Ice Fantasy : Loyal Companion

By DrPinkOrchid

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What lies in Cherry Blossom Hill was something more unexpected than anyone could ever think. There was someth... More

Authors Note
Welcome To Rue Xen City
Manipulating The Devouring Spirit Sword
Reborn Immortal
Mortal Realm
Hidden Secrets
Settling In
Meeting with Best Friend
Mysterious Old Woman
Unsettled Buisness
Welcome Back Dear Friend
Proper Friendship
The Past Of The Lost Brothers
Taste of Fire
Falling In Love Unwillingly
Unforgettable Love
Forced To Be Brothers
Black Fog
I Am Your Father
Unusual Help From The Foe
Unclear pt2
Dreams Are Like Reality
Unconditional Love
New Start
The Blessings & The Curse
Planning Ahead
Preparing For The Ice Queen
Wedding Day
Saints & Sinners
Severe Punishment
Promise Breaker
Grandmother's Return
Troubled Sea
Faithfully Attached
Two Strings
Battle Between Two Hearts
Festival Of Life
Love Will Restore
Eaten By Guilt
Accepting Fate
Love As Sakura
Prison Break
Last Battle For The Lotus Flower
New Beginning
Till We Meet Again
The End

Attack Of The Fire Tribe

437 18 4
By DrPinkOrchid

Ka Suo sat under the Cherry Blossom tree as he gazed upon it, sadness crept through his heart as his mind was clouded with so many thoughts, Ka Suo was more effected by Pink Orchids fate along with his younger brothers Ying Kong Shi. He felt a bit strange when he had went through this once again, he had to deal with this situation once again just like Pink Orchid had been before. His attention suddenly caught a warming prescense with him, he wasn't alone at this time and he knew it. Gazing up at the figure he then smiled at Pink Orchid as immediately got up to bow at her.

"Your highness"  he said as Pink Orchid stopped him from being so formal with her.

Ka Suo let out a small chuckle as he then asked her.

"Pink Orchid, why are you here?" He said as he sat himself against the rock,

Pink Orchid sat next to him as she hummed to herself as she gazed at the tree along with the other

"I can't visit my home? " She laughed as Ka Suo just opened his jaw in embarrassment.

Pink Orchid had let out a sigh as she looked at Ka Suo with concern a gaze .

"Ka Suo, Ying Kong Shi looks up to you a lot. After I am gone, he will step off the throne and give you the title as the main Ice King. Ka Suo, you are supposed to be the King no matter what it is, you are the one they chose"

Ka Suo glances at Pink Orchid as he then spoke to her in utter confusion.

"Ying Kong Shi? He fought his hardest to be the King. He's more powerful than I am and I believe Shi is a great King from what I see"

Pink Orchid shook her head as she turned her full attention towards him, Ka Suo had done the same as he listened to her without any arguments.

"Do you know the reason why he fought for the throne?"

Ka Suo shook his head as Pink Orchid chuckled to herself .

"Ying Kong Shi had wanted you to be free just like the snow birds that are flying freely in the sky. On your annual 130th birthday, you and him sat on the balcony and had a conversation. Do you remember now?"

Ka Suo smile slowly faded a bit as he recalled the moment , nodding at Pink Orchid he then remember when he had told Ying Kong Shi that he didn't want to become King. It was all his fault for having a kid to believe this, to make him go through so much just for him to be a free immortal just so he can be with the love of his life. Pink Orchid placed her hands on Ka Suo shoulder as he snapped his gaze back at her.

"Ying Kong Shi had helped knocked out all big problems for you, he will defeat Huo Yi and Yuan Ji so you can rule the three kingdom peacefully"

"What about you? When you leave how can there be peace when you're the reason to bring us peace? How can we live knowing the sad truth of our loved ones and the betrayal, what will happen to Shi ?"

Pink Orchid sighed at him as she stared at him with her given answers , shaking her head she then stood up and gave him one last look.

"Truth always has its forgiveness. Ka Suo, everything will restore with love. Remember?"

Grandmother looked at Ka Suo as he face scrunched up, poking him continuously with the staff, Ka Suo had opened his eyes as he looked straight at his grandmother. Sitting up from the ground he was laying near the Cherry Tree as he got up a bit of a panic.

"How did I get here, aren't you suppose to be evacuating with the others?" He asked his grandmother who had smiled.

"You took yourself here Ka Suo, and no one even mentioned it to me"

Ka Suo sat himself  up as he frowned at his grandmother , she could tell he was troubled by something .   Helping her grandson up he then sigh at his grandmother as he held her in comfort.

"What's the matter Ka Suo?" She asked in concern as she watched her Ice Prince stiffened.

"Ba Ba, I had a dream about Pink Orchid" he said as he lowered his gaze.

The grandmother chuckled as he leaned her head back.

"You're not in love with her are you?" She asked.

Ka Suo eyes widen as he shook his head from her question, his grandmother just laugh as she patted her grandsons hand.

"It's okay, I was just playing around. Tell me what is it about?"

Ka Suo didn't even hesitate to tell her, trying to start from the beginning he the opened his mouth to explain.

"She was in my dream and she looked very unsettling,she told me the reason why Shi had did what he had did. To become King so he can meet me be free, she also mentioned that soon after the war, Shi will step down the throne because I am the true King. Ba Ba, what is going to happen to Shi?"

The Grandmother glared at the Young Prince as she decided to finally tell him the truth, The Grandmother had known everything from the beginning and she had seen everything. Grandmother didn't interfere in this second round because of the Cherry Blossoms help, during the time when Ka Suo was born he was very ill, finding everything and the highest healers they couldn't even have the power to heal there young prince, she then grew desperate and was held in a tough situation. That's when the black fog had came into play and lured her into his trap. Grandmother was about to give up and trade everything to get Ka Suo back to health but the Cherry Blossom Spirits had stopped her from doing so. They made a promise with Grandmother to go according to plan and they will make Ka Suo become the true King and even fix him to be as healthy and strong as can be, but she has to follow the rules for them to keep there promise so she had left the Ice Kingdom for awhile so she won't interfere any further the second round.

Since the two main stars aligned, it had been there for over centuries, usually the stars die within the day but these two had never died and that was the star of Pink Orchid and Ying Kong Shi  who was connected inside the paths, there fate was determined by the alignment that held there fate. The two were never meant to be but there bonding was more than high. One of Pink Orchid stars had suddenly explode leaving her to have tragedy,  this tine it was uncalled for and the only star that was only visible was Ying Kong Shi.

When Ka Suo heard his grandmother explained, he had to wrap his head around reality. The course of life was made for you to live by and it's your choice to accept fate as it is.

"Ba Ba,  what's going to happen next?" Ka Suo asked, his grandmother chuckled as she placed be hands on his shoulder.

"Love will Restore Ka Suo"

The meeting had both cut short when they heard the Fire Tribes alarm, Ka Suo eyes widen as he held until his grandmother shoulders.

"Ba Ba, leave now"

Grandmother stares at her grandson leave as Ka Suo ran back towards the Kingdom, everyone was had already prepared and gathered just right outside towards the gate as Ka Suo arrived just in the mink of time.

Huo Yi had soon arrived  with his men, he was more disappointed to find his two children standing alongside with the Ice Tribe. Bad enough he didn't even know Ying Kong Shi was back, cursing at his son and his pathetic friend Wei Yongzheng for lying , he had gave each and everyone a deadly stare as he spoke upon the Ice King .

"The Fire King, has paid you a visit Ice King, for my respect before invading. I would love to ask you for a battle to see who's more victorious"

Ying Kong Shi laughed bitterly as he stepped down the stairs to face his enemy.

"You are a fool Huo Yi, all these years of trying you still never give up do you? I have high respect for those who never give up but for your request, I will let you reconsider. You can leave here without any trouble and the Ice Kingdom will call the Fire Tribesmen there friend or two, we can accept your request in a battle"

Huo Yi opened his mouth as he turned his back towards them.

"Let me think about it, maybe I kill you?"

Huo Yi vanished into thin air as he appeared right in front of Ying Kong Shi as he striked his staff towards him, Ying Kong Shi shifted his body to dodge the attack as the two king's had started the intense battle. The rest of the Fire Tribe army came charging at the remainders as they all met in a fight.

Fighting off the Fire Soldiers, they had all worked together fighting off each and one of the Fire Soldiers, striking each one and killing them in a instant, Ying Kong Shi was sooned knocked back from Huo Yi's powerful suprise attack. Pink Orchid turned her gaze at the falling King as she screamed out.

"Ying Kong Shi!" Killing the solider she was occupied with,  she had ran her way towards her King as Huo Yi laughed

"My my, the Ice King has a great taste in woman. To bad when I finish you, he will no longer have you"

Pink Orchid gritted her teeth as she ran towards him, throwing her first punch  Huo Yi had grabbed until her wrist as she glared at him.

"Weak woman but fierce at that" he taunted.

Pink Orchid groaned at the heavy grip, looking at Huo Yi who was enjoying the struggle of the Queen , Pink Orchid twisted herself out of his grip and she legsweep him. Huo Yi jumped over her attack as the two went off with one another.

Pink Orchid was just a mortal, she was a bit weaker now when she had her Spiritual power. Forming herself in defense she had to be careful from his fire spells or she would take the damage severly. Ying Kong Shi was still out unconscious during the battles.

The fight felt endless and everyone was growing tired, but they still pushed back into fighting for there safety  and for the Ice Kingdom.

The Devouring Spirit Sword had felt it's owner in danger, the sword had shook rapidly as it shook against the stand. Banishing out if it's prison it had itself towards there owners side as he soon landed right into his palms.

The sudden energy Ying Kong Shi felt soon pulsed through his veins as he felt like he was stronger since the Devouring Spirit Sword was summoned, Ying Kong Shi was soon levitated back to his feet as he was now in possession of the swords power,  casually staring at his main target, he viscuously saw Huo Yi attacking his wife.

Pink Orchid had lost control of her movement and Huo Yi had took his advantage to kill her.

Appearing in between the two before Huo Yi could even kill her, he was tooken by surprise at Ying Kong Shi strange form. Ying Kong Shi swung his sword at The Fire King as the sword helped Ying Kong Shi, Huo Yi was skeptical at the moves to the point he was wearing his energy out even more.

Huo Yi tried his last attempt to cast his fire spell, if he couldn't knock the sword out of Ying Kong Shi hand then he would be powerless without it. Blasting the spell towards the sword, the sword had seemed to just swallowed up the spell itself

Pulling the sword back, Huo Yi was doomed and all of his men were outnumbered. Snapping his attention back at Yong Kong Shi, his eyes then widen when he watched Ying Kong Shi stabbed the Devouring Spirit Sword through his torso.

The Devouring Spirit soon the pulsed as the tasted the blood of the Fire King, sucking his Spiritual Powers out of Huo Yi. Ying Kong Shi then pulled his sword back as Huo Yi stood there lifeless, his body started to crack as he trembled just about.

Everyone had stopped there battles as they witnessed a red beam forming in the sky, all the Fire Soldiers hault at there Kings death and dropped all of there swords in defeat.

Huo Yi soon then burst into ashes as Ying Kong Shi stared at his remains. Pink Orchid smiled tiredly as she ran straight into her Kings arms. The war was over and they all had succeeded in defeating Huo Yi and to protect the Ice Kingdom.

Now that the Fire Tribe has fallen, it was up for Shuo Gang and Yan Da to make the decision on who will be the next leader of the Fire Tribe.

Victory was on the Ice Kingdom once again, and everyone was all safe. But there was another battle that they have to prepare for.

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