My Dangerous Pleasure


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Erique, a ruthless vampire, is on the brink of declaring war with the humans. He's tired of seeing his people... More

My Dangerous Pleasure
The Feeling Of Anger
The Plan Of Revenge
The Expected Event
The Struggle
Rejection Hurts Like A Bitch
The Visitor
The Vampire's Sister
Befriending Her
Impossible To Stop
Reasons, Reasons, Reasons
Found A Greag Blog

What I Don't Know

287 18 0

What I Don't Know

I found Keith in a room painted a blinding white.

And I thought Vampires had sensitive eyes.

It took me a while to find the room since I couldn't ask anyone, knowing they wouldn't help me because I was a Shifter, but I didn't need their help. I simply smelled him out since a lot of his blood had been spilled.

I was still a bit shaken from the run in with Erique but I tried to keep my mind off of it. He was trying to get to me, and get to me he did, but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

There was a short woman who looked like she was in her seventies and I could easily sense that she was human.

Why are Vampires using humans as workers if they don't like them? Are they slaves?

"How is he?" I asked, my voice soft and quiet.

"He's lost a lot of blood and it's going to take a few days for him to recover, but as long as he gets his rest he should be good." She replied.

"Was it a bullet that hit him?" I questioned, standing by the side of his bed.

He was bare chested and his breathing was even but I could see the slight cringe he made every time he breathed.

"He was impaled by a spear or some sort of pointed object. A bullet is too small to make this big of a wound. He has another one in the back of his thigh but it doesn't go all the way through. I know it was wooden though because I found small slivers of wood in both wounds." She explained and I gripped his hand.

Who would do something like this?

"Has he woken up at all?" I asked and I caught her hesitation before she shook her head.

My eyes narrowed.

I can't hurt her. She's a human. But why would she not want to tell me that he woke up?

"When did he wake?" I probed.

"I'm sorry miss, but he hasn't. I would have told you if he did." She shook her head again.

Damn it! Did he say something? Did he not want me to know what he said?

I felt hurt. I was a friend and a pack member to him.

Does he really not trust me?

I sat down in the chair by his bedside and continued to hold his hand. We were friends and I would stay by his side like a friend would do.

"I need to go." The woman said and hurriedly left the room.

I watched her leave but then slowly turned back to Keith.

"What do you not want me to know? Why don't you trust me?" I asked lowly so know one could hear me, not that anyone was around, I wanted to extra precaution.

I sighed and pulled my hand away from his and sat back in the rickety wooden chair I was in.

Who could be cruel enough to hurt Keith and why? He never did anything? But then again, he did talk back to the Vampires who brought him to that room. Was it one of them?

I growled. They were the only ones who saw them and and would have a reason to hurt him.

I'll kill them. I thought darkly.

I took calming deep breaths, trying to stop my wolf from taking over before she ripped the room to shreds.

Wolves, especially Alphas, are extremely protective of their pack. They will give their life for anyone in the pack if it means saving them.

The short, burley woman came back in and I saw her holding a nightgown. She walked over to me, holding it out.

"Lady Linda asked me to give this to you." She spoke.

"Thank you, but I don't need it." I waved her off, I was still ticked that she was hiding something from me. It was my pack member, not hers.

"It would be wise of you to take it. I don't think you would want to turn down something Lady Linda has offered to you." She continued to hold it out.

"Fine." I bit out and snatched it from her, dropping it in my lap.

The fabric was silky and soft to the touch. I would have melted at the feel of it had it not been from my enemies.

"You should get some sleep. Lady Linda also wanted me to tell you that you can choose any room you'd like to stay on but only on the second floor, any other room is off limits." The woman told me.

"I'm not going anywhere so get used to me occupying this seat. I'm not leaving until my pack mate is healthy enough to be in his own room, away from you so I don't have to worry about your lies." I snapped, flashing my canines.

"Get to know a person before you make accusations about them." She simply replied.

"I don't have to get to know them in order to tell whether or not they're full of crap. This whole land is cursed with evil as well as every person in it!" I hissed.

What are you doing? She's a human! You're acting just like the Vampires. This land truly is cursed.

"Choose to believe what you will Miss, I must be going." Her tone was clipped and she left.

I scowled.

Get a grip, she's human, definitely not the enemy. I scolded myself.

I sighed.

I have to apologize to her later. She didn't choose to be here to serve the vampires, they probably forced her into working for them. I told myself.

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