The forgotten Weasley

By shadowray17

488K 10.5K 784

This is Sophie Weasley. She was born after Ron but before Ginny. She was born on the thirty first of July. Th... More

Sophie 2yrs old
Sophie 3yrs old
Sophie 4yrs old
Sophie 5yrs old
Sophie 6yr old
Sophie 7yrs old
Sophie 8yrs old
Sophie 9yrs old
Sophie 10yrs old
Sophie 11yrs old
School Supplies
Talking with Karkaroff
School yrs 2 quiditch cup
Going to Hogwarts
Running into Ron
Easdropping and prank
The first task
The second task
The third task
Wake up and get the award
The Prank shop
Shut out
Getting better
A show
Waking up
Released and date?

The date

9.8K 203 85
By shadowray17

I got dressed in a white dress and silver flats.

George was talking to me assuring me that I am beautiful. While Fred is talking to Lee, I'm pretty sure he is threatening him.

Lee walks me out into the alley. He takes me to this restaurant that just opened. We were settled in a booth in the back. He sat next to me and smiled. He hands me a Lilly that was tucked away in his jacket. I smiled and smelled it. Lilly my favorite I thought.

We ordered some food which was real good. We talked and joked like nothing can happen to us. Like there had been no war.

When it finished we walked around and he bought me potion ingredients. However what was better then the whole date was the kiss he gave before I entered the shop. His lips tasted like Chocolate probably from the chap stick he put on. He asked me out for another date the next week. I agreed and walked into the store and I was bombarded by the twins. I was smiling like a lunatic and ignored their pleas to get answers from me. I changed and went to bed excited for the next week.

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