Among Others

By spaceTM

167K 6.2K 6.3K

KLANCE// COMPLETED// Keith, the hot-headed loner who takes everything seriously flies away from the cas... More

Before You Read
Stupid // 1
Food Goo-Poo // 2
Red // 3
Gobermouch // 4
Whatever, Dropout // 5
Puta? // 6
Blue // 7
Cuddly // 8
Rollercoaster // 9
Planet In Dreamland // 10
Quiznacking Quiznak // 11
Small shack for huge thoughts // 12
Sharpshooter // 13
Daydreaming Gone Too Far // 14
Holy Water // 16
Terrible Paradise // 17
Sleeping Beauty // 18
Realization // 19
The True Replacement // 20
Important // 21
Sunburn // 22
Broken // 23
Fopdoodle // 24
So Sickening // 25
Walk Past The Past // 26
Fear Upon You... Or Me? // 27
Distance // 28
Shift // 29
Clues // 30
Knowledge Or Death // 31
Insanity // 32
Smooch // 33
Topless... Oh my... // 34
Caressing Thoughts // 35 ☆Final☆

Nombonia Drink // 15

3.6K 159 98
By spaceTM

Just gonna bless you with this wonderful gif of my gay son laughing.



I have no idea how long I have been here but nevertheless I have enjoyed every second of my stay here. I didn't know what fun was until Marc showed me it.

This. This is what fun is.

Nothing to worry about, just if my glass is full of this wonderful drink or not. If Marc is by my side or if he is among the other aliens in the ballroom.

I take one more big gulp of the drink that I learned is named Nombonia - very similar to Jombonia - and place my empty glass on the nearest table with a low thud. I know Marc gave me a lighter version of the Nombonia but I still feel sluggish, my body warm and kind of sore but for once I enjoy being this half drunk. Everything goes in a flow and I don't have to worry about nothing.

No Voltron. No saving the universe. Just saving the fun inside of me, preventing it from escaping.

"You seem to really enjoy the drink we serve here", Marc says when he appears beside me and I can't remember he ever disappeared from my side but now everything is perfect. He places something in my hand and I look down to see a new glass of the drink and I smirk at him. He smiles back and I notice something else in his other hand. "Are you enjoying being here?"

"Mm..." I hum and can't stop smiling. I have never smiled for this long and it's starting to hurt in my cheeks but I don't mind in the slightest. "Fun..." I sigh and close my eyes for a second, hearing the same melody play again that I have heard these past... days, maybe, but I never grow tired of it. It's beautiful.

"You're so cute when you're this tipsy", Marc states and I think I'm blushing. I don't know; my face has been this warm for very long. "You know what would be cuter?"

I open my eyes the second he shows me a flower in his hand. My favorite flower that I saw when he showed me  the huge garden just outside this castle. It's red, but not a rose. It's a kind of red that glows, like neon but darker. It looks like it's shining under the artificial light, and the petals are oblong, formed as a heart just the the tip, and he must have cut of the stem. It's beautiful, just like everything else here.

"What?" I whisper and hope he can hear me over the noise. He looks into my eyes for some second before he places the flower in my hair, placing a strand of my hair behind my ear. Then he examines his work and nod with a satisfied grin. My face feels like it's about to explode. It feels like I'm in a sauna and I'm sitting highest up. It feels like I'm sick and having a fever while I'm at the same time freezing.

Is this some kind of affection? I'm not used to this tenderness and I'm not used to being cared of by someone this much. I'm not used to have someone constantly be by my side and care for me in some way, showing me fun, complementing me and overall spend this much time with me.

"This..." Marc grazes my cheek and something inside of me flicks on. This is too fast. This is not how it is supposed to go. He isn't allowed to touch me like this yet. It's too soon.

But I still find myself leaning in closer to his touch.

"This is cuter", he finishes and cups my cheek, running his thumb at the end of my eyebrow and playing with the the short hair. I breathe out but stop midair.

This is wrong. So wrong. I'm not safe.

Where the hell are my friends?


Short, but I wanted to do a continuation with Lance's point of view but then decided that I can do a separate chapter so it doesn't get too long.

I'm starting school in two days so I won't write for awhile, I think... But I will try!

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