You make me ache

De SleepingAriella

645K 13.3K 6.1K

Set in Autumn 2016. Troye has a year-long working visa allowing him to live in America with Tyler. The issue... Mais

Troyler: You make me ache (Smut love & fluff story)
Ch1: True friendship and True love.
Ch2: Twitches and Gasps
Ch3: Messy kisses and Sweaty bodies.
Ch4: Satisfied grins and Sleepy conversations.
Ch5: Pantomime snores and Clouds.
Ch6: Embarrassed friends and Daisies.
Ch7: Water fights and Memories.
Ch8: Twisted sheets and Carnal longing.
Ch10: Whirlwinds and Electric bolts.
Ch11: Forbidden activity and Evidence.
Ch12: Hangover cures and Butterflies.
Ch13: Pizza sauce and Cold tiles.
Ch14: Heated flames and Whimpers.
Ch15: Apologies and Moonlight.
Ch16: Incoherent pants and Promises.
Ch17: Morning bribes and House-sitting.
Ch18: Guinea pigs and Massages.
Ch19: Stomach flips and Commands.
Ch20: Cosmic pulls and Heavy-eyed yawns.
Ch21: Viewers and Pebbles.
Ch22: Heaven and Movie slides.
Ch23: Childish games and Pets.
Ch24: Uncertainty and Cookie dough.
Ch25: Icy vanilla and Salty kisses.
Ch26: Exploring and Perfect words.
A/N- Troye Sivan
Ch27: Vacation highlights and Wine.
Ch28: Open when's and Voicemail.
Ch29: Doctors and Desperation.
Ch30: Pain killers and Memory cards.
Ch31: Self-pity and Curiosity.
C32: Guard dog and Dark places.
Ch33: Flights home and Gifts.
Ch34: Electric circuits and Punishment.
Ch35: Mythology and Games.
Ch36: Beating hearts & Synchronisation.
Ch37: Happy Couples and Roots.
Ch38: Honest answers and Loose threads.
Ch39: Hints and Bed Sheets.
Ch40: Relentless longing and Gentle tears.
Ch41: Shower tears and Buoys.
Ch42: Mirrored actions and Communication.
Ch43: Breakfast and Photo Albums
Ch44: Sunbeams and Fantasies.
Ch45: Butterfly kisses and Perfect clouds.
Ch46: Pumpkin Pie and Skype Calls.
Ch47: Blanket Forts and Lies.
Ch 48 (part one): Whipped Cream and Teeth Indents.
Ch48 (part two): Whipped Cream and Teeth Indents.
Ch49: Honesty & New Boyfriend.
Ch50: Over-thinking and Understanding.
Recap and Update.
Ch51: Couples Costumes and Lap Dances.

Ch9: Impatient knocks and Sour tequila.

12K 237 51
De SleepingAriella

Tyler's POV.

I continue to fan myself at the open window as I hear Troye turn on the shower. My entire body is still hot and trembling from the intense orgasm that Troye delivered to me in the most delectable of ways. My breathing is still hectic and I try to take in long gulps of fresh air in a bid to drive away the wild gasps. Outside I can hear people chattering on the patio three floors below and I cringe, hoping that they did not just hear my repetitive, needy calls of Troye's name. Well, I guess it's too late now anyway- I think to myself. I linger at the window, still enjoying the cool breeze against my flushed, heated skin. Suddenly I hear an almighty crash in the bathroom and panic runs throughout my body.

"Troye?!" I shout as I race to the bathroom. I throw open the door and frantically make my way to Troye in the shower.

"Yeah, I'm fine Ty. Just clumsy" he replies nodding at the metal tray lying on the tiles.

I breathe again, only now realising that I had been holding my breath since my desperate call.

"How on earth did you manage that?" I ask, bewildered at how the tray that was once attached to the shower wall, full of products is now lying at my boyfriends feet, its products strewn messily around it.

"Well I was trying to squeeze the body wash bottle back into it, and well, I guess maybe I pushed too hard? It was only stuck on by suction pads..."

I laugh at him and tell him that he's an idiot before retreating back to the bedroom.

"An idiot that you happen to be very fond of right?" he calls to me, a cheerful tone to his voice indicating that he already knew the answer. It was impossible for anyone, himself included to be unaware of the intense emotional (and often physical) attachment that I have towards him.

I smile but don't reply and instead flop down onto the bed exhausted and grateful for the soft mattress. I close my eyes and hear Troye turn off the shower. I know I should go and shower myself but my limbs are still shaking and the idea of getting back up is not appealing. I start to let myself drift off into a peaceful daze, hazing out the sounds from outside and the bathroom. Without warning I suddenly feel a cold droplet fall onto my torso and my eyes startle open.

"Hi" grins my adorable man, standing at the side of the bed, his hair flattened across his forehead and still dripping from the shower.

I shudder as more droplets fall onto me and shriek at him however instead of retreating he clambers onto the bed, his naked wet body briefly sliding against mine.

"I'm cold Tilly, warm me up" he pleads, curling his body around me, effectively making me just as wet.

"Ewww. Troye Sivan! You're all wet!" I scold at him, trying to retract my warm body from his cold one. I am however unsuccessful as he cloaks me with his arms and brings me closer, kissing me on the nose.  I laugh at him and tell him off for getting the sheets wet.

"But I figured you would make a better towel" he laughs back, ignoring my playful scold. I look at him and wonder how he can flit through so many different personas but I am grateful for each and every single one.

"This morning you were pretty romantic, then half an hour ago you were the dictionary definition of sex appeal, how are you now irritatingly adorable?" I whisper at him.

"I don't know about that but I do know that you're not doing a very good job at warming me up!" he says shivering. We both climb under the sheets and continue to cuddle up. I brush his wet hair away from his forehead and watch as his face softens against my fingertips. I place my forehead against his and let my eyelids succumb to the heavy pull that my exhaustion is forcing.

"I'll never tire of this, I want you always" I whisper, meaning it entirely and hearing his reply just before my body surrendered to sleep:

"Always... It'll always be you and me".


I awaken to Troye patting the back of his hand clumsily against my cheek and sleepily mumbling something that makes no sense to me... "Get it Tilly, me sleep"

'Get it?' Get what I think to myself, my brain still slow as I awaken from my nap. Slowly I begin to understand his words as my senses wake up and I hear someone knocking at our hotel door. I groan, not wanting to leave the warmth that is this bed and Troye's body as his long legs stretch out across mine.

"Tylerrrr... please" begs my groggy, lazy boyfriend. I sigh and shift my legs, causing his to slide off me. I shout that I am coming to the impatient knocker, unreasonably irritated at whoever is hammering on the door. I slowly swing my legs out of bed and grab my boxers that still lie discarded on the floor from earlier. The knocking stops and I hear Alfie's voice shout out Troyes and mines names questioningly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" I grunt. I wonder what can be this urgent as I hastily step into my boxers and make my way to the door. As I open it I am careful to stand behind the wooden panel. I poke only my head into Alfie's line of sight feeling self-conscious in only my underwear.

"Are you okay? Where's Troye? Alfie questions, a look of confusion spreading across his face. I blink back at him, still confused to as why he's been hammering down on our door.

"He's in bed. Why? Why are you here?" I mumble at him, too sleepy and confused to phrase it in a friendlier way.

"In bed? Is he okay? And Tyler, why on earth are you currently a floating head?" Alfie questions, a confused expression still lingering on his face. Jeez, I think to myself. This is hard work.

"Believe me you'd blush if you saw my body right now and Troye is..." I mumble before he cuts me off.

"In bed because of the reason I'd blush if I saw you right now"

"What? No, well yes but no. We were sleeping until you rudely awakened us- without it seems a real reason why" I grunt back. I don't want to be having this conversation, I just want to climb back into bed and inhale the soft skin of Troye's neck until I fall back into a deep sleep. I sigh at him as he shakes his head and pulls his phone out of his pocket, thumbs searching through his contacts, still I note with frustration, not explaining the reason for his presence.

"Tyler... come back. It's cold without you" I hear Troye call out, his needy voice tugging at my heart. I look at Alfie as he holds his phone up to his face and I swiftly close the door on him. If Alfie can't tell me why he's here then I'm going back to bed to snuggle up with my man. Before I can take two steps, I hear another knock that is painful to my sleepy state. I reopen the door.

"What Alfie? Why are you here? Let us sleep" I snap, bored of this conversation already, and eager to escape to Troye. I hear Alfie reply with a smirk, telling me that I'm being rude but all I can think is that he is still not answering my question. I glower my eyes at him, my lips smacked shut and by the sudden lack of his boyish smirk I assume he understands that I'm getting beyond annoyed.

"Dinner? We have dinner plans remember? The cab has been waiting downstairs for ten minutes already. When neither of you answered your phones, the other two cabs left for the restaurant but our cab is sat waiting".

I silently curse myself, instantly feeling guilty for being so rude and bad tempered. How had we completely forgotten to set an alarm? How had we forgotten our dinner plans? The visual of Troye unravelling under my touch flashes through my head and as a blush creeps up my cheeks I remember we had both been pretty distracted and then exhausted earlier this afternoon.

"Oh, my bad Alf.  Errm, tell you what you guys go now and we'll have just have to get another cab and meet you there?" I offer apologetically. He rolls his eyes and cancels his call which I'm assuming is to someone downstairs in the lobby waiting for us. He agrees and tells me not to worry about it but to drag Troye out of bed and hurry up. As he walks down the corridor I shout apologies after him, exclaiming that we'll be as quick as we can.  I look over to the bed and see only a tuft of chocolate hair, the rest of Troye buried under the sheets. I walk over to him and slowly lean above him. I can tell by his breathing that he is in the in-between state of sleep and consciousness. I decide that there is only one way that I can guarantee to work in getting Troye to drag his cute butt out of bed. I grasp the sheets in my hands and quickly, fluently swipe them away from the bed, casting them to the floor. The sudden gust of cold air bites at Troyes naked body and his eyes dart open.

"Not fun Ty" he moans at me, curling his body into a ball trying to preserve some body heat. I lean down and scoop his small frame up into my arms, lifting him awkwardly off the bed. I clumsily try to place him on the floor next to me, but he isn't co-operating- rather than lowering his feet to stand, he curls into my body. I sigh, both out of frustration and fondness at his difficult but adorable behaviour.

"Dinner Troye, we're late" I manage to muster, my voice straining as my arms start to fold with his weight. He may be slight but my tired body struggles with this pro-longed lift. I watch as a look of realisation crosses his face and he quickly clambers to the floor. I smile as he immediately starts darting around the room, wittering on about needing to iron his shirt and asking me if I know where his hair product is. I too begin to start to get ready, telling him to just wear one of my already ironed shirts in order to save time and locating his hair product as I douse myself in cologne.

A short while later I follow Troye into the restaurant. It is a pretty little Italian bistro located not far from our hotel. As Troye speaks with the dining host I cast a glance around the place- candles flicker on every table and vases of pale yellow flowers dress each spare surface giving it a welcoming and feminine feel.  The dining host leads us to our friends, all of whom are loudly laughing and joking, their presence overpowering the small bistro which is otherwise filled with adoring middle aged couples and only a few other groups of young friends like ourselves. I notice that above our table is a hanging wine rack, filled with empty vintage bottles. The shiny wine bottles on the table are empty also. Judging by their louder than usual animated tales, the empty bottles and their lack of acknowledgment that myself and Troye had arrived, our you-tuber friends have spent their time waiting for us by getting to know the wine list. The host places two more menus onto the wooden table beside Grace and only then is our presence recognised.

"Oh hey guys" Grace says cheerfully, "glad you could detach your bodies from one another to join us".

I hear Troye reply "Sorry everyone, we were sleeping". The majority of the table scoff and/or raise their eyebrows at this.

"What? We were..." he exclaims defending us both. I smile and take a seat, knowing that it is a battle he won't win. The table laugh as Marcus makes a comment about what we might have been doing to have worn us both out so much that we had slept through multiple missed calls and texts. I give a cheeky wink, causing another eruption of laughter. Troye turns a deep scarlet and takes the only remaining empty seat at the other end of the table. I decide to spare him of further blushing and change the conversation, asking everyone if they know what food is supposed to be good here.

Before the waiter walks away with our orders, I double check that he understands I want two drinks, not one like everyone else. He nods his head, looking slightly concerned for me but I shrug it off- everyone else besides Troye has managed to get nicely buzzed already tonight so what's wrong with playing a little catch up? Listening in to my drink request, Grace leans over and gives me a high five as her sign of approval. We laugh together and fall back into the conversation flowing around the table.

The night continues with us enjoying our food and ordering more drinks, the conversations varying from the wedding to secret projects and Sawyers vast amount of dating stories to reminiscing over old shared memories. Over the past years we had collectively as a group all formed strong bonds with each other. Although our jobs are to each of us the dream job with many rewarding opportunities and countless advantages, they were also intense. Sharing so much of our lives with our fans is simultaneously exciting and stressful. So much about us is recorded and sometimes it seems there is no escaping certain truths. Poor Joe had only recently had his recent breakup thrown into the public eye and the whole situation had been messy. I cast a look down the long table at Troye and silently pray that I'll never have to worry about a similar situation. Losing Troye would shatter me and having it displayed so publically would diminish the tiny chance of being able to put myself back together. As the thought tears at my brain, I down the remainder of my drink and stand up. I stride over to the bar but not without first taking drink orders from the table.

I reel of the list of drinks that we all want and ask if a waiter can bring them over for me, knowing that I would not be able to balance the two trays that will most likely be required. The friendly bartender tells me that it's not a problem and asks if there is anything else she can get me. I hesitate slightly but then decide to order two shots- I am after all on vacation I remind myself. With the sour taste of tequila lingering in my mouth I make my way back to the table, pausing behind Troye and throwing my arms over his shoulders. He clasps my hands as he tilts his head back, staring up at me. My heart falters slightly at how stunning his face looks in the dim light.

"Hey stranger, I missed you" I announce. He laughs at me but gives my hands an affectionate squeeze. Opposite Troye, Joe sits and light-heartedly mocks us as I complain that Troye is sitting too far away for my liking. Joe cries out loudly, in mock horror that 'Troyler' sitting a whole five people away from each other is despicable and should be righted at once. I release Troye and take Joe's joke as an opportunity to tease my friend back.

"Well I guess that the only solution would be for me to change seats and sit at this end of the table, right?" I say walking around the table and sliding onto Joes lap.

"Much better, yes?" I ask playfully causing both Joe and Troye to laugh. I make a flirty, smart comment about being with my two favourite men just as the waiter arrives with the drinks. He looks at me and Joe a little strangely- obviously uncomfortable seeing two men this close together. Troye clocks his glance and quickly tells him that it's okay and that it's a three way relationship. At this remark the table explodes with laughter and the waiter's expression turns to one of confusion and embarrassment. I smile at Troyes defensive confidence and slip off Joe, making my way back to my seat, squeezing Troyes shoulder on my way.

Another half hour and round of drinks pass and we decide to leave, knowing that we could spend the remainder of the night in the hotel bar. We request the tab and down the remainders of our drinks. Soon after, we all step outside and wait for the cabs that someone has already ordered whilst we were splitting the bill. As the fresh air hits me, my head spins slightly and I am aware of how much alcohol I have consumed. Already I am more drunk than I was at the wedding last night but looking at Grace, Troye and Zoe dance on the pavement; I don't think I am the only one. The cabs slowly pull up beside us and we all tumble in, eager to commence the short car journey and arrive back to the hotel to continue the night.


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