Demi One-shots

By lovatic_faye

26.1K 641 125


Demi One-shots
My little family
Demi's other sister.
Let me help you
What's going on
My little family (three)
Demi's other sister (two)
Melody - Interesting plane journey
Demi's Other Sister (three)
Demi's other sister (four)
What's going on (Two)
Do not hate on my sister
Demi's other sister (five) (holiday)

My little family (two)

1.5K 45 2
By lovatic_faye

*follow up from the first one-shot with Demi, Wilmer & Milly*

Demi POV

"Oh my gosh Demi, she's so cute"

"Aww she's adorable"

"She looks just like you Demi"

Comments like this are all that I can here as I carry my little toddler on my hip through the huge crowd of people. She turned her head so it was buried as far as possible into my chest as she violently shook in my arms. I was on my way to go see Wilmer on set, and surprise him with Milly. Fans and paparazzi were always hanging around the set and it freaked Milly the fuck out.

"Shhhh, mummy's here, mummy's got you" I whispered into her ear. This wasn't enough to get her to stop crying though. When I finally made it through the crowd I took a nice deep breath and stood still for a minute to just calm myself down before I turned my attention back to Milly. I rummaged in my bag, whilst still managing to hold her up and fetched a dummy for her. I popped it in her mouth but she spat it out almost instantly and continued to cry. I sighed and carefully bent down with her to pick it up.

I bounced her on my hip as I walked down the corridor to find Wilmer. It didn't take me long to spot him. When he saw us a huge smile formed on his face and he put down his coffee before walking over to us. Milly still had her head tucked into me so hadn't seen him yet, meaning when she felt him grab her from behind to hold her she screamed and cried even more.

"Shhh baba, it's only daddy" I told her

She turned round and relaxed a little when she saw Wilmer. She allowed him to hold her and she snuggled into him as he rocked her back and forth in an attempt at calming her down.

"What's wrong with daddy's little princess hey?" He asked her

"L-loud" she stuttered through her tears.

"Oh it's all over now Milly. Calm down for dada" he cooed over her. She really was his pride and joy and I couldn't help but smile when I watched their interaction.

Her cries eventually softened into little hiccups and whimpers and Wilmer took her to show her off to his fellow colleagues.

I stood watching for a minute before someone grabbed my attention.

"Hey Demi" a friendly face said

"Oh hey Sarah" I smiled back to one of the female actresses

"What you doing here then?" She asked

"Just thought I'd surprise Wilmer by bringing Milly to see him" I replied

"Aww that's so sweet. How old is she now?" Sarah inquired

"She turned three like just last week so to me she still seams two" I smiled

"Aww she's not gonna be a baby for much longer"

"Don't remind me, I'm dreading her not needing me as much" I admitted

"She's always gonna need you Dems, just in different ways."

"I know but I think the day she finally stops breastfeeding will be the day I realise she's not my baby any more but my little girl" I sighed

"She'll always be your baby. My little girl is eight and she's still my baby, so don't worry"

"Thanks Sarah"

We were interrupted when Wilmer brought a very agitated Milly back over.

"I think someone wants their mummy" he laughed, handing me our fidgety toddler

She instantly stopped wriggling at the feel of my touch and curled into me as I cradled her like a baby.

"I think she could do with a nap" Wilmer pointed out

"I know, she was almost asleep in the car but we got here just before she could fall asleep, she needs a snack as well" I informed him

"You can go chill out in my dressing room if you want baby, I've nearly finished. I won't be long"

"Ok babe, I'll see you in a bit" I said as we gave each other a quick kiss on the lips.

When I reached his dressing room I placed Milly down on the sofa so I could get her a yogurt out of her baby bag.

"Mama" she whined at the loss of contact

"Milly I'm right here" I said firmly but not too harsh.

I joined her back on the sofa and handed her the yogurt and toddler spoon. She looked up at me like I was an alien for expecting her to feed herself. I giggled to myself

"Come on baby, be a big girl" I encouraged

"No. No wanna be big girl" she pouted

"Please eat for mummy, show me how clever you are"

As I expected the tears began to flow and she rapidly shook her head telling me no. I sighed and took it off her, putting a little amount on the spoon. I lifted it too her mouth which she clamped shut.

"Milly, if you're not gonna do it yourself, let mummy feed you" I instructed

She scooted closer to me and tried to climb on my lap and began pulling down on my top. Yep, she's definitely tired.

"No Milly. Yogurt first"

"Mommy" she cried for me, she always made me want to give into her because part of me still wants her as that little baby who depended on me for everything.

"No baby, cuddles after"

Still crying, she eventually let me feed her. When she'd eaten it, I wiped her mouth and pulled her across my lap to cradle her. She turned on her side slightly and put her hand inside my shirt, i took a deep breath preparing myself for this next tantrum that was about to happen. She patted my boob gently, letting me know that's what she wanted.

"No baby girl, only at bed time" I informed her. Wilmer and I had decided together to limit the amount of times she nursed, it killed me saying no to her when I wanted myself for her to breastfeed.

"Mummy" she begged. I knew she was tired and would be out within five minutes if I gave in. It would take me ages to get her to fall sleep any other way, even giving her a dummy wouldn't help much. I decided one more time wouldn't hurt, so I unbuttoned my shirt a little more allowing my baby girl access to feed. Her cries near enough stopped completely as soon as she latched on. I took my phone and snapped a picture of her nursing, I didn't know how much longer I would get to experience this with her and I wanted to keep the memories. As she suckled on me her eyes slowly began to close. I held her little hand in mine as I watched my angel fall asleep in my arms.

"Mummy loves you so much Milly" I said before her breathing completely evened out and she was asleep. I carefully unlatched her from my boob and managed to button up my shirt with one hand. I leant over to my bag and grabbed her dummy which I then placed in her little mouth.

I was nearly asleep myself when I heard the door open. My eyes shot wide open when I realised it was my beautiful husband.

"Hey baby, ready to go home?" I asked

"Yeah will you grab this one" I said, gesturing to my tiny toddler

"Sure" he smiled

We were lucky when we realised that the majority of the fans and paps had gone, otherwise Milly would have been wide awake within seconds. I watched as Wilmer gently placed our baby in her car seat without waking her up.

"What do you wanna do for the rest of the day baby?" Wilmer asked once he began driving home

"I fancy cuddles and a movie with my two favourite people" I smiled

"Sounds good to me baby" he agreed, leaning over to kiss me.


This isn't really an authors note. More of a rant.

No against any of you beautiful people, but the people in my life who constantly take my good generosity for granted and think it's ok to walk all over me to get what they want. News flash, that's not ok!

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