The Girl In The Night

By freakylass

52K 3.7K 220

Alexis Voight is from a tiny little town in Tennessee, which has it's own set of rules for women. Lexi has ne... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thrity-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chpater Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
New Chapter on Inkitt
Inkitt Update
Inkitt Chapter
Update on Inkitt
Inkitt Update
Chapter 66 on Inkitt
New Inkitt Chapter
New Chapter on Inkitt
Chapter 69 on my Inkitt
Chapter 70 on Inkitt
Chapter 71 on my Inkitt
New Chapter on Inkitt
Chapter 73 on Inkitt
New Chapter on Inkitt
Chapter 75 on Inkitt
Chapter 76 on Inkitt
Chapter 77 on Inkitt
Chapter 78 on Inkitt

Chapter Twenty-Seven

655 57 3
By freakylass

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Lexi's P.O.V.

I'm awake before Chris, so I place a kiss on his chest and climb out of bed. I head for the shower and clean up quickly. I don't lock the bathroom door, so I hear Chris enter the bathroom.

He calls out, "I need to take a leak. I didn't think you'd mind."

"Go ahead. Just don't take a dump."

He lets out a loud laugh, "Maybe I'll do that just to gross you out."

"Dude, I will wrap this shower curtain round your head if you do that."

I shut off the shower as he's washing his hands. I wrap a towel round my body and see him watching me in the mirror. He looks serious.

"Lex, we need to talk about last night, hun."


I pretty much knew this was coming.

He sighs, "I don't regret sleeping with you. I don't think I ever will. I had an awesome night as always, but I don't think we can do that anymore. It's confusing for both of us. I want to be your friend, but I almost feel like I can't do that because I'm in between friends and something more territory. I don't think you're ready for something more, especially not with me. I think you need to figure out where your head is at and what you're doing. I think you're lonely and upset with the way your mom is treating you and you want something familiar back. Am I anywhere close?"

I smile at him, "I think you think too much. I also thought you said you didn't know me."

"I've been learning. And I've never been accused of thinking too much. I really do like you, Lex. I want to be friends. I'd be thrilled if there was something more, but I don't want to risk our friendship. If we can only be friends then I'm happy with that."

I nod, "Ok."

"Is it going to make it weird now?"

I chuckle, "Psh, nope. I think we passed that stage a long time ago. We've run through weird, sailed passed awkward, and flown into almost normal territory again. We're cool, Chris. Honest."

He nods, "Good. Let me grab a shower and then we can go get some breakfast."

So we eat, I show him some more sights and things go back to normal. I guess we have a very unusual relationship/friendship. We get back to the ranch just as they're all going for lunch.

My dad smiles at us, "Did y'all have a good time?"

"Yep. I even got him into the Hall of Fame."

I shoot Chris a smirk and he groans in response.

"You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"

"Not a chance, Mr. 'I'm gonna Hate It'."

Both he and my dad laugh. Then my dad says, "We're headin' in for lunch. Have y'all eaten?"

"We had a big breakfast this mornin'."

"Do y'all wanna eat?"

I'm shocked he'd ask that, "You think that's a good idea?"

"I'd like y'all to eat with us. We haven't seen much of you the last few days. Your momma won't say anythin' with Chris here."

I nod and then turn to Chris, "What do you think?"

"I'm game of you are? I'd like to get to know your family a bit better."

I let out a puff of air, "Ok. Let's do this."

I'm nervous but I don't want to admit that. I've danced naked on stage in front of hundreds of men. I was a hooker for nearly four years but I'm nervous of my own mother. How is that even possible? Actually, if anyone who's ever crossed my mom would understand completely.

As we get to the top of the porch steps, Chris puts his arm round my waist and pulls me toward him so my back is flush against his front.

He whispers in my ear, "Relax. It'll be fine. I'll charm your mom, trust me."

I let out a brief chuckle and whisper back, "Good luck with that."

As we enter the house, my dad calls out, "Elizabeth? I asked Lexi and her friend to join us for lunch. That's not a problem, is it? There's enough food, right?"

That's a stupid question. My mom always makes extra food just in case there are visitors.

I can't tell what her feelings on the matter are by her voice when she speaks.

"There's enough food. Who's the friend?"

I decide that I need to be the one to introduce Chris or it'll just give her more ammunition to use against me.

"Mom, this is Christopher DeMarco. He's my friend from New York. Chris, this is my mom, Elizabeth."

He shakes my mom's hand and smiles brightly, "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Voight. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, thank you. Someone with manners, Alexis. I am surprized. Have you enjoyed your time in Tennessee so far, Christopher?"

"Yes ma'am. We toured a bit of Nashville yesterday. Some of the food is amazing."

"Well, we southerners have great food if nothing else. Shall we sit for lunch?"

As we dish and eat food, I don't feel that hungry. My mom is firing questions and conversation at Chris, but she barely acknowledges me. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing to be honest. Caleb, Nate and my dad join in with the conversation but I try to stay out of it as much as possible. As long as my mom isn't ragging on me, then I'd rather not bring attention to myself.

Eventually my mom asks, "How did you two meet? Were you at school together?"

I try to get a silent message to Chris but before I can do this or answer the question myself, he speaks.

"We worked together. I'm not much of an academic person."

"Worked together? As in at the bar?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I see."

She sends me a look that is pretty cutting. I'm not sure if anyone else notices it but it doesn't really matter to be honest. She clearly hasn't got over the fact that I worked at a bar and she doesn't look very happy with me right now.

"So, Christopher, are your family originally from New York?"

"Well, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, but my parents are originally from Italy. They moved to New York shortly after they were married."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"An older sister, an older brother and a younger brother, ma'am."

"And they all live in New York?"

"Yes ma'am."

My mom throws a dig at me by commenting, "I have to say, I am impressed at your manners. All the yankees that I've met have had no manners at all. Your momma must have raised you right."

"I'd like to think so. She's a good women. You raised a lovely daughter yourself, Mrs Voight."

I snap my gaze to Chris. He needs to abort right now. He probably thinks he's helping, but this is only going to make the situation worse.

I quietly warn, "Chris..."

My mom clears her throat, "We tried our best. Unfortunately, I don't think that was enough."

Chris seems stunned for a few seconds and the rest of the table is silent. I stare at my plate willing the tears to hold off and the ground to open up and swallow me. I didn't think she'd do anything like this in front of him, but I guess my dad and I were wrong.

I stop listening to whatever happens next, but I obviously choose the wrong moment to tune back in because the next thing I hear is my mom asking, "Are y'all sleeping together?"

Chris almost chokes and I look up at my mom, trying to keep calm. I guess working at the club has taught me not to panic in awkward situations.

I'm the first to answer, "No ma'am."

Technically, my answer is the truth. We aren't... anymore. Right now I'm actually glad Chris and I had that talk this morning.

Eventually Chris manages to form a sentence, "We're just friends, Mrs. Voight."

"Maybe you can have a word with Alexis and see when she's planning on settling down? She really needs some stability and grounding in her life."

While my mom's words sound like she's worried about me and concerned about my life, I know that's not the case. She's trying to get subtle digs in. Chris seems to notice this too. He takes a moment and I can see him clench his fist, so I subtly put my hand on his thigh under the table.

I whisper, "It's ok, Chris. Just let it go."

He hisses, "Let it go? Are you for real?"

I turn to him and I can see that the look on his face betrays his real feelings. While his exterior is relatively calm, I can see the anger in his eyes. Trust me, now is not the time for angry Chris to appear. My mom would just love that and my dad wouldn't like him very much after that.

I quietly plead, "Please. Just ignore it. It's fine. Don't cause a scene."

He's not so quiet when he speaks next, "You're ok with this Lex? All of you are ok with this? This degrading and awful atmosphere?"

No one speaks; not even my mom. I'm shocked that she hasn't chewed him out for being disrespectful or whatever.

He lets out an angry sigh, "I'm sorry, but I can't just ignore this... Mrs. Voight, I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but your daughter is a good girl. She's strong, hard working and beautiful. She may not be perfect, but she's your daughter and I don't understand why you can't accept her..."

My mom takes a breath and I know this isn't going to be good at all.

I stare at my plate again and wait to hear her words, because that's the only thing I can do right now. Whatever else I do will only make the situation worse, so I just have to sit silently and take it.

"I thought your mom might have raised you to respect your elders a little more, son. I can see why you and Alexis get on so well. I'm sure she's told you many awful things about me, but I think you need to know both sides of the story before you can judge. You have no idea what the history or situation is, so you can't add your two cents. You probably don't even know what my daughter is really like, so you really shouldn't be commenting. If you knew the truth then I'm sure everything would change..."

My dad tries to help, "Enough Elizabeth! This isn't really necessary, is it? I think he might know Lexi better than us, seein' as he's spent the last few years with her. I think you're blowin' things way out of proportion, don't you?"

My mom is angry, "You think so, James? You have no idea what's being said in town. The way that men are talking about our daughter. The fact that she's trying to steal women's husbands..."

Chris and Nate both speak at the same time.

Chris hisses, "Are you for real?"

While Nate calmly states, "Lexi wouldn't do that."

I ignore both of them and look up at my mom in shock.

"Mom? You really believe I'd do somethin' like that?"

She scoffs, "Well, you haven't exactly been painting a great picture of yourself, have you? Working at a bar, covered in tattoos, out drinking til all hours. Whatever's next? Pretty soon you'll be telling us you're pregnant and you don't know who the father is... Why should I believe you wouldn't do something like that? It seems to fit in with the rest of your life..."

"Wow, ok. At least I know how you really feel. There's no point me even tellin' you it's not true, coz I know you won't believe me. I'm sorry dad, but I ain't stayin' here..."

I leave the house before anyone can do or say anything else. I thought maybe I was overreacting and blowing the whole thing with my mom out of proportion. I guess not. Who would have thought there would be a day when I'd take Nate's company over my mother's? I certainly never dreamed that would happen.

I jump in my truck and zoom down the driveway. I don't even wait for Chris to come with me. I don't want to be around anyone right now. I'm sure he'll find a way back to the motel.

Under normal circumstances, I would go to the lake but I don't want to be within twenty miles of my mom or this town. I keep driving, not really thinking about where I'm going. When I hit the city, I realize I've driven all the way to Nashville. I don't even remember the journey. I find somewhere to park my truck and just sit with my head on the steering wheel for a few minutes. I don't even have any thoughts running through my mind. It's like there's a black hole of numbness inside of my brain right now.

I don't know how long I sit there in silence, but the ringtone of my cell snaps me out of my revere. I glance at the screen and see Caleb's name flashing. I can't speak to him right now. A small part of me is angry at him for not sticking up for me. I know mom would make his life difficult and the rational side of me knows it's better for her to be mad at just me instead of both of us. She's going to be angry with me anyway, so why make his life a misery too. But he's my brother and he's supposed to defend me, right?

I might be a lot of things, but I would never actively pursue someone's husband. Sure, a lot of the men in the club were probably married, but I didn't go out looking for them. I also didn't try to steal them away from their wives; they came looking for me or any other random girl in the club and then they went back to their lives. The fact that Caleb didn't defend me makes me wonder if he believes that too.

My cell rings again and this time it's Nate's name on the screen. I let that ring through to the answer service.

I search through my truck to see if my purse is with me. As luck would have it, I left it back at the ranch. I must have taken it with me when we went into the barn. I rummage through the vehicle to see what money I can rustle up. I find about $60 and some change. Thankfully, I have my ID on me. At least something is working in my favor.

I'm just about to exit the truck when Chris calls me.

I debate whether or not I should answer it, but I decide I owe him for bailing on him and for him standing up to my mom.

I pick up, "I'm sorry I left you there."

"Lex, where are you?"

"I have to clear my head."

"Can you at least tell me you're safe?"

"I'm fine, Chris. I'll be back later. Caleb will drop you at the motel if you ask him."

I don't give him a chance to speak again, because I hang up. I find the nearest bar and proceed to drown my thoughts and feelings. When all else fails, drink until you either don't feel it or don't remember it.

I hardly spend any of my money before the bets and the dances start. I leave bars when I think I've worked the crowd too much. I dance and drink like they're both going out of fashion. I dance on dance floors and when the alcohol starts to take control, I dance on top of bars and tables. I actually have a great time. I'm not thinking about the awful lunch we had or the words my mom spoke. I don't have a care in the world right now and that's exactly the way I want it.

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