
By MinnieMayMonte

584 57 2

Things never go as planned. One night and her heart was his forever. Secrets and lies tear them apart, but tr... More



7 1 0
By MinnieMayMonte

"Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet."


"Where is my perfume?" I ran my acrylic, french-tip manicured fingers through my wet hair.

"Hunny relax," Steph's calm voice carried me back into my relaxed frame of mind.

"You're right," she hugged me and started to blow dry my hair.

"Also, I bought you a new bottle in hopes that you would forget yours," I smirked and looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was done and I was waiting for my hair to be braided and styled into a perfect bun.

"Is it clear?" I looked into the mirror at Randy and nodded, "Just checking for cold feet," I laughed and tapped my nails on the table.

"No way," he chuckled and shoved his left hand into his pocket.

"I have something for you," I looked at Ran through the mirror and he smiled, "It's not much, but I hope you like it," he placed a silver locket in front of me and I smiled. My initials were interlocked with Josh's and my whole face lit up. I snapped open the locket and the picture of Josh and me asleep on a lawn chair on his 25th birthday.

"Randy I love it," I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Alright it's time to get ready," Steph glanced at Ran and he took the hint.

"Mom and Dad would be so proud," I smiled and willed myself not to cry.

"Go get dressed," I nodded and walked into the bathroom, "Ready," I nodded and walked out slowly, "You look amazing and so beautiful," I looked into the full-length mirror. The dress hugged my chest and curves perfectly, "Josh is going to melt when he sees you," I smiled and looked at the train behind me.

"I'm so scared that I will trip over this," Steph shook her head and smoothed out the back of the dress.

"It's perfect," I saw Randy appear in the mirror behind me and he whipped off his face.

"Don't start, Ran," I fanned my face and looked away from him.

"Sorry, Addy," he tucked his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

"How's Josh?" He smirked and let out a loud laugh.

"He's fine. No cold feet," I smiled and let out a breathy sigh.

"I'm glad he's not freaking out because I am," Steph hugged me tightly and we both looked at Ran.

"I need to get into my dress and you need to keep the groom from exploding," he nodded and leaned forward, and kissed my cheek. He pulled Steph into his chest and kissed her softly.

"I will be back in an hour to give you away," I nodded and looked back at myself in the mirror. One hour until Josh and I are officially inseparable.

"Are you ready?" She applied the last of my lipstick and smiled.

"As I'll ever be," Randy walked into the room looking dashing as ever.

"You look so handsome," he smiled.

"Thanks," he hugged me and then looked at Steph, "Stephy you look amazing," she smiled.

"Thank you Ran," he leaned in and whispered something to her. She flushed and smiled wider, "Let's go kick this wedding's butt," Stephy said and we all headed to the entryway of the garden. My four bridesmaids were escorted by the four groomsmen and all I could see were shoes at the end of the altar.

"Our turn, Addy," I gulped and looked up at Ran. My knuckles were white and my arm was tense, "It's okay," I took a deep breath and looked forward. My eyes landed on Josh's body and he looked tense. I smiled and let my eyes roam over his well-dressed self. His black dress shoes were shined, perfectly pressed black pants, his black tux jacket was resting over a pressed white dress shirt and his purple tie was resting on his collar bone. His clean shaved face was slightly glowing from nervous sweat and his hair was gelled up in the front. His green eyes met mine and his whole body was physically relaxed. I reached the front and took Josh's hands in mine.

"You look breathtaking, Addy." I blushed and squeezed his hands in mine.

"So do you," we listened to Oliver begin the intro and then we each said our vows.

"Addyson, you stole my heart the night I saw you wrapped up in your sweater waiting in line for the sky ride. That same amazing smile still has my heart racing. I could not have asked for a better time. I love you so much, Addyson and I hope you will let me love you until our days run out," tears flooded my eyes and I quickly wiped them away.

"Dang it," I mumbled and he let out a soft laugh.

"Here," he pulled out a kleenex. I wiped under my eyes and cleared my throat.

"Josh, I can not even begin to describe how much I love you. After that night on the boardwalk, I knew my life would never be whole without you. I can't imagine myself without you and I will love you until I can't anymore," I choked up a bit and everyone clapped quickly.

"May I now have the rings?" Randy gave the rings to him with a bright smile on his face, "Addyson repeat after me," I looked at Josh and felt butterflies return to my stomach, "I, Addyson, take you, Joshua," I cleared my voice.

"I, Addyson, take you, Joshua," Oliver continues.

"To be my loftly wedded husband," I watched Josh's smile mirror mine.

"To be my loftly wedded husband," Josh brushed his left thumb over my right hand.

"In sickness and in health until death do us part," I repeated the last line and slid his silver band onto his ring finger. Josh repeated his part and he slowly slid my matching silver ring on my left hand in front of my engagement ring.

"You may kiss your bride," Josh beamed and grabbed my hips and pulled me into his chest.

"I love you so much, Addy," before I could mutter a word, his lips were on mine and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. We ended the kiss and walked down the aisle into the botanical gardens for pictures.

After thirty minutes of Josh and I kissing, hugging, and posing, we finally reentered the reception hall.

"I'm starving, baby," I looked up at Josh, who started to laugh, "I'm serious, I only had a bowl of cereal today," he wrapped his arm around my waist and we started to greet our guests.

An hour later I was getting 'hangry' as Josh put it, so he fixed me a plate and I downed all the food on it.

"Hangry Addyson?" Randy walked up to our table.

"I'm just trying to keep the peace," Josh said while laughing and I just rolled my eyes and finished my glass of white wine.

"Let's get the happy couple onto the dance floor," the DJ announced and Josh extended his hands towards me. I took them and we walked to the center of the dance floor.

"Where are Randy and Stephy?" I asked Josh as we sat around the bridesmaids and groomsmen after a couple of hours of dancing.

"Having drunk wedding sex," Gabby said and Josh started to laugh.

"It wouldn't surprise me. The sexual tension was so intense earlier today," I stated and Stephy emerged from the back room followed by a flushed Ran.

"Called it," Gabby whispered and Josh stood up and walked over to Randy.

"There always has to be one wedding sex story," I finished off my second glass of wine and turned my attention to Josh and Randy. Finally, Josh returned to the table laughing.

"Gabby was right," We all laughed and Josh dragged me back onto the dance floor.

"Josh, my feet hurt," I said after another hour of dancing, "I have an amazing idea," I started and slipped off my heels, "Let's trade," he shook his head and walked off the dance floor with my heels and set them down.

"Your idea was great, but I would rather spend our honeymoon being with you and not in a cast," I laughed and we started dancing to the next two slow songs.

"Please tell me where we are going," I begged as we ran through the rose petals.

"I will tomorrow before we leave for the airport," I grumbled and followed him into the hotel lobby. At this point, I couldn't feel my feet and my dress was way too heavy to walk in. Josh picked up our room key and took my hand, "Come on Mrs. Carter," breathing in quickly, I felt my new last name soak in. We rode in the elevator in silence and finally reached the eighth floor. I lifted the front of my dress and took his hand as we walked down the endless hallway to our suite. We entered the room and Josh carried me over the threshold, "I'm going to go and get the bags from downstairs," his warm breath fanned over my face and I shuddered.

"Okay," I managed to squeak out and he kissed me softly.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and watched him leave the room. I took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom.

"Addyson, calm down," I whispered to myself and I grabbed my one bag and started to dig through it. I pulled out the white and blue lingère from the bag and slipped the silky fabric onto my body. I brushed my teeth twice and put on more deodorant. I heard the door click open and I rushed to the doorway of our bedroom.

"Addy I'm back," he turned around and froze in his steps.

"Hi," I whispered and he licked his lips quickly.

"This is a very nice surprise," his voice was deeper than before and I placed my right hand on my hip. Josh loosened his tie and set it on the table. He took off his shoes and placed his socks next to his shoes. He took two steps forward and wrapped his right arm around my waist. He slowly pulled my body into his and lifted his left to cup my cheek. The cold metal of his wedding ring bushes my skin with his every move. I stood on my toes and pressed my lips against his. I lifted my hands and cupped his face pulling him into a deeper, passionate kiss. His hands moved to the ribbon tired below my cleavage. He pulled the string and the silk fell from my body. He pulled away from my lips and kissed my left cheek. His soft kisses traveled down my neck to my collar bone. His hands moved down my thighs and lifted me quickly around his waist. I pulled his white dress shirt loose from his black slacks. I started to unbutton his shirt and he walked into the bedroom. He set me down on the bed and finished unbuttoning his shirt. I laid back and watched him slip out of his pants and slide onto the bed next to me. His lips met mine again and slipped his tongue quickly across my bottom lip and moved his body to hover over mine.

"Beautiful," he mumbled and slid in between my legs.

"I love you," I said back and he smiled against my lips. He slipped off my underwear and relieved himself from his boxers. We spent the rest of our amazing wedding night as husband and wife.

The sound of running water became apparent to my ears and I stretched my body. I opened my eyes and smiled at the warmth that the blankets provided. Sitting up I looked towards the bathroom door and smiled. I slipped the blankets off my body and walked over to the door. I opened the door and Josh's back was facing me. He was washing his hair and his muscles were flexing and relaxing with every movement. The glass shower door was partly open and I reached forward to open it more. The heated steam rushed across my face and I wrapped my arms around Josh's waist. He twisted his head and looked down at me with a smile.

"Hi," he spoke softly and turned around to face me.

"Hey," I pressed my face into his chest and took a deep breath, "Can you please tell me where we are going?" I felt his chest move as he started to laugh.

"Not yet," I frowned and stuck out my bottom lip and widened my eyes, "Not going to work on me," his lips met mine and his hands untied my hair from its messy bun. I shook my head slightly and my hair fell against my lower back. I pulled away and started washing off my body.

"If I guess where we are going will you tell me?" Josh turned me around and started to wash my hair.

"Start guessing, babe," I smirked and pressed my lips together.

"Disney World," Josh rinsed out my hair and I turned to face him again.

"Guess again," I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his chest.

"Hawaii," he stayed silent and I started to smile, "We're going to Hawaii?" He smiled and kissed me twice.

"You said when we first met that you had never been to Hawaii. My mouth dropped and my heartbeat sped up.

"I can't believe you remembered that," he wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled.

"I couldn't forget it," I brushed my lips against his left cheek and rested my head against his chest.

"I love you so much," I whispered, feeling his hands against my lower back.

"I love you more," Josh's hands cupped my face and looked deeply into my eyes.

"I love you most." I pressed my lips against his.

"Always have to have the last word," he whispered against my lips.


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