madelein | ✔

By mjluz_

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For three years, Duke is still looking for Madelein, the girl he met and fell for who suddenly disappeared. W... More

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By mjluz_

For the first time in weeks, the sky was clear and Duke could see the stars arranged in the sky. He raised the champagne glass he was holding and drank a small amount of the yellow liquid inside. The night was still young but he felt his body craving for the sheets of his bed already, but he couldn't.

He turned his head towards the frame tent behind him. It stood there, withstanding the chill of the winter's night. The guests were almost similar in terms of their clothing. Almost all of them wore black, white with silver, mostly their fur jackets or scarves are grey. Duke could see Chelsea socializing with the visitors, with that smile on her face.

It started to irritate him, not just Chelsea, but the whole scene. They were here for nothing. He wasn't happy and yet all they do is congratulate him for the sudden wedding. They even commented on how long they have waited for this moment.

He's still waiting, though.

His matching black suit wasn't sewn for the weather but he didn't mind. The light snow that were still falling from the line of the pine tree's leaves located just across the tent. His glass was cold and it kept the temperature of the champagne inside.

Duke controlled himself that he would drink just a glass. He doesn't want to create chaos at such a night, especially when half of the expenses are shouldered by him.

He didn't mind, really. He was all for it because in the end, he hopes that all of these will be worth it. He tried to assure himself but there's still dread inside his heart. He gulped it down with the last bit of champagne in his glass.

Stomps of feet were heard behind him. He knew someone was approaching him but he pretended not to hear their steps getting louder. It stopped and Duke knew that the person was already beside him. He continued to stare upwards, towards the night sky, hoping that the newcomer would just walk away when they found out that he wasn't interested in a conversation.

"I thought you ditched the party," Duke turned his head towards the man with a very familiar voice, "Why are you out here?"

"Same question to you," he smirked, sliding his thumb on the champagne glass, "Isn't it obvious that I'm not interested in any of these?"

This was new to him. He doesn't usually open up to Zero but he has nowhere to go now. Titus wasn't here, he had other plans for the day. If only Duke knew, something was up with that friend of theirs in the past few days.

Usually, Titus would be standing by his side, complaining about the weather, wishing that he should've brought a thicker jacket with him. He shifted his weight to one of his legs as he turned to Zero, who was weirdly serious in this moment, staring at the horizon.

"Why would you be interested in such, right?" Zero muttered under his breath, a set of smoke coming out from his lips, "Were you more interested in hurting someone?"

This time, Duke completely turned to Zero. "I didn't mean it," he breathed, "I swear to God if you only knew how much regret I had afterwards... I swear..."

His friend din't answer for a while but Duke didn't shy away from him. He stared at the blonde guy who was chewing his lower lip in the process. He was waiting for what he would say. He would accept it even if it would sting his system. Duke knew how protective Zero could become, especially when he loves them.

"Zero, I swear..." but he was cut off.

"I try to understand, Duke," Zero started, "I tried. But I know that I am inexperienced in this field." There was silence afterwards. Duke wanted to reach out to his friend who stared at him with a glint of an unexplained emotion in his eyes. "Maybe, just maybe, I would have done the same, too."

Duke shrugged the comment away while shaking his head. "It was wrong. I shouldn't have."

"I know..." Zero trailed off, his eyes darting back towards the horizon. Now, Duke knew what was hidden behind those lashes of his. Longing. He recognized the feeling. He had that flicker in his eyes, too.

"If I hadn't seen its effects between you two, I might have acted like a jerk."

"Are you saying that I'm a jerk?" Duke blinked at his friend, pointing at himself. As he stared, Zero broke into a smile then into a low chuckle.

"I didn't say that," he turned to him and raised both of his hands. Duke stood before him in disbelief as his friend tried to die down the laughter rising from his throat.

Dumbfounded, Duke could only mutter a small chuckle from his mouth.

His hands slipped in the inner pocket of his blazer. There, inserted in that little space were five envelopes. He pinched one corner, feeling the smooth texture against his fingertips. He suddenly scrambled to his concentration when Zero started to speak.

"... told me about your plan. Are you sure about that?" was the only thing he got but he knew what Zero was talking about. His palms started to sweat against the cold weather. His heart ran full speed, closing his eyes imagining each and every step in his mind.

Just one last time. Just one more time to set everything right.

He opened his eyes and nodded. He was determined.

"Does your parents know about this?" Zero added in a more serious note. Duke sighed, "They don't know the plan but... I assure them, nothing will happen."

Zero just nodded and proceeded to stare at his feet, slipping both his hands inside the pockets of his black slacks. His eyes were towards his friend who was spacing out with shaking pupils. He smirked to himself knowing that Duke was determined to continue it.

"Brace yourself," his arm's reached out to tap Duke's shoulders, "You might be in something more surprising." He winked at him, playfully, before retreating back to the tent. His throat suddenly became dry as it is now in his hands to convince her.

"Wait! Zero!"

Duke's voice echoed as he stopped on his tracks turning to his friend who was handing him a set of envelopes tucked against each other with a silver ribbon. He reached out for the other end, staring at the material.

"Wedding invitations," the groom muttered, "For five people."

Zero suddenly raised one of his eyebrows while staring at the stack, then he gets it. He nodded and bid farewell to his friend, who he will be seeing soon enough. He tapped the other end of the envelopes on his other hand before slipping it into the inside pocket of his suit.

He disappeared among the people inside the wide tent, their mouths buzzing with excitement. All could Zero do was smirk at himself with the knowledge that such excitement will turn a total three hundred and sixty degrees.


A familiar voice muttered from one side. He turned and saw an old acquaintance standing, almost beside him when he stopped. His hair was platinum white but it still suited his youthful face. His lips turned into a smile when Zero recognized him.

"Cyrus," he whispered, reaching out to him and bumping their chests against each other, "It's been a long time..."

"Yeah. A long time since then, huh," the Cyrus boy replied. He was around the same age as Titus, Zero recalled, but he looked much younger than any of his peers. "Do you still do archery?"

Zero shook his head. "I stopped," he smirked, "What brings you here?"

"Ah, my friend got invited and I decided to tag along!" there was happiness in his voice. Zero knew this. It was a habit of the person before him when he's happy. He usually is. He was a walking sunshine, the students back in Colton commented.

"That's good for you but I got to go," Zero excused himself, "Let's catch up sometime." He saw Cyrus nod as he dashed towards at the opening of the tent and spotted his car immediately.

He half-jogged towards its direction and opened the door. He started the engine and left the venue soon afterwards. Zero doesn't know why he was in a hurry but in the back of his mind, some convincing had to be done.

Sian and Tyler were sitting by the counter of the kitchen. A few notebooks flipped open and a lone pencil case, open with pencils slipping out from its opening. The crisp sound of a notebook page could be heard as the little one erases his answer in their assignment.

Tyler started to write again as Sian guides him on what to put on paper. Her son was pouting all the while and all could Sian do was giggle and kiss the top of his head more often.

Later on, Tyler rested his pencil against the marble-top counter and sighed. His expression fell into a frown and she was quick to assess her son's feelings. She turned her to him, with a calm expression, she ran her hands through his hair, "What's troubling you, my little prince?"

"It's just that my classmates are teasing me," his tiny voice were almost silent when he said that. Sian gasped and waited for Tyler to continue what he had to say but he didn't. He stayed silent, avoiding her eye contact.

She stooped lower and grasped his cheeks against her palms, wiping his skin with her thumb. The worried expression in her face became more evident. "What are they saying? Do you want mom to ask them to stop?"

Tyler just hook his head. "What they're saying is true," she was startled with his answer, "I have two daddies... Daddy Cross and Daddy Al..."

"Maybe they're just jealous because you have to daddies," she continued to rub his skin, trying to soothe him with comfort, "They only have one. You, your lucky because you have two."

"But none of them are my real ones, are they, mom?"

With this question bugging Sian all night, her mind went on a rush on what to say or what to answer to her son. As to where he got this idea from, she has no idea. She doesn't know how to explain her situation with him but she has to. Somehow.

"You were a gift to mommy from above," she whispered and pulling Tyler into her arms. She could feel him wiggle his body a little, landing her little arms on her back. She sighed and hugged him tighter. "You were a very special gift to mommy. Don't mind what others say, okay, baby?"

She could feel him nod against his chest and didn't say anymore.

As she glanced towards the entryway of the kitchen, she caught the eyes of Zero leaning one of his shoulders on the wall, his lips pressed into a small smile as his cheeks puff. His suit has spots of white on it. Probably from the snow outside. She knew he went to the engagement part but she didn't say a word to him. Not that she has something to tell him.

He was staring at her before mouthing, "We need to talk."


happy new year everyone. love you all!

xoxo, seulbi

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