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"What are those for?" Jennie butted in while looking at the printer spewing out papers with one-by-one pictures of different girls, "I didn't know you work in the H.R. now."

Sian just rolled her eyes. Her friend grabbed one from the pile while she watches a typewriting be stacked with a new printed profile on it's surface.

"No, I am still working in my department," she grabbed the stack of papers from the printer tray and grabbing the profile Jennie took, "It's for Mr. Zagaya."

Jennie pouted and nodded. Sian noticed that the lilac on her hair was now fading and how dead her friend's hair was.

"You probably want to stop bleaching and coloring your hair," Sian teased while patting her friend's head before turning on her heel going back to her cubicle.

She heard Jennie shout that she will go back to work and she didn't respond back. Instead, she sat on her swivel chair and stretched her legs under the table while closing her eyes.

Looking at the pile of typewritings on top of her table, she sighed. At least, she found a couple of Madeleins in their area. Some may have not been graduate from Colton, but who knows if the girl suddenly transferred to another school...

Duke already said to her that she suddenly disappeared.

"Is Mr. Zagaya inside?"

Stella looked up at her and eyed the black folder she is holding against her chest. The red lips of the secretary didn't fade a smile when she shook her head.

"Mr. Zagaya didn't come here for the whole day," the secretary informed her.

She held up the folder, "I was just about to give him something but if he calls... please do say I have something for him."

Before she could even step back, Stella stopped her. "Mr. Zagaya's sister is inside. You could give it to her if that file is that important."

Sian guessed that Stella was oblivious about Duke's endeavors in searching for Madelein then.

She watched as Stella stands up from behind her desk and approach the familiar wooden door. She knocked a few times before opening the door.

She doesn't know Duke's sister or what was she like. It's not like they have met already but she's still quite nervous as the first time she was seeing Duke.

Duke's secretary gestured that she could enter and she did. Sian looked around the room at first until her eyes landed to a woman behind Duke's desk and was rumaging through his files.

She caught her attention when she released a cough. Her eyes, simiar to Duke's, darted to her and it disappeared when her cheeks lifted when she smiled.

"Oh, what can I do for you?" the woman said straightening her posture from slightly bending onto the desk.

Sian raised the folder she held and approached her, slowly but surely. "Uhm, I would like to give this to Mr. Zagaya but I guess he isn't here?"

"Yeah, yeah," she saw Duke's sister roll her eyes, "My brother had a hang-over from yesterday. Hang over. He sent me here to find something..."

As his sister eyed his desk once again, Sian just stood there, blinking. This girl seemed energetic... unlike his brother who has this serious aura all the time.

madelein | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon