The Story of the Sun and The...

By Soccerkid07

8K 176 12

This is a Zutara FANFICTION, so if you don't like it, don't read it and respect my opinion. I have done one b... More

Chapter 1: Remastering Fire
Chapter 2: The Blue Spirit and The Painted Lady
Chapter 4: Zuko Turns Himself In
Chapter 5: Infiltration
Chapter 6: The Boiling Rock
Chapter 7: Preparations
Chapter 8: The Lunar Eclipse
Chapter 9: A Warning
Chapter 10: The Crystal Caves Pt. 1
Chapter 11: The Crystal Caves Pt. 2
Chapter 12: A Long Recovery
Chapter 13: Unlikely Allies
Chapter 14: Bloodbending
Chapter 15: It's About Time!!
Chapter 16: Untimely
Chapter 17: The Truth
Chapter 18: The Final

Chapter 3: Uprising

569 9 4
By Soccerkid07

  I was twenty-four now and I still hadn't slept once since I was sixteen and united the nations. Today was the eighth anniversary of my father's defeat. I decided to call Katara.

  I was in my bedroom holding my pillow, with my knees pulled in. My phone rang, but I didn't want to get it. It went to voicemail.
  "Umm...hey Katara it's Zuko, I guess you're busy since you aren't answering, so I'll just call you later." Zuko said.
  I grabbed the phone and answered. "Zuko?" I asked.
  "Mmm-hmm." Zuko said.
  I was trying to hide my tears. "So, what's uh... what's up?" I asked.
  "Are you ok?" Zuko asked.
  "Yeah, yeah! What's up?" I asked.
  "Today is the eighth anniversary of my dad's defeat. I'm going to see him today and I need moral support." Zuko said.
  "Aisha and I will be right over." I said.
  "Ok. See you then." Zuko said.
  I got up and got on Aisha. "Where are you going?" Dad asked.
  "To the palace. Zuko needs me to help him with something." I said.
  "Ok, it's good to see you getting out Katara." Dad said.
  I smiled. "I love you dad." I said.
  "I love you too baby. Be safe." He said, and we hugged.
  I rode off and arrived. Roku greeted Aisha and they played. "So, how are we getting there?" I asked.
  "A carriage." Zuko said, and we got in. "Are you ok?" Zuko asked.
  "I'll tell you after we do this." I said.
  "Katara, it's ok." Zuko said.
  "Aang became so obsessed with the fame that he had the confidence to kiss Toph. She tried to push him off, but he didn't stop and I walked in. Then, I dumped him and he left me for Toph. So, yeah. This all happened today." I said.
  "Sorry I asked." Zuko said.
  "No, I needed to tell someone, and to be honest I feel so much better." I said.
  "Well, do you want my opinion?" Zuko asked.
  "On our breakup? Sure, let's hear it." I said.
  "You deserve better than that Katara, he was lucky to have you, and stupid to choose fame over the best thing in his life." Zuko said.
  I blushed and smiled. "I don't understand! You're the king and you're super famous, so why doesn't it go to your head?" I asked.
  "Believe it or not Katara, not all guys like getting absorbed into the lime light." Zuko said.
  "I guess not, but every guy I've ever met has. Except you, you stay humble and true." I said.
  "I spent my whole life as the prince who spoke out against his father. Now, I'm the one who united the four nations with your help. I've spent my whole life in the lime light." Zuko said.
  I sighed. He was right. "Well, thanks for being my friend through thick and thin." I said.
  Zuko smiled. "That's a two way street, so thank you." Zuko said, and I smiled.
  "We're here." The diver said.

  I walked out, and the guard offered to help Katara out. "I wouldn't do that." I said.
  "Why?" The guy asked.
  "You're funeral." I said.
  "Ma'am." The driver said, offering his hand.
  "I can get off myself, thanks. Sheesh, I'm not some damsel in distress." Katara said, hitting his hand away.
  "Told you." I said.
  He held his hand and I walked into the prison, slightly amused. They opened the lock and it buzzed. I went in and Katara followed. We went to solitary confinement. "What a privilege, the king is here to see dear old me." Dad said.
  "How are they treating you dad?" I asked.
  "Oh, I can't complain." Dad said.
  "Good." I said.
  "I know you aren't here just to check on me. So, what is it?" Dad asked.
  "Why can't I just be here to have a nice conversation with my dad?" I asked.
  "Haha." Dad said, sarcastically.
  I shook my head. "Dad, I just wanted to see how you and Azula were doing. Despite everything you're still my family." I said.
  "Humph! We're in prison, but they give us the royal treatment." Dad said.
  I nodded. "Though, that's not the treatment you'll receive when we get out." Dad said.
"Ok, I'll be waiting." I said, and we walked out.
"Zuko...are you ok?" Katara asked.
"I will be, once I get home." I said.
Katara nodded. "You handled that better than I would have." Katara said.
I smiled and we got back to the palace. She went home and I sighed.
  I walked into the palace and went outside to the fountain, garden, and pond. I meditated, that was how I kept myself rejuvenated.
  Night came and I stretched as I walked to the throne room. I sat down and a few hours passed.
"Zuko, you need to see this." Admiral Senzu said.
I walked out and my dad and Azula stood. "I challenge you to an Agni Kai! Whoever wins gets the Fire Nation!" Dad shouted.
"You need fire bending to do that." I said.
"I'm aware." Dad said, shooting fire at me.
  I shrunk it in my hands after catching it. "How?" I asked.
"Well, that day you lost your was sent to me in prison and I made it my bending. I'm back!!" Dad shouted.
"Fine. We'll Agni Kai, but you better follow the rules." I said.
"I will." Dad said, and we went to the courtyard where everyone in the Fire Nation watched.
  He took off his shirt and I did the same. I got into my stance and he got into his and we started fighting in Agni Kai. I was kicking his ass...glamorously.
"How could you have improved so much?" Dad asked.
"I had help." I said blasting him back.
  I kept hitting him and he tried to hit me, but it was unsuccessful. "Yield, and I'll spare you the embarrassment of losing." I said.
  "Not quite ZuZu." Azula said and she shot lighting at my back. I redirected it and shot it into the sky.
  "Stop them!" Admiral Senzu shouted.
  Dad put a fire ring around the arena and him and Azula fought me. I fought them and I still kicked there asses. I burned the fire out and the troops charged in.
  Azula and dad kept trying to beat me. I was kicking ass and everything was fine. "ENOUGH!!!" I shouted letting out a roar. "This is a violation of the sacred Agni Kai. Get these two put back in prison and make sure they cannot use their bending." I said.
  "Yes sir." They all said, trying to tackle them down.
  Then, out of nowhere, a fire blast hit the men and I looked for the third source of it, nothing. I heard lighting and redirected it again.
Then, Azula and dad shot at me with fire. I guarded against it and then...three lighting bolts came at me.
  They hit me and they all three continued to strike me until I fell. The three shot again, hitting me and I tried to get up. Dad put his foot on my back and I grunted. The men had all been killed.
Roku roared slapped Azula and dad away with his tail. They hit the walls. He wrapped around me and the third source shot a fire blast.
  I put up a bubble made of fire and grunted in pain, holding my left rib cage. I shot a flame in the shape of a dragon at the source and the guy grunted when he hit the ground. I got on Roku and he flew off as I passed out on his back.

I woke up on the ground in the Fire Nation by the palace, in pain, and I knew why. I saw Ozai and Azula and flew off on Appa with Momo following me.
  My head was hurting and I didn't really didn't know why. I guess I landed on it.
I got to Toph's house in Ba Sing Se. "Where have you been Twinkle Toes?" Toph asked.
"I'm not really sure." I said, lying.
"You better have a better answer, fast." Toph said.
"I woke up in the Fire Nation, but I'm not sure why or how." I said, lying.
"You just took off and left, you didn't even respond to me when I asked you where you were going. You scared me!" Toph said, kissing me.
"Sorry." I said, kissing her back.
"Don't ever do that again!" Toph shouted, punching me in the arm.
"I won' least not without telling you." I said, lying to her and then she nodded. We went to sleep.

"With the Avatar on our side, this will be easier than the last time." I said.
"Little Zuko is a problem, dad. You saw how powerful he was." Azula said.
"I did see, which is why we won't stop until we put him in the Boiling Rock with a warden who I have told to torture him, takes him in. Problem solved." I said.
"What about his friends?" Azula asked.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there, but the water tribe girl is all yours." I said.
"Good, I need sweet payback. After I find ZuZu, she'll know my wrath." Azula said.
We both laughed evilly and sat on the throne. We started taking over the nations again.

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