My Brother's Best Friend

By MyLifeIsWriting_

3.1K 95 3

Mason is Alex's twin brother, he has a best friend named Tyler, what happens when Alex and Tyler meet? Will t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 38

56 1 0
By MyLifeIsWriting_

Alex's POV

I wake up and rub my eyes looking around. I see that I'm upstairs in the cabin on the air mattress. I look next to me and see Tyler still sleeping next to me.

What is up with Tyler and I always falling asleep next to each other?

Basically we were all hanging upstairs talking and having fun talking and playing truth or dare. Tyler and I were sitting on the air mattress. I look around and everyone else was either on a couch, mattress, or floor. I see that Skylar is missing so I quietly get up and walk downstairs.

I see Sky sitting on a bar stool sipping coffee.

"Hey." I mumble still tired.

"Hey, what are you doing up? It's so early." She responds.

"I guess I'm just not that tired anymore." I shrug.

"Wanna wake the others?" She asks.

I eagerly nod. She laughs a little and then we run upstairs.

I first of course wake up Tyler. I jump on the bed until he groans and rolls over to look at me.

"What are you doing?" He asks in his amazing raspy morning voice.

"I'm waking you up." I respond innocently.

He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him and sits me on his stomach.

"And why would you do that?" He asks.

"Because you looked peaceful and Im bored." I shrug.

"So you had to wake me up?" He asks.

"Yeah, aren't I heavy?" I ask confused.

How is he still breathing with me on his stomach?

"No baby, you're not heavy." He says and I look at him confused.

"Baby?" I question.

"I - uh- I meant -" He stutters and I giggle.

"So last time we were here, you fucked a hoe. Are we going to repeat the past?" I question.

"Oh so we are calling her a hoe?" Tyler questions.

"Well no duh. She is one." I say in a duh tone.

"Okay to answer your question. No I'm not going to repeat my past. I like you a lot, and I'm not going to mess it up again." He sighs and I nod.

"Okay Mr. Player." I say and smirk.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that." He smirks.

I squeal and quickly get up and run.

When I get downstairs and see everyone is already awake and downstairs. I look at all of them confused, until someone finally noticed and answered.

"You and Tyler were having a moment so we all quietly went downstairs." Kyle said.

"Oh." I say and they all nod.

I hear foot steps coming down the stairs and see a shirtless Tyler.

"Morning." He says to everyone, still in his morning voice.

"Good morning." Jordyn whistles and smirks.

Mason looks at her with an evil glare. She looks at him and giggles.

"You should only be whistling at me." He says and I look at them confused.

"Are you two a thing?" I ask.

"No." Jordyn says.

"I wish." Mason says at the same time.

"You two would make a good couple." Skylar says.

Jordyn turns a deep color of red. Mason then follows Jordyn's actions and turns red.

"Awww my wittle baby budder is blushing." I coo.

Mason then turns a darker shade of red.

"Shut up." He mumbles and I laugh.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Sky asks.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"We could go around town or to the lake." Tyler adds.

"Lake?" I question.

"That sounds good to me." Justen says.

"Same." Kyle says.

"I'm down." Brandon agrees.

Mason and Jordyn just nod.

"Okay to the lake it is." Skylar says.

I run upstairs and grab one of my bathing suits.

I was about to stand up when a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"I think you should wear the bikini instead." Tyler whispers in my ear.

A shiver went down my back as I nod.

Tyler let's go of me and grabs his shorts and then runs downstairs.

I stand there in shock for a little while and then grab the bikini. I quickly change and then put a cover-up on.

I run downstairs and wait for everyone else.

"I see you went with my idea." Tyler says from behind me.

I nod and turn around to look at him. He comes around the couch so he isn't behind me anymore and sits next to me.

"Why are you wearing a cover-up?" He asks confused.

"Because I don't really like bikinis." I shrug.

"I bet you look perfect." He says and I shake my head.

I lay my head on his lap, starting to get tired. He runs his hands through my hair a few times until I hear Masons voice.

"Love birds, get a room!" He yells and rolls his eyes.

I blush and sit up.

"Really Mase?" I ask very frustrated.

"What it's the truth, he likes you, and you like him. Simple." He states and shrugs.

"Yeah as simple as, you like Jordyn and Jordyn likes you." I say.

"Not the same." He says.

"How is that?" I ask.

"It just isn't." He shrugs.

"Yeah sure." I say and shake my head.

He rolls his eyes and walks away.

"Now let's go people." Mason yells so the whole cabin can hear.

Everyone comes in the living room and Tyler picks me up.

I squeal.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask.

"Giving you a piggy back ride." He says and swings me over so I'm on his back.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I feel like it." He says.

I roll my eyes and let him give me a piggyback ride. We run to the lake that's conveniently behind the cabin.

I sit on the lawn chair with Skylar and Jordyn beside me on their own lawn chairs, while the boys act like maniacs jumping in the lake.

I watch the boys throw each other in the lake until something blocks my view. I look up and see Tyler.

"Are you ever going to get in?" He asks.

"No." I shrug.

"Well I'm gonna change that." He smirks.

"H-" Before I can finish my question I was being picked up.

"N-No put me down please." I stutter as I come to realization of what was about to happen, I then start crying.

Tyler freezes and put me down.

"Baby why are you crying?" He asks and wipes the tears from my eyes.

"She's afraid of drowning." Jordyn and Mason say at the same time.

They look at each other in shock.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asks confused and looks at them.

"She will go in the water by herself but it takes time, she has a fear of drowning, it's her worst fear." Jordyn says and shrugs.

"Why does she have this fear?" Tyler asks.

"That's not my place to tell you, you would have to ask her." She says.

Tyler looks at Mase and he nods. I feel eyes on me. I look up and see Tyler staring at me.




The expressions on his face and eyes were worry, regret, and he was hurt.

He cupped my face with his hands to make me look up at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know please don't cry." He says, cupping my face.

I nod my head not being able to speak.

"Can you please speak to me?" He asks.

"Y-yeah." I stutter.

"It's okay, alright? I won't throw you in." He says.

I nod my head again. I don't want to speak.

"Do you need anything?" He asks, still worried.

"Can I go and get water?" I ask, my throat was dry from yelling and crying.

"Yeah sure baby, anything you need." He says and holds out his hand to help me up.

I take his hand, sparks were flying everywhere and I start blushing. I quickly hide it and we start walking back to the cabin.

I look down at my hand and realize we were still holding hands. I blush and look down at the ground. Tyler must've seemed to notice because he immediately let go.

"I - um - sorry." He stutters and turns a deep red. I nod, a little sad that he let go.

I miss the warmth on my cold hand. We walk back to the cabin in silence. Not an awkward silence, A comfortable one.

We reach the front door and Tyler opens it and let's me go in front of him. I go to the kitchen and grab a water. I chug it down and I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"I'm sorry." Tyler says and rests his chin on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around me.

"I forgive you bab- Tyler." I say and smile.

"Were you just about to say baby?" He asks.

I blush and shake my head.

"Uh- n-no?" I say.

"Was that an answer or a question." He asks and smirks.

"Both." I shrug.

"Okay." He says still smirking.

"Just shut up." I say playfully. 

"Make me." He says, still smirking.

"You're a disgusting human being." I smile and shake my head.

"You still love me though." Tyler smiles.

"I cannot deny that." I say trying not to smile.

"So you admit it, you like me!" Tyler's eyes lit up.

"I don't know, can I trust you?" I ask.

"Yeah, you can." He says.

"Then maybe I do." I say.

"Wait really?" He asks.

I nod.

Tyler let's out a sigh of relief and then comes up to me and hugs me.

"I really like you." He says.

"I like you too." I mumble into his chest.

He has his arms wrapped around me and his chin is rested on my head.

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