The Storm Inside Me

By the-silent-siren

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Sasuke tries to adjust to normal life after deserting Konoha and going through hell. His boyfriend, Naruto, a... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Hiden Pain
Chapter 3: Confidence Boost
Chapter 4: More Than Nakama
Chapter 5: Relationships
Chapter 7: Sleepless Night
Chapter 8: The Bond of Family
Chapter 9: Facing Fears
Chapter 10: Reality Check
Chapter 11: Healing is Slow
Chapter 12: Blast From the Past

Chapter 6: It's Hard to Move On

105 5 0
By the-silent-siren


After settling the argument between Shikamaru and I, we head to a quiet place: the wooded hill. I would often see him watch the sky here, and now that we're together, he takes me there once in a while. We usually don't say anything when we are there, just because there usually isn't much to say, but I'm too preoccupied by the previous events with Sasuke-kun and Shikamaru to not say something.

"Ne, Ino-chan, what's wrong?" Shikamaru asks. (He adds "chan" to my name when we are alone.)

I sigh. "I'm just thinking."

Which I am, obviously, but I don't tell him what I'm thinking about because I know we will just end up arguing again. I don't like that he treats Sasuke so poorly in the regard of trust. I know that he has done many wrong things, but, so has everyone else. I don't think it's right to judge someone solely by their past.

Shikamaru's grip on my hand tightens. "But you look so sad...Don't tell me you're still thinking about what I said to Sasuke."

I avoid his gaze. "I'd be lying if I said no."

He sighs heavily. "Does that mean you're still upset with me?"

I consider my words carefully as we sit down. I look at him and lay my head on his shoulder. "No, not with you."

"Then who are you upset with?" He kisses the top of my head.

"Sasuke," I mutter quietly.

Shikamaru stiffens. "Did he do something to you?"

"No, not recently...just, you know, during the war and when he left Konoha. It's hard to move on."

He nods, knowing full well how much Sasuke hurt me when I learned about the "gang" he formed during the war. Both he and Choji had to deal with me crying for one and a half days.

"Is there anything I can do?" Shikamaru asks.

"Just hold me." I say, because that's really the only thing he can do.

He pulls me closer to him. "I can do that."

I smile and kiss him on the mouth. "You're the best."

He smirks. "Tell me something I don't know."

I roll my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder again. "I'll get back to you on that."

He chuckles. "Ok, Ino-chan."


During her dates with Sai, Sakura felt like she was missing something--like something wasn't right. She didn't get a thrill from his touch; they were both tense and awkward; and he didn't know how to act or when/how to touch her. She did find Sai attractive, but she didn't get butterflies from being around him or hearing him call her name. There was only one person who could do that to her, and it wasn't Sai or Sasuke.

For a year, unbeknownst to most of her friends, Sakura was with Temari. They went places together, held hands, kissed, and made out. Temari felt so right to Sakura, but she was too afraid to be more open about her relationship and sexuality. The two girls felt like one complimented the other: Temari knew how to make Sakura feel tingly all over, and Sakura was able to deal with Temari's aggressive attitude. In other words, they were perfect for each other.

Now, as Sakura sits at her favorite sushi restaurant alone, she wonders if breaking things off with Temari was the right thing to do. I mean, we were in love, after all, she thinks, I was just scared. Maybe she'll come back and I'll make things right! But, will she forgive me? She sighs as her food is set down in front of her. Wishful thinking, she tells herself.


Sakura looks up and sees Ino. "Oh, hey, Ino. Where's Shikamaru?"

Ino sits across from her. "He's at home--his dad saw us and practically ordered him back home." She laughs. "Why are you alone?"

Sakura shrugs. "I wanted some time alone to think."

Ino nods. "A little bird told me that you went out with Sai a few times?"

Sakura blushes and mutters, "Damn you, Naruto..."

Ino laughs. "What, are you ashamed or something? Sai's a nice guy...once you get past the awkwardness, of course."

Sakura giggles. "Yeah, that's true. But, no, I'm not ashamed. I just...I don't know--I'm confused about some things."

Ino nods thoughtfully. "Wanna talk about it?"

Sakura bites her lip. "I don't know, Ino..."

"Sakura, listen," Ino says firmly, "I know that we weren't close for a while, but I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I won't judge or laugh. Ever."

Sakura takes a deep breath. Her heart beats faster from nerves. Despite the truth of Ino's words, Sakura isn't sure that she can even admit to herself that she may still be in love with Temari, much less admit it to Ino. Besides, she thinks, most everyone thinks that I still love Sasuke, even though I don't. How, then, can I say "Oh, by the way, I'm still in love with Temari, my ex-girlfriend of one year"?

Sakura clenches her fists and takes another deep breath. I need to tell Ino, she thinks, it'll do me good. "I...I think I'm in love with someone else..."

Ino nods understandingly. "That would explain why you haven't exactly enjoyed Sai's company. So, who are you still in love with? Sasuke?"

Sakura shakes her head. "Oh, no, I got over him. It''s, um, Temari..."

Ino's eyes widen. "You mean Temari as in Gaara's sister?"

Sakura nods.

"When were you two even--?"

"A year ago--we were together for a year," Sakura says quickly.

"I...I didn't know."

"Not many people did. We kept it secret."

Ino frowns. "Why? It's not like many people here would judge. I mean, look at Naruto and Sasuke."

"I was afraid--I wasn't ready. I don't think I fully understood my feelings."

"I see...Well, what're you gonna do about Sai?"

Sakura shrugs. "I mean, it's not like we're officially 'together,' so I'll just say that I don't wanna see him anymore romantically, I guess."

"Ok, good. And, as soon as Temari comes to Konoha, you'll reconcile with her?"

Sakura bites her lip. "I don't know...She was pretty pissed when we broke up..."

"Just talk to her, ok? That's it--you don't have to get back together or anything, just talk."

Sakura nods. "O-ok..."

But, what if she's moved on and I haven't? Sakura thinks.


Author's Note: Yes, I do realize that Temari x Sakura is a rather...unique ship. However, I wanted some girl-on-girl action, so that's what I came up with.

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