Just Kickin' it (Tremaine 'Tr...

Da hey_Danae

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" Tell everyone that we fell in love with each other, that we found the one in one another" - Jhene Aiko Altro

Part One
Part Two
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six.

Part Three

288 8 1
Da hey_Danae


" Wake up" Tremaine said hitting my shoulder

" I'm sleepyyyy" i groaned

Me and him were staying up till 12 because of my birthday and honestly i haven't stayed up late in a while and i'm sleepy as hell but he said i should stay up so he could be the first to wish me happy birthday day

"Man we only have 20 minutes stay up tor"

" Fine" I opened my eyes

We watched tv and then 12:00 hit

" Get up its your birthday!" 

" It's my birthday" I said dryly since i was sleepy

" Tori" He laughed " Get turnt"

I got up and twerked " It's my birthday!"

He laughed " That's what i like to see"

I shook my head and laid back down next to him

" Okay goodnight boo" I said closing my eyes

" Good Night birthday girl" He kissed my forehead

I drifted to sleep


I woke up and looked at the alarm clock on her dresser. It was 8:02 I made sure to wake up early to make her breakfast. I got out of bed and went downstairs to take the stuff out

I made waffles, Bacon, Eggs once i was done i put it all on a plate and i also made her a side of strawberries and a glass of orange juice. I sat it on the tray and walked back upstairs and luckily she was still knocked out. I walked to her and shook her

" Tori, Wake up"

" Hmm" She still had her eyes closed

" Wake up i got something for you" Her eyes shot open and looked at the food and smiled

" For me?" She sat up on her butt

" Yeah" I laughed and sat the tray in front of her " Happy birthday" i kissed her forehead

" Aww trey thank you" She ate a piece of bacon

" Tremaine" I corrected her

" Why can't i never call you trey? I like it"

" And you the only person i let call me Tremaine so feel special"

She stuffed waffles in her mouth " Of course i feel special cus you do stuff like this" She pointed to her food

And it was true, I really genuinely care for Tori. It's just like when i'm around her i feel comfortable and complete. I don't even know what it is i never felt like this before and i don't want to see her nothing but happy. I got lost in my thoughts about her and snapped out of it when she called my name

" Tremaine" She moaned as she tasted the strawberry " Taste this" She tried to put a strawberry in my mouth

" Na" I laughed " It's for you, I'm not gone eat your stuff"

" No i insist it's so sweet and juicy" She smiled licking the juice off her lips

I shook my head and opened my mouth to take the bite and my eyes shot open

" It is good"

" Told ya" She shrugged and ate a piece of her waffles

I laughed at her and i soon heard Trilana crying and she was about to get up

" I got it" I got up before her and walked to the door

" You sure" She ate her bacon

" Of course i'm daddy" I chuckled

She smacked her lips and i headed towards Trilana room and she was crying

" Shhhhh" I picked her up and kissed her cheek " Dada got you" I walked back to tori room

I walked in and saw her finishing her food " Say happy bday ma ma" i held her body towards Tori and she immediately stopped crying

" Dang it's like that lil mama?" I said to Trilana

Tori smirked " It's the mama effect" She got up and headed downstairs

I followed her into the kitchen and she put her plate in the sink and washed her hands then grabbed Trilana. She walked to the living room and sat down and i sat next to her

" My mama haven't called yet" She frowned

I looked at her " Called for what?"

" My birthday Tremaine"

" Oh, She'll call it's only 10:23"

" But they never waited this late to tell me happy birthday, They be the first ones to call in the morning" She looked at her phone " See, No calls from my family"

" I'm sure they'll call baby girl they probably still sleep"

" My mom is an early bird Tremaine" Her eyes teared up " They forgot my birthday"

She was always sensitive for some reason, I don't know why. She a big crybaby and cry over nothing.

" Tori" I signed and wiped her tears " Stop crying"

" I can't believe they basically forgot"

" It's still the morning i promise by the end of the day they'll call" I kissed her cheek

" Okay" She sniffed

" So what are you trying to do today?"

She shrugged " Its really just me you our friends and Lana"

That was true, We had no family here mines was back in Virginia and hers was in Michigan. The only family she had here though was her way older cousin, Frances.

" So you just wanna go to dinner or something with them?"

She nodded " Yeah that's coo i've been having a taste for red lobsters for weekssss"

Red lobsters was her favorite restaurant and she always seem to have a taste for it with her greedy self.

I laughed " Okay. Red lobsters it is i'll get to texting the niggas"

Her phone started ringing and she picked it up

" Happy birthday bitchhhh!!" somebody said through the facetime call as soon as she answered

" Stop cussing " She looked at Trilana " Thank you Cydnee"

" So you doing the one night only?" She asked

She shook her head and looked at me and laughed

" Girl why!?!"

" Tremaine" She laughed

" Tremaine? What that gotta do with yo-" She paused and gasped " Are y'all a thing?"

She laughed " No i don't know why he didn't let me he just said it's not up for discussion"

" Because she not bout to be up there shaking her ass for everybody to see" i put my input in

" Exactly because she be shaking that ass for you, makes since" Cydnee said

" All the time" I laughed

" I do not" Tori said " He don't even know how this booty move"

I laughed " I don't?"

" Of course not" She looked at me

" Alright now love birds lets rap this up because Jalen tryna eat this cat... do you know what we doing for your bday ?"

" Red lobsters the one we always go too"

" Okay bye!" She hung up

" Freaking rat" Tori shook her head

" Why don't you cuss?" I asked

" I never cussed never when i was younger and not now" She kissed Trilana cheek

" Lame"

" How is that lame? God gone strike y'all for cussing"

I laughed " If so i'll be dead at how much i cuss" 

" Omg don't be saying anything about you being dead" She frowned

I chucked " Alright ma"

She looked at Trilana and stroked her hair

" Have you ever thought when she get older she ask how we created her?" she asked

" By sex" I laughed

" Naw dummy" She looked at me " I'm talking about like we gone tell her like oh mommy and daddy had a one night stand and we just made precious ol you by mistake"

" No because it ain't like i'm not in her life and everything happens for a reason maybe we will have our little happy ever after" I shrugged

" Maybe i guess.. but that story is something else"

" It is but maybe God made this happen got a Reason"

Soon as i said that her phone started ringing again and she smiled brightly as it was her mom


" Hey Mama" I smiled through the phone

" Hey baby how are you?"

" I'm good no worries" she coughed " How are you and my grand baby ?"

" we're doing good mama thanks to Tremaine"

" Tremaine? That boy still doing his job? I respect him. Is that my new Son in law"

i laughed " No mama we're just friends"

" Okay that's good" She coughed again " I'll talk to you later baby be easy"

" Okay" i said sad and she hung up

My eyes begin to water " She forgot my birthday she didn't tell me happy birthday" I cried " She haven't been thinking about my bday or me"

Tremaine signed " Ma, Stop worrying. She just playing games"

" I know ima brat but i just can't believe she didn't tell me happy birthday like how could she forget? I-I My heart hurts"

" Stop working yourself up over this" He tubbed my back and wiped my tears away

I sniffed " Okay"

" Are we taking her to dinner with us?" He asked about Trilana

" No, I think ima take her to Frances' "

I nodded " Okay well we can get it on at 7 ima text the niggas and stuff"

" Okay bookie" I laughed at his face

" Bookie" He frowned

" Yeah Boo and pookie put together its cute"

" Corny ass" He laughed while texting on his phone " I gotta go home man, Nicole keep blowing my shit up"

" I been trying to tell you to go home but noooo you wanna be all up under me"

" No i don't be wanting to leave a Trilana she cry everytime" He lied

" Lier, Remember you said you always want to be around me?"

" Nope"

" Hurt my feelings" I pouted

He didn't say anything he just laughed and i shook my head

" Alright i'm bout to go" He got up to put his shoes on and grabbed his keys

He walked back over to us and kissed Trilana cheek then mines

" See y'all later" He walked to the door

" Okay make up with her for me please!" I yelled before he walked out the door


I already knew when i made it back to the crib Nicole was about to raise hell. I've been at Tori's for 2 days and she been blowing up my phone non stop. The more that i'm around Tori the more i start to care for her and i get attached to her because she's a cool person with a bomb personality.

I signed and drove down the street of my block, I pulled into the drive way and saw her car was here.

" Help me Jesus" I said to myself

I started to put my keys into the door and it soon opened

" Trey! Seriously! Are you fucking serious!"

" Man what you talking about" I walked into the house pass her

" You know what the fuck i'm talking about! Why are you never here why are you always over there playing the boyfriend role to her but not me when you're my actual boyfriend!"

" Man ain't nobody playing no boyfriend role with her" I sat on the couch " That's just my baby mama"

" No nigga spend night after night at their baby mamas house" She stood in front of me

" To help her with the baby! She's single and live alone i don't want her to be by herself with a 3 month old"

She started to cry " Trey it's me or her"

I smacked my lips "Dawg, Are you serious right now?"

" Why would i be playing this relationship is toxic and i can't stay with you if that's the deal so it's me or her Trey"

I signed " Its her i can't leave her"

She started to cry hard and ran toward me to hit me

" Bro stop that shit!" I grabbed her arms

She tried to get out of my grip

" Let me go oh my god i can't believe you" She cried and stopped trying to fight

" Baby stop" i hugged her

She tried to fight again but i hugged her and carried her to the bed room. I laid her on the bed and i laid with her and cuddled with her and we slowly feel asleep

When i woke it, It was dark outside. I groaned and looked at my phone and read 8:49 then i looked at my notifications and saw a million missed calls and texts from Tori

" Fuck" I said to myself

I got out of Nicole's grip lucky she was still sleep. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my keys walking out the house. I got into my car and called Tori back knowing she was gone be pissed as hell at me missing her birthday dinner. I called her and it rung a few times before she answered

" Hello" She said low

" Hey Tori i'm sorry i-"

" It's coo Tremaine" She said as i could heard the annoyance in her voice

" Uh okay. Where you at?"

" Red lobsters still waiting on our food"

" Okay i'm on my way"

She hung up in my face i signed and made my way to red lobsters. Lucky it wasn't far because i already missed a lot of it. I found a parking space and got out going to the person at the front

" I'm looking for a party, Under Tori"

" Right this way sir" She led the way to me

I saw Tori sitting there looking at her phone under the table while all our friends around her held conversations with each other

" Well damn look who finally decided to show up" My man Zay said

Soon as he said that her head shot up but she looked right back down

" Exactly man how you gone invite us and not show up on time nigga" Kyle said

" Shut up i'm here now" I laughed

I dabbed them and hugged the girls and sat next to Tori

" Hey wassup with you?" I asked looking at her

She didn't say nothing she just shook her head

" You straight ?"

She nodded. I knew her like the back of my hand so i knew she was lying. I was going to leave it alone but i hate seeing her down and knowing i might've been part of the reason why i couldn't see her down

"You sure"

She nodded looking down and i saw tears rolling down her cheeks

" Come on man" I grabbed her hand and stepped out the booth " We'll be back y'all"

They all looked confused but i just grabbed her hand and guided her outside the door to outside and she leaned against the building and cried

I rubbed her shoulders " Tori What's wrong"

She didn't say anything. This was something she was good at hiding her feelings and don't like opening up

I signed " Tori if you don't tell me i can't help you"

" Nun of my family called me and wished me happy birthday" She cried " and i thought you weren't coming" She said the last part fast but i still heard

I looked at the time and it was 9:10, It was late and i knew if they were going to call and wish her happy birthday they would've did it earlier. Also Tori is a brat and think the world revolve around her and she cry over the most littlest things but i'm not gone tell her that.

" They gone call i promise you"

She shook her head and wiped her tears " I guess this is how it feels to grow up i hate being grown... I regret saying i can't wait till i grow up i miss my family"

I hugged her. I felt where she was coming from i don't have any family here either. We live all the way in Florida and her family lives all the way in Michigan

" Do you want to visit?"

She nodded

" Do you want me to buy you and me plane tickets to go visit with Trilana?"

She stopped crying and looked at me " Are you serious?"

" Serious as fuck" I said causing her to laugh " Cheer up baby girl we gone visit okay?"

She nodded and hugged me tight. I loved seeing her happy it does something to my heart and when i'm around her my stomach feels weird it's just something about her that i can't put my finger on.


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