Unforgettable Memories (ABDC...

By mexicanskittle

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"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Bailey said as I hugged him. I pulled away. "Bailey. It's me. Livi. Your besti... More

Unforgettable Memories (ABDC Love Story)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

289 1 0
By mexicanskittle

I woke up at around 8. I always go for a jog. Better go now. I got up and went over to my suitcase. I pulled out a blue tank top, basketball shorts and running shoes.

I quickly put on my contacts and headed out. I didn't bother putting on make up. I was locking the door when I heard people talking and laughing I turned to see RNG and MWC. Crap. I tried to hide behind my hair but I realized it was in a pony tail so no point -_-

I don't think they noticed me. Baileys mom was behind them. She saw me.

"Hi dear." she gasped. "Why are your eyes so red and puffy? Have you been crying?" she asked with concern.

I nodded. "My best friend died yesterday." I let out a small sob.

"Oh I'm so sorry." she pulled me into a hug and let me cry into her shoulder. "He's in a better place now. How did he die, if you don't mind me asking."

"He got shot." I was trying to stop crying.

"I'm terribly sorry." it was quiet. "Where were you heading so early?"

"Jogging. I always jog in the morning but I wasn't sure if there was park near by."

"There's one right down the street. Like a five minute walk from here."

"Thank you." she let me go.

"And be ready by 6. The taping is at 7. I will pick you up." she smiled.

"Ok." and then out of nowhere Bailey appears.

"Mom we're waiting for you." he stopped and looked at me. He looked away and turned towards his mom.

"oh sorry. Im coming. So I'll see you later." she gave me a quick hug and walked away.

"Who's that?" I head Bailey whisper to his mom.

"An old friend." I smiled a little. I locked the door and as I was walking towards the elevator, Elektrolytes came out of their room and also walked towards the elevator. I pressed the button and they were already behind me.

The doors opened and we piled in. I just stared down at my phone. Marcus was standing by me. I was looking through my pictures. The ones of Michael and me. I started to cry. I didn't want to but it was hard. A small sob left my lips. They all heard it 'cause they all turned their heads towards me. I wiped my eyes and tried to stop crying.

"Hey you ok?" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Marcus staring at me.

I shook my head.

"Whats wrong?" Another asked. I think it was Sal.

"My best friend died." I tried not to stutter.

"We're so sorry." they all said.

"It's ok." I sighed a little.

"At least he's in a better place." I smiled. Michael always told me, if he died to get high so I could be up in the sky with him. He told me this when he was high so he made no sense.

He never made sense. I miss all his random outbursts.

I felt an arm go around my shoulder. It was Marcus. "If you need someone to talk to, or even a shoulder to cry on, I'm your guy." he smiled at the end. I smiled to.

"Ok." he didn't take off his arm from my shoulder until the doors from the elevator opened. We all walked out.

"Where were you heading to?" he asked.

"Park." I said in a small voice.

"Oh. Cool. You coming to the taping of ABDC tonight?" he asked a little excited.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"COOL! *cough* I mean that's cool."

"Yeah. Well ima go. See you at the taping."

"Wait. You never told me your name." Marcus said confused.

"Ivory." and I walked out. Wait. She never told me if I had to turn left or right from the hotel. Great. I just waited there for a few minutes.

"Waiting for me I see." I turned to see a smirking Marcus.

"Actually, I'm not sure which way is the park." I said with a pouting face.

"We always pass it on our way to the studio. We could drop you off." Sal said.

"No it's ok. If you could tell me which way to go, I'll go walking."

"It's no bother to us. We could take you." there's really no point in arguing with them.

"Fine I guess." Marcus grabbed my arm and led me towards a big white van. "Creepy kidnapper van." I said with a smile. Marcus heard me and laughed.

"Don't worry we're not kidnapping you." Marcus said while laughing.

"Although Marcus would want to, it's illegal." one of them said. Not sure what his name is.

"Shut up George." Marcus said. We all piled into the van. They kept messing around. I felt so out of place. Like I shouldn't have been there.

The van stopped in front of a park. I was about to open the door but Sal beat me to it and opened it for me. I smiled.


"Your welcome."

"So see you guys tonight. Good luck!" and they drove off. I pulled out my headphones and iPod and turned it on. First things first, I gotta stretch. Some pervy guys stopped and watched me stretch. Seriously? t-_-t

I stopped stretching and started to jog. It was a big park. Time flied by so fast. I looked at my phone and it said 11. I haven't even eaten breakfast :O

I started to walk towards McDonalds that was next to the park. I walked in and there were the pervy guys that were staring at me. I rolled my eyes as one whistled. Pigs.

I got in line. It was finally my turn and I ordered 3 McChickens and a large soda. What? Just so I said breakfast doesn't mean Ima order from that menu. I grabbed the cup and went to put Dr. Pepper in it. Their Dr. Pepper was to die for!

Finally my number was called and I grabbed my food. I walked over to a table FAR away from them. I finished my food and it was 12:30. I guess I should get back and start to get ready.

I got to my room and took a LONG shower. Usually I take a 30 minute shower. But this time I almost took 2 hours. I got out and put on this (look at external link)

Now what to do... Watch tv? I guess. And that's what I did for the next few hours. It was finally gonna be 6.

I was starting to get hungry :O right then, there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. It was Mrs. Anderson.

"Ready?" she asked.

I nodded. "Im actually pretty hungry."

"We'll stop at McDonalds. I'm hungry too."

We got out of my room and went to the elevator. We got out of the hotel and got in her car. We stopped at McDonalds. I got two McChickens with a chocolate shake. Megan(made up name. Not sure what Bailey's moms real name is) got a Big Mac and a large coke. We sat and ate it quickly. Well I drank my shake rather slowly so we just decided to take it with me. We headed to the Warner Brother Studios for the taping. Megan parked.

"Sweetie, you'll have to wait out here to get in, I still haven't gotten your backstage pass. But here's your ticket to get in." she smiled and handed me a ticket and then walked away.

Some guys passed by and stopped behind me. I could feel them staring at my ass -___- seriously? I turned around to see them smirking. I smiled sweety and then flipped them off.

"Don't be like that. Don't act like you don't want all this?" he gesture to his body.

"You mean a dick like you? Now why would I want that?" I rolled my eyes and turned away. His friends were laughing.

"Shut up." I heard him mumble. I just smirked.

I finally got in and tried to find a spot to sit at. I found Megan sitting behind the judges. There was a seat next to her. I sat next to her.

"I'm sorry someones sittin-" she stopped when she saw it was me. "OH! Its you. And I got you your backstage. It's good for all season. Just don't loose it." I put it on. We waited a few for ABDC to start. It finally did. Mario said some very shocking news. They will eliminating two crews today. I crossed my fingers it wasn't RNG or Elektrolytes.

The two crews that went home was Irratik and Funkdation. In my opinion I don't think Funkdation represented Mexico very well. I think Mix'd Elements should have stayed in the second week and Funkdation should of left. But whatever. (no hate on Funkdation. I'm just not a fan.)

People were piling out. Megan led me backstage. My heart stopped. There stood Bailey taking to Chris Trondsen. But not in an interview. Just a normal conversation.

"Wait right here. I'll signal you over. I really wanna surprise him. Like I said before, he never was the same once you left." she started to walk over to him. She got into the conversation. Then Chris walked away just leaving Bailey and his mom. She looked over at me and smiled. Guessing that the signal.

As I was walking over to him, I walked by crews. Like StepBoys, Mos Wanted, Elektrolytes and Collizion. As I got to them, Bailey had his back to me. I covered his eyes and whispered into his eye "Guess who?" he just took my hands off his eyes and looked at me.

Megan walked away and left us alone. I hugged Bailey. But he didn't hug back.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Bailey said as I hugged him. I pulled away.

"Bailey. It's me. Ivory. Your bestiie since we were in diapers? Please tell me you're kidding."

"I'm sorry I don't know you." I backed away with tears in my eyes. I had lost my best friend. How could this be? Or does he just hate me 'cause I moved 6 years ago?

Whatever the reason, I WILL get my best friend back. But right now, I don't want to look like an idiot so I headed towards the exit. But a hand stopped me. I turned to see...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry I suck at cliff hangers -___- tell me who you guys think it is!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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