Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordiall...

By Musical_Lady_7

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Isaac Newton's Third Law of Physics: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" Opposites att... More

Papilio Meum (Filler)
Youtube Channel
Short Leave
Call help
Baby It's Cold Outside (Bonus)
Valentine's Day (The Night Before)
Valentine's Day
Val And Tequila's Relationship Includes
New book
Meeting The Parents
My Book


2.2K 50 9
By Musical_Lady_7

In her unconscious world, she could see an ocean.

It stretched far and wide. She could hear the waves gently lap back and forth on the shore where she stood. On the other end of the ocean, there shined a bright light even though it seemed dark as night all around. It captivated Val like a moth flying towards the fire even though it would hurt or even might be dangerous.

She took two steps into the water and she noticed something. Her foot wasn't sinking. She was walking on water. She looked at it with a bewildered look before continuing to walk towards the bright light. Hypnotized like a zombie.

She walked on and continued to miraculously glide on the water amazed and unbelieving on what she was doing now. There were echoes every where. Like cries of panic and screams of horror. A sharp beep of a heart monitor. Someone off in the distance was dying. The screams and cries scared her. Especially because one sounded so familiar.

The voice was filled with such agony, pain, and regret. Valentine thought the person's heart was being ripped out and crushed into a million pieces causing a painful fire like hell to burn their emotions and drown it in a river of sorrow and complete anguish.

The voice was but a mere shrill scream of her name and she could hear it along with pounding and pounding like thunder in the sky. It was Tequila.


She looked around panicked looking for direction of his voice desperately trying to find him. But it was like looking for a river in the desert. His voice came from all directions echoing in her ears and her soul. Completely terrified, Val ran towards the light, the water as chill as winter splashing against her ankles.

Her breathing quickened and she ran as fast as she could trying to get away from their screams. His screams. That scared her the most. It was dark and he was nowhere in sight.

Once she arrived nearer and nearer to the light, the surroundings changed.

There were no more screams. No more noise. It was serene and peaceful. She sighed in relief. It was all absolutely beautiful.

The sky was bright and blue with clouds like cotton candy. Sun was shining brightly. The air hummed a silent tune. She was walking in a green grassed valley with colorful flowers their sweet fragrance reaching her nose. Birds were singing in the air. In front of her was a beautiful golden gate. Standing tall and proud glistening in the sunlight.

A cool breeze came up from behind her and she felt a presence right at her back. She turned around and saw a beautiful woman. Radiant as the sun. She smiled at her sweetly. Val felt amazed yet scared at the same time. The woman looked exactly like her. She thought she was looking into a more adult version of herself. Val was only 24. The woman seemed to be in her mid or late 30's

Pale fair skin that radiantly glowed in the sun. Red hair like fire flying in the wind. Eyes that rivaled the color of the blue clear sky. Pink plump lips and a sharp jawline that's could cut someone touching it. Long eyelashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows. She looked almost exactly like Val. She wore a white dress and slowly made her way to her. Val didn't fail to notice she wore a lot of accessories inspired form butterflies.

There was this moment where they just stared into each other's similar sky blue eyes. Val continued to look at the woman queerly. No one said anything and they just stared at each other. The air was full of shock and confusion coming from Val. Until the woman's lips finally opened to whisper two words that were almost camouflaged in the whistle of the wind.

"Papillo meum"

Val widened her eyes in shock. Her heart beats fast and she couldn't digest who was in front of her. She was overwhelmed by too many emotions at once to react. The world or wherever she was, tuned out and she was only focused on the woman in front of her. A sob racked her body and tears welled up in her eyes and her heart swelled with joy and in the same time, pain. It was an unexplainable feeling. It couldn't be.

The woman was someone she wanted to meet all her life. It was her mother.

"M-mom?" She whimpered out. She sounded almost like a four year old who lost her parents in a grocery store.

Her mother smiled and took small gentle steps towards her daughter. She walked so gracefully it seemed like she was merely gliding through the tall green grass that danced with the wind and covered almost up to their ankles. Val slightly backed away frightened when the woman reached for her hands to hold.

Her knees were shaking and her body trembled, her breaths were short, heavy and shaky. It was her mother. Her actual mother right there in front of her. She died. How was Val seeing her now? Then Val's heart dropped when she realized she might be fading off to the world of the deceased. Her mother firmly grasped her hands giving them a tight squeeze.

"There is nothing to be afraid of my child. Everything's all right. You're fine. Well, here at least"

Val stared into the woman's eyes seeing her sincerity and happiness to see her. She had a hard time believing it and felt extremely overwhelmed like she was suddenly put under the weight of the Earth.

"I-It couldn't be. Is it really you?" Val whispered unbelievingly.

Her mother smiled.

"Yes it is my precious butterfly. I always waited for this moment. Now you're finally here. Your father cut it close last year" then she stopped, and dropped Val's hands refusing to meet her gaze turning it to the ground. Her mother sighed sadly and her eyes held regret. Val wondered what was wrong.

"Er.... What's wrong....M-mom?" Val slowly said hesitating on the word. She never addressed any woman as 'mom', 'mother', or 'mommy'. There was no one to address in such a way to begin with. Now she couldn't believe she actually gets to say the word. And to her very own mother.

Her mother, Rose Hart, smiled at her happily. As with Val, she had never gotten the chance to be called 'mom' by any child. Her heart swelled with happiness and pride. The beautiful spitting image standing in front of her was her daughter. But then she dropped her smile and had a regretful expression.

"Valentine dear, I'm so sorry" her mother suddenly apologized.

"For what Mom?" Val asked scrunching her eyebrows up in confusion.

"For not being there, for not being the mother I was supposed to be. For missing you growing into such a wonderful lady you are now. I missed it all! Your first steps. First words. I didn't get to teach you anything in life"

"Oh Mom. It's alright. I'm just glad to have finally met you. And you're wrong. You have taught me something. I read your journal that Dad kept all this time. You said 'Love is the fabric of life. It is the reason for everything. It is the joy. It is the pain. The laughter and the tears. The darkness and the light. No one should try to live without it. For humans are made to love and to be loved' And I lived on that Mom. My whole life"

Her mother cried tears of joy and Val didn't realize that she was too shedding a few tears. They didn't care. They were just so happy. Mother and daughter finally reunited. They both wiped their tears away a bit frustrated that the waterworks just wouldn't stop pouring, whatever they did.

"Guess we're both emotional creatures eh Mom?" She spoke between laughs glad that she finally felt confident on the word.

Her mother laughed a laugh that was scarily similar to Val. "Guess we are"

They shared a good laugh, their laughter echoing all through out the valley. They bent and clutch their stomachs laughing so much for no apparent reason. They laughed so much and Val wondered when was the last time she just smiled and laughed this much. Once they finally stopped laughing they wiped their years away and stood up straight.

"Come my child. Let's go home. Your other relatives are waiting for you. Roxy and Merlin are expecting you" Rose said taking hold of her daughter's hand like she had wished for in such a long time.

Val smiled brightly. "They're here? Where? I want to see them"

"Just beyond the gate my child. Come everyone's waiting for you" her mother answered starting to drag her to the gate excitedly when she stopped and let go of her hand.

"Mom... I'm sorry but I can't. Not yet. I still have people to go back to. Dad and Eggsy just lost Merlin. I can't leave them too"

Her mother looked slightly disappointed that she wouldn't come with her but smiled nonetheless. "Of course. I understand. And you still have to get to Agent Tequila. He may be a bad boy but he has a good heart and a great personality. I am glad your father agrees. For I do too. It must run in our blood to fall for dangerous men. Your grandmother married a leader of the mafia"

Her mother chuckles at their crazy choice of partners from generation to generation. Val laughs along but mostly laughs embarrassed. She had always wished to have girl talks with her mom but she didn't want it to be this straight forward.

Val looked at her surprised. "H-how did you know? About Tequila?" She asked blushing red.

Her mother laughed at her shyness on the topic. "I am always watching over you dear. Me and Roxy. Merlin too. Now go on and live your life. Walk towards that mountain over there and you should be back on your way" she directed pointing to a tall mountain just up ahead and away from the gate.

A sudden hesitance rained down on Val. She was going to leave her mother. They could talk more and have so much fun hanging out beyond that golden gate. She just missed her mother so much and she wanted to spend more time with her. But she also needed to go get back to Tequila who she also dearly loved. Her heart was torn in two and she didn't know what decision to make. Her mother saw her indecision and smiled at her.

"My child. It's okay. You can go. You're still young. Still so much to do. At the cyro chamber you begged Tequila to hold on and give you a second chance. Now you have to give him a second chance"

"What do you mean Mom?"

"You've flatlined in your world. The doctors are announcing time of death. Your father, Eggsy, and Tequila are now watching them declare you expired through the glass. They think you are long gone. If you stay, you're being unfair to him. He gave you your second chance. Now he is begging you for one and you have to be fair and give it to him"

"T-tequila? He's alright?" She asked deeply concerned.

"Yes but if you stay here any longer he won't be. So hurry and get back"

Val smiled bittersweetly and have her mother a tight hug. She sighed in satisfaction and happiness. She got to meet her mother.

"I'll miss you mom. It's great to finally meet you"

"I guess I'll have to wait for some other time then. But no rush. I have all the time in the world here. I will make sure to send your regards to Merlin and Roxy"

"Thanks Mom. I love you. Bye for now"

"Good bye my love. Tell your father I miss him and I love him. With all my heart" she said. Her voice held a hint of longing for her husband. She was lovesick for him and missed him too.

"Will do"

With that, Val made her way to the mountain and her mother entered the gate vanishing into bright light. Val continued to walk to her destination as a bright light once more consumed her. It blinded Val and made her close her eyes shut. Soon the light was gone and all there was once more was darkness.

I'm sorry if some of you don't like the "died and came back" clichè but it was either that or Val stays dead. I did this chapter because, Val's Mom is a major part of her and I notice that she is barely mentioned or emphasized in the story and there were no memories between Val and her. I did this chapter so that there would be a scene between her and her mother and I like these kind of clichè. But if you don't then we have to agree to disagree.

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