Seven Souls

By Casey_Acousta1

417 54 27

An "average" sophomore named Avery Wilson always thought that she was missing something in her life. So when... More

Chapter 1- Donald Duck Boots
Chapter 2- Dying Wolves, Blood, Bites.... Fainting
Chapter 3- I'm Officially Crazy
Chapter 4- Glasses? Oh No
Character Cast
Chapter 5- Umm... Why Do I Have Paws??
Chapter 6- No Need to Piss Off the Territorial, Angry Wolf
Chapter 8- What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 9- The Day Isn't Even Over, Yet Something Goes Wrong AGAIN

Chapter 7- Super Confused... Who Was She?

29 4 6
By Casey_Acousta1

*This is the black wolf's point of view and I will add other character's points of view once the story progresses. Just assume automatically that if there is nothing telling you who's point of view the chapter is told in, it's Avery's view. Thanks and happy reading!*

I watched the beautiful white tail of Sasha disappear into the shadows, and whispered one last message, "Maybe, maybe."

After standing in place for a few moments, I decided that I should probably get going. Before I encountered the mysterious white female, I was just heading back from one of my daily patrols. We've been getting more and more strange rogues lately, and my alpha has been adding extra precautions to make sure the females and young were thoroughly protected. We didn't want anything to happen to them, they were the only way our pack would be able to continue as one.

I pushed into the thick lining of trees, and was brought back to the feeling I felt when looking into Sasha's eyes. God... I'd never seen a wolf with those kind of eyes before. She had the kind of eyes that would lure any wolf in, werewolf or not, but it wasn't the kind of eyes that some kind of 'pro' would have. The emerald green sphere's were underlying with beauty and kindness, something that you wouldn't normally find in a normal wolf.

And I'd made up my mind that she was a wolf, not a werewolf. There was simply no other way that she wasn't. There were no such things as rogue female werewolves, especially being how rare they were. A female was birthed out of every one hundred males, and only alpha males and females could have them. This made them much stronger, powerful, and extremely valuable to the survival of our species. But don't worry, the other males females were able to find mates and have families as well. They were usually either humans or wolves. The only thing that a human or wolf mate had differently with a werewolf mate was that the humans and wolves didn't have the same kind of magnetic pull that female and male werewolves had. It was only the werewolf counterpart that felt that way when they didn't have the same species mate.

But, besides that, I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I tilted my snout upwards and caught the scent of another werewolf in the wind. Jonathan. Jonathan was the Beta -or second in command- of the pack. And did I mention he was one of my closest friends?

A dark brown wolf with a redish tinge came into my field of vision. He was a large wolf (but not as big as the Alpha) with piercing dark blue eyes and bared the look of a fighter. Which he was, but despite his liking for fights, he was an emotional and happy guy.

"Hey," Simon said, the corners of his mouth curling into a wolfish smile that revealed a pair of sharp canines. "Did you find anything?"

I shook my head. "No, no rogues were sighted." Except for Sasha, but something inside of me didn't want to reveal that I'd met her. What if they took it the wrong way? For some unknown reason, I didn't feel that Sasha was a threat. She'd even said that she had pups, and since our pack didn't have many because of the lack of females, that made me feel even more protective of her than I already was. This also fueled my thoughts on the evaluation that she was only a wolf; one that accidentally managed to trespass on pack territory, though I still don't know how.

"Even on the southern border?" The Beta asked again.

I had to push back a snort at Simon's apparent lack of faith in me, but my heart skipped a beat at the mention of where I spotted Sasha. Did he know? "Like I said, there were no rogues on any of the borders I checked." I wasn't lying, but I wasn't telling the truth either. A little something in between, but I could still see the suspicious glint in Simon's eye. I had no doubt that he had heard my heart, but he was trusting enough not to show it.

"Okay," he finalized, "You can go back to the pack house and get ready, the Alpha is going to give an announcement." He took one last look at me, then laughed and started padding back where he came from. "See you later! Maybe we can have another fight sometime?" Simon called back.

I released the breath I didn't even know I was holding. My 'secret' was safe for now. The only problem was that I knew Jonathan would insist later on, which was a problem. As I said before, Simon was the Beta of the pack at twenty three years old, and I couldn't disobey him without challenging him, something I swore I would never do to him. Pack challenges were fights to the death, but now was not the time to think about it. "You know I would beat you, right?" I chuckled, the sound raspy in my wolf form, but there was no answer from Simon as he had already left to do whatever a Beta would need to do.

I sprinted back to the cabin that I shared with my brothers, Isaac and Stephan. The wind felt good as it sifted through my fur, tickling the skin underneath. My paws skidded to a stop at my destination and I quickly went inside the log cabin, where I shifted to find both of my brothers wrestling on the floor. I rolled my eyes and leaned against our kitchen counter, internally laughing at how childish my brothers were acting. And just to let anyone know, for some reason, when we shifted into wolves, our clothes disappeared, but when we turn back into our human selves, our clothes turn into a t-shirt of the color of our wolves and black sweatpants. It was odd but I lived with it. Us werewolves in general were odd creatures.

Anyway, my brothers were still tussling on the carpet of our living room. Both of my brothers had black hair and hazel colored eyes, while I had dark grey eyes and the same black hair. I was also the oldest of the group at seventeen. I was also the tallest one of us three at 6'2'' but you never know, Stephan hasn't had his growth spurt yet. Isaac was fifteen and 5'11'' and Stephan was fourteen and 5'7'' but sometimes both of them acted like five year olds, as they were now.

I gave out a little ahem. Then a louder one when they kept on going. At the last ahem both Isaac and Stephan looked up at me. Then, realizing what they were doing, they quickly scrambled apart from each other. Both were letting out big puffs of breath and I chuckled at the sight of them.

"Having fun?" I asked the pair.

They looked sheepishly at each other and then back at me before Isaac answered.

"Sorry, we got a little carried away," he said and pointed to his brother, "This little twerp thought he could beat me in a race and we somehow ended up wrestling." He shrugged at me and with a look of indifference said, "I still won though."

Stephan scowled at his older brother and retorted by kicking Isaac in the back of the shins. This instantly resulted in Isaac retaliating with a hit of his own, and they were at it again. What was I going to do with these two?

"Come on guys, Alpha Kent is going to give an announcement soon and we are going to miss it if you don't stop."

Both boys instantly perked to attention and got up. They were fascinated by the Alpha and the power he radiated. I waved my hands at them to come with me and all three of us headed to the clearing where our pack usually head the meetings.

The Alpha was already talking with his wife, the Luna, on the stage and his three Beta's (including Simon) stood off to the side. The Alpha's two sons were standing right behind the two rulers, their hands behind their backs respectively. Other werewolves were already pouring into the clearing. The Alpha only appeared on the stage when he had to say something import. No pack member ever wants to miss a meeting.

Once it looked like every pack member was here, Alpha Kent walked up to the front of the stage and began. "Welcome werewolves of the Star pack!" His voice boomed through the silent crowd without the need of a microphone. "Today I have something important to discuss about the young werewolves in our pack." My eyes caught with Jonathan's on the stage where I gave him a look of confusion. He nodded at me and gave me a look that everything was good. I returned my attention to the Alpha, who continued.

"While we do have teachers who, for the past hundreds of years, have taught us all we have needed to know, this has allowed us to become less aware of the outside world around us. We have been secluded from the world of humans for our own protection as well as theirs, but this allowed them to become increasingly wary of us when we are spotted, and rumors have started that may bring in unwanted, untrustworthy people to dig farther into what we are." The Alpha stopped talking for a few moments to let this sink in before continuing.

"So, to make sure that the human world does not know about us, I've made a very hard decision. To enroll the older teens into highschool."

There were gasps heard throughout the crowd as people realized what this meant. Many werewolves started talking at once to each other, Isaac and Stephan being two of them. I just stood there silently. While I wasn't very pleased to go to a human highschool, I knew that whatever choice that Alpha Kent made would be the right one.

"Settle down, everybody, settle down!" The Alpha's voice ripped through the unruly crowd, quieting them in seconds with the power in his voice. "Of course, I had to know how this school would be like. There has to be no mistakes in the protection of our pack, so, I sent one of my sons to experience a day of highschool." The Alpha backed away from the front a little to let the son with light brown hair and blue eyes step forward. "Alan Star?" the Alpha asked, "Would you like to recount all that you have told me about this human school?"

"Gladly," Alan responded and started to fill the pack in.

While the Alpha's son was talking, all I could think about were two things.

Highschool and...



Hey guys!

Phew! I finally got another update of 'Seven Souls' on Wattpad. This chapter has been so hard for me to write for some reason. I would get an idea down and end up deleting the whole thing to start over again. Eventually, this was what I came up with so I hope you all like it.

So? What did you all think about the fact that Alan is in fact the Alpha's son? Were you shocked? Or did you know right away?

Also, YAY! We finally found out who Simon Trellse is! If you read my earlier version of this chapter, the Beta's name would be Johnathon, but I changed it a bit to incorporate the character I had in my character list! He was supposed to come in a little later, but this book was straying a little too far away from the original plot I wanted. I'm just going with the flow now!

Please help me out by VOTING and COMMENTING. It means the world to me. THANK YOU!




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