Shade me well

By victorishla

112 2 15

Good things must always come to an end. Yet bad things survive masked as the good. Cat Barrett is your typica... More

Shade me well
New boys and intriuging offers
The Curious Case of A.D.
Setting the Trap

Chapter 1-Sweet sixteen

17 0 2
By victorishla

UGH- I woke with a start, bleary eyed I blinked into reality. When I could finally see I noticed my best friend, since birth, looming over me, her bright blue eyes piercing into mine. She squealed with laughter and a smile erupted on her face.

'WAKE UP CAT. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAAAAAAAY!!!' Rosa screamed in my ear. When I had finally forced her off of me I heard a timid knock on the door followed by Kai's deep voice inquiring 'are you guys decent?'

'Yes idiot come in' I replied. 

His fiery hair, dark blue eyes and freckled cheeks tentatively peeked around the top of the doorframe. I threw a pillow at him and laughed as he finally walked into the room.

'Happy 16th to my bestest friend!' he exclaimed.

This earned him another pillow in the face, but this time from a scowling Rosa.

When we finally got downstairs my mum had already left, as per usual. We come to my favourite country,Cyprus, for my 16th birthday and she can't even manage to wish me a happy birthday in person. As if on cue the whirring of the T.A.R.D.I.S. emerged from my pocket. Begrudgingly I participated in brief repartee with my mother, then swiftly hung up. Don't get me wrong I love her but she's never around and her birthday wishes always feel forced and rushed, like I'm a distraction to brush under the carpet.

After breakfast we headed to the beach, where of course Rosa attracted all male attention with her long, blonde and perfectly straight hair and flawless bone structure. Not to mention the tiny bikini that enhanced the length of her tan legs. Suddenly Kai perked up at the sound of an ice cream truck and sprinted off money in hand, eyes wide like the child is.

As I was just beginning to enjoy the sun and the peace and quiet, Rosa grabbed my hand and dragged me off of the sun lounger I had been sprawled so lazily across.


'Sorry mum' she retorted sarcastically, paired perfectly with a mastered eye roll. 'I wanted to give you your present, away from all those... creeps' she handed me a small pink box wrapped with a thin lilac bow. Inside was a small emerald pendant that matched my eyes.

'It's beautiful, thank you so much Rosa!' I smiled as I hugged her.

Suddenly she started coughing horrifically, it sounded like nails and static being blended.

'Are you okay?!' I half shouted.

'I'm fine don't worry, just this stupid cold again.'


That evening the three of us went to my favourite restaurant where my mother was surprisingly waiting for us, in the flesh. As we were getting ready to order, mother's phone began to squawk.

She sighed and looked up at me guiltily 'I'm sorry darling, I have to take this' she excused as she tottered off down the pier, leaving her credit card as a meek apology.

As predicted she did not return to the restaurant, she did however unknowingly pay for a boat trip to be taken the next day and a whole bunch of useless souvenirs for no one in particular.

Exhausted from the long walk back from the pier we all crawled into our respective beds awaiting the next day.


This morning I was awoken by Kai, but he gently shook my shoulders and in a sing-song voice said 'Cat, wake up, were going on that boat today.'

When it comes to being woken up I definitely prefer Kai, 100%.

Noticing Rosa still hadn't stirred I leapt onto her bed and screamed 'THE MAKEUP HAS BEEN STOLEN' into her ear.

As if quickened by a spur she snapped up and ran to the bathroom crying 'NOT MY MAC, PLEASE'

I was so going to pay for that later...


The boat ride was short but relaxing, well except for when Rosa pushed me into the sea and I inhaled about a gallon of salty water, I told you I'd pay. On the way back we all took turns going in this massive ring tied to the end of the boat which was a perfect end to a pretty great holiday with my two closest friends.

When we finally got back to the villa my mother instantly shoved us upstairs complaining about the time, even though we had 8 hours till our flight.


Rosa coughed the whole flight home and then during the entire car journey back to my house. 8 hours of continuous coughing! I could kill that girl if I didn't love her so much!

'Honey' my mum began 'you should really see a doctor about that cough, it's scaring me'

My mum hadn't even been around when this all started 5 months ago, but she had a point Rosa was definitely going to see a doctor about this stupid cold. It is driving me insane!


I know this isn't brilliant but it's my first attempt any constructive criticism would be handy and I hope you carry on reading cause it will get better I promise!! 

I will also go back and edit this later on

See you on the flip side


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