The Dragon Bond: Heirs of Lyra

By wilsonsoftball

77.6K 6.3K 703

Now that King Alan and Queen Ariana's three children are all grown up, it's time for them to make their own a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Part 2:
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Part 3
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 27

1.3K 95 15
By wilsonsoftball

Darkness surrounded Ralf. Even with his heightened senses he could not see. Then suddenly there was a bright light. The light moved in the darkness and Ralf followed it. When the light stopped moving, Ralf stopped walking. All of a sudden a man appeared. He was sitting on a stool and his hands were bound behind his back. His face was battered and bloody and when he slowly looked up at Ralf, the prince finally recognized who this man was. It was the Nieblan spy, the one Ralf had spoken with, the one who had bitten off his own tongue.

Slowly the spy smiled, his lips drawing wider and wider until he revealed a tongueless mouth.

Ralf shuddered and turned away, unable to look any longer. He started running in the opposite direction, deeper into the darkness until he tripped over something. A branch. He was in the woods. Light and heat abruptly surrounded Ralf as men with torches encircled him. In one hand these men held torches and in the other hand was a sword.

Ralf struggled to stand up, his paralyzed leg keeping him down. "What do you want?" Ralf screamed up at them as they inched towards him. He tried to use his magic to push them away from him but nothing happened. His dragon's mark burned on his right hand. Again Ralf shouted, "What do you want!"

In unison, they answered, "Death."

Ralf fell violently out of bed, kicking and clawing his way out from under the covers that ensnared him. His breathing was rapid but it slowed as he realized where he was. His chest continued to heave as he removed the cover from over his head and looked around his room. He was in no danger. It had all been a dream, a nightmare.

Ralf struggled to shake the dream off as he went about his day. Sometimes the visions from his dream would pop up in his head and Ralf would stop dead in his tracks, paralyzed in fear. He needed a distraction.

Mirum found her dragon bond pacing towards the Elysian river, incredibly far away from the castle grounds. She wondered how long he must have walked to reach the river without her help. The walk must have at least taken several hours.

"You weren't planning on swimming without me?" The elegant silver-scaled dragon asked her rider.

Ralf looked up at her as she flew above him in the sky. "I just needed to get away."

"Something's troubling you."

"I'm fine."

Mirum suddenly landed directly in front of Ralf, shaking the ground he stood on. He caught his breath, unable to calm his jitters. The slightest noises were making him jump and a giant 35,000 pound dragon landing directly in front of him didn't help matters.

"You're lying," Mirum accused.

"Bad dream," he relented.

"So you've come for a swim to take your mind off of it?" Mirum stated it without question. She knew her rider better than he knew himself. "I hate to say it, but you will have to face this dream eventually. Swimming might occupy your mind for a while but once you close your eyes tonight you'll be defenseless."

"Thanks for the reminder." Ralf muttered bitterly. He didn't want to think about what would happen when he tried to sleep again tonight. Hopefully the nightmare was a one time occurrence.

Ralf braced himself for the icy harshness of the water. Despite the sun's heat that day, winter was only a few short months away from freezing the river solid. On land the day was nice and warm with a gentle breeze sending the golden leaves off from their branches and onto the green grass. The water, however, was a different story. Cold and unforgiving.

After Ralf removed his shirt and trousers and slipped his boots and socks off, he jumped into the river. He met the water with a splash and let his body plunge low into the water until he needed to come up for air. His dragon was beside him on the land, waiting for the moment when he would need her assistance.

Years ago when King Alan and Queen Ariana finally allowed their son to use swimming as a means of building endurance, Ralf had trained daily in the water. At first he had been a terrible swimmer, barely able to keep himself afloat. His parazlyed lower left leg acted as an anchor, dragging his body low into the water.

Luckily Mirum had always been there for him whenever he struggled. The times that Ralf struggled to stay afloat, Mirum had been there to pick him up by the neck of his shirt. One time, however, when Mirum attempted to grab her rider from the depths of the river, she had grabbed onto his shirt, but his body had slid out from under his clothing. Instead of pulling out her rider she came out with only his shirt. Panicked, Mirum dove deep under the water and grabbed onto her rider's body with gentle claws. Queen Ariana performed chest compressions on her son until he finally spit up water and breathed on his own once again.

Swimming for Ralf was always dangerous. But it was the best way for him to build endurance. Because of his leg he couldn't walk at a good pace and he most definitely could not run. The only other way for Ralf to build an endurance was to put a brave face on and learn to swim well.

After years of working on his swimming, he was finally able to learn how to keep his legs from drooping low as he propelled himself forward using his arms. As a result, not only did he gain endurance, but he also built up a strong lung capacity.

Only when Ralf was exhausted did he need the help of his dragon to stay afloat.

Now Ralf swam against the current of the river, swimming as fast as he could, as if hoping he could swim away from his troubles.

Time slipped away as Ralf continued throwing his body against the current of the blue waters. Eventually his energy began to wear and Mirum had to help more frequently. Unable to keep himself above water, every so often Ralf would slip under and Mirum would have to pull him up, gently using her claws to lift his torso.

Finally, Ralf could go no further and he stopped swimming forward and instead floated in the water. The current faded to a dull lapping and it took little effort for Ralf to stay afloat. He lay on his back and let his head dip under, waking him up and giving him a little more energy. His body had adjusted to the cold waters making anything outside of the water cool.

A voice startled Ralf, unbalancing him. "Sirey said you might be here."

Incredulously Ralf looked up at the bank to see Princess Karolina standing there, the reigns of her horse in her hands. "I had to pry the information out of her, she was quite reluctant to tell me where you were. She doesn't like me much."

Ralf was gaping now, unable to speak. Finally he remembered what she had said and mustered out a response. "I wonder why that is," he said weakly.

Karolina shrugged. "I know why."

Ralf frowned, not sure what she meant. Sirey was a good friend of his and to many others. She was a great cook and had a good sense of humor, he wasn't sure why she and the foreign princess wouldn't get along.

Suddenly Ralf was very aware that he was shirtless. He ducked under the water quickly and heard the Princess laugh musically in response.

"What are you doing out here anyway?" The Princess asked as Ralf struggled to discreetly hide his pale upper body from her sight.

Ralf nervously ran a hand through his wet, tangled hair. He was already self conscious about himself when he was dry and fully clothed and here he was shivering and wet with only his undergarments on below.

"I needed to build up my endurance."

"Why are you acting so weird?" Mirum asked, reminding Ralf she was still there. She stood on the other side of the bank. Ralf shot a panicked glance at her. Mirum wasn't the biggest fan of Karolina. He didn't want her to think he liked the Princess. Because he didn't...definitely not...

"I'm not acting weird. I'm just cold."

"Then get out of the water. You've had enough anyway."

Ralf turned in the water to face his dragon. "Could you please give the Princess and I a moment alone."


"She came out here for a reason, I just want to know what she wants."

"Can't she say it in front of me?" Mirum reasoned, much to Ralf's annoyance.

"Please give us a minute!"

Mirum got closer to the edge so that she could lean her long neck nearer to her rider and look him in the eyes. "Do you like her?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Then why do I have to leave?"

Unable to keep his annoyance internal, Ralf shouted, "Please just let me talk to her alone!" Ralf's eyes widened. He had meant to say this so only Mirum could hear.

Ralf could hear Mirum chuckling, the sound echoing in his mind as she beat her wings and lifted off up into the sky, finally leaving Ralf alone with Karolina.

"I didn't mean to upset either of you," Princess Karolina said sheepishly from the riverbank.

Ralf turned to face her. "You didn't!" He wanted to smack himself in the forehead. Why was he acting like such a fool? "I mean, she's fine. I'm fine. How are you?"

Again Princess Karolina let out a laugh and Ralf found himself staring a little too long at her. Her face was so beautiful when she smiled and her dark brown eyes seemed to shine.

"I'm feeling much better," Karolina answered. "Mostly I'm bored. There's not much to do at the castle. I had a nice morning with your sister, but she had to go to lessons with Maria. So I thought I might look for you. But I can see you're busy."

"Actually I just finished."

Karolina smiled at that. "What were you planning on doing after this?"

Ralf tried to think of something, a lie. It was dangerous to spend time with his brother's fiancé. Especially after their conversation in the woods, before they were attacked. Karolina hadn't been able to finish what she was saying but whatever it was had stirred something inside of Ralf. He didn't want anything else stirred inside of him.

Unfortunately, Ralf was a terrible liar and couldn't even muster up an excuse. "Nothing much."

Again Karolina smiled and Ralf suddenly felt warm despite the cold waters keeping him afloat.

"Then maybe you could consider involving me in your plans for the evening?" Karolina asked sheepishly.

The Prince shrugged in the water. "I was thinking I might stay in here for a while." Part of him was toying with the Princess and the other part was serious. If he stayed in the water, he could distance himself from her. As long he was down there and she was up on the bank, he could control his emotions, at least a little bit.

"I thought you said you were done," Karolina reminded him. A sly smile flickered on her lips.

"Done swimming, yes. Floating, no."

Princess Karolina put her hands on her hips and looked down at him. "Maybe I'll have to join you." Then a worried look spread over her face as she realized something. "I don't have any swimwear with me."

Ralf shrugged yet again, feigning aloofness. "Another time then." Secretly inside he was relieved. Surely now the Princess would leave and he could avoid her another day. Being near her was dangerous, Ralf decided.

Much to Ralf's shock and slight horror, the Princess slipped her heels off and began peeling away her pantyhose.

"What are you doing?" Ralf asked, his voice cracking slightly.

"Joining you," she answered simply as she began untying her dress from the back. Before Ralf could stop her she lifted her dress up over her head and off of her body, leaving only her underdress, which barely reached her ankles.

"Oh God," Ralf croaked, swallowing hard. He couldn't look away. Instead he closed his eyes. He opened them when he heard a splash and felt pellets of water spray his body.

Immediately Ralf laughed at the sight of Karolina swimming towards him. Her beautiful full hair now hung limp against her body, flowing in the water around her. Water dripped from her brows, spilling onto her eyes and making her skin glow.

"Something funny," She asked, almost self-consciously.

Ralf shook his head. "No, no. You look fine. I'm still in shock that you actually jumped in."

Karolina laughed and Ralf joined her. When they stopped, she said, "This water is freezing!"

Without thinking, Ralf splashed her. It always helped him when he was cold to get the rest of his body wet too.

The Princess, however, took this to mean war and she began splashing away at Ralf in an attack of her own. The two continued their battle until Karolina swam closer to Ralf and jumped up, using her body to take him under the water with him.

Ralf mocked drowning and let his head hang in the water as his back floated up towards the sky.

Instantly he felt powerful claws wrap around his body and felt himself ripped away from the water and into the cold air.

"Are you alright?" Mirum's voice was clearly worried.

Ralf laughed and tried to turn his body so he looked up at his dragon. "I was only pretending, Mirum. You worry too much."

"Fine then." Mirum said defiantly, making Ralf regret his words instantly. Mirum wasn't one to be trifled with.

She unforgivingly released her grip on Ralf and he fell towards the river, landing with a loud and heavy splash. When he surfaced he looked up at Mirum and began laughing so hard he slipped under the water.

"That was awesome," he muttered. "Mirum again!"

"Again what?" She asked from the sky.

"Drop me again, that was amazing!"

Ralf could tell she thought he was being ridiculous but her soft spot for her rider was stronger than her practical side. She swooped down and grabbed hold of Ralf, then climbed high in the sky.

"Higher!" Ralf shouted.

"This is high enough," Mirum said before she released him once again and let the waters catch him.

In the water Ralf swam back over to the incredulous Karolina.

"Are you crazy?" she asked. "Or do you have a death wish?"

"Try it! It's fun," he assured her.

Karolina looked hesitant and then looked up at the enormous dragon making loops above her. "I think I'll stay right here."

"Come on," Ralf pressured. "I promise you you'll love it."

Karolina shook her head. "I don't like heights."

Ralf swam closer to her and grabbed hold of her hand. He let go of it instantly, not sure what came over him. Clearing his throat, he said,"Try it with me. Mirum can take us both up and if you don't want to do it, I'll tell her to let you back down."

Karolina looked more than hesitant as she bit her lip and considered the idea. Finally, she agreed to it. Ralf called his dragon down and explained what to do. In one claw she held onto Ralf's body and in the other she held on to Karolina. The Princess let out a small whimper once she left the safety of the water and lifted up into the sky.

Mirum beat her wings slowly, making sure not to startle Karolina. "Just a little higher." Ralf told his dragon.

"I can't do this," Karolina said quickly. She began squirming in Mirum's grip.

"Hey," Ralf said, grabbing her attention. "It's okay. If you don't want to do it anymore then I'll have her send us back down."

Karolina nodded and thanked him. Just as Ralf was telling Mirum to send them back down, his dragon ruthlessly released her grip on both of them and the two fell down until they hit the water.

Immediately Ralf fought his way to the surface to search for Karolina. "I said no!" Ralf shouted to his dragon.

"I wasn't going to let fear spoil a good time for her."

"No, you just wanted to scare her."

Finally Karolina's head breached the water and she surfaced, her lungs gasping for air. Ralf was by her side instantly. When Karolina caught her breath she looked at Ralf and to his complete surprise she grinned at him.

"That was amazing!"

Ralf laughed, unable to believe what he was hearing. "You really liked it?"

She nodded and demanded to be taken up again. The two of them continued to be taken up into the air and dropped into the water for almost another hour. Each time was higher than the next, though Mirum never went higher than was safe. She was smart enough to know what distance would hurt them and what distance was just enough to give them an adrenaline boost.

Finally Mirum relented. "I'm hungry." she stated before flying off towards the Dragon's Den.

Karolina noticed the dragon leaving and she shouted up into the sky, "Thank you Mirum!"

"She's okay, I guess." Mirum said to Ralf, making him smile. He was glad his dragon was finally warming up to the Princess.

"That was incredible." Karolina said, grabbing Ralf's attention once again. "The first few times were still terrifying, but I really enjoyed myself. I can't thank you enough. I don't know the last time I've had that much fun," she admitted.

Ralf and Karolina were floating next to each other and both were pale from being in the water so long. Ralf examined his fingertips, looking at how they wrinkled from prolonged exposure to water.

Karolina followed his actions and looked at her fingertips as well. "I'm shriveling," she laughed as she said this.

"Mine are even worse," Ralf commented, showing her his own.

"I suppose that means we should get out before we become prunes."

Ralf agreed and they struggled back onto the dry ground of the riverbank. As soon as their bodies left the water, the two began shivering.

"I think I have some blankets in my satchel." Karolina walked over to her horse and fortunately found two large blankets for the two to dry off with.

Ralf thanked the Princess and began drying off. They sat down to rest their tired bodies and dry off more. Ralf let his body fall backwards so that his back was on the soft grass and his gaze was towards the clouds.

He watched as Karolina fell back to lie next to him. The blanket was wrapped snug around her body, covering any exposed skin.

Ralf realized that his blanket was only covering his wet legs. His torso was completely exposed and he was about to bring the blanket up to his chest when the Princess surprised him by extending her hand out to meet his chest.

Her fingertips lightly met the smooth skin on Ralf's chest and he shuddered under her touch. He turned his head to look at her. She seemed entranced and Ralf became even more self-conscious. He wasn't nearly as strong as his older brother, Henry. His body wasn't made for sword fighting or punching foes. His body was lean and toned for riding dragons. His heart was the strongest muscle he had, allowing him to have the endurance of a champion dragon rider.

Ralf's hand twitched as Karolina began tracing invisible patterns on his chest with her index finger, her touch light as ever. This is Henry's finance! he shouted at himself.

Unable to control his emotions any longer, Ralf pulled his upper body into a sitting position and grabbed the blanket so he could stand. Before he could get off the ground, Karolina grabbed hold of his arm and willed Ralf to look at her.

Shaking, Ralf turned slowly to meet the Princess' gaze. He tried not to look at her eyes, those dark depthless eyes. Or her chocolate colored hair which was now drying under the warmth of the sun. Most of all he tried not to look at her lips, whose once pale pink color was returning to its original warm red tone.

She looked at him like no one else ever had. He felt as though he were stripped of everything, completely open for her to see all his thoughts, his dreams, his mistakes, his fears. He didn't like this feeling of vulnerability. He wanted to squirm under her gaze and yet his body was suddenly frozen, glued to the ground beneath him.

Her gaze shifted lower and her right hand that was tracing the skin on his chest now rested lightly on his shoulder, extending to his bare upper back. She leaned close to him and he inhaled. She smelled of water and moss with a faint scent of rose. When she kissed him he felt the warmth of her lips. The heat spread throughout his whole body until the goosebumps on his arms were gone and replaced with complete warmth.

Her kiss filled him with a sense of serenity and he deepened their kiss, afraid of losing this new euphoric sensation. He held her close to his body and could feel the rise and fall of her chest as her breathing grew more rapid.

As Karolina pulled back out of the kiss Ralf felt as if she were taking his soul with her. He looked at her and tried not to let the grin on his face burst his cheeks. Karolina smiled back at him, a new look gleaming in her eyes.

A breeze sent chills over Ralf's body, the warmth of the kiss faded and replaced with the bite of the wind licking his still wet body. Instinctively he looked down at his legs, suddenly aware that the blanket was no longer covering them. Ralf struggled to grab the blanket and cover his parazlyed leg before the Princess could see but he was too late.

His attention turned her own gaze to where he was looking. She saw his legs before he could cover them. Though his right leg was strong and normal, his left lower leg was limp and thin. Lifeless.

He stood up, suddenly craving distance. He willed his dragon to take him away, far away.

Luck was with Ralf in that moment. Mirum had just finished eating and had already been on her way to get him. She was there the moment he stood up. He let her take hold of him with her claws, not wanting to waste another second by mounting her.

"Ralf wait!" Princess Karolina shouted from below.

But Ralf was already flying speedily away. Self-loathing began eating him up as it always did when people saw his leg for the first time. He hated his leg, he hated himself. Karolina would be repulsed by him now. A tear slipped down his cheek as Mirum flew him as quickly as she could. But no matter how fast or far Mirum flew, he could never outrun feelings.

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