Just Kickin' it (Tremaine 'Tr...

By hey_Danae

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" Tell everyone that we fell in love with each other, that we found the one in one another" - Jhene Aiko More

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six.

Part One

696 9 0
By hey_Danae


" Say mama"

She didn't say it she just looked at me

" Wow Lana" I kissed her cheek causing her to laugh

My name is Tori and i'm 23 years old with a 3 month old baby. No husband, No boyfriend which is truly upsetting

I got pregnant right after college, Graduation weekend which is upsetting but it's all good because my baby Trilana is my heart.

In college i had it all, I was a cheerleader i was in almost every organization and club and i was also an member of Delta Sigma Theta Inc.

Anyways, my baby father is in her life but we just not together we had a one night stand, we were both drunk and Trilana was the outcome I'm not gonna lie it's not easy to raise a baby while living by myself, even though i have the help of my family and her father, Tremaine.

Don't get me wrong her father is a BIG help, He even stay over some night but nothing major. He has a girlfriend anyways.

Even though growing up i also told myself to wait till marriage to have kids but I feel like my baby is the biggest blessing that happened to me in years though, When my mama found out she raised hell she always told me 'Books before boys because boys bring babies' even though i technically got pregnant after i graduated i was still enrolled into an grad school and end up didn't making it because of the baby

I was doing okay though to be an single mama, I lived in my own house and i also drive a nice car i have a job working for Child Protective Services, it pays pretty good.

Me and her father were friends in college and we had went to a party after graduation and had sex. He was a good man though, He's a business man and he owns a strip club.

I got lost in my thought and started thinking about the night i got pregnant

"Tori! Slow down on the drinks" My bestfriend Cydnee said

" Girl, Get litttt we're grown! We're Free! We're Graduated, Bethune Cookman University Alumnae!!" I danced to the music that was playing with a cup in my hand

She signed heavily " Tori i'm serious, You're overly lit. Slow your fucking roll" She took my cup

I laughed " Okay you take that and i'll go get me some more" I ran to the kitchen and got me another cup of Hennessy and drowned it

I mixed silver and dark and you really not suppose to do that, So that's where i messed up.

I danced to the music as i kept drowning the Hennessy just as someone came up

He laughed " Wassup with you tori"

I looked at him " Nothing major you know, Just drinking" i said sarcastically

He took the bottle out my hand " Show down girl, You messed up"

I laughed as i couldn't stop " I'm not this is my personality.. I promise"

" This is not your personality.. well not really like it" He shook his head " You wild regardless"

" Wild in them sheets" I winked at him

He rose his eyebrow " Word?"

I burped " Wordddd!" I held up gang signs not knowing what they were

" What the fuck was that" He chuckled

" You know" I shook my head at him like he was dumb " Westside of Detroit" I did it again

" You don't gang bang"

" Me and all my niggas gang bang"

Niggas knew i was a fake gang banger

As the night went along i some how ended up stairs for the rest of the night doing things grown people did.

The next night i woke up with the sun beaming through the blinds, I looked down and i was naked laying next to a guy named Tremaine i put my hand over my mouth and hurried to put my clothes on and left out

That's what happened the night i got pregnant, Some ways i regret it and some days i don't because of the blessing that came along with it.

When i found out i was pregnant i was 2 months and i didn't know how i was going to tell Tremaine but this is how i went about it

"Girl, You have to tell him that you're pregnant" One of friends Mariah said

I cried " I can't, I'm scared what if he just doesn't care and what if he just... i don't know hoe me"

" I doubt that babes, I know Tremaine and he's a good guy if anything he would be with you every step of the way" Cydnee said

If i was scared to tell anyone besides my family and Tremaine it was Cydnee. I was scared to tell her because that night she was the one who told me to chill on my liquor and if i would had listened to her i wouldn't have been in the predicament i'm in.

" Right, I have his number tori if you want to call him i will with you" Mariah said rubbing my back

I wiped my tears away " What do i suppose to say though? Like oh remember when we slept together 2 months ago, Now i'm pregnant and it's yours"

" No you can go with a more cilvil way"

" Like send him the test" Cydnee said

I shook my head " I guess i just have to bite my tongue and be blunt with it"

" That's my girl!" Mariah grabbed her phone and called him

" Hello?" He asked confused " Wassup Mariah"

" Hey Tremaine, I have someone who wants to speak to you" She put him on speaker

I sniffed " Hi, It's Tori" I said trying to hold my tears back

He didn't say anything till a couple seconds " Oh, Hey Tori. Wassup with you?"

"Nothing what about you?"

" Being around the bush" Cydnee whispered

" Nothing much" He cleared his throat" Something you want to talk about?"

" You remember the night after graduation and you, the alphas, had a party and we you know... slept together?"

" Yeah, What you getting at?"

" I'm pregnant Tremaine" i cried

He didn't say anything the other end of the phone went silent

" Hello?" Mariah said

" Y-Yeah i'm here" He finally said and took a pause "How you know it's mine?"

I scuffled " If i wasn't sure you think i would be on the phone with you right now?"

" I guess not. How far are you?"

" Two months"

" Damn man fuck" He mumbled

We all stay silent for a minute

" Where you at?" He asked

" Home.. My house"

" Send the address i'll be on my way so we can talk about this in person"

" Okay"

Mariah hung up the phone " You did good girl" She rubbed my back

" That doesn't mean he's going to stay with me, I don't know how this conversation is going to go i just.. i don't know" I cried again " I still have to tell my parents" I cried harder

I knew my parents were going to be the hardest to tell. And i was not ready at all

About 10 minutes later there was a knock on my door. I got up and answered it and it was Tremaine, He looked stressed.

" Hey" He said

" Hey, Come on in" I moved to the side and he came in i closed the door and followed him

" Wassup y'all" He said to Cydnee and Mariah

" Hey" They both said

" We can go talk in my room" I said lowly but he still heard

He followed me and i shut the door behind me. He sat down on my bed and put his head in his hands. We stayed silent for about 5 minutes and i started to cry again.. I don't know what my problem is

He looked up at me " Come here"

I slowly walked towards him and sat next to him he looked me in my eyes

" You sure you pregnant?"

I nodded and he wiped my falling tears

" I-I have a pregnancy test.. Do you wanna see?"

He shook his head and chuckled " I believe you" he wiped his hand over his face " I remember that night i didn't have a condom and me and you was upstairs and i wanted it so bad i couldn't stop" He admitted looking me in my eyes

We sat there looking in each other eyes for a couple minutes

" Ima be here for you regardless Tori"

" You promise"

He smiled " I promise"

He stayed for a couple hours longer and we ended up crying together, talking and we ended upgoing to sleep together

Every since that day, He been there for me more than anyone have and i thank him for that because taking a role in a baby life isn't easy trust me. We've been comfortable and he's becoming my bestfriend, I can talk to him about anything and vice versa.

The topic of use two being together never came to light of course i thought of it but he probably just think of me of his baby mama by mistake but anyway like he said, He's going to be here for me regardless and i'm going to be thankful for that. Even though we aren't together i feel as if he completes me.

I was snapped out my thought by my phone ringing by me i looked at it and saw it was Tremaine

" Hello?" I said

" Hey wassup, What y'all doing ?"

" Nothing, Watching peppa pig"

" Peppa pig?" He laughed " You watching that?"

I chuckled " Yea, its funny when you watch it" I looked at Trilana " What you doing?"

" Sitting here bored"

" Wanna go to brunch?" I asked

" Yeah of course" He paused " Be there in 20"

" Okay see you"

I hung up the phone

I got up and went into the bathroom, I gave her a quick bath and rubbed her down with lotion and put on her clothes, I combed her hair a little then kissed her and put her into the swing and turned on cartoons

I went into the bathroom and stripped from my clothes turning on the shower water just as i heard the front door open, I hurried and put the towel around my body and ran in the living room

" Dang, Tremaine. You can't just be walking into somebody house like that"

" I gotta key remember" he laughed and walked over to Trilana

I rolled my eyes and went back to the bathroom and jumped in the shower about 10 minutes later i got out and went to my room, I dried my body and put on lotion and then my clothes

When i was finished with my routine i went back into the living room and got her diaper bag together

" Tell mama to hurry up so we can go eat" He said kissing on her cheek

" no hurry up so you can eat" I laughed

" Messing around with you we gone get there for dinner not brunch"

" Shut up"

He laughed " I'm just saying"

When i was done i grabbed our things while he grabbed the car seat and we headed to his car. He put her in while i got in the passenger seat and then he came to get into the drivers seat

" You good?" he looked at me and asked

" Yeah i'm straight" i put my seatbelt on

I hooked my phone up to the aux cord and turned on Itsy Bitsy Spider and started humming

" What the hell" He looked at me then back at the road " You serious"

" Yeah why not " I looked at him

" Turn this shit off" he took the aux out the radio

" Stopppp" I looked back at the baby then at him " Don't be cussing in front of her" I tried to plug the aux back in

" Stop don't nobody want to hear that and she ain't gone remember nothing she a baby"

" Babies pick up on what you say"

" Not 3 month olds"

" You don't know that, Do your research"

He chuckled we continued with conversation and about 5 minutes later we pulled up to The Original Pancake House

" Yummm" I said

" Fatty" He laughed and parked

I laughed and got out of the car and grabbed her diaper bag while he grabbed the car seat. We went to the door and surprisingly it wasn't crowed for an Saturday morning.

We were seated near the back we got settled and i fixed the baby in her car seat and she was sleep

" I missed y'all" He said while looking at the menu

I looked at him " You just saw us 2 days ago"

He shrugged " When i'm with y'all i feel complete"

" Where's your lil girlfriend?"

He laughed " You childish for that"

Me and his girlfriend didn't get along I don't know why but i feel like it's just because i'm his baby mama. She want a baby but he said he isn't ready for another one. I don't have anything against her she just have one sided.

" I'm just saying she should be keeping you occupied not me" I looked at the menu

" Jealous?" He smirked

" What i have to be jealous for ? You gone be around me regardless"

" Hecky yeah"

The waitress came to our table

" Welcome to the original pancake house, can i start you guys off with something to drink?"

" Water with a lemon" I said

" And for you sir?"

" Orange juice"

" Okay are you guys ready to order your food or should i come back"

I looked at him then back at her " I'm ready"

" Okay go ahead"

" I want pecan waffles with a side of Cinnamon apple sauce"

She wrote it down

" I want.." Tremaine started " An ham and cheese omelette with a side of bacon"

" Okay would that be all"

We both nodded and headed her our menu and she walked away

"You nasty, Who eats apple sauce"

" Your daughter" I pointed to Trilana

" Why would you give that to her"

" Can't give her solids yet, You should know this. I wonder what you do when she at your house" I gave him the death stare

He didn't say anything just laughed and i shook my head

" I swear if you be giving my baby-"

He cut me off " Chilll, I know what i be doing, I do nothing wrong" he chuckled

" Of course not, I'll beat you"

He chuckled and the food came, After we got done eating we left the restaurant and went back to my house and of course he stayed.

Trilana was sleep, She was in a food coma something i would like to be in right now but big head Tremaine kept me up. We was going through his photo gallery reminiscing over old photos.

" Dawg" He laughed " You remember this"

" Yup" i laughed " We we were still in the hospital"

" And i stayed there everyday laying on that uncomfortable ass couch" He shook his head " Ohhh! what about this one"

I laughed " 8 month pregnant tori about to pop!"

" Still look good while pregnant, damn most females can't pull that off"

" but of course i can, i'm half Black and half Beyoncé" I flipped my hair

" Corny ass" He laughed

" Beyoncé my sister, You ain't Know?" i straight faced him

" That is not your sister" he laughed

" Folks stay hating on da kid"

Later That Day

Trilana had woke up crying so i was rocked her in my arms as Tremaine was making her bottle he came over and gave it to me

" Thanks" i put it into her mouth and she stopped crying

" Look pose for the picture"

" Not right now"

" Pleasee tori look"

I let him take the picture so he could leave me alone. Once she stopped crying i sat her in her swing and she stayed quiet and watched tv and i sat on the couch and he sat next to me and laid his head on my lap

" Don't you have a girl to go home to ? It's 10:53 she probably worried crazy" I looked at him

" I'm with y'all, She'll be alright"

I laughed " Tremaine, Go we okay. I'll call you if we need anything"

" Pinky swear?" he held out his pinky out like a big baby

I held out mines and we locked them. He got up and put on his jacket and shoes and gave me a hug and trilana a kiss and left. I sat on the couch and signed slowly falling to sleep.

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