Chasing Him...(Werewolf)

By Meggie13

13.1K 439 58

Chasing Him... It's the exact opposite of what it sounds like. This isn't your cliche story where someone li... More

Chasing Him...
[2] Mates+Flour= A big Mess
[3] Car Rides
[4] Because I deserve it...
[5] Is there such thing as a 5th wheel?
[6] Mason, Mason, Mason, Where art thou?
[7] Party Part 1
[8] Party Part 2

[1] Chapter 1,The very beginning

1.2K 53 10
By Meggie13


My heart raced as I sat up. I felt so groggy. God I hate Mondays. In fact, I think I'm exactly like Garfield. 

"Come on sis, wakey wakey!" I heard my brother at the door and rolled my eyes. He could be a pain in the butt in the morning.


I cringed at the thought of the prank my sister pulled with those balloons. No thank you!

I quickly got up and walked to the door. The moment I opened it I was tackled by a huge Beta and a small fourteen year old.

My brother had bright blue eyes that changed from time to time to a crisp green. His dark brown hair that could sometimes be mistaken for black. Johnny was very skinny, and when I mean skinny I mean like straw skinny. But, he is also very strong and he felt like weighed 800 pounds, but he weighed less than me!

My sister however, had the same dark brown hair as me with natural high-lights in it. She had blue-green hazel eyes. She was also very skinny and at her age, probably was underweight at 80 some pounds. But, she is very healthy and she never puts down her chocolate bars. I wonder how she does it?

They finally got off me. My brother picked me up off the floor and spun me around.

"Happy birthday sis!" Johnny exclaimed with his Australian accent. Johnny lived in Australia to train some packs for a while and the accent stayed even 2 years later!

"Yeah sis!" Maddy said, messing my hair up more than it already was. 

"So.... whatcha get me?" I asked, rubbing my hands together greedily. My siblings just stared. What? I want my presents! And that sounded very bratty, that sucks, like really sucks, but hey it's my birthday.

"You get it tonight, after you find your mate." Johnny said, trying to smile oddly. 

Maddy and I both laughed. That's when it hit me. I'm seventeen. I find my soul-mate today. Crap! What if he rejects me? What if he doesn't but is instead a complete jerk?

I started breathing heavily. I was freaking out. 

"Take a deep breath."

Well, I haven't done anything to piss off the Moon Goddess. Hopefully she does give me a mate that loves me.

"Okay, we are gonna let you get ready. We picked you out an outfit. It's on your dresser. We also are making you breakfast, your favorite, biscuits and gravy and bacon." Maddy smiled innocently.

"Bacon?" I asked, "Go make me bacon!" I yelled shoving them out the door. 

The reason why my siblings are doing everything instead of my parents is because my parents are stuck at the pack house for the next couple weeks. 

I walked ito my bathroom and put in my Cotton Candy Shampoo and Conditioner. I then used my Cotton Candy body wash. What? I love my Cotton Candy. You can tell too. As I think but my brother says I'm skinny. As if. Have you seen how skinny he is?

I got out of the shower as I hair dried it and straightened it like every other day. I then put it in my classic ponytail.

I then walked out to see the clothes that my siblings picked out for me. They have got to be kidding me? 

A dress? Well ummm.... NO

I then walked to my closet as I grabbed my normal attire Hell No am I going to wear a dress.

I grabbed some flare jeans and a plain long sleeve blue shirt.

I put on my black flats as I walked away from my room and downstairs to the beautiful kitchen that I call Food Land.

I came in just in time to see a wonderful sight. Johnny had gravy covering his head as he put a plate at my seat at the dinning table.

"Maddy?" I asked knowing the little She-Devil.

"Who else?" he rolled his eyes as he walked away and I began to eat by delicious breakfest.


"Ready?" I asked as I put Maddy's backpack on her. She is so girly with her Bright Neon Pink JanSport Backpack.

"Yep" she said as we made our way to our Honda Civic.

Waiting in the car, Johnny honked as we were 2 steps from the car making me jump. In return for his sour attitude I flipped him off as he gave me his best hurt face which turned out to look like another one of his funny faces.

"Hurry I got to see Jackson and Malli"(Pronounced Molly) I told my brother as I hoped into the back seat because Maddy got the front seat. 

"Jackson and Malia can wait plus I am already in a hurry so don't get your panties in a twist" Johnny rolled his eyes as we began the 5 minute drive to the prison that we call West Fotor High.

After we dropped off Maddy at her section with her popular friends because she doesn't want to be seen with us. We parked in the popular section of the parking lot.

I know. Why is a girl like Cassie parking up there? That's the question you were asking. Right?

Well, my brother is popular so when we drive to school together I get to park up here instead at the back of the school. So I usually come with him.

"Gotta go Loser, Gotta go see what Mason and the gang is up to" Johnny said putting on his retro looking sunglasses. Well, fine by me.

"KK, I will go fine my friends" I said getting my Marvel Hobo Bag out of the car and walking to where Malli and Jackson are usually hanging out.

Malia has bright blonde naturally wavy hair and Bright Blue eyes. She was a short 5'3" just like me. She was definitely popular being a cheerleader. I have no idea why she is even my friend I mean if you look at me with my weird electric blue eyes and my hair... I just wonder what makes them want to be my friends?

Jackson on the other hand had the same color of hair and the same color as Malia's eyes. Well? What did you expect? They are Identical Twins after all! Jackson had a strong build and a high jawline. He was on the lacrosse and football team at school. Oh, and the swim team. If you don't say the swim team he will freak out.

I walked over to see the two arguing like always, "No, I will not hook you up with Danielle!" Malia told her player of a brother.

Let's just say Jackson has his playery ways.

"Please, I need a date to the party on Friday" Jackson pleaded by clasping his hands together.

"No No No No No, by date you always mean a little buddy for your little buddy" she yelled back with her finger high up in the air. Her ponytail flinging behind her.

I laughed as I walked up, "Cassie Cassie Cassie, can you please tell my sister that I need a date to the party on Friday and she should talk to Danielle for me" Jackson said smiling at me in a pleading manner. Wow, yeah I know of his playery ways but I am not going to support it.

The twins both crossed their arms and looked at me,"Well, Jackson I think if you really want to go on a date with Danielle you shouldn't ask Malli to talk to her for you-" I was cut off by Malia saying Yay as she stuck her tongue at Jackson. Jackson's mouth gaped open.

"But-" That shut them both up, "Malli you can't stop Jackson from asking her out himself" This time Jackson went all Regular Show as he wouldn't stop saying Oh. Malia just rolled her eyes at her brothers ridiculous behavior.

"But-" This got Malia to smile again and Jackson to shut up, "Malia is your sister she can tell Danielle embarrassing things about you before you ask her"

They both looked at each other. Yeah I'm kind of confusing like that.

"Wait.... aren't we forgetting something?" Jackson asked his sister. They both put their fingers on their chin.

"It's our Munchkins Birthday!" Malia said so sarcastic it didn't seem sarcastic.

"Oh yeah!" Jackson said it like he a was a 5 year old he finally found out the way out of the maze.

"Happy Birthday Cassie!" They said grabbing behind both of them and grabbing small wrapped boxes.

"Oh My Cheese Itz, you guys didn't have to!" I said so surprised. They really didn't have to.

"Open mine first" Jackson said handing the small golden wrapped present to me.

I looked at him, "You really shouldn't have" I said. They really shouldn't have but who am I to turn own gifts.

I opened it to see something I was not expecting,"Do you like it?" Jackson said proudly as he smiled big.

"I Love It" I smiled at him. I was almost in tears, it was a wallet sized picture of the 3 of us at Formal in 8th grade. Jackson usually wasn't the emotional one. I was expecting more of like a Picture of Him if anything. yes, he is that conceded.

"I know" Jackson smiled like a 5 year old. 

"Now Mine" Malia said almost throwing the perfectly wrapped box at me. I took my time opening it as I saw the most beautiful locket inside."Open the Locket" Malia said directing me.

I opened the beautiful locket to see the 3 of us when we were little eating ice cream, I had Mint Chocolate Chip covering my face. Malia had Strawberry and Jackson had Chocolate.

"Aww, you guys really shouldn't have done all this" I said while the happy tears threatened to spill.

"Well we love you" Jackson said as I was engulfed in a hug from them both.

"Well, it's almost time for first period so... We gotta go" Malli grabbed my hand as I waved bye to Jackson. We raced to first period before we would be late. The whole time I was listening to her and her talk about Joseph, the guy she likes. She knows it won't work out because he's Human.

Let me get this clear, Malia and Jackson are older than me. They are actually 18. Neither of them have found their mate yet and they are of few who haven't. It's kind of sad.

We walked in just in time for Art 3D.


The bell went off just in time as I finished our notes about different sculptors. When I signed up for Art 3D, I thought we would actually be making Art, not taking Notes 75 days of the semester and the other 5 days taking a test that is 40 pages long.

"Urg, I really don't want to go to Chemistry, I'll be stuck with out you" Malia whinnied as she frowned and wrapped her arm around me as we walked out the door.

"At least I got Jackson" I smiled at her. It's true. I have Family Consumer Science with Jackson.

"That's not a good thing" Malia said pushing me and rolling her eyes. I was pushed into the right room.

"Hey Jackson" I said sitting down in my seat next to Jackson.

"Hey Cassie" Jackson smiled so big at me. "Ready for the next project?" he asked.

"What's the project?" I said taking out my folder.

"The Classic Baby Project, except the baby's went missing so we get Flour" Jackson smiled.

"Please tell me we don't have partners" I pleaded to myself in a self mumble.

"Hey, I heard that and why wouln't you want to have this flour baby with me" Jackson pouted.

"Because I would do all the work and you know it" I smiled big at the goofball sitting next to me. He smiled back sarcastically knowing I am right. He would probably bring a random girl to myself whenever we had to take care of it together and they would be making out the whole time.

"Don't you have a swim competition on Saturday?" I asked Jackson trying to change the subject.

"Yeah. Why?" Jackson asked smiling and leaning back in his chair.

"Well, what about the party?" I asked.

"I'll jut be a little tipsy at the competition" Jackson said easily as if he didn't care. 

"Ok then definitely save me a seat" I smiled as Jackson smiled back and gave me one of those friendly side hugs.

All of a sudden a rushing warm feeling hit me. I looked around but only saw a mob of people by the doorway.

That's when the smell hit me; It's smelt like a Delicious Piney smell and also a little Honey. It smelt amazing!

I then heard this low growl from behind me. Jackson must of heard because he took his arm away from me as he looked behind us. We then looked at each other and just shrugged. You never know who it is when this class has only werewolves in it.

Mrs. Flemmings then got in front of the class as everyone went to their assigned seats.

"Welcome Class, for the rest of the semester you will be working with Flour Babies with a partner that I have assigned for you-"  The whole class erupted in noises as no one wanted to be paired with some random person in the class.

"Hush now I'll give the names; Jason Reeves is partnered with Bethany Wilson" This went on for 5 or 6 names before Jackson's name was called,

"Jackson Haynes and Rebekah Mason" Well, it doesn't look like I'll be partnered with Jackson.

Jackson and I gave each other a frown. That means I'm gonna be paired with one of the mean guys in this class. Yay! Hint the sarcasm...

"Mason Knight and Cassandra Harris"

Wait? Did I hear that right? Am I partnered with my Alpha?



Ok, so this is the first chapter and I wanted to give some room, I might change it a little bit but this is what I have. Please let me know what you think and sorry if there is miss spellings or some letters missing, I'm using my Mom's laptop to write this and some of the buttons just don't work the second time I press or some weird thing like that So yeah. Please let me know what you think!!!

Pretty Please with a Cherry on Top!!!!

Love Love Love Love Love,


P.S. I follow Back

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