Why do we Fight? - Volume II...

By ArcanePanzer

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The continuation of the story as it follows the lives of Argen Lorderius (The reader) and the inhabitants of... More

Chapter 2: Warriors of their own Accord
Chapter 3: Still Alive and Kicking
Chapter 4: A Rouge's Life
Chapter 5: Viking Diplomacy
Chapter 6: Driving Force
Chapter 7: A Fallen's Final Request
Chapter 8: Reenlistment
Chapter 9 (Part I): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 9 (Part II): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 10: The Harsh Reality of Life
Chapter 11: The Truth Always Hurts
Chapter 12: Common Enemies
Chapter 13: Common Negotiations
Chapter 14: New World, New Possibilities
Chapter 15: Allies and Enemies
Chapter 16: Cycle of Allegiances
Chapter 17: A Returned Fruit
Chapter 18: Foreign Relations
Side Stories: The Strong, the Honorable
Chapter 19: Beginning of an Invasion
Chapter 20: Up the Beach
Chapter 21: Who are You?
Chapter 22: Reconnaissance
Side Stories: Our Life Then and Now
Chapter 23: Cross' Revelation
Chapter 24: The Great Raid
Final Chapter: The Real Beginning

Chapter 1: Raiding the Raiders

1.9K 33 47
By ArcanePanzer

"The world fears us. We are the favored of the gods. We plunder new lands. We raid and we grow strong. We live for battle, ready to die in glory."

"Sometimes a viking is born who carries the spark of gods: Raiders, we call them. It is a name that can summon armies. Ruthless, fearless, made for battle. The Dane Axe was the mightiest weapon of our ancestors; they wield it without mercy. The moment of a viking's death is chosen by fate. So what use have they of armor? Or of fear?"

- The Raider's description

- ONE YEAR LATER after the fall of Svengard, General POV... -

Apollyon: (Narrating) "It did not take long for my lesson to spread across the whole of Valkenheim. But in the following winter, a lone Raider rose among the clan known as the 'Warborn'. That Raider set out to reunite their people."

The view cuts to a snowy field, littered with the corpses of soldiers, with burning buildings in the background. This is Svengard... or what's left of it, a year ago.

Rowan: (Narrating) "A year since Apollyon came. Our people starved."

Cut to Vikings raiding another clan's outpost. A Raider gets executed by his own comrade as the food are taken away.

(Vikings taking the food. Source: For Honor wiki)

Rowan: (Narrating) "But the worst of us fell on each other. Like beasts. Growing fat on their own people's misery. Ragnar was one of those."

Cut to Ragnar making his way among his brethren to the banquet table. A Viking brings in a small crate filled with food to the table as Ragnar comes by.

Ragnar: (raising his fist) "Let's feast!" He says, the room filled with cheers soon enough.

Rowan: (Narrating) "A few months ago, several figures came to me, and urged me to fight. They did not take long to convince me, for I fully know what will happen to my people. There were six of them: two of which seems to be the brains, with one of them knowing our language well. He is one of ours."

The view comes towards three figures talking to each other. One of them is Rowan, while the other two are the ones who came to him, convinced him to take up arms.

Cut to some of Ragnar's guards conversing outside the gate.

Rowan: (Narrating) "And so, I came down from the mountains, I joined the Warborn, and then the three of us did something about it."

An enemy Raider is sent to scout ahead. He is quickly hit with an axe as the world suddenly shifts to black. His head is then seen flying back towards his peers, who get ready for battle.

The Raider leads the charge with his friends: Runa the Valkyrie and Helvar the Berserker and one who the two mysterious figures introduced him to: Ailbert the Highlander. The Raider sprints towards the guards as the mission begins. It's time for the Warborn alongside its ally, the Icebloods, to intervene.

(Rowan, Runa, Helvar and a contingent of Warborn Vikings attack the gate. Ailbert is unseen. Source: For Honor wiki)

The Warborn easily overwhelms the remaining four guards at the gate. They then pour through the gate, and the slaughter begins, for a better cause.

Rowan: (Narrating) "We had come to do something about our people's vermin problem."

Several of Ragnar's Crows face him as the Warborn goes separate ways, with Runa and Helvar leading a section of marauders and Sergeants of their own and fight off the flankers. Ailbert joins Rowan and they face off against the opposing Vikings.

(Y/n): (Narrating) "This is the village of Grön. It is located in the middle of Valkenheim, towards the West of Dalborg and the now-wrecked Svengard. This is where Ragnar chose to reside along with a band of Crow Vikings after the clan was disbanded a year before. Ragnar has since been using the splinter group to raid other clans for food, for his own. That will change today."

Runa the Valkyrie stabs a Crow Sergeant through his throat and Ailbert impressively decapitates two Crows with a single swing of his claymore. They clear of this group and they push forward.

Helvar: "Fine work, Ailbert!" The Berserker compliments the Highlander.

Ailbert: "All in a day's work, Helvar!" He shouts back.

As they advance through the streets, longships can be seen on the docks to their left.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "The Vikings were long thought to be just a legend. A story we told ourselves. An ancient threat that once ruled the north. Then, centuries ago, they returned from across the sea."

Helvar: "That gate! Let's burn it!" The Raider says to his companions, referring to indeed another wooden gate, albeit smaller in scale.

By the path, there is a house containing Crow Vikings. To prevent further opposition, Helvar topples over a braizier nearby and sets the highly flammable house on fire in mere seconds, burning the warriors inside.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "In the wild, the strong feed on the weak. Yet in our 'civilised world', it is the other way around. I will not allow that to continue."

Meanwhile, Rowan tackles a Crow Valkyrie who attempted a stab at him. He crashes the Valkyrie against a big rock and knees her in the face. As she was getting up, Rowan holds her head in place and headbutts her, knocking the opponent out.

Runa: "Alley-oop!" Runa says as she throws towards the gate a flask of volatile solution; the same one that the Lightshield Cohort found and used before.

(Y/n): (Narrating) "It was their technology, so it just suits them. But apparently, the Warborn had very little of these 'fire bombs'. I had Anaximander deliver them crates and crates of these flasks but not too much. We don't want them to be burning the food that they came for, hm?"

A moment later, the gate bursts up in flames and is destroyed, clearing a path for the Warborns.

Rowan: "You dare fight back?" The Raider says to no one in particular, likely directed to their enemies.

Runa: "There! Up front!" Runa says as she points towards a house with crates nearby with her spear.

They jog towards the barrels and the crates. Its the first set of food supplies and used his axe to break the top of a barrel, revealing food inside.

(Rowan the Raider looking at the food in a barrel. Source: For Honor wiki)

Rowan: "HAH! The food!" The Raider exclaims in satisfaction.

Runa: "Told you." The Valkyrie inquires to him.

Rowan: "Come! It's what we came for! Let's find the rest. For our people." He them says to them as they continue on while the Warborn sort out the supplies they now acquired.

Rowan: (Narrating) "They have stolen their own people's food. We were there to take it back."

They continue on, but not before blowing up an archer tower with one of the explosives. Warborn Vikings run around to secure the captured areas or to assist others in the frontlines. Rowan and his group joins some of their allies, but decided to use a ladder to his left and climbs up to see a familiar Highlander taking on several marauders and Shield Sergeants. He then faces to the left more huts covered in snow and a squad of Crows and appeals to them to join the Warborn.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "A vast forest once covered the valley of Valkenheim. We Knights cleared that land, before the Vikings returned. And when we did, we revealed the ancient ruins of the Warborn clans. Imagine our surprise."

Rowan: "You don't have to die! Surrender!" He says to them as he guard breaks a Shield Sergeant without striking him.

Runa: "Join us, Vikings!" The Valkyrie says to the Crows.

The Sergeant simply shoves Rowan away, implying they have no reason to do so. Eventually, they clear off the Crows and they reach another cache richly-containing more food.

Rowan: "The food is life for our people! Guard it!" He says to several allied Warborns.

Warborn Marauder: "Rowan was right! The food was here!" One of them inquires.

Rowan nods at his friends, and they continue to find supposedly the second to the last cache.

Runa: "I was the one who gave you all the information about the food here. Why are you getting the credits now?" Runa asks Rowan playfully.

Rowan: "Ah, forget it. What matters is that we return these to those who need it." He replies, in which everyone nods at.

Ailbert: "More up ahead! Push them back, my friends!" The Highlander yells to the Warborn as they fight off more Crows.

Rowan throws another flask towards the group of hostile Vikings, careful not to hit his allies. The flask exploded and they make short work of the remainder.

Rowan: "Burn everything that burns! Except the food." He says.

Rowan: (In thoughts) "Remind me to properly thank the people who gave the Warborn these things."

They advance forward towards another wooden gate that contains the last cache of food, killing off any Crows foolish enough to fight them alone. More Warborn arrive and they throw flasks towards the two archer towers guarding the snowy roads and the cache, destroying them in a burst of flames. To the left is a wooden wheel leaning on a support pillar of a house.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "Even if their mastery of steel is not as complete as ours, they are nevertheless an endlessly inventive people. We underestimate their creativity at our peril."

(Y/n): (Narrating, to Apollyon) "That you are right, my friend. They invented this volatile substance for who knows since when. I heard from my father from one of his under cover moves some time ago that the Lightshield formally calls these things 'Pugno Mortis', which means 'fist of death', proposed by none other than Ademar himself. Classic."

Apollyon: (Narrating, to (Y/n)) "You do have to applaud him for his silly creativeness. It fits well, actually."

Helvar holds his two axes in one hand and takes out a flask himself from one of his pouches and throws it towards the rather fragile gate, clearing the way with yet another explosion.

Rowan: "A different Raider might have been merciful."

To the left of the path that they took, a wood cutter used for lumber stood behind another longhouse on top of a hill. It seems to be untouched for a long time now.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "For a full year, the cranes and scaffolds and lumber mills of the Vikings stood silent. No time for building while contemplating my lesson. They had wolves to feed."

Along the path to their left is what appears to be a rune stone. It has decorations and symbols that are likely connected to the forgotten past of the Vikings since they resurfaced.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "Vikings record the exploits of their greatest heroes in stone. The markers remind them of the debt of glory that must be paid to enter Valhalla. To die in battle is one thing. To die a legend is another."

Nearby is a windmill. A type of building intended for the production of food for those inhabiting the area around it. Unfortunately, it also seems to be unused for a while now.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "The Vikings suffered in the year after we struck them. No seed grain, no summer harvest. No harvest, no food for the winter. So, like all the other clans, the Warborn were starving."

(Y/n): (Narrating, to Apollyon) "If I had known earlier before the siege on Svengard, I would've mobilized my men to sabotage the plan. I didn't care if such a plan means it will kill us instead of the Vikings, just to see them flourish again."

Apollyon: (Narrating, to (Y/n)) "You did not understand at that time, (L/n). It was also to teach them for all the raids they send yearly."

(Y/n): (Narrating, to Apollyon) "Perhaps..."

After the destruction of the gate obstructing the way to the final food cache, Rowan charges in, knowing that there is someone bound to be guarding it behind the cover of the smoke. He is right to assume, as a Crow Valkyrie stands guard although dazed from the explosion. Rowan grabs the by the waist and slams her to the longhouse behind her. He kills the Crow afterwards and opens one of the crates to reveal the precious food inside.

Rowan: "Guard this!"

Warborn Marauder: "Haha! We will protect this!" The allied Viking replies to him.

Runa: (From outside) "Join the Warborn! No need to die!" One of Rowan's friends can heard attempting to convince the opponents to yield.

Once everyone is acquainted, they continue on to the right of the entrance of the cache. However, Ailbert the Highlander already beat them to it and is fighting a Crow Valkyrie and a Crow Warlord. Rowan charges in to help the Highlander while Runa, Helvar and some more Warborn fight off the reinforcements.

Rowan: "We will have enough!" The Raider shouts as he pulls off the axe blade from the shoulder of the enemy Warlord and onto the spine as the Crow lays down, killing him. (Aka. The 'Pure Force' execution)

Ailbert: "Indeed. We. Will!" Th Highlander replies as the enemy Valkyrie falls down and he slams the sharp blade of his claymore to the fallen opponent, somehow getting stuck for a moment before forcefully pulling it off (aka. The 'Pathetic!' execution).

Rowan yet again opens up another barrel to make sure that it is containing more food.

Rowan: "Ragnar has brought us bounty!"

Warborn Marauder: "Our people will not go hungry!"

They then go up another hill, where the banquet is at, where Ragnar is at.

Apollyon: (Narrating) "It takes a special kind of madness to eat and drink and make merry while your warriors fight and burn and die outside. Ragnar was that kind of wolf."

Every step he takes nearer to the banquet hall, Rowan feels the rage towards the monster known a Ragnar boil more intensely as he remembers the words of those who convinced him to come from seclusion and join the Warborn.

- Flashback... -

??? 1: "... Our names matters not. You should know that the vile criminal to your people, Ragnar is his name, I believe."

Rowan: "What about him? He should've been dead already after the fall of Gransgård."

??? 2: "That is not the case, unfortunately. Long story short, he took what remains of the Crows clan and began raiding settlements for food, whether be it villages or cities."

Rowan knew what this means. And so, he did not hesitate in accepting their request and aid to take down the parasite plaguing Valkenheim, despite his doubts towards them.

Rowan: "... I'll do it."

- Flashback end... -

Rowan: (Narrating) "I had come for more than food. I had come for Ragnar."

Warborn: "Bring Ragnar to us!"

They reach the heart of Ragnar's fortress. Helvar lobs three of his axes the he collected at the door. A guard opens the door to check.

Crow Warlord: "Who's-- argh!" The guard gets cut off as he opens the door and got hit with a fourth axe. Ragnar steps outside.

Ragnar: "Whats going on out there!" He says as he come out of the doors to see his territory being ransacked and four Warborns on front of him. Helvar attempts to throw another axe at him, but Rowan stops him and walks towards Ragnar. "You..."

Rowan: "Face me!"

Ragnar: "... Hah! Come on in, then." He pushes the door wide open, while the Warborn enter the fortress to watch the duel.

Rowan: "This is what I had come for."

(Y/n): (Narrating) "On his chest hangs a Warden's medallion. It was DuFresne's, late commander of the 274th Phalanx. It is now being led by one named Laurence Witherridge. If I remember correctly, this Witherridge is a devout ally of DuFresne, perhaps as close friends. Maybe I could rally the 274th with me if I give him DuFresne's medallion?"

Ragnar: "Warborn!" Ragnar hisses at Rowan as he delivers a heavy strike from the top that managed to get blocked.

He follows this up with another heavy attack from his left that managed to get blocked again. He sends another heavy from his right but instead of being blocked, Rowan parries it off and sends two of his own heavy attacks that both hit the Crow Raider.

It is Rowan's turn to attack. He breaks Ragnar's guard and slams him towards one of the pillars followed by a knee to the face that disoriented the Crow Raider. As his enemy was just getting up, Rowan breaks his guard again and pulls him towards the space behind them with a hit from the blunt end of his dane axe, although Ragnar managed to stay standing.

Ragnar: "You're just a whelp. You'll die like the others!"

After being beaten by Rowan of the Warborn, Ragnar attempts to get away from the chaos that now erupted in the banquet, shoving away Warborn and Crow Vikings alike and mounting on a horse outside the back door.

Rowan: "Oh like Hel!" Rowan exclaims as he mounts another horse and pursues Ragnar.

Rowan: (Narrating) "I wasn't going to let Ragnar get away."

Rowan passes by some burning buildings and rubble on horseback with his axe on hand, ready to strike down Ragnar the moment he gets close to the bastard.

He narrowly avoids a crumbling wooden tower, followed by a Crow Berserker on horseback. Rowan strikes the Berserker with his axe, causing the warrior to lose balance and fall off his horse.

Rowan: (To Ragnar) "Stop!" He says to Ragnar close in front of him, though he received no reply.

Several more Crows on horseback attempt to stop Rowan as he gives chase. He bash and slash them off their horses as he tries to avoid obstacles in the form of fallen logs and large rocks.

Just before both Raiders go through a wooden bridge in front, a burst of flames erupted in one side of the road, which Rowan narrowly avoids again. He looks behind at the source of the explosion in surprise, then towards Ragnar who is holding another flask of the familiar liquid.

Ragnar: "Why won't you die!?" The Raider in front huffs in annoyance as he drops the flask on his hand, creating another explosion.

Yana: (Narrating) "The moment I heard the explosions, I knew that it was my cue to intervene. I had taken care several other riders who tried to attack him. Heh, that Warborn better know how to thank me later."

The two Raiders come across a cliffside soon enough, and some ruins of a Knightly castle.

Ragnar: "Burn in Hel!" He exclaims as he drops several more flasks.

Rowan: "There's nowhere to run!" The Warborn Raider replies to him as he dodges the fire and strikes down a couple more riders.

Eventually, as he slowly catches up with Ragnar, he grabs a hand axe from a stump and throws it at Ragnar, dismounting him.


Ragnar was thrown off onto his back and struggles to get back up.

Rowan: "What you've done is wrong. You feast, while all around you, people starve! You and your warriors will learn to live like the rest of us, or you will become food for crows."

Ragnar: "Idiot child! Might as well ask me to pick up... FARMING!" He shouts back at Rowan as he uses the severed head of his axe to strike back, but was easily disarmed from him. "We're Vikings!"

Rowan: "So that's a no?"

Ragnar: (Embracing death with open arms) "Valhalla..."

Rowan then gladly takes this as a cue and swings his axe across Ragnar's face, killing him. The survivors walk towards the Warborn Raider and his companions who somehow managed to catch up to him.

Ragnar: "You're in charge now, Alvis?" He asks the Crow Shield Sergeant, who looks around to his allies only for them to look back at him. "Join us."

Alvis the Shield Sergeant: "We are with you." The now-allied and now-leader of the Crows in the territory agrees, and everyone sheathes their weapons.

The view fades out as Runa, Helvar and two Warborn soldiers welcome the survivors into the Warborn.

The Raider: (Narrating) "They weren't much to look at... but they were a start."

As everyone leave the scene, a person hidden in the shadows has been watching them. Making sure that no one is looking her way, she walks towards Ragnar's corpse and pulls out a silver and purple medallion from the body. She stares at it for a second before leaving discreetly.

(Y/n): "I had Anaximander give Yana clear instructions to recover DuFresne's medallion. It could come handy soon enough. Witherridge may not come by my side, but it is a risk I am willing to take, to fulfill a promise to Amber, and to everyone who lives."


Welcome back, people! Finally starting Volume 2! To be honest, I got kinda lazy and had a lot oc stuff going on to write this because: 1) I just graduated and had to do a lot of stuff before that; 2.) Not much inspiration (at that time), and; 3.) The Vikings are my least favorite faction in the game (which is probably the stupidest reason for my to not write :/). Anyways, my ideas will come through and chapters should come as they should soon!

Arcani out!

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