on art. Singing was another passion along with drawing, painting etc.

So joining this school was exciting, because she was going to tryout for volleyball.

Y/N was hearing rumors that Lord Garmadons son, Lloyd Garmadon went there. But she could care less. She believed people earned a chance.

She just couldn't wait to start school.

Y/N's P.O.V

I wake up with a groan, hearing the alarm. I hit the alarm clock and sat up blinking, clearing my vision. I then snap into reality.


I jump out of bed and hurry and change into clothes, hoping I fit in with my style.

I look in the mirror one more time before grabbing my bag and walking out the door. I took a deep breath.

It's now or never

Time skip to school

I waited in the office for a guy named Chen to show me around. I guess he is the head cheerleader. I turn my head when I hear the office door open.

"Chen this is Y/N L/N, she's new here, she will be trying out for volleyball. Could you show her around?" The principal asked. Chen smirked and winked at me. I could tell, he's the school flirt, school bully to nerds, and mr popular. I didn't like people like that. I sighed, but walked up to him.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. You must be Chen." I smile. He keeps his smirk.

"Yes I am sweetheart." He winked.

"Alright Chen. Y/N tryouts are next week on Monday, so you have a little less than a week. Good luck." I nod and thank her before walking out with Chen.

"So where do we start?" He asked, still keeping up his attitude. I internally scream.

"Umm, I have my schedule. Would you mind showing me where my classes are and my locker?" I say, kind of with a duh tone.

"Alright. Let's go then." He said, grabbing my hand. I cringed.

Time skip again :P

Chen just finished with showing me all my classes, and we are now at my locker.

"Sorry you had to get this locker, it's next to the dorks. Garm-a-dork and the dork squad if what we call them." He laughed. I sighed.

"Chen!" I hear a screech. I winced, who ever that was broke a sound barrier.

"Stephine!" He said, a cheerleader came over, followed by another.

"Stephine, Olivia, this is Y/N, she's new." Chen said. I smiled nervously at them. They both looked at me up and down.

"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. I'm trying out for the volleyball team next week. I've been home schooled my whole life. I hope we can be on good terms." I smile.

"Can you do anything else?" Olivia asked.

"I have done cheer, dance, gymnastics and karate before. Not to long ago." I say. Stephine smiled.

"You should join the cheerleading squad!" She exclaimed. I shifted my weight on my right foot.

"I really don't know. I never found interest in it. I love volleyball. But I'll think about it." I smile.

"Ok, I have to go. Come on guys." Stephine said, pulling Chen and Olivia with her. I let out a breath. I look up to see a group of kids. I caught the eye of boy in a green hoddie with green eyes and blonde hair. He must be Garmadons kid.

We started in each other's eyes for a while. His friend in red with crazy hair, his friends laughing. I blush and put a strand of hair behind my ear. The bell snapped us out. I turn there way, smile and wave. They wave back.


The next day

Walking into school was really amazing. It's way better than home.

I made a few friends yesterday, including a girl named B/F/N.

I walk to my locker, and see the guys- and girl- from yester day.

I smile and wave at them. The red one and the girl nudge the green one, who I am still assuming is Lloyd Garmadon. I open my locker and get the books I need.

As I hear people singing "L-L-O-Y-D His dad is bad and so is he, boo Lloyd! Boo Lloyd! BOO LLOYD!" I roll my eyes, knowing it's probably Chen and his squad.

Then in my locker is shut, and I'm pinned to it. I look up to meet Chens eyes. Fear and surprise evident on my face, he smirks.

He hold my chin in place, and starts leaning in.

Reflexes and defense kicking in, I knee him down there, grab his arm and flip him on his back. Making him lay on the ground, a bit dizzy.

I look up to meet stares of people passing by, everyone still and quite. I hear a screech. I turn to see Stephine and Olivia standing there, in shock and glaring at me. Fear rises.

They both come at me, head strong. But I'm faster. I dodge there attack- which wasn't even anything in the style of a attack- and quickly had them on the floor, joining Chen. Laughs, people laughing at them, and cheering me on.

I grab my books and flee the scene, not making eye contact. I head to the gym, and practice my over hand serve and spiking, for tryouts. It also helps get anger out.

After that session, I head to the locker room, shower, and change back into my clothes. As I'm about to leave, the girl that is friends with Lloyd stops me.

"Hi, I'm Nya Smith. That was some pretty sick skills back there, and some tough confidence. No one messes with them." She said.

"Thanks, I'm Y/N L/N. I guess I had my reflexes with that. Karate payed off." I smile.

"You know, you would fit in well with me and my friends. I'm pretty sure Lloyd likes you," she winked. "But I should warn you. We're not the best treated group if people."

"I don't care about that. I am trying to give people a shot. I've never had friends since I was home schooled all my life. So I'd be nice to have friends that I can relate to." I smile.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow at lunch. I'll introduce you to everyone as well. I'm sure they'll all love you." She said, waving and hoping on her bike and speeding away. Tomorrow is Friday, and then it's time for tryouts.


Time skip to the next day again XP

I made sure to dress in green again today. So maybe I like Lloyd, alot. And I could care less about his father.

I walk up to my locker again, hearing nothing but peace. I guess I scared off Chen and his squad. I guess a good part is I won't have to do cheerleading, and no pressure on it either.

By the time lunch came around, me being nervous was an under statement. Butterflies were defenalty there. I walk into the lunch room and get F/F to eat. I look around before I see Nya stand up and wave her hands. I smile at her and make my way over. I can see Lloyd glare at her, which make me giggle. I get to the table and smile.

"Hey Nya."

"Guys, this is Y/N. You know, the one the kicked Chens butt." She said pumping her fists.

"I remember, that was quite the scene. You were like- *punching noises*- and he was like- *screaming noises*" a guy in white said.

"Oh, right. Y/N this is Zane," she said gesturing to the guy I white. "Kai, my brother," she said gesturing to the guy in red. "Jay," she said gesturing to the guy in blue. "Cole," she said gesturing to the guy in a tank top and a speaker to his hear. "And Lloyd. But I'm sure you know that."

"Hi guys." I smile. Nya patted the seat next to her. I walk over and sit.

"So, Y/N. Tell us about your self." Kai said.

"Well. I'm 16, this is my fist public school since I have been home schooled my whole life. I love volleyball and plan on trying out for the team. I love to sing and draw, paint, etc. I have done cheer, dance- mostly every style-, gymnastics, and karate in my life and am still good at it. I also like to engineer. I've built a few things, and I'm working on something big right now." I say.

"What are you working on?" Jay asked. I smile.

"I'm working on a button. But not just any button. A button that I voice activated to transform into any vehicle, weapon, and structure with just saying it's name. Like if you wanted a jet, you say it's specific name and the button goes into that form. But it's not just that form. You can press the button and change it's form anytime. I'm hoping it helps Ninjago city with problems, and becomes more eco-friendly." I say. They all look at me with wide eyes.

"That sounds amazing, but impossible." Cole said.

"Not really. I actually did it." I say, taking a bite of my food.

"Wait, what?!" Cole said.

"Yeah. I just need to make some adjustments to it. By that I mean it opens up and activates only by it's owners name which it's programmed to belong to. So nothing can go wrong with it being in the wrong hands." I say, shrugging.

"That's amazing. Can I have one?" Nya asked. They all nodded.

"I can try. But no guarantees. I can show you mine some time if you like." I suggest.

"I'm in." Kai said. Everyone agreed.

"Thanks Y/N." Lloyd said.

"Its not biggy. I'm also hoping to get it out to the secret ninja force. It could really help them in battle with anyone." I say. They all went quite.

"What?" I question.

"Nothing!" They all rush out.



Tryouts. Scary yet exciting.

I quickly change into my volleyball training clothes.

And jog out to the court. There are a few people in the indoor bleachers, including Nya, Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole and Lloyd. The smile and wave at me, as I do the same back. I notice Chen, Stephine and Olivia in the bleachers too. They look at me, Chen sends me a kiss. I look in the corner of my eye, and see Lloyd glaring at him. I roll my eyes at Chen and walk away, shocking them.

Tryouts went smooth, but it was time for spiking, and I was more than happy. I was pretty good at it, and I had strong power too.

I was my turn, and I waited for them to toss me the ball. The assistant coach tossed it to me, I bumped it to her, and she set it up. I ran up and did the left-right-left jump position and smacked it. No one got there in time, and my ball may have made a dent in the court. Oops?

The coach gave me a shocked look, o nervously scratch the back of my head and walk to the back of the line, the other girls high fiving me.

After tryouts, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the gym, and into the parking lot, met by my friends. Who were heading to a secluded park so I can show them my button.

"You were awesome! I can't believe you made a dent in the floor." Nya said coming up and punching me on the shoulder. I laughed.

"Its all about your form." I say. We all laugh and head to the park.


The next day was a bust.

Garmadon attacked while I was in social studies, causing everyone in the class to say "Thanks Lloyd," but weird enough, Lloyd and the others asked for a bathroom pass. And never came back.

Garmadon was attacking the school, better yet sending his crab people to do it. So here I am, trapped in a claw of a crab man, about to be dead. I guess one of the ninja saw me because the Green Ninja came down to try to save me. But guess what, luck was not on my side, because I was being used as a ball. That's right, I was being used as an object for monkey in the middle.

I was about to snap, so when I saw being tossed up in the air, I smacked the crab general in the face, making him loose control, giving me the chance to be free. I took control of the crab mobile thing, but a flying crab shooter thing shot a crab at me knocking me out cold.

I groaned as I opened my eyes to the light. I say up rubbing my eyes, hoping to help the blurryness. I look up and see the Ninja.

"Are you ok miss?" The Green Ninja asked, a voice I know all to well.

"Lloyd?" I question. They all gasp.

"W-what? I'm not Lloyd. I'm defenalty not the son of my enemy." He said trying to play it cool. I look around and start poinin at each of them saying their names.

"Nya, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Lloyd." I say. They all groan and take off the mask, revealing I was right.

"You can't tell anyone!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"How do we know you Won't reveal us?" I was hurt. Generally hurt. He saw my expression turn sad, and panicked. "Not that we don't trust you." He sighed. "If anyone found out it was me, Lloyd Garmadon, the one who is fighting his father, people may not-"

"May not look at you the same, in either a bad or good way." I finish. He looked at me shocked. They all did. I smile, "I know that feeling all to well. Besides, I can't tell that my favorite people in the world are secret ninja's. It would be a secret then." I winked.

"Alright, the. I guess that was handled." Cole said walking off, others following. Leaving me with Lloyd.

"Follow me." He said, holding out his hand. I take it and follow him out of the secret place, only to find a beautiful sunset. We both take a seat on the dock.

"Its beautiful." I say.

"Not as beautiful as you." Lloyd said. I giggle and look at him.

"Getting all clichè on me Garmadon." J smirk. I chuckles and pulls me closer. I accept his warm embrace, and scoot closer.

"You know, I really like you Y/N. May even love." He said.

"Good. Then the feelings mutual. Your different, I like that." I say looking at him. His eyes light up and he smiles really big. I giggle at this, and grab the collar of his ninja suit, and pull him in for a passionate kiss.

Tangled in him for a while, we are interrupted by whistles and cat calls.

"Get some Lloyd!" I hear Kai call. We pull away. Lloyd glares at him, and I roll my eyes.

"Stop ruining moments bro!" Nya scolded. I laugh and turn to Lloyd, kissing him one more time.

Yeah, I think I'm glad I went to school.

How was that?

Do you guys like the outfit visuals?

Any thing you guys may want?

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