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Staring at the reflection in the mirror of her boudoir, Sian sighed. The sun haven't rose up yet but she was already awake. She can't sleep.

It was the last day to attend work this week and she wants to have permission to visit Tyler this weekend. In case there was an appointment for meeting another Madelein, Duke would know that she can't come.

She could hear pots and silverware clicking downstairs. It must be her mom in the kitchen, preparing their breakfast.

She wiped her eyes dry from it welling some tears. It was still early in the morning and she already wants to cry. She misses Tyler so badly and she just wants to jump into his arms and let it all out.

"Keep a hold of yourself, Sian," she whispered to herself opening the drawer containing her everyday go-to make up.

She squeezed some liquid foundation on her wrist and tapped it with a brush before applying it to her face. She continued to add more foundation until her blemishes were covered.

Almost half an hour later, her look was finished and her hair was already dry but she was still in her room staring at the reflection in front of her. She was scared.

Ever since Duke asked her to help him find Madelein, she was all stressed out. She couldn't sleep properly because she was still searching for the proper candidate. Most of the time, she found none.

The bags under her eyes were visible, even her concealer can't hide it. She looked sick. All of this for the sake of finding the girl who Duke wants to meet or marry, at the most extent.

What could she get from this? It was the first time she questioned it. What could she have after this? Happiness? Happiness for her boss that finally he found the girl he's been looking for all of these time?

Sian realized, she would get nothing out of this.

Later that day, Duke was in his office, sitting on his swivel chair and just staring out at the huge window in his space.

It was almost noon and he was quite hungry, to be honest. He was just waiting for the lunch break and maybe he could ask Sian to join him for lunch. Maybe, they could talk about the next plan they would have in finding Madelein.

His thoughts went back to their conversation yesterday. He remembered her saying that she wants to disappear in college. He was intrigued.

Sure, he didn't hear about her when he was still in Colton but maybe because Sian was just limited to people and acquaintances at that time. He could tell that Sian was shy and a very quiet person.

Duke wasn't sure why. Everything about Sian reminds him of Madelein. Her face, her attitude and the words that she have said resembles what Madelein would say. It keeps on bugging him but he keeps shrugging the thought off.

She couldn't be Madelein. Her name wasn't close to being the girl's name. Also, if he asked her if she could help him find Madelein, she could've rejected the offer. Besides, it already wasn't possible for Madelein being under his company.

The company doesn't allow tattoos on visible parts of the body. It will be okay if it can be hidden by their clothes. Madelein has a tattoo that would be very visible and very unique that he would already know it was her once he had a glimpse of it.

A knock on the door resonated in the room. He turned his head towards it when the door slightly opened revealing the face of his secretary.

"Yes, Stella?" he acknowledged her.

"Mr. Alzero Herrera is here," she answered entering while he saw a figure towering over her. He dismissed her and watched as Zero step inside his office.

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