Bella and the Chamber (Book T...

By Just_dream_bigx

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This is book two to 'Bella and the Stone' so I recommend you read that one first **************** It's Bella... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
New Story!
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Its up!


183 5 3
By Just_dream_bigx

I had to stay in the Hospital Wing longer than I expected to. Turns out I had three broken ribs and a concussion which would explain why my head was pounding. Madam Pomfrey thinks the pain in my head over took the pain in my ribs, hence why I didn't feel the pain. Riddle really did a number on me that's for sure. As well as forcing me to drink awful medicine, Pomfrey did some other tests on me just to be sure...that was uncomfortable for both me and her.

Ron came not long after she finished the last test with Lockhart. Turns out Dumbledore wanted Ron to bring him to get checked out whilst he spoke to Harry. This made me worried for my best friend. Why did Dumbledore want to speak to Harry alone?

Thankfully, not long later, I was deemed fit to go and discharged from the hospital. After saying my thanks to Pomfrey, I rushed out of the Hospital Wing towards the Great Hall where I know a Feast was taking place. I didn't even care that I was in my pyjamas, I was just happy to be out of there and away from Lockhart's constant questions.

I reached the Great Hall and many people stared and started whispering when they saw me. I blushed, ducked my head and quickly walked over to the Gryffindor table where, thankfully, Harry was waiting. He filled me in on everything Dumbledore had told him such as the reason why Fawkes came to the Chamber and why he could pull out the sword from the hat. Turns out only a true Gryffindor could do that and only someone loyal to Dumbledore could call Fawkes. He then told me how Lucius Malloy was the one who gave Ginny the diary. I still haven't forgiven her yet and I don't intend to.

I wanted to ask him more about what happened, but the feast started, stopping me from doing so.

I had been to several Hogwarts feasts, but never one quite like this. Everybody was in their pyjamas, and the celebrations lasted all night. I didn't know whether the best bit was Hermione running towards Harry, screaming, "You solved it! You solved it!" Only to be tackled into a hug by me, or when Justin cane hurrying over from the Hufflepuff table to wring Harry's hand and apologise endlessly for suspecting him, or Hagrid turning up at half past three, cuffing Harry and Ron so hard on the shoulders that they were both knocked into their plates of trifle, or Harry's and Ron's four hundred points securing Gryffindor the House Cup for the second year running (yay us!), or when Professor McGonagall stood up and announced that as a school treat all exams had been cancelled. Hermione wasn't too happy about that. My favourite part of the evening was when Dumbledore stood up and announced that, unfortunately, Professor Lockhart would be unable to return next year, owing to the fact that he needed to go away and get his memory back. Quite a few of the teachers joined in on the cheering at that announcement.

"Shame," Ron said, helping himself to a jam doughnut. "He was starting to grow on me."

I look at him. "He was starting to grow on me...on my nerves again"

Everyone laughed and I rested my head on Harry's shoulder. Happy to be safe again.


The rest of the summer term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Hogwarts was back to normal, with only a few, small, differences: Defence Against the Dark Arts classes were cancelled ("but we've had plenty of practice at that anyway", Ron told an unhappy Hermione) and Lucius Malloy had been sacked as a school governor. Draco was no longer strutting around the school as though he owned the place. Oh no, he looked resentful and sulky. Serves him right! On the other hand, and to my dismay, Ginny was perfectly happy again and staring at Harry like usual.

What a bitch.

Too soon, it was time for the journey home on the Hogwarts Express. Me, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny got a compartment to ourselves. We made the most of the last few hours in which we were allowed to use magic before the holidays. We played Exploding Snap, set off the very last of Fred and George's Filibuster Fireworks, and practised disarming each other by magic. Myself and Harry were getting very good at it.

We were almost at King's Cross when Harry spoke up.

"Ginny - what did you see Percy doing, that he didn't want you to tell anyone?"

I remember Harry telling me about this.

"Oh, that," Ginny said, giggling. "Well- Percy's got a girlfriend"

Fred dropped a stack of books on George's head making me laugh.


"It's that Ravenclaw Prefect, Penelope Clearwater," Ginny told us. "That's who's he's been writing to all last summer. He's been meeting up with her all over the school in secret. I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom one day. He was so upset when she was - you know - attacked. You won't tease him, will you?" She added anxiously.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Fred said, he was looking as though his birthday had come early.

"Definitely not," George said, sniggering.

I grinned and shook my head. They're so gonna tease him.

The Hogwarts Express slowed and finally stopped.

Harry pulled out his quill and a bit of parchment and turned to me, Ron, and Hermione.

"This is called a telephone number," he told Ron, scribbling it three times, tearing the parchment into three, and handing it to us. "I told your dad how to use the telephone last summer, he'll know. Call me at the Dursleys, OK? I can't stand another two months with only Dudley to talk to..."

"Your aunt will be proud, though, won't they?" Hermione asked, as we got off the train and joined the crowd thronging towards the enchanted barrier. I looked at her like she had three heads. "When they hear what you did this year?"

"Proud?" Harry repeated. "Are you mad? All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it? They'll be furious..."

"Ain't that the truth," I mumbled.

And together we walked back through the gateway to the Muggle world. I spotted Renee and Charlie and sighed. This is going to be one heck of a summer...



Thanks so much for reading! Book three will be out soon! I will let you guys know when!

I now declare Bella and the Chamber COMPLETED!

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