86,400 seconds

By Roburrito223

7.6K 470 130

There are 86,400 seconds in one day. What do you do in these 86,400 seconds? This book is a Christian view on... More

Chapter 1- Scraps of Turkey
Chapter 2-Trials, Troubles, and Temptations, Oh My!
Chapter 3- enJOYment
Chapter 4-The Best Breath I've Breathed
Chapter 5: But... what if I fail?

Intro- read first!

2.4K 120 24
By Roburrito223

86,400 seconds in a day, 1,440 minutes in day, and 24 hours in a day. Imagine what you could do in all that time! You could easily master Call of Duty, beat a world record, read a few books, make some awesome shots in basketball, get a few home runs in baseball, and so much more! You could get a new friend, you could get a new job, you could get a dog, or you could get $1,000 dollars! The possibilities of what could happen in 86,400 seconds are endless! Although, since most humans are only awake for 15 hours according to studies, you get a total of 54,000 seconds! That's less, but it's still a lot of seconds to do a lot of things! Now probably, the last thing on your mind when thinking about all the time you have is reading the Bible or praying. Or, this is all you have on your mind! Which one are you? Don't worry; my intentions of this book aren't to convict you, or to make you drown in your troubles, but to simply give you insights on life.

            Time isn't like anything on this planet. You can spend it all you want, but you can't get time back. You can spend 42,892 seconds a day playing Call of Duty, but you can't get back those 42,892 seconds! (Now I'm not saying Call of Duty is bad, I particularly enjoy the game! I'll get more into this subject later, I promise.) Time isn't something you can reverse or replay as portrayed by movies like "Groundhog Day" or "Back to the Future." When God created the heavens and the earth nearly 6,000 years ago on day one, He created time. Ever since then, it's never gone backwards, and it can never get pushed backward, or even stalled. People have been trying it, but time is simply a force that can't be touched. God created it that way. Could you imagine if people had control of time? What if we all got sent back 4,000 years? It's simply not possible, and it's a good thing it isn't possible!

            This book is designed for good tips, ideas, and methods to help us to learn how to use our time wisely. "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil."
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:15-16‬ ‭ESV‬‬
This is NOT book teaching all the points of theology, it is simply good tips and ideas for those who have a hard time managing their time as a Christian. What does the life of a redeemed child of God look like? What does our time look like, now that we've been set free from the bondage of sin, and now that we are forgiven? Explore the next chapters to find out!

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