Ice Fantasy : Loyal Companion

By DrPinkOrchid

48.5K 1.6K 198

What lies in Cherry Blossom Hill was something more unexpected than anyone could ever think. There was someth... More

Authors Note
Welcome To Rue Xen City
Manipulating The Devouring Spirit Sword
Reborn Immortal
Mortal Realm
Hidden Secrets
Settling In
Meeting with Best Friend
Mysterious Old Woman
Unsettled Buisness
Welcome Back Dear Friend
Proper Friendship
The Past Of The Lost Brothers
Taste of Fire
Falling In Love Unwillingly
Unforgettable Love
Forced To Be Brothers
Black Fog
I Am Your Father
Unusual Help From The Foe
Unclear pt2
Dreams Are Like Reality
Unconditional Love
New Start
The Blessings & The Curse
Planning Ahead
Preparing For The Ice Queen
Wedding Day
Saints & Sinners
Severe Punishment
Promise Breaker
Grandmother's Return
Troubled Sea
Faithfully Attached
Two Strings
Battle Between Two Hearts
Festival Of Life
Love Will Restore
Eaten By Guilt
Accepting Fate
Love As Sakura
Attack Of The Fire Tribe
Prison Break
Last Battle For The Lotus Flower
New Beginning
The End

Till We Meet Again

834 22 6
By DrPinkOrchid

Ying Kong Shi was standing in the mortal realm, his vision was blurry when he couldn't picture the strange woman before him, each time he step closer the female gets more distant from him.

Ying Kong Shi had felt an attachment, he doesn't know what this is but he was emotionally attached. Stopping himself from what he couldn't have, the angelic voice spoke to him as she slowly faded.

"We can all live together again, when you hold her close. Find her"

Gasping for air, Ying Kong Shi sat up as Ka Suo just blinked at his brother.

"Ge? Why are you in here?" He asked as Ka Suo raised his eyebrows.

"To visit someone, Don't you remember?"

Ying Kong Shi slowly shook his head as he gotten up, Ka Suo ticked his tongue repeadedly as he got up from the bed.

"You are very clumsy Shi, you should hurry, they are anxious to meet you"

Watching Ka Suo leave the room, Ying Kong Shi tilted his head as he jumped out of the bed and gotten ready to wherever they were going.

Traveling alongside with Ka Suo, they had visited the Mermaid Saint as they all happily greeted each other, Mermaid Saint was expecially happy to see the Ice Prince and she was ready for him to take what belongs to his by blood and heart.

"I am glad that you are here your majesty" Mermaid Saint said as he bowed in honor.

Ka Suo smiled happily as he then looked about while gazing back at the Mermaid Saint.

"Is she a handful?" Ka Suo said as he chuckled knowing that little one could be quite troublesome.

Mermaid Saint expression was priceless, she had nodded at the Kings answer as she continued.

"Lan Shang is occupied with her, I had managed to get her away from me as fast as I can. Lian Ji stopped by earlier but she had left a bit after you guys came. You just have to get her away from here, she just always mention about her father Ying Kong Shi, I know she will be glad that he's finally up " Mermaid Saint said as he walked them towards the Orchid Island.

Ying Kong Shi eyes flickered with happiness when he saw the beautiful auroma. The place made him feel happy as he catched the flower pedals in his hand, his love for the Cherry Blossoms was no other love than he was feeling. He was at ease.

Lan Shang ran out of the view tiredly as she laughed happily from a wild chase, looking up at the arrival of Ying Kong Shi and the Ice King she soon had bowed before them as she welcomed them.

"Welcome your majesty and Prince Ying Kong Shi"

"Lan Shang, where is Little Chunghua?"

Lan Shang then pointed at the little girl as she ran towards her eldest and held her side happily to finally catching up with her, before she knows it Chunghua eyes widen as she screamed out.


Ka Suo smiled happily as Ying Kong Shi looked over at his brother, he never knew his brother had became a father, why was this so unclear to him? He didn't even remember it at all. Ying Kong Shi then snapped back to reality when the little girl wrapped her arms around his legs. Looking down at the little girl his eyes was widen in shock as she looked up at him with beautiful puppy like eyes.

"Fu! Fu! You're awake! "

Ying Kong Shi opened his mouth as he looked at the others, Ka Suo see the confusion that was plastered on his face as he helped his brother out, kneeling down to meet the little princess Ka Suo then pulled out a his hand made enchanted ice toy for her to play with as she smiled happily.

"Uncle Ka Suo, Xie Xie!" The girl smiled happily as she held the toy tightly, grabbing her father's hand she then showed it to Ying Kong Shi.

"Fu, Uncle Ka Suo is great!"

Ying Kong Shi didn't know how to respond so Ka Suo then spoke for him as the Mermaid Saint and Lan Shang just listened.

"Shi, this is your daughter Chunghua, since you had a accident you had fell into a deep coma and never woken up for two years. Now that you awoken we haven't realized you would forget your own daughter" he said as Ying Kong Shi just looked down at the little girl.

Dazed at the fact, Ying Kong Shi crouch down to meet her gaze as he looked at her features.

"Then where's her mother?" Ying Kong Shi asked as Ka Suo let The Mermaid Saint do the explaining.

"She doesn't have a mother, only a father. You had set an offspring magically and you had gotten yourself a daughter" she said as Chunghua turned her gaze at the Mermaid Saint and frowned at the fact she given to him.

"No! Fu! Mother died from saving you and everybody, you and her got married and had me but I never had a physical body. Mother was the original Lotus flower and she had helped you by granting a wish! Now I have a physical body and I am here!"

Ying Kong Shi tilted his head as the Mermaid Saint clicked her tongue at her silliness.

"Chunghua has been telling us about this story for quite some time, she said that there was a tree that lies upon the Cherry Blossom Hill and that was where her mother was laying at rest. She has such an imagination that we couldn't barley understand her"

Something had triggered Ying Kong Shi, when they had mentioned the Cherry Blossom Hill he had remembered why he was so attached to it. Gazing at his daughter, he then decided to asked her a question.

"Chunghua, the tree that lies on the Cherry Blossom Hill. What was your mother's name?" He asked as she smiled widley and cooed.

"She had a beautiful name! Pink Orchid!"

His mind then started to ease as his heart pounded, hearing this name made him weak and he didn't understand the effect it caused him.
Ka Suo held unto his brother shoulder as Ying Kong Shi try to register things through.

"Fu, Don't worry. I know you two will meet again"

Lan Shang pouted as she watched Ying Kong Shi face urned with sadness, she believed every word Chunghua had said but she just didn't want to confuse the awoken Ice Prince anymore than he already was.

Back at the Kingdom, Li Jing had walked towards the Sacred Cherry Blossom Hill as her eyes soon widen from the sight.
The Cherry Tree had fully sprouted unexpectedly and it had been over two years since then, the prescense of the tree made her feel hopeful, Ying Kong Shi had always came to this place and it was for a reason he didn't even knew why but now she had finally realized why he did came here for.

Calling all the attention of the Kingdoms, they had all rushed towards the sacred tree. They were speechless when the tree was standing alive as it blossomed about.

Ka Suo and the Ice Prince had just returned back to the palace as they watched everyone running towards the same direction that was sleeping them to the Cherry Blossom Hill. Chunghua then jumped excitedly as she pulled her fathers arms to assure him, she had sensed it and had wanted them to follow the croud.

"Mother is here! Mother is here! Fu c'mon!"

Without a doubt the three of them all ran towards the Sacred Cherry Blossom Hill along with the tribesmen. Ying Kong Shi body stiffened as he witnessed the atmosphere and the view of all the Ice Tribesmen. They had all bowed before the tree before them as the chanted to it.

Chunghua pulled her father through the crowded people as she let his hand go and ran towards the tree.
Chunghua threw her small torso around the bark as she held the tree in abundance, she could feel her mother presence and she was happy that she was here.

"Mu! I knew the Cherry Blossom Ancestors wouldn't let you die! Be reborn again Mu so we can all live happily!" She squeeled as she tighten her hug on the bark.

Ying Kong Shi felt warmth inside his heart, this was the reason why he came here for. Whoever it was or whatever this tree had done, he had always been connected to it . Walking towards his daughter he had placed his hand on his daughters back as he smiled happily.

"Fu, Mother loves you very much" she said as Ying Kong Shi chuckled.

Gazing upon the tree, his hands then slightly placed on the bark as he uttered.

"Till We Meet Again, Pink Orchid"

The Kingdom had all gathered around the tree as they worshipped upon it.

All the Three Kingdoms had all lived in peace, as everyone all cherished the Cherry Blossom Trees. They had looked up at it as a meaning of life where they can live by. Cherry Blossoms was to remind everyone that life is beautiful and life is to short. Live it as you believe for there is always another tommorow.

"Till We Meet Again, Pink Orchid"

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