Glass Hearts ~ BTS A.F ~ Clos...

By ThamixRawina

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A heart as fragile as glass yet so strong as stone.... What if the fate of your world resides in the 7 hands... More

☆~ Slots ~☆
❦ Love interests ❦
★ Form ★
Form Amount
¤ 6th Sister ¤
☽ 7th Sister ☾
♒ 1st Sister ♒
❂ 2nd Sister ❂
☁ 3rd Sister ☁
⌘ 4th Sister ⌘
✵ 5th Sister ✵
Demon prince
Fairy Instructor
Court ladies
Chapter Zero: A new world...
Chapter one: Fateful meeting (part 1)
Chapter One: Fateful meeting (Final)
Chapter 2: Earth
Chapter 3: To a new world... (Part 1)
Announcement (Hackers!)
Chapter 3: To a new world (Part 2)
Chapter 3: To a new world (Final part)
Chapter 4: Strange neighbours
Chapter 5: The wind has changed
Chapter 6: Nyctophilia
Chapter 7: Tell me where it leads
Chapter 8: Fate unfolds
Chapter 9: Just another normal day
Chapter 10: Burning down the veil
Chapter 11: Moon Drops
Chapter 12: Turbulence
Chapter 14: One less lonely night

Chapter 13: The city of water

87 9 249
By ThamixRawina

"Ugh,..." A groan pierced the dead silence that had followed the explosive sounds around them as they had gone trough the portal.

"W-where are we?" Hwangi groaned as she slowly came back to concious.

They were surrounded by unique buildings and the sound off water slowly moving by the wind. A slow breeze was blowing and a buzzeling noise surrounded them some what muted.

"I don't think this is Divus." Yeolgi dryly commented  hoisting herself in to a sitting position and looking around "Rather it looks like someones garden.". 

"What even.." Jungkook mumbled as he sat up too and started taking in his surroundings. The fourteen off them were scatterd around the garden withing reach off each other and slowly all off them were gaining their conciousness again.

"Namjoon what cordinations did you use again?" Jin asked as he appeared from inbetween two bushes and dusting off his clothes.

"Oh my everyone is awake." a amused voice from behind them said as it met them all jump around quickly.

"Who are you?!" Yoongi asked in a low voice as he eyed the man with a skeptical look. 

"The owner off this garden." the man chuckled totally not surprised by the situation "Wich you all decided to jump in to.". 

Suddenly a gasp could be heard from behind him and someone ran straight past him in to the arms off the stranger.

"Alessandro!" Ran said as she took the man in to a tight embrace wich he returned.

"Come again?!" Hoseok asked as his jaw dropped in surprise.

"Ran who is this man?" Mirae the first one to overcome this shock asked as she took a step closer.

"This here is one off my former friends from my gang." Ran said letting go off the man and facing them "Alessandro meet Mirae, my eldest sister.". 

"Ah, the one you've told me a lot about." Alessandro grinned as he bowed at her. Something in his gestures and gracious ways off moving, reminded them off a cat.

"Wait guys!" Chaerin grabbed all off their attentions as she looked around alarmed "Where's Solhee?".

"She's inside." Alessandro answerd "She was the first one I saw as you guys appeared and we can't let a wounded lady lay outside can we? I carried her inside first and called one off my healers before I came back outside to help you guys but at that time you were awake already.".

"Ran why does he know so much for a human?"  Taehyung asked not liking him in the least.

"That is sweetie because I am not human and second I've lived 400 years longer than all off you here." Alessandro informed him sassyly.

"How about we go inside and discuss things further?" Namjoon asked as he pulled his leg out off a plant plot "I think that is a lot appropriater than lying around in someone elses plants and pots.".

"A wise one indeed." Alessandro nodded his head as if he was aprooving off Namjoon "Please come inside before you can torture my beloved gardenia's anymore.". 

Still a bit dazed everyone followed him inside as he led them to the livingroom...


"Please take a seat." Alessandro gestured for them to sit down in his cozy looking livingroom.

"Woah." Jimin gasped looking around "It's amazing.".

"It's just a livingroom darling." Alessandro chuckled but he could not hide a pleased smile.

"Woah who's this?" Hoseok asked pointing at the giantic portret off on the wall.

"She's so pretty." Chaerin gasped a the lion-human portrayed gracefully in a forest surrounded by butterflies.

"That is infact a portrait off myself and as you know I'm a he." Alessandro chuckled before he snapped his finger and a couple off footsteps could be heard.

"Ehhhh?!!!" Sol said looking at the portrait and back at him.

"Seems like you still have that anoying habbit of snapping your fingers when you need something." Ran said as she shook her head "Also he's in his human form, of course you won't notice it's him on the portrait.".

"That's because if I hang it up like this, obviously no ones going to guess it's me." Alessandro said as he examined his nails "Humans are quite the pafetic beigns when it comes to believes.".

"Tell me something new." Yeolgi mumbled as the door was opened and a lady in her begin thirthies walked in "What can I do for you Alessandro?".

"Maybe greet your old friend first." Alessandro said as he gestured at the group.

"What do you mean?" the lady asked confused before she turned her face and saw the group. 

Her eyes widened in surprise and just when everyone thought she would jump towards Ran, she took two big strides towards Mirae and engulfed her a tight hug.

"Agatha, how?!" Mirae said shocked.

"Well a certain girl told me to elope with a certain lion if I wanted to save my life." Agatha winked at Ran who acted indifferent about the whole situation.

"Ran did you?" Mirae looked at her sister with disbelieve.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your touching moment.." Sol spoke up as she fiddled with her hands "But can someone please explain me what the frick frack is going on? A lion? Teleporting? Rans gang? We're getting attacked?! Seolhee is wounded?! Ran can shoot beams from her freaking hand palm?!" her tone rose a bit more with everyword she said and Chaerin who was sitting next to her whinced slightly.

"Oh my she doesn't know?" Alessandro looked up surprised and eyed Sol with a look as if she was new toy he could play with  "My oh my, that is quite interesting.". 

Jimin who noticed his gaze lifted his shoulders slightly becoming warry off the mans amusement and Sol cowerd a bit at that remark.

"Alessandro." Rans voice became sharp "That's enough.". 

She didn't even need to raise her voice or the male purred and eased up "How about Agatha and I go prepare drinks? You guys can catch Solhyun here up with le dragonmyare history.".

Agathe let go off Mirae and gave her a reassuring nod as if she wanted to say "Everything will be allrigth.".

"Before that bring me to Solhee." Ran said as she looked at Alessandro with a bit off a glare.

"Allright, allright! Gosh ease up a bit." Allesandro said as he pinched Rans cheek making everyone else in the room freeze, afraid she might knock the man out "I know you would skin me alive if I touched any off your sisters, so relax. Also I don't want to touch kids who could've been my great-, great-grandchildren.". 

"I've only been in your precense for an hour and I'm already tired."  Ran sighed as she followed Alessandro out off the room.

"Mirae don't you need to check up on Solhee?" Hoseok asked worried.

"No if she's in Agatha's hand I know she'll be fine." Mirae shook her head with a reassuring smile "Agatha is a healer, specialising in black magic.".

"Where did you guys even find all these people?" Namjoon mumbled flabbergasted by their connections. 

"I think Ran's purely going because she feels guilty." Yeolgi spoke up for the first time in a while "Guilty that Solhee got hurt because off her.".

"She should feel guilty." Sol made a harsh remark suprising everyone "Isn't it because off her that Solhee is right now at the brink off death.". 

"Sol please don't talk so rashly."  Mirae said in a soft voice.

"What else can I do if no one tells me anything?" Sol huffed avoiding everyones gaze "Just because Chaerin and Gi are staying silent doesn't mean I will.".

Mirae and Yeolgi looked at each other before sighing. Mirae walked towards Sol and squated down infront off her "Sol look at me.". 

Reluctantly Sol looked down at Mirae and she was overwhelmed by the sadness pooling in the eldest eyes "It's time to wake up sweety." Mirae said as she pressed her index fingers against Sols forehead and started drawing a sign.

Sols eyes widened as slowly voices started clouding her head and a light started entering her vision, the last thing she heard before she blanked out was "I'm sorry.". 

Even though Sol herself could not see it right before she blanked out a blue glowing seal appeared on her forehead. The seal concsisted off half moon shaped signs blending together with bigger circles and runes forming one whole seal.

"Woah!" Jimin could catch Sol just before she hit her head backwards on the window sill as her body went limp.

"Hwangi, Chaerin I know after withnessing this it won't be a nice idea, but I have to do this to you two too." Mirae said looking appolegetic at her two sisters.

"No need for that." Chaerin mumbled finally looking up and everyone noticed how her eyes were glowing in a golden colour "I think during that teleportation time my head must have been shaken quite well. The seal bursted by itself.".

"How are you feeling?" Yeolgi immediately scooted to her side and wrapped a arm around her.

"I feel like a trash truck just waltzed trough my head." Chaerin mumbled as she rested her head against Yeolgi.

"Mirae lets not postpone it longer then." Hwangi said as all off her sister had awoken "Open the seal.".

"She's the most sober one so far." Yoongi comented impressed.

"How did we mess up with the portal?" Namjoon questioned frustrated as he combed his fingers trough his hair "It has never happened before!".

"The portal got attacked." Ran said as she walked back in with a grim looking facs "Or a attack accidently landed on the portal, how ever you want to see it. The time-space control went overboard by the sudden rise in pressure leading it to explode and teleporting us to here. I could hear the explosion since I was in the trunk.".

Meanwhile Mirae had drawn the seal on to Hwangi's face and surprisingly the girl didn't knock out.

"But why here out off all places?" Jin questioned confused.

"My members used their last powers to direct us in a save direction." Ran anseerd remembering the warmth she had felt a short while before the explosion.

"Does that mean?" Jungkook asked rather bluntly before realising the depth off his words.

"That they are dead?" Ran finished for him "Dunno, could be or not.".

"Wow, I'm alive!" Hwangi said amazed as she touched her forehead in disbelieve.

"The energy off the youngest." Hoseok smiled at her tenderly.

"What a depri cloud is hanging in this room." Alessandro clicked his toungue as he walked in with a tray filled with biscuits "Non, non that can not happen with so much eye candy around me.".

"Alessandro..." Agatha sighed as she followed with a tray loaded with glasses with juice on it but he ignored her.

"Did he just call us eye candy?" Taehyung asked with big eyes.

"Were did you find this bunch off sour plums Ran?" Alessandro shook his head as if al was hopeles "Such fine specimen but such bad manners.".

Despite herself Yeolgi snorted slightly at that comment as no one else could make the boys so perplexed.

"Infact they found us." Ran said taking a sip from her juice "Litterly they were everywhere like stalkers.".

"Such a waste off art." Alessandro said as he gripped Jungkooks chin in between his fingers and moved it from left to right "The face off a art by picasso yet the personality off a trashcan.".

All the girls in the room except for Agatha and Sol tried to muffle their laughs and even Ran had to hide hers behind her glass.

He let go with a disgusted look and for a second it looked like his eyes flashed gold with his pupils beign vertical stripes.

"But we haven't even done or said anything yet!" Jin protested indignantly "How do you know we are trash?".

"When it comes to potentiel partners for my children, I will always know." Alessandro said it in a know it all voice.

"Who are potentiel partners?" Yeolgi asked deniying the reality off what she just heard "And your children?".

"Okay, enough, enough!" Agatha stepped in before it could turn akward "Alessandro you're not making things better.".

"Wow." Hwangi said all off a sudden as she gripped Mirae's arm and swayed forward "Is this supposed to be a effect off the seal?" She asked before her eyes turned silver and everyone around her blacked out....

20 minutes later~

"What the actual fuck just happened?" Yoongi groaned as he was the first one to wake up and clutched his head leaning back against his chair.

"Hwangi?!" The moment Ran opened her eyes she went towards her youngest sibling and softly touched her shoulder, ignoring the fact her head was about to explode.

"Holly shit." Jungkook mumbled clutching his head too.

"Well that woke me up." Sol chuckled as the vision had broken her shock from getting her seal opened.

"A-are you okay?" Jimin asked not fully stable himself yet.

"No, I'm trying my hardest not to have a mental breakdown right now." Sol said as a smile still stayed on her face but it looked somewhat forced.

"Is everyone allright?" Mirae asked as slowly everyone started regaining their concious again.

"hsssss!" Alessandro hissed in displease as he sat up on the ground and shook his head from side to side.

"Alessandro are you okay?" Agatha asked surprised as she sat up and rested her back against the wall. She wanted to walk towards him but her motions still felt like jelly.

"Opening your eyes to see everyone knocked out and on the ground isn't really a pleasurable sight." Namjoon started rubbing his temples trying to get a overvieuw off the situation.

"What just happened?" Taehyung took a deep breath trying to calm down his rapid heartbeat and thumping head.

"Gi, answer me." Ran lifted Hwangi's chin and looked how her pupils were dilated and her eyes were almost fully grey.

"Is she in trance?" Mirae shifted her focus to her youngest sibling.

"Give me a sec." Ran mumbled as she continued to hold Hwangi's gaze and suddenly Hwangi took a big gasp before almost tumbling forward out off the chair. Ran catched her and she softly patted her back.

"It's okay, you're allright." Ran kept on mumbling as she kept on patting Hwangi's back who was phanting slightly.

"This child is a gifted one." Agatha breathed out as she looked at Hwangi.

"Was all this her doing?" Jin asked perplexed as he pointed at Hwangi.

"Who were those people?" Hoseok asked with big confused eyes "They were narrating about Ruviel, that's your kingdom right?" he looked at the girls.

"I guess so." Sol shrugged completely lost.

"It was indeed our kingdom, but those people..." Mirae bit her lip as thet seemed familiar to her but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Your parents." Alessandro said without postponing the news longer "Those people were your parents.".

"Our dad was a dragon?" Chaerin said with disbelieve in her voice "Wow.".

"Then they are dead." Yeolgi stated with a flat voice.

"Right, it can't get any worser so might as well drop the bomb no?" Sol remarked sarcasticly "Not that this wasn't somehow expected.".

"Was it that much off a surprise..." Chaerin softly whisperd. Ever since they started living in the orphanage she had always assumed her parents were dead. She had already come to peace with the fact that they would never find them.

So hearing this news right now only gave her a numb feeling because her inner thoughts just got confirmed but nothing more or less. She didn't really feel as if something was missing.

The boys looked at each other feeling incredibly uncomfortable and somehow helpless too. Was it appropiate for them to stay in that room with the current mood? Yet neither off them dared standing up either.

"For the first time in my life I feel like a litteral dick." Jin thought just looking at his hands.

Surprisingly Mirae and Ran didn't speak up about it and Alessandro was the one to give them new hope.

"They aren't dead." He said as he scratched his head looking a bit lost "There are a lot off ways to live on even without your real body.".

"Soul extraction." Ran mumbled as Hwangi slowly regained herself and leaned back in her chair letting go off Ran.

"Exactly." Mirae nodded "We heard eternal rest, not death. Magic is a weird thing beautifull yet painfull and once expirienced you can't live without it.".

"Why do I get the feeling Alessandro knew your parents verry well." Namjoon spoke up, pointing it out cleverly "Or at least you guys.".

"Did you?" Sol shifted her gaze towards Alessandro who looked like he was in his own world.

"He did, he was our fathers right hand and he's actually our fairygod father." Ran was the one to explain "Our 440 years old fairygod father.".

"Did you have to mention my age?" Alessandro hissed displeased as he shook his head warrily as if something was still bothering him.

"Stop this make believe game off beign young." Ran rolled her eyes at him.

"At least I try to look young." Alessandro retorted.

"Okay enough off the bickering." Sol once again interrupted them.

"Does any off you mind filling us three in on what happened during the time we were oblivious?" Sol said gesturing at Chaerin, Hwangi and herself "I guess there's a backstory to these seven" she pointed at the guys "But also Rans gang and what you two did to hide everything from us.".

Mirae took a deep breath and looked at Ran with a questioning look who immediately said "Don't look at me you're better at story telling than me.".

Mirae nodded and started telling everything from the begin. How her memories never were locked and how sge still knew everything from the moment they left Ruviel when they were young. She explained why Ran also knew everything and about the seal not working.

The truth about Rans gang got revealed and Ran filled her in on what their real purpose was and what had happened behind the scenes to keep them save. Then came the point were the seven boys enterd their lifes.

Namjoon quickly explained about the artifact and how each one off them got matched with one off the girls profile. How they got send to earth and why. Then from there Mirae picked up again explaining what their appearane really set in motion and how the sisters magic started stirring.

Last but not least she explained how they fullu got exposed on the radar and the reason why they got attacked. She honestly confessed that she did not fully know who was ruling Ruviel now and that in that section her memories still were hazy.

"And that's were it basicly comes down too." Mirae finished with a big sigh somehow feeling relieved to get all off that off her chest.

Without saying anything Chaerin stood up and tightly hugged Ran and Mirae one by one taking them by surprise.

"Thank you." Chaerin mumbled in a soft voice.

A silence fell as no one knew what to say and everyone just started looking around akwardly.

Until Agatha spoke up "You know what you should do?".

"No, tell us." Yoongi dryly replied.

"You should go sight seeying in Venice." Agatha said making everyones mouth drop open....

They are somehow save now, but they ended up in Venice?! Solhee seems safe for now as she is in the hands off the best healer. Admits all off these problems Agatha propocess for them to fosight seeying? What will they do?

Please make sure to keep up with the chapters. We know we don't update frequently but if you dont keep up it will end up in widrawell from the book because you can't keep up and that might mean end off the book....

Attendance check:

Mirae nightjims

Solhee JungAMi99

Chaerin -Mimiso

Solhyun @bangtan_cities


Ivy kaito_lover101

Taylor gloss-myg

Lyzx @geehyungie

Admin T & R

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