My Possessive Alpha ~Mpreg~

By _KawaiiEren_

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Omega Eren Alpha Levi This is the Mpreg version!!! I suck ass at descriptions tbh. Eren is one of the few... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

16.9K 482 129
By _KawaiiEren_

Update!!! YAY!

I will take my thanks in $20's please XD Jk! 


I often thought that meeting my mate would be just like it was in the books about human's love stories. They often met in school, most times they were complete opposites or even hated each other, but over time they learned that they loved each other. I always skipped the pointless drama, it just wasn't my thing, and went straight to them realizing that "You know what, they aren't what I thought they were, they're so much more than all those things and I love that.".

I was a hopeless romantic, choosing to fall in love seemed stronger than being destined to be with someone. I wanted the slow process of getting to know someone, the time it takes it to fall in love with every part of them, the part when you realize that you don't want to go a day without them. That was love to me, not some predestined thing that you had no choice over.

But, my heart seemed to disagree with me, and no matter what I did or thought, I couldn't fight the way Levi made me feel. The way my blood rushed, my stomach twisted with butterflies, and the way I was unable to focus on anything but him. He had a powerful aura surrounding him, making the Omega part of me quake with an uncontrollable need.  It was getting  harder to fight the pull and I had only been with him for a week.

Even now, sitting up in our room waiting for Armin and Marco to get here so we could begin to learn about the ceremonies, I wanted to do nothing but run into his office and curl up in his lap. 

"Eren?" I jumped from my spot at the window when I heard Armin calling my name from downstairs. I let out a relieved sigh, and ran down the stairs, happy they arrived before I gave into the urge to run to Levi.

'You can't avoid him forever.' I heard my wolf softly whisper as I made my into the living room. I paused for a moment, briefly realizing how deeply my wolf longed for Levi. I didn't want to hurt my wolf because of my own selfish needs. 

"You ready to go, Eren?" Marco asked with a smile once he caught sight of me. Both he and Marco had brought their mates, making me wonder where Levi was. Then the memory hit me, Levi listened in on my thoughts at random times, and was giving me the space I longed for...

"Give me a second." I said, before turning around and running up the stairs to Levi's office. Just this one time, and only for my wolf. I promised myself as I ran into his office without even knocking. He looked awfully surprised and I almost laughed at his wide expression, but swallowed it back and waited patiently for him to calm down.

"Do you need something?" He softly asked when he calmed his heart. I stayed silent for a few seconds, just taking in his appearance. His eyes had to be what drew me in the most, they were a polished steel grey, but there was something about their color that drove me mad. Grey was a color I usually deemed boring, or just purely charmless, but his...his made me think twice about that opinion. They were usually a dark charcoal like color, promising nothing but fear and pain, but when they landed on me they seemed to lighten a few shades, turning into a soft, ash like color. 

Grey could very well be a new favorite color of mine due to his captivating eyes. His smile was something else I found myself falling in love with, not that I would ever admit it aloud. He didn't smile that often, and even when he did, it was a very subtle one. I could tell he hadn't smiled before I arrived and that he maybe even lost his reason to at some point, a deep part of me really wanted to know what happened to him.

The stories behind Levi, were ones that gave even the most harsh Alphas nightmares. His wolf alone was said to be larger than most, and he was sometimes deemed as the son of Lyceius himself, the God of wolves, and brother to the Goddess. I didn't know if it was true or not, and I wasn't sure if it was my place to ask such a question. It would probably seem very rude.

"Um, we're going to go start learning about the ceremonies." I began hesitantly, "I was wondering if you would maybe like to come with us? Since you know more about what my role would be, of course." I rushed out, anyone could tell it was an obvious lie, but he didn't call me out on it. Instead, he let out another small smile, and rose from his seat before following me out of his office. I wanted to feel off, or even tense, but I felt more relaxed than ever with him by my side.

'Awe, that's so cute!' My wolf cooed, making me blush furiously. 'I knew you liked him!'

'Of course I like him.' I scoffed, surprising my wolf. 'I can't help it, it's just...not the way I wanted to fall for someone. He's amazing and all, but we barely know each other and it feels like we're already in love or something.'

'So, you just want to get to know him better?' My wolf asked, something about the way he asked made me tense. He was up to something...then again he probably just wanted to be close with his mate already. I sighed at the sudden guilt.

'I think it would help...maybe.' I admitted. I sorta understood that I wasn't going to get the love story that I so desperately wanted, but that didn't mean that I couldn't hope, or fight for it. 

"Oh, Alpha Levi!" Armin gasped in surprise when we walked into the living room where they were waiting. Levi gave him a light nod of acknowledgement, before turning to look at me. I gave him a soft smile, before grabbing the sleeve of his tee and pulling him out the door. The others followed us out and we all walked down to the Pack's 'library'. They held all the packs history, other scriptures and books on wolves (not the ones humans write) and any other information we could possibly need.

'We could find something on Levi!' My wolf squealed excitedly making me smile at his happiness. He was right though, there had to be something on Levi in there. I could take a look at the packs Alpha's family tree or even find anything on what the packs history has been since Levi had taken over. Hopefully they debunked all the awful things said about Levi.

I sent him a glance, seeing him talking with Farlan, thankfully too distracted to focus on my thoughts. I knew I couldn't dig through the books with Levi right there, but he wouldn't mind if I snuck a peek at the family tree. If he did then tough, it shouldn't be out in the open.

'Oooh, someone's feeling feisty.' My wolf giggled as I followed Jean and Marco into the building. I ignored him, due to the fact that my brain short circuited once I saw the inside of the building. There was a lone desk in the middle of the room, with shelves upon shelves surrounding it. There were also ladders leading to the second story, where even more books were held.

"It's beautiful." I breathed out, walking forward and running my hand along one of the book cases, turning down the isle and looking all the different books. They looked exactly like the books humans made, only older, more worn, and they different treasures. These were facts about our past, our Goddess and God, and facts about the three Moon Pack's.

The Moon Pack's were the first packs created, there were too many wolves wrecking havoc upon the world so they knew that there had to be order. The God Lyceius started the Blood Moon pack, Goddess Atremis started the Silver Moon pack, and their mother Leto, started the Crescent Moon pack. That much I knew about the origin of packs and the God and Goddesses of us wolves. Leto created her children and in turn they all created us, each caring for and punishing us in their own ways. Luna Artemis, gave us Omega males the gift of bearing children, Luna Leto is the one who created our mate bonds, but she and Artemis both decided on who should be fated.

I didn't know much about the God Lyceius, he wasn't usually talked about or celebrated, most wolves feared him due to him usually being the punisher of us wolves. I glanced at Levi, briefly wondering if he truly was the son of our God. It seemed almost impossible, a God having a wolf as a mate? Then again, I didn't know everything about our Luna's and God, just what Kolt had let us know.

'Well, we're about to learn some more!' My wolf squealed excitedly, more tied to them than I was. I walked back to where they were all gathered around a table, far off into the corner and sat beside Levi. He seemed to relax a bit more when I was back within his sight and I almost wanted to laugh at his child like neediness of me.

"So, I guess we should start off with the Luna Ceremony, since it is the most important one." Farlan began. "It started a bit after the Luna's Artemis and Leto created their packs, they couldn't stay with us forever so they, along with Lyceius, decided to choose a respectable Alpha and 'Luna' to take care of their packs. They chose the purest wolf and had her dress in white to show her purity and a black necklace to show her fertility." He paused for a moment, making sure we were still following along.

"The new Luna had to take an oath to the Goddesses to care and be loyal to their pack's just as they had. Then, she and the Alpha had to draw their blood to create and seal the bond between us and our Goddesses, it was also a way to show the unity between the Alpha and Luna. After this, Leto gave us the gift of mates, which is why they mark each other afterwards."

'So this all in honor of the God and Goddesses?" I asked in awe of the honor bestowed upon us.

"Yea," Levi answered, cutting off his third. "It's a tradition within other packs, but its a must for the Moon Packs, failing to complete the ceremony would result in loosing our ties with them. Even the Crescent Moon pack changes forms to complete them."

"Why do they stay in wolf form?" Marco asked quizzically.

"It's the form of Goddess Leto, they remain wolves to honor her." Levi said. "Moving forward, when they began to select wolves to join their packs they made them take a pack oath and draw blood to, once again, make a tie with them, due to a blood oath being one of the most powerful ones. This is a must in all packs though, no wolf can fully join any pack unless they take the oath or are born into one."

"And the Mating Ceremony?" I hesitantly asked, almost dreading the answer. Levi gave me a soft, amused smile before answering.

"Don't worry, that's a private ceremony, little mate." He said, making me relax and let out a breath. "It's just between the mates to honor the mate bond the Goddess Leto gifted us with. We only have to do it once, and only when we're both ready. I'll explain it to you when the time comes."

I nodded, silently grateful that we could wait for that one. "So when do we start practicing for them? We only have a few more days..."

"They aren't that hard to learn, the oaths are written out and will be placed in front of you, we only need to practice where you go at what time." Erwin cut in, "We can start that when the pack gets everything set up, I guess you all can just ask questions or explore around." 

I quickly jumped up at that, running over to the hidden staircase I saw while they were talking, and running up to the second level. I made my way down one of the isle's stopping short when I began to take in the tittles of the books, they weren't written by wolves....they were...human books!

"This section was built for my mother." I turned to see Levi leaning against the shelf I was looking at. I looked back at the books, running my finger along the spine of one. Should I ask? "My father built them for her when he learned that she loved human works, sorta a parting gift I guess."

"Parting gift?" Wolves usually didn't leave their mates, it was so unheard of. I wasn't even sure if it was truly possible actually. I've never even seen an attempted rejection before, other than my rejection to Kolt, but we weren't mates. Thank the Goddesses for that.

"He left after I was born, he had no choice really." He said with an uncaring shrug. How could be so stoic about the whole situation?

"And your mom?" I pried a bit, my curiosity getting the best of me. I still wasn't sure if this was deemed rude, I was his mate...although we- I didn't act like it. Then again, this was helping me with that little issue about all this.

"He came back when I became Alpha of the pack and took her." He said, a sad look in his eyes. A wave of sadness washed over me, he grew up without a father and then the man came back and took the only light in his life...Then he ended up with me, a mate who treated him like a stranger.

"I'm sorry Levi." I whispered softly, resting my hand over his, he gave me a small, pained smile making my heart break for him. I let out a sigh and pulled him to me, burying my face in his chest in a comforting way, suddenly feeling even more connected with him. 

"You'll never feel alone again Levi, I promise." I whispered, my voice a bit muffled by his shirt. His grip on me tightened, and I let out a smile when I began to sense his comfort and happiness. I couldn't hurt him, not after learning about his parents.

"So your mom ran a God's pack all on her own? That's pretty bad ass." I giggled, trying to lighten the mood. It thankfully worked and my heart swelled when I heard him let out a laugh of his own.  My wolf purred in content, happy that his mate was in a good mood because of us. "Help me find a book to read."

I pulled him through rows upon rows of books, making him carry all of the ones I wanted to take back with us, forgetting all about my plans to find some book on Levi and his family. He'd tell me when he was ready.

Or maybe when I properly asked.


ALSO! If you're wondering, yes, Lyceius is a surname for Apollo! But anyways, sorry this isn't 4000, it was sorta boring and you have all been begging for an update. <3

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