The Gods of Highschool

By Darkpanda22

4.5K 65 38

Newly seniors, The Creatures and friends, thought their last year of high school would go by smoothly but hap... More

The Gods of Highschool
The Last Day of Summer
New Challengers Have Appeared
Strange Things Happen - Part 1
Strange Things Happen - Part 2
The Gods & The Back Stories Part 1
Update (Next Chapter Coming Soon)
The Gods & The Back Stories Part 2
Gah. I'm so stupid.
Relationships - Part 1
Relationships - Part 2
The Newcomer - Part 1
The Newcomer - Part 2
Training Begins
Run, Baby, Run
The Old Friend & The Other Half
To Zeus' House We Go
The Face Off & New Arrivals
The Time Has Come
The Dark Revealed
I'm not dead! Just really busy.
The Derp Crew is Back
The Story of Marzia

A New Year

300 2 0
By Darkpanda22

Hello readers~! Finally another chapter, I know i'm sorry finals and EOCTs suck but school's finally done and summer's here so chapters should be more frequent but that's enough about me on to the story! Enjoy!



Eddie was the first to wake again, his excitement for his last year waking him before his alarm. He yawned looking over at his clock finding nothing but a bright red blur. Grabbing his glasses of the table next to his bed and sliding them onto his nose he finally saw a bright '5:00.' He yawned again, slipping out of bed and walking over to his closet with a sleepy smile. Pulling out a random shirt with skinny jeans, he walked to his bathroom and got in the shower. After he was dresses, he checked the clock again finding he had spent 20 minutes in the shower. Whistling quietly he walked out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen finding a note on the fridge that read 'Hey guys me, Dan, Nick, and Ze are already at school. Monica and Liz came over and got us early hope you four can handle yourselves! Meow. -Jordan' Rolling his eyes at the last word he grabbed a pop tart and walking to the living room and turning on a random morning cartoon until 5:30 rolled around. Standing again he was about to walk up stairs to wake the others when he saw a wooden spoon in the kitchen and a devious smirk soon filled his face as he walked into the kitchen, grabbed the spoon and a pot from the cabinet before walking up the steps and stopping in the hall, directly in between James and Seamus' rooms. Before he could hit the pot though, the room across from his opened revealing a tired Russian. Immediately figuring out what Eddie was about to do, he laughed quietly, making Eddie quietly giggle himself before mouthing a countdown. On 1 the Puerto Rican banged the spoon into the pot screaming "Wake up guys!" at the top of his lungs. 2 distinct thumps followed the sudden noise, then a loud "WHAT THE F***?!?" echoed throughout the house from James' room while a groan and a low "The f***?" was heard from Seamus' causing Aleks to fall into a laughing fit. At his laughter Eddie began to laugh as well. Then the doors opened revealing an angry James and annoyed Seamus. "The f*** Eddie?!?" James all but yelled at the Puerto Rican now on the floor laughing with the Russian. "You dicks can suck my left testicle." James said as he turned back into his room to get ready fueling their laughter while Seamus just sighed, shaking his head before turning as well to go back into his room. A few minutes after the two went back into their respected rooms, Aleks stood wiping the few tears that had fell from his laughter and holding out a hand to Eddie. Eddie smiled, taking the hand and standing up. Eddie stood there for a second, running his fingers through his hair, then just as he was about to go downstairs Aleks called his name timidly. Confused at the sudden change in tone he turned to the Russian. "Yeah?" Aleks' face was a light shade of red and Eddie worried for a second if the boy was getting a fever or something but Aleks words interrupted his thoughts "You can uh let go of my hand now." Eddie looked down and sure enough his hand was still holding Aleks' "Oh! Sorry.." He said as he took his hand from his immediately missing the warmth "It's alright." Aleks' face was still light red as nodded to Eddie and the two walked downstairs in silence. Aleks went to the kitchen getting a pop tart and walking back to find Eddie bent over tying his shoes. Aleks had to force himself to not stare, finding it a usually hard task to do. Finally Eddie finished tying his shoes then grabbed his bag before standing straight again and turning to find a red faced Aleks stuffing a pop tart in his mouth. "You alright dude?" Eddie asked concerned. "What? Oh. Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Aleks answered before stuffing more of the pop tart into his mouth. Eddie walked closer putting a hand on Aleks' forehead. "You sure? You look a little red. It doesn't feel like a fever..." Aleks face reddened more as he backed away from Eddie "I'm fine man. Really." Eddie looked at him for a moment not believing him before saying "...Alright. If you say so." He shrugged and Aleks internally sighed in relief. Though before he could get the redness from his face James and Seamus came downstairs, the first of which immediately noticing the red in Aleks' face. "Aww Look at him! He's blu-" Seamus hit James in the back of his head cutting off James' sentence, earning a glare from James and a thankful look from Aleks. Seamus just smirked as Eddie looked around completely confused. "Don't worry about it." Seamus said to Eddie before dragging James with him to the door, Aleks and Eddie following. 

Though as the Russian walked in front of him Eddie found it hard to take his eyes of Aleks' rear end. Only when they neared the bus stop did Eddie finally tear his eyes away. Finally coming out of what was like a trance Eddie thought to himself 'Did I just f***ing stare at my best freind's a**? What the f***. I did....But I'm straight....right...?' "-ddie! Eddie!" A voice pulled him from his thoughts "Huh?" He said turning to Aleks "The bus is here, come on!" "Oh Kay!" Eddie giggled at himself before getting on the bus and following Aleks to their normal seats at the back of the bus across from James and Seamus. No one questioned why Eddie was lost in thought, thinking it was just another random thing and Eddie was glad for that. He needed some time to think...


After a while the bus finally pulled up at their high school and everyone piled off of the bus, the four being the last to get off. Stepping off the bus Eddie smiled as the fresh air hit his face and looked around the school. Though, something shiny caught his gaze and he focused on it finding an older looking man with a black trench coat on, his hands in his pocket staring back at him. Confused and a little worried, he turned back toward Aleks to see if he had seen the strange man as well but finding Aleks talking with James and Seamus he concluded that he hadn't and turned back to the spot where the man stood only to find him gone. Staring at the spot a little longer, Eddie tried to figure out if he was going crazy but his thoughts were cut off when Aleks nudged him in the side. "You alright dude?" Eddie looked back at the spot once more, feeling more uncomfortable the more he looked there, and said "I'm fine. Let's go in." Aleks looked unsure but shrugged and said "Whatever you say dude." before the two trailed behind James and Seamus, who had already started moving inside. Once inside they got their schedules, locker numbers & combinations then went to find their lockers. James and Seamus' next to each other on the hall next to the hall where Eddie and Aleks' lockers were, also next to each other. Though just after they put away unnecessary books, the bell rang signalling the start of first period. Eddie and Aleks headed to English while James and Seamus went to Math and thus, signaled the start of a mostly boring first day.


As the final bell rang, Eddie rose from his desk and packed his things before heading to his locker, finding Aleks standing at his. "Hey Aleks!" Aleks turned from his locker at the sudden voice but finding Eddie there he smiled "Sup man." "Nothing much Math was really boring but ehh y'know! How bout you?" "Same History sucked a bag of dicks." Eddie giggled "First days are always boring. Just wait until we get projects and tests. Yippee." Eddie giggled again. "Oh dude it's gonna be so much fun." Aleks said sarcastically as the two began to walk to the bus ramp. Once at the bus the two stood waiting for James and Seamus. Eddie started to look around for them and was shocked and a little concerned when he saw the same man from before in the same place, across the street from the school, just standing there staring at both him and Aleks. Nudging Aleks, he kept his eyes on the mysterious man. "What? Did you find them?" "...Do you see that man?" Aleks was confused but he followed Eddie's eyesight finding the man standing there. "Who is that?" Eddie shrugged "I dunno but he was staring at us this morning." Aleks looked at Eddie, now a little bit scared. "What?" Eddie turned to look at him "Yeah I dunno what he wants but he was standing there this morning." Eddie cut his eyes back to the spot only to find the man had moved closer. He now stood at the sign in front of the school, still a long distance away, but the fact that he was closer made Eddie uncomfortable. "He's closer. Let's get on the bus." Eddie grabbed Aleks' hand and pulled him onto the bus and went back to their seat and looked out the window, finding the man had, once again, disappeared. The two slumped into their seat. "What the f*** dude?" Aleks said running is hand through his hair. "I dunno man..." Eddie trailed off as he looked out the window, finally seeing a familiar mop of blonde hair in the crowd of kids. Then just as he sat back, James and Seamus got on the bus, the latter of the two immediately noticing their worried and confused faces, "What happened?" Eddie and Aleks looked at each other before Eddie said "Well..There was a man across the street this morning and he was staring at me then just now me and Aleks both saw him across the street and when we looked away and looked back he got closer." Seamus raised a brow "The f***? Where'd you see him?" Eddie pointed toward the school's sign and James looked out the window. "I dunno guys. I'd say just ignore it for now. Let's see what happens tomorrow." Eddie nodded "Yeah I guess.." And with that the bus ride sunk into silence everyone thinking about their own problems but soon enough their stop came and they got off the bus. Walking into their house they all went to their rooms. Eddie sat on his bed, running a hand through his hair. He had a feeling this wouldn't be the last of that man.


Jordan sighed as he stood from his desk and stretched. "Finally!" He said cheerfully turning to Dan. "Yeah. Today was tiring." Dan answered with a smile. "Are Monica and Liz picking us up?" Dan turned to Nick. "Yeah though they said they might be a little late." "Awww Alright..." Jordan pouted causing Ze and Dan to chuckle. "Well lets go stand outside so they can see us." Ze added after his short laugh. "Let's go! Meow!" Jordan yelled running out of the school. Once outside he looked around, the parking lot to his left was empty as they were leaving after school and it was quiet and peaceful. Then the other 3 boys finally walked outside and they, too, noticed the peaceful atmosphere so they stood by the front doors just enjoying the outside until Jordan happen to look across the street. A man with a black trench coat stood there, hands in his pockets as he stared at him. Jordan nudged Dan who had been leaning on the wall next to him. "Hey do you see that guy over there?" Dan looked at him and followed his line of sight landing on the man across the street. "Yeah...Who is he?" Jordan shrugged "I don't know Dan, I don't know..but he was just standing there. I don't know what he's doing." Then they heard cars pull into the school and turned to find Monica and Liz pulling in the parking lot. As the two cars turned onto the road in front of where the boys stood, Jordan turned back to look at the man again and was shocked to find the man was....closer? "He got closer Dan! What the brown?" Jordan asked starting to feel uncomfortable. "Just wait we'll get in Liz and Monica's cars and we'll drive away from the creepy man." Dan said with a reassuring smile. "Let's hope he doesn't do anything." Then the cars pulled up in front of them and Jordan tired to keep his eye on the man but his vision was obstructed by the car as he got in. Then once he looked back to where the man was he found he had disappeared. He sighed in relief quietly before kissing Monica on the cheek and settling down in the passenger seat and starting up a conversation with her and Ze. Dan, in Liz's car, didn't give much thought to the man though he was curious as to what the man was doing but he brushed the encounter away and started up a conversation with Liz and Nick. The girls drove them to their house and once inside they were surprised to find the house quiet but then again it was Monday and the first day of school so they, too, went their separate ways. Jordan laid back on his bed, pulling his bright red hat off and holding it in his hands. He sighed 'I'll just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow..' He had a feeling tomorrow would be a weird day.


Alright! That's it for this one! Hope you enjoyed and have a good day...or night! :3


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