Baby Blues

By livmadly

31.4K 1.2K 154

Bridget Della Mathews is on her way to becoming a preschool teacher though her mother has never been for the... More

1. Cold floors and Blurry skies
2. Best Friend...
3. Cute Boys and Baby blues
4. Not my type
5. The drama queen
6. A Library Visit
7. Date
8. First Kiss
9. Butterflies and Going Steady
10. Movies and Silly pagers
11. Advice and views
13. Sleep Over
14. First Time
15. After
16. Hair
17. Sweet and a Tease
18. Personal Pillow
19. The Brunch
20. Going out
21. Apologies
22. Home sweet Home
23. Thanksgiving
24. Misunderstandings
25. Something Off
26. Holidays
27. Mad or Mad not
28. Birthday Surprise (Part 1)
28. Unwrapping thy gift (Part 2)
29. Meh
30. Family Matters
31. Leroy
32. The Talk
33. Me and You
34. Me and You Too

12. Friends

758 37 1
By livmadly

Fast forward from lunch with Richard to a few weeks later and I was seated in a bowling alley with Kevin and his friends. My optimism had failed me but not everyone was bad though. There was just this one girl who kept getting on my nerves but isn't there always. She kept asking the most irrelevant questions and passing the most unnecessary comments.

"So Bridget, why did you choose to be a preschool teacher?"

"I..." but before I could finish she interrupted me

"I mean don't get me wrong I don't think there is anything wrong with it but Kevin is going to be a doctor... Are you sure you are going to manage to keep up with his schedule and all seeing as you will be doing practically nothing most of the time while he spends most of his time you know... in the hospital... saving lives"

She looked at me expectantly with her big brown doll like eyes and as much as I hated to admit it the girl was pretty. She had nice long silky black hair and an amazing body. I guess she had beauty and brains, too bad her personality sucked.

I don't know if she actually expected me to respond but all I did was frown. Kevin must have noticed my irritation so he decided to cut in

"I'm sure we will figure it out right... taking things one step at a time"

At this rate there will be nothing to figure out I thought to myself.

"Yeah" Stephanie the girl sitting next to her added "give her a break Sammy plus I think kids are awesome" she said smiling at me

Samantha shrugged and focused on her smoothie "My mother says it creates a lot on unnecessary tension in the relationship which is why she advises me to date within my profession because we would both know what it feels like and all that" her eyes kept darting from her smoothie to my very unsuspecting boyfriend.

Kevin's friends Danny and Drake who are the guys who picked him up from the school gate in the nice ride came back from God knows where.

"Ready to bowl guys" Drake said sitting next to Stephanie who had just created space for him

"Ready" everyone except me responded

"So" Drake continued "we are going to be in two groups which means three in each so Kevin, Bridget and Danny in one group then the rest of us in the other"

Samantha did not look too pleased about it but kept quiet

"I should warn you" I whispered in Kevin's ear as everyone else got up "I don't know how to bowl"

He turned and his lips were only inches away from mine. I looked into his eyes and they had a little mischievous glint in them. I wanted him to kiss me so I bit my lip in anticipation. His gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips then back. His pupils had dilated. The thing I loved about his gorgeous eyes is that they always gave him away.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you"He brushed his thumb on my bottom lip with his eyes focused on the task at hand. He continued doing this sending little jolts through my body. Funny thing is he was brushing my lip but I could feel it in my lower region. He gently pulled on my bottom lip making me let go.

"I would do it with my mouth but then there are kids around"

"Well aren't you at least going to kiss me?"He chuckled then gave me a quick peck making me frown a little.

"That's not what I meant"

"I know... your lips aren't the only place I plan on kissing tonight... if you let me"

I gasped at his revelation though instead of feeling uncomfortable about it I felt giddy.

"Now let's bowl" he said getting up from his seat

The game wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. All you had to do was throw the thing and hit the bowling pins, which was quite easy. I've never been a fan of ball games but I actually liked this one... well that's if it counts.

We ended up winning the game and Drake wasn't too happy about it asking for a rematch.

When I first got up to roll the ball I was a little nervous and Kevin was there to instruct me. Drake started laughing at me and Danny had to tell him to shut up

"Don't worry Bridget... you got this" Danny yelled

"Ok baby so just do as I have told you and luckily you will be able to hit at least one of the pins" Kevin said

I nodded my head and turned to roll the ball. Imagine their surprise when I hit all the pins.I turned to face them with a huge smile on my face "that's a strike right... this is easier than I thought it would be"

Drake looked a little shocked "Yes... yes it is... but I bet it's just luck" he said shaking his head

It was my lucky night because I hit a lot of strikes which made Drake lose his temper

"Seriously this isn't as hard as it looks" I said after hitting another one

"No... she was definitely lying when she said that she had never bowled before... I forfeit" Drake yelled throwing his hands in the air making me laugh in the process

"You can't do that" argued Danny

"I can"

"Under what circumstances could you possibly forfeit the game?" Stephanie asked

"We are on the same team you are supposed to be on my side"

"Not if you are overreacting"

"That's it" he said slamming his hand on the table "I want a rematch"

Everyone around the table groaned and started getting ready to leave after Drakes little fit. Frankly I enjoyed my night with Kevin's friends especially on the parts where Drake would get all emotional.

Kevin and I were on our way out when I heard someone call my name. We both turned and saw Drake running towards us

"Drake..." Kevin said exasperatedly

"I know... I know" he laughed then looked at me "I hope I didn't offend you in any way"

"No... I actually enjoyed myself"

"Good coz I can be a little competitive at times"

"A little...."

"OK fine" he laughed "A lot"

"It's ok" I smiled

"Great... goodnight you guys and I still want my rematch" he said rushing out of the building

"You actually enjoyed listening to him complain all night... you must be crazier than I thought"

"Shut up" I said giving Kevin a little nudge on the shoulder

Kevin actually came in his car today much to my surprise. I closed the zip to my jacket because it was kind of cold but luckily he didn't park his car very far.

"So where do you want to go?" he said once we are inside "my place or yours"

"I've never been to your place so let's go there"

Funny thing was I didn't know where he lived. I wasn't even sure if he was still living in his parent's house or renting an apartment with his friends.

"Isn't it weird that you don't know where I live? I feel like I should be offended"

I didn't want to admit it but it was kind of weird

"You don't live with a bunch of guys right?"

"No" he chuckled

We drove for sometime not really talking about anything and I found the silence comforting. I leaned on the glass and focused on the street lights. I blew hot air on the window and absentmindedly drew a heart

"Is that for me?"


"The heart you just drew"

"Oh..." I pursed my lips not knowing what to say and rubbed of the heart

He laughed at my uneasiness "We are here"

He parked the car and led me to the elevator. He pressed a button and we went up, this was also done in silence but it wasn't awkward. I heard the ping sound of the elevator and the doors opened.

We stepped out and he led me to his apartment. The place itself actually looked nice and I liked the fact that it was quiet. There was a thick carpet on the floor which muffled the sounds of the shoes as we moved

He opened the door to his apartment and gestured for me to go in. It was dark so I couldn't see anything till he turned on the lights. It was very nice and clean, I felt like it put my place to shame.

"What do you think?"

I hadn't even realised that he was standing next to me

"I like it..." I hit his shoulder "Why didn't you tell me that you had a cool apartment?"

"You never asked" he shrugged

That's right... I never did.

We were standing in his living room. There were some beautiful comfortable looking sofas facing a huge TV mounted on the wall with a door a few feet away from it. Directly ahead of me were curtains covering the entire wall. There were a few pictures on the other sides and some on a shelf. I walked towards them and noticed that they were pictures of him and his family.

There was a picture of a man, a woman, two boys and a little girl. The man and woman were obviously his parents. I looked at the family closely and realised that Kevin was the younger looking one which meant that he had an older brother and a young sister.

God I was probably one the worst girlfriends in the world. How was it possible that we had been dating for this long and I knew nothing about his life? I didn't even know that he had an older and younger sibling. not knowing where he lived was excusable but this... this was just wrong but then again we spent most of our time texting and when we did meet up he would be exhausted and we would just end up sleeping. I made a mental note to get to know him better.

I stood up straight and went towards the curtains opening them slightly. When I saw that there was a huge glass window running from the top to the bottom instead of a brick wall I opened the curtain wider. I gasped as I took in the view in front of me. I didn't know that we were this high up in the building. I could see cars moving below and the way the city lights just blended in with the darkness was breathtaking.

"Are you going to stand there forever?"

"No..." I said moving towards him "the view was just beautiful"

"You're beautiful"

His words caught me off guard and he must have noticed because he smiled and turned to walk towards the door on his left. I followed him and found that he had gone into the Kitchen

"This is the Kitchen stroke dining room and that door there" he said pointing to the far end "Is the pantry"

It was clean with a fresh kitchen smell. There were cupboards lining the wall and a long counter running along the wall from the sink. There was also a counter in the middle with stools around it. A bowl of fruits I hoped were real were on it. I personally never got the concept of putting fake fruits in the house, might as well not have them to begin with. I picked an apple and smiled before taking a bite

"I suppose they are clean"

"Yes they are but it wouldn't hurt to wash it again"

"Nah... I'll live"

He walked out of the kitchen leading me to the other side if the living room through the other door on the opposite side of the room next to the TV.

"This is where the bedrooms and bathrooms are"

"How many bedrooms do you have?"

"Just two... one is self contained and the other one isn't"


He showed me to his room and it was big. It had a huge bed in the middle and all I could think of was jumping on it. There were white see through curtains to my left only enough to let light in and a door on my far right that I presumed led to the bathroom.

I took bite of my apple and walked further into the room noticing the walk in wardrobe behind the door.

Wait did I say that his apartment was nice, well that was an understatement... this place was amazing.

"I swear if you looked at me the way you've been looking at the apartment, I would be a happy man"

I took another bite of my apple "So you're not happy"

"What do you think?" he said taking a few steps closer

"I'm thinking... how the hell can you afford this place?"

He moved till he was standing right in front of me, he tilted my chin upwards with his fore finger "My father is a business man and my mother is a doctor Bridget... money is not an issue"

He went on to place a soft kiss on my lips leaving me craving for more

"You know if you're going to do that all night then you might as well do nothing"

He laughed... Gosh I loved it when he laughed... "I'm going to take a shower... you can take one after me or you could join me if you like"

"I think I'll wait"

He smiled and walked into his closet

That smile...



Yesterday I told my friend that I had an imaginary boyfriend growing up and he told me that I was weird. I didn't tell him the name but between you and I his name was Eric. Please tell me I'm not the only one lol.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please feel free to click on the little yellow star at the bottom of your screen if you did.

Until next time... xoxo mwaah 😚😙😘😍

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