Fate's Hands

By Wildstar_Wildheart

8.3K 117 81

A story where your decision will alter the course of the story... More

How this works and what this is
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Guys, I've Been Set Back!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Another one or a Different one?
The Rampage

Chapter 5

286 7 5
By Wildstar_Wildheart

     You sighed and looked up at both Giants, deciding to tell the truth. Mark looked at you with curiosity while Tyler was looking at you, probably wondering what would happen if he ate you right here and now. Mark glared at Tyler, and his expression changed faster than you'd expect.

     "I don't know much on this topic. But I do remember my mom telling me to "beware the dragonfly and follow the dove." I didn't know what it it meant and still don't entirely know what it means, but it probably means "stay away from the people with mechs and join sides with monster and Giants."" You explained. Mark looked at you, probably digging out any unknown information from you.

     Tyler glared. "What else?" He pressed on.

     "After my mom disappeared, I did as she said. I followed a dove to a small town near the Rocky Mountains, and then I was kidnapped weeks before I was leaving for Tucson." You looked up at Tyler, he still wanted more. "Look, that's all I know about this, honest!" The larger giant crept up towards you. Mark brought you closer to him and growled at Tyler.

     "They're telling the truth. Even if they tried to hide it I'd find it eventually. I think everyone knows what happens when you lie to a giant." Mark said sternly, glancing at you.

     Now I'm glad I did decide to tell the truth. You thought, and as if on cue, Mark's stomach growled.

     "We'll talk about this later." Mark said, standing up. "For now, I'm going out to hunt. And (Y/N) is coming with me. Your more than welcome to join us, but not if you're going to try force more out of them."

     Tyler grumbled under his breath as Mark walked out with you pressed against his chest. By now you were used to the ashy scent that he emitted, which was bad all in all, but at least you wouldn't be complaining about one thing. Mark walked into a clearing with a few fruit trees and bushes, then plucked a giant blueberry from the bush.

     "Hungry?" He offered it to you. Before you could say anything your stomach growled loud enough for him to hear. He smiled triumphantly as you took the berry and proceeded with eating it. Mark plucked an apple from a tree, then sat down under it and ate. You couldn't believe that not long ago you were standing on hardened lava, and now, as Mark set you down on the grass to reduce the awkwardness that was building up.

     You looked up and saw a sky light far overhead, and saw a partly cloudy sky, some of the clouds looked like pieces of fluff, while others took different shapes. You noticed one cloud looked like a dove, but slowly melted onto a dragonfly, then into small patches of fluff. A twig snapped behind you and you heard Mark get up and growl, baring his fangs and hooked/serrated talons. A smaller giant was hiding in the bushes, his messy brown hair hiding him well. He too had claws, but also had webs in between fingers and a sting build, moreover athletic than defensive unlike Mark or Tyler. You saw that he had shark-like teeth and a small fish spine running along the spine as he crept into view.

     Mark took a step back, almost stepping on you. You recognized this as a protective stance that a mother would take when defending their child from danger. Mark growled, arching his back and trying to look menacing. If he didn't have wolf teeth and long, sharp talons, he'd just look like he was putting up a display of false aggression.

     "Ethan, don't even think about taking another step." He growled, narrowing his eyes. "They're mine."

     Um, excuse me, but I'm not a toy that you can claim! I am a human being, like you are, to a certain extent. You thought crossly. Mark looked down at you, and you shied away.

     "What, that scrap of meat?" Ethan asked, pointing at you. You glared at him.

     "They are not a scrap of meat!" Mark snapped, then added, "or a pet!" Ethan jumped a little, surprised.  "They are a guest, so treat them like one, or I'll gut you like the fish you are."

     "Vine-Shark! Not a fish! Part jungle giant over Here!" Ethan quipped, stealing a glance at you.

     "Also, you are terrible at sneaking." Mark said, earning a growl from the Vine-Shark.

     So, I'm guessing he's an aquatic giant? You thought.

     "An ocean giant, costal if I remember correctly." Mark said, kneeling down to pick you up. The two of you left, but not to the cave, or the volcano. This was a new direction, someplace you could tell was rarely habited by. A few giant skulls littered the area, but not only that, skeletons that looked like something photoshopped together, dragon bones, dinosaur rib cages, and hybrid skeletons between dragons and Giants were here, too. But he didn't stop there.

     He walked up to a strange cave, one only big enough for a human to walk through. Tyler and Ethan seemed to have followed, looks of curiosity plastered on their faces.

     "This has been here for longer than any of us have been. This is how people get through to our enclosure, and we think you might be able to help." Mark said, placing you on the ground. "You can go through- what the heck is that?" Mark was cut off by something barreling through the tunnel. "The hell is- MMMPH!!!" The glowing creature flew right into his mouth, and Mark struggled to spit it out. It looked like a dragon, but was holographic, and yellow. Mark spat it out, and it landed beside you with a splat! You looked at it, wondering what to do.

Would you:

A) poke it with the bone that was laying by your foot.         B) Examine the creature and question it.

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