The Other Salvatore

By miss_lavancha

1.6M 32.1K 12.7K

This is a story about the youngest Salvatore, Elizabeth. No one knows she's alive, not even Stefan and Damon... More

The Other Salvatore
A/N: New Cover!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - THE BALL! Part 1...
Chapter 21 - THE BALL! Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 1
Chapter 29 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 2
Chapter 30 - Season 4 Opener
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 1
Chapter 46 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 2 - THE END!!
A/N: Bullies
Hybrid in Debt
"Falling for the Original Gentleman"
Fanfiction Awards
Just In Case

Chapter 13

40.3K 873 111
By miss_lavancha

A/N: I decide it might be interesting to explore Klaus's side of that day, so this chapter will be relatively short, but will explain Klaus's version. Of course, Elizabeth doesn't know this – only Klaus does, and now, we the readers. Enjoy!

-Klaus's POV-

I was walking down the hall, when I heard voices from Kol's room. One was his and another was a females. I smirked, thinking he had picked up a snack. I crept closer, and suddenly recognized the voice – Elizabeth. I listened in.

“So what have you been up to since I've been in a coffin?” he asked. “I see you are no longer with my brother...” I heard Kol say, and I heard Elizabeth sigh. I hear the bed creak, and I knew she had sat on it, then another squeak, meaning Kol sat next to her.

“It is a very long story, and one I don't like thinking of...” Elizabeth stated.

“Well, we've got time, and you've got me.” Kol responded. She then sighed and recounted her version of the day I daggered Kol, and she left. I thought back to my memory of that day.

*Flashback 1910*

Kol.” I muttered angrily. I had just read about a massive massacre in town, and knew he was the one behind it. He had even killed some of my witches, some of Elizabeth's friends. He was a monster, and had to be stopped. I went looking for him, and found him in the ballroom. In my pocket was the dagger with white oak ash.

Kol. You are becoming a nuisance.” I growled. He turned and smirked at me.

What now, brother?” he asked cheekily. I showed him the paper, and his grin widened.

Ah, yes. Such fun, and very appetizing.” he remarked.

The only problem, is this is the 5th this month, and the 2nd this week. You are becoming conspicuous, and you killed some of my witches, and some of Lizzie's friends. For all of this, you must pay.” I said, pulling out the dagger. His smirk dropped, and he grew nervous.

And what of Lizzie?” Kol asked. I knew he had a point – this would hurt her, but I couldn't let him see it affected me.

She was merely a distraction, for myself and for you. We've all had our fun, but you've gone too far. You must be punished.” I replied. He smirked.

She was more than a distraction.” he said. “For both of us. She's my best friend. And you are in love with her.” He made another valid point, but I had gone too far, and needed to end this quickly, before Elizabeth came back. So I said something I didn't mean, to get him to shut up.

Ha! Love is a vampire's greatest weakness, Kol. I have explained this to you before, but you don't seem to understand.” I said. His smirk dropped, and fear shone in his eyes. I rushed forward and plunged the dagger in his heart. I heard a gasp, and I turned to see Elizabeth standing with an open mouth and tears with her eyes. My heart broke when I say that expression on her face.

Lizzie...” I murmured.

Don't.” she said, and ran to Kol. She went to pull the dagger out. I couldn't let that happen – Kol needed to learn his lesson. So I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder, and walked out of the room, leaving Kol lay there.

NO! You monster! Put me down.” Elizabeth shouted, beating my back with her fists and kicking her legs. I tried to ignored her, and turned to one of my servants.

Please go and put my brother in his coffin.” I said, and the servant nodded, and hurried away.

I continued walking until we were in the parlor. There I set her down, but kept a hold of her arms to keep her from running.

Lizzie. He had to be punished.” I whispered. I was going to explain what had happened, but she got one arm free and slapped me hard across the face.

He doesn't deserve that. But you do. I heard what you said about me to him. You are disgusting, and I never want to see your face again. I can't believe I ever loved you.” she hissed, then ran out of the room, crying. My heart broke even more as she ran from me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

When I got my wits about me, I raced towards her room. Most of her clothes were still there, but I noticed her picture of her and her brothers were gone, along with her other necessities. She was gone. She left without saying goodbye, or allowing me to explain. My heart tore in two, and my anger doubled. I started throwing things, and screaming. When Rebekah made it to the room, it was completely destroyed.

What in the bloody hell is going on?” she asked, taking in the room.

Lizzie is gone.” I whispered, my anger and energy disappearing. I sat on the floor as the tears stared coming.

What?” Rebekah murmured, shocked. I could hear the tears in her voice – her and Lizzie had grown quite close.

I heard her leave, and I decided that I was done putting my heart out there for people to crush. So I wiped away my tears, and locked up my heart and threw away the key. From now on, I would be only the big bad hybrid. No more emotions or guilt. I was too strong. What I had always said was true – love was a vampires greatest weakness. And I was not weak, nor would I ever be again. Those days were done.

*Flashback ended*

I heard Elizabeth sobbing, and Kol comforting her. I could feel a few tears on my cheek, but I quickly wiped them away. I was the big bad hybrid. No tears for me – no emotions. It worked best for me, and kept me from getting hurt more. But as I walked away, hearing my dear Lizzie sob, I felt the lock and chains on my heart slowing starting to loosen.

A/N: So, now we know both sides of the story. What do you think? Does Klaus still love Elizabeth? Does she still love him? The ball will be coming up soon. Please let me know what you think, and any recommendations you might have.

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