Logicality One-Shots (Patton...

By DuckeyDew33

37.4K 636 606

HEY WASSUP! This is a collection of oneshots of logicality (Patton x Logan) There WILL be smut! Don't worry... More

Oh god...
Midnight snacks
My savior
I love you (Valentines day special)
Wanna play that game, Logan?
You're perfect
Dancing in the dark (slight prinxiety included)
Taggggggged my friends (not a chapter)
Peachy. (Tag at the end)
I miss you
A weird dream (pt 2.)
A/N sorry!


2.6K 63 15
By DuckeyDew33

     Logan and Roman has recently gone to the store and Logan thought that Patton might appreciate it if he got him a little treat, so while he was at the store he got Patton some chocolate.

Big mistake

Patton was sitting on the couch watching Steven universe with Virgil, and watched Logan and Roman come through the door with the groceries, and like usual he got up from the couch to help put them away.

Patton got some of the ingredients out of the bag at put them in the the pantry, but halfway through his actions, he saw a chocolate bar in the bad and immediately smiled and went to grab it, but Logan was quicker and grabbed it before him.

"You will have to do all your chores with Roman before you can have any chocolate." Logan said sternly, but not enough to hurt the hearts feelings. "I will check to make sure you are  doing them efficiently and correctly in about half a hour." He said before putting the chocolate on one of the top pantry shelves so Patton could barely reach it.

Patton whined, making grabby hands towards the chocolate then sighed in defeat and started making his way towards the cleaning supplies so he could clean the kitchen.( that's his chore for today!)

But Patton just couldn't help it! He wanted the chocolate so badly!

Patton got a chair to stand on so that he could reach the chocolate. And he almost got it but his foot slipped and he fell backwards.

He shrieked trying to catch something to catch his fall, but couldn't reach anything and fell on his back on the tile floor.

"O-owww....." Patton rubbed his back and whimpered.
"Gosh darn it I didn't get the chocolate.." he whisper yelled to himself.

"You really should be more careful next time Patton." Logan said from behind having watched the whole thing from the living room.

"Eh?? Oh hi Logan how're you doin'?" Patton smiled like nothing happened. "I've just been cleaning and doing chores like you told me so I could get the chocolate!" Patton twiddled his thumbs.

Logan sigh audibly. "Patton if you wanted it so bad you could have just asked and I would have given you some." Logan chuckled at his boyfriends pout.

"But since you are willing to break your back for it you can have it later when you are done with your chores like I originally wanted you to do." Logan walked out the kitchen leaving and upset Patton.

"Ugh, it's not fair! I cleaned half the kitchen already can't I just have some?" Patton yelled to Logan.  "No, not until you finish cleaning!" Logan yelled back.

~time skip till Patton was done~
Patton looked at the clean kitchen, and smiled to himself. "Logan! I'm finished!" Patton called for Logan in hopes he could get the chocolate finally.

Logan walked in the kitchen slowly, eyeing every nook-and-cranny for mess.

"It looks good Patton, you may have a reward now." Logan said reaching for the chocolate, getting it with ease (pretend Logan is taller, idk)

Patton's eyes widened and he smiled that big goofy smile he had. Logan handed him the chocolate and sighed when Patton immediately started to eat it all.

"Patton, dear, you will get a stomachache if you eat it that quickly." Patton didn't respond and only kept eating the chocolate.

~time skip like 2 mins~

Logan had just gotten to his room and had sat down to read, but he got a knock at his door. He went to open it, but Patton had already burst through the door with a wide smile and said "HEY LOGAN YOU WANNA GO FOR A RUN?! MAYBE PLAY TAG?! WE COULD RACE OR JUST GO ON A WALK TO THR ICECREAM SHOP!"
Patton continued spitting out possible activities and Logan pushed up his glasses and simply said
"Sugar rush"

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