I Met Him Online. . .

By ForeverAndADayy

49.3K 691 216

My mom always told me to stay out of online chat rooms. But like every other teenager I did it anyway. His us... More

I Met Him Online. . .
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

3.3K 116 100
By ForeverAndADayy

Kalice's POV

"Hmm. Let's see. He's cute, but I'm not sure if he's gay."

"Kalice we're across the street from a mid-day gay and lesbian cocktail mixer. & he's wearing a tutu. I'm pretty sure he's gay. And I already told you I'm not doing this!"

"That doesn't mean that he's gay, he could just dress differently, and anyway you lost buddy! And this was the deal. So shut up and let me pick a guy."

"But I already told you that I let you win!"

"Wait. You let me win so you COULD hit on a gay guy? Is that what you're trying to say?" I said raising my eyebrow

" NO! I just didn't wanna' see you go skinny dipping! That's all."

"Which brings me back to questioning your sexuality! You let me win, leading me to believe you actually wanted to hit on a gay guy. And now you're saying you let me win because you didn't wanna' see me go skinny dipping? What kind of straight guy doesn't wanna see a girl with my body go skinny dipping?! Is there something you wanna' tell me Jason?" I said teasingly

He glared at me "just shut up. I'm not hitting on a gay guy."

I laughed "you're right. I'm not gonna' make you hit on a gay guy."

"You're not?" he said raising one eyebrow

"Nope." I said pooping the 'p'

He let out a deep breath "good"

I smiled wickedly "I'm gonna' make you hit on a straight guy."

I wish I had a camera to take a picture of his face. It was priceless!

"Please don't ever make that face again in your life. It makes you look ugly!"

"Oh please. Nothing can make him look ugly." I heard a guy say as he was walking past and caught the end of our conversation. I couldn't help but laugh because Jason had the same look on his face again! Now I have to find the right guy for Jason to hit on and I think I know exactly where to look.

"Say thank you" I teased

"Uhhh. Thanks man." he called out as the guy continued walk. As I tried to hold back my laughter "You're enjoying this aren't you?" he said slightly annoyed

"Yup" I said popping the 'p' "Now come on." I said as I pulled his arm and dragged him to the car. He climbed in the passenger seat & I in the driver's seat. I started my baby up and in 20 minutes tops we were where I wanted us to be.

"What are we doing here Kalice?" he asked

"Wouldn't you like to know." I said smiling "Let's go in." I got out of the car excitedly and he was still sitting there. I started tapping my foot as I waited for him to come out. But the look on his face was so hesitant. I tapped on the glass "Today Miss Daisy." he looked at me with pleading eyes "Oh stop being a baby. A deal is a deal. It won't be that bad." he got out the car

"Look at where we are. Not that bad? I'm gonna' get my ass kicked if I flirt with anyone in there." he said.

I couldn't help but laugh because it's probably true.

"Don't worry" I said "if it gets that bad, I'll step in and explain the reason behind this. Kay? Kay! Let's go!" I headed towards the door but he didn't budge

"I really don't wanna' go in there Kalice." he said. I gave him a fake sympathetic look & pulled him by his arm and dragged him to the door.

"Would you like to do the honors?" I asked teasingly

"No. But allow me to do the honor of leaving." he said trying to walk away. I quickly pulled him back in towards me but a little too hard so now we were pressed against each other. I focused my eyes on his chest and the fitted black v-neck he had on that tauntingly showed every inch of his chiseled chest and then my eyes made their way up to his beautifully crafted face. It wasn't until I looked at his face that I realized he was staring at me. I tried to read his eyes and I couldn't. But I could tell he was blocking them so I couldn't tell what he was thinking. We just stayed there until he cleared his throat- interrupting my thoughts. He then leaned in slowly and just as his lips were about to touch mine I spoke.

"Umm." I said suddenly my lips felt dry "Open the door." I said and managed to form a wicked smile. He looked at me with eyes that read " I'll get you for that one" and I chuckled. He opened the door and the bouncer by the door said "Welcome to Indecent Exposure."


Aiden's POV

"Welcome to Indecent Exposure"

Fuck! Out of all the strip clubs she drives to. It had to be this one? Indecent Exposure happens to be "Uncle's" favorite place to be. It's like this creep's second home. He's here 5 out 7 days. I'm just hoping that today is one those days where he isn't here. But since it's Friday I can bet a million dollars that he's in here. In his favorite room-the private room. Room number 16. Fuck.

"Auditions are on Saturday nights sweet cheeks. You're too early. Come back tomorrow." the bouncer said. Before I could even respond to him Kalice did

"Excuse me?"

"Isn't that why you're here angel face?" he asked with a sick grin on his face.

"Now hold the fuck up." I said stepping in.

"No. Jason. I got this." she said placing her hand on my chest. She turned back to him.

"Hey! I'm just saying. With your body & that face you could make a lot of money here. And put these girls to shame. If you know how to work a pole. But you look like you're an expert in that area. You'd be a big hit with our regular in room 16." he said winking at her I started to ball up my fists.

Just as I was about to punch him she raised her hand and slapped earth, wind, and fire out of him.

"Let me explain something to you. I'm aware of the fact that I'm beautiful okay? Very much aware. & I can make money without using my body or looks! I have respect. Not saying that people that strip don't have respect because I'm not God I can't judge you. But I respect myself to much to have someone like you speak to me that way! Do you think that's flattering? You must be on fuck**g dog food if you think it's okay to talk to females like that. Don't let that shit happen again. To me or any other female. Now I'm not the type to hold grudges so I'm gonna' pretend like you didn't say that. After you apologize of course." she said and after she spoke my heart felt something it's never felt. I've never seen a female stick up for herself like that. Usually she'd let the guy she's with stick up for her but no, not this one. She's independent.

" I apologize alright. Sometimes I get carried away." the bouncer said with sincerity. She nodded her head humbly and looked up at me

"What?" she asked

"What?" I repeated

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" I asked. Even though I know I was looking at her like she was an angel with grace only a God can bestow upon her.

"Never mind. Let's find you a new friend."

"Damn. I was really hoping you'd forget about that." I said laughing.

"Of course not!" she said smiling

"Good job." I said

She looked puzzled. "On?"

"What you just did. Its nice to see a female who doesn't depend on the male she's with. I want my lady to want me, not need me. But still know that I'm here for her." said

"Impressive." was all she said


"Now. Time to scout." she said smiling

"Oh boy. I'm going to escape to the restroom."

"Good idea. You might find potential candidates in there." she said grinning

"Haha very funny." I said walking away. Now I have to get to room 16, talk to Jason & leave before she comes to look for me & Jason sees her.

When I got to room 16 the door was closed. But that doesn't mean he's busy. He could just be waiting on his...um...order. Yeah, that's the word. Order! I knocked on the door hoping that there would be no answer.

"Come in." a familiar voice said Fuck!

I opened the door, walked in leaving the door open so people won't think things, and saw him sitting on the couch with hand cuffs in his hand and two sexes on the beach sitting on the table.

"Awww. Aiden. I know life is rough but is this what you're turning to? Room 16s? What'd you do? Request me?" he said winking.

I shuttered at the comment he made.

"I needed to speak with you." I said

"Well they invented this device called a phone. Try it out one day."


"So how's my girl doing?" he asked and instantly I balled up my fists how dare he call Kalice his girl?

He looked down at my hands and then back at me "in case you forgot Aiden, she is MY girl. Not yours. Don't forget that."

I couldn't respond. Technically she is his. But then again she's mine.

"you didn't answer the question."

"Thats what I want to talk to you about, she's umm.." I started

"Umm...." he said annoyed

"Not umm, who you expected though"

"Mhhmm. I'll be the judge of that. I hope you brought her with you."

"I didn't have to." I said rushed out of the room. Think, Aiden, think.

Then I saw Kalice by the men's restroom and ran to her.


"There you are."

"Yea. Go wait for me in the car okay?"


"Just go."

"Don't try to weasel your way out of this Jason."

"I'm not. I promise."

"Fine. Whatever. But only because you look like you've seen a ghost."

I waited till I saw her get in the car. And then looked for female to borrow.

"Excuse me miss? Do you want to make a quick 50 bucks?"

"I don't do private rooms. And definitely not that cheap."

"No. Let me explain. I need you to pretend to be a girl named Kalice-"

"Roleplaying is extra."

"Whatever. But I'm pretty sure you know Jason. From room 16. Right?"

"Yeah. He's loaded! Ive been trying to get with him for months."

"I thought you don't do private rooms."

"For him I would." she said licking her lips.

I shuttered at the thought

"Anyway, that's perfect. I need you to say that you created a fake username and persona so he would notice you & that you're really Kalice. Okay?"

"50 bucks right?"


She looked me up and down. And said

"Okay. Lead the way."

"I'm pretty sure you know where room 16 is." I said




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