Oh Alpha,

By Shari_poo

252K 8.8K 1.4K

Samaiya was a human caught up in the werewolf world. Being the best friend of Alpha Jake, life couldn't be be... More

Fifteen years ago
Alpha things
Meet Mr. Growlie
Chocolate pudding.
Oh wolf.
Damn girl.
Wolves, Wizard and Women.
You Jackass
Sun, Sand and Salt
Oh Shit.
Damn Sam
No Big Deal
Funny Business
Suicide Rogue
Princess Protection Program.
Another One
Oh Sweetheart

Let's Get Real

9.8K 387 35
By Shari_poo

I want to apologise to you guys for taking so long to update. Aside from the holidays I caught a virus and I'm now recovering.


"Yeah Pri." I answered as I opened the door for her. I haven't spoken to Priya since my big reveal. I've known Priya a long time so I don't think she would harbour any I'll feelings towards me for not telling her but I still felt bad that I hide from her.

"So Miss wolf whisperer what's popping?"

"Absolutely nothing miss rider" I winked her way.

"You're joking right." Priya deadpanned ignoring my nickname for her. I shook my head signalling no.

"Hold up. You mean after all that glowy eyes every rogue dead shit Xavier still doesn't think you're good enough for him? Not that anybody cares what he thinks but still." She stood up and stomped her foot like she was personally offended.

"Yup. He said it doesn't change anything between us."

"I'm trying to think of a word to call him but nothing offensive enough comes to mind." I couldn't help but laugh. I'm really lucky to have her. Images of the rogue attacking and killing her flooded my mind. I grew somber as I shuddered at the thought.

"I don't know what I would do without you Pri. I can't loose you." I told her getting very honest with her.

"I feel the same way Sam even if I can't kill a million rogues all at the same time without even raising a finger. I would still do anything I can to protect you." She hugged me and I'm sure I heard her sniffle.

"So you're not mad I didn't tell you about my abilities?"

"I was at first but then you explained things and I understood why it was important not to let anyone know."

"God I love you bitch." I leaned forward and hugged her again.

"Gah I love you too b but you're getting like Danny Tanner. What's with all the hugging? Uchhh." She wiggled in my arms trying to break out of my embrace. I hugged her tighter and laughed even harder when she started cussing me. I decided to let go when she threaten to kill me in my sleep. We were both out of breath when a knock sounded on my door. Priya looked at me and I mouthed the word "xavier" to her. She instantly stood up and gave me a look that said follow my lead.

She opened the door then turned to me and said "So don't forget tonight 10pm we're going clubbing. Dress code: slutty" She winked at me and left. I just shook my head. I wondered if she knows Maxim wouldn't let her go anywhere looking "slutty". I turned to invite Xavier in but he was already out on the balcony. Well alright then.

"We need to talk." Xavier said as I approached him. His voice sounded tired and hoarse. His face had a five o'clock shadow and under his eyes were sunken in and dark. Good God.

"Alright let's talk."

"You need to know why I thought you were an unacceptable mate."

"Thought? Were?" 

"Let me finish Samaiya." Xavier scolded. I nodded and shushed.

"As you probably already know I am one of the strongest and most fared Alphas out here." He paused and looked at me. I nodded again and he continued.

"You don't get to be this powerful and fared just so Samaiya. I've had to do many ruthless things. I've shed a lot of blood. I've destroyed many families. I've lost so many warriors of my own. Just to be this fared and powerful."

"I know that Xavi. But that's the way things work in the werewolf world. You just took it a little bit further than anybody else." I attempted to console him. He was making himself out to be a monster. I mean he isn't a care bear but he's not as bad as he's making himself out to be.

"It is. But what are the consequences? All those things I did breeds enemies Samaiya. Yes I'm fared by most but I'm also hunted by many. Families coming back for revenge. Alphas coming back for revenge!" Xavier shouted. He was full on ranting. I understood what he's saying but I could handle myself. I was about to tell him just that but he cut me off.

"And do you know the messed up thing about having enemies Samaiya?"

"No" my voice was barely a whisper but I know he heard me.

"They never come back for me. They come for the people that mean the most to me. The people I love."

I didn't know how to respond to that. I dont think I'm one of those people to Xavier but you can never tell with Xavier. What was he getting at?

"Samaiya you know how sacred mates are to each other. To be honest I didn't think I was destined to find you. I thought I didn't deserve a mate for all the lives I took."

Man he was getting real. Who is this man infront of me? What can he have possible done to think he doesn't deserve a mate? And who the hell does he think he is to decide whether he gets one or not.

"And then I met you and you were human. Being mated to Xavier Nightingale alone makes you a target. But then you turned out to be human and that makes you an even easier target. I thought you won't be able to atleast defend yourself and I would have to be with you at all times or have guards or maybe make a whole protection unit for you--"

"Xavi I could handle myself." I cut him before he went into full panic mode. I'm touched that he actually thought about all these things. For once Xavier was putting everything out there and not fronting.

"I know that now. But that just complicates things some more."
I just stared at him waiting for him to continue because I was not following.
He sighed and explained

"If my enemies come for you and you kill them, word is going to spread and then everybody and I mean every lycan on the face of the earth will come for you once they find out what you can do."

"Oh." Was all that came out. I never thought about it like that. I just assumed I'll kill anybody that came for me but I can't kill the entire werewolf population. Can I? Now I'm confused.

"So what do we do now?" I asked Xavier who was bent over the balcony looking at the sunset. He sighed and passed his hand through his hair.

"Well I came here to explain and apologise for myself and my past behaviours. As for what to do I have no idea Sam."

It was my turn to sigh. Why couldn't my love life be normal? Hell why couldn't my life on the whole be normal. All this drama. I could write a book. With or without Xavier I'll still be in danger of those who want to abuse my abilities. I just can't win.

"I guess we go back to normal, you know, you with Maddison and me here with Jake and Jason." I suggested. Xavier eyed me like he was thinking hard about something before he said
"Can you live without me?"

Well then. I mean I could it's not like he's oxygen. But now that I've met him and felt him hell I even slept with him. No one will be able to measure up to the sparks and exhilarating feeling of just being near one another.

"Can you live without me?"

"I asked first." Xavier smiled at me and it felt good to see him smile. It made me smile too. He wasn't going to give up I could see the determination in his eyes. I exhaled and responded.

"No, I cant."

Xavier's smile visibly widen. He cleared his throat and a smirk replaced his smile. This wolf. I shook myself at his open expressions. I think he smoked something before coming here.

"So what do we do now smiley?" I asked Xavier. He chuckled at my nickname before getting serious and answering.

"Do you think of me any differently now? Knowing the things I've done and are capable of doing?"

Differently? I thought to myself. I knew he was ruthless from the start. What I didn't know was that he'd turn out to be my mate.

"Nope. Even after all the things you said to me. Even after Maddison I don't think you're a bad man." I answered truthfully. Xavier stalked up to me and raised my chin with his fingers. Looking me directly in my eyes Xavier confessed

"Maddison is nothing to me. She has never been anything to me. And will never be anything to me. Before I came here to find you my parents selected her as a back up plan in case I didn't find you or you turned out to be unsuitable. She's nothing anymore. Not even an option. Because you and I are going to make this work. If I have to kill the entire wolf population for this to work I will."

By the time he was finished we were both breathing hard. He wants this to work. I know I should be relieved about the Maddison situation and I was but the fact that he actually wants to make this work seemed a little more inportant.

"So we're like dating now?" I questioned just to be sure. I'm pretty sure I sounded like a love sick teenager but hey maybe I am one.

"Dating? Hmm. Something along those lines. We'll take it slow." Xavier answered. We both nodded as we processed what we just agreed too. Xavier and I were dating. Mates, dating. Well yes.

"Alright. Slow." I whispered mostly to myself but Xavier nodded too. Xavier looked like he was about to say something when Jake's voice entered my mind.

"I need you in the office and if you see Xavier bring him too."

"Okay." I replied to Jake.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said Xavi but we need to go. Jake's calling us to his office."

"Then let's go." Xavier said as he offered me his hand. I just stood there looking at it. We're walking into the office hand in hand? Oh my. Xavier gave out an exasperated sigh and grabbed my hand and led us out my door to the office.

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