Why Me || Taylor Caniff

By cutemaloley

286K 5.4K 1.2K

Danielle goes with her two best friends to meet her favorite internet famous guy, Taylor Caniff. When she mee... More

Another A/N


7.7K 160 29
By cutemaloley


Today was the day. June first. I can't wait to see Danielle walk down that isle. She probably looks stunning, like always. I feel like when I proposed to her, it was the starting of a new chapter of our lives together. Even though we were together four years before that, I never thought I would be here today. Alec is seven months old now. He can crawl and sit up on his own. I just don't want time to fly by to quickly. I want it to pace itself. I really want to enjoy what is in this moment.

* * *


Today was the big day. The moment that I get married to the love of my life. I kept thinking that I'm too young because just a few years ago I was eighteen, just a few years ago I was graduating, and just a few years ago I was having a date with Taylor and halfway into eating my pizza I found paper that asked me to be his girlfriend. Just seven months ago I had Alec, just five years ago my life was so complicated. I don't understand how it changed so much. I love everything that has happened because it made me who I am today.

I walked out of the room and saw Alec in his little baby tux. He was the "ring bear". Of course someone had to carry him down the isle. I asked Nash to because Alec was born on his birthday. Nash was one of Taylor's groomsmen, but Taylor said it'd be fine if Nash got out of line to carry Alec down.

Everyone stood up when they saw me and my dad. We started walking down where there were petals of flowers. I was shaking so bad because this was the best moment of my life. I took deep breaths and before I knew it, we were by Taylor already. My dad nodded and Taylor nodded back. I smiled at Taylor and he smiled back at me. When Nash and Alec came down the isle, my heart melted. Alec looked adorable. Nash gave us the rings and he gave my mom Alec. Taylor put my ring on my finger and I put his ring on his finger. After a few moments of saying our vows, the priest let us kiss. Everyone stood up and cheered. I smiled as we walked out of the church and people were taking pictures of us. I was officially the happiest girl on the earth.

* * *

When we got home from the reception Taylor and I were so tired. We fed Alec and put him to bed, then we took a shower. When we got out of the shower we got dressed got into bed. I turned the flat screen TV on and put on 'endless love'. It was my favorite movie.

Halfway through the movie I paused it and I looked at Taylor who was staring at me. "I love you so much, husband." I loved the sound of it.

"I love you so much, wife." Taylor kissed me.

"So I just want to give you a little speech." I smiled.

"Go ahead, my love." Taylor smiled and put his arm around me.

"Five years ago, I was seventeen. I really liked this guy name Taylor Caniff. Every time I tried to meet him at magcon, it never worked out. Taylor made me smiled every day of my life and I always wanted to be with him. You know have him as my boyfriend? When I went to magcon Atlanta, I met the most amazing person on planet earth. He was so cute, nice, sweet, and amazing. I loved him so much. Well he cared for me at the hospital when I fell. I couldn't understand why he was so nice to me and he barely knew me. Then I thought to myself 'maybe he likes me.' I debated for awhile if that was true or not. One night when he took me to the mall on our first date I decided that he did. Well after a few girls came by and he kissed them, I changed my mind. Then on June first we had our redo date. Halfway through eating a piece of pepperoni pizza, I found a note that said the cutest fucking thing ever. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I smiled and I said 'yes' of course. Him and I were together. After finishing school and stuff, I went over to his house for the first time. We had our first big fight too. I got a call about an hour later when I was bawling my eyes out in a stranded parking lot. I thought it was Taylor so I was being really mean. It wasn't Taylor though, it was Nash telling me that Taylor and Aaron got in a car accident and they were in a coma. I thought I had lost him, but I was lucky enough that I didn't. Our relationship went on and it had it's ups and downs, but Taylor and I got through it. We loved each other so much that we would do anything to keep our relationship from dying. The thing is though, if Taylor and I never met at magcon Atlanta, I don't think that we would be laying in bed right now. We wouldn't have a baby boy that we adore so much and we wouldn't have spent five years of our lives together. I have found out my future with this amazing guy. I hope for the best in the future with him, I hope that we can still have those silly dates and make those silly vines. Even though I am young, married, and have a kid, I know what I want. I'm going to keep going for what I want in life. Taylor Michael Caniff, I fucking love you." I smiled and kissed Taylor.

"You're. So. Amazing." Taylor said in between kisses. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."


"Hey, Taylor."

"Yes my beautiful wife?"

"Why me?" I whispered.

Taylor shook his head and laughed. We spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching 'Endless Love'. I know that Taylor and I are going to have an endless love, no matter what obstacles we go through in our relationship.

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