Misc. Transformers Oneshots

By Wish-I-Was-A-Robot

7.3K 151 89

I've been Transformers Trash for a fair few years and likely will be for a long time to come, so why not star... More

A Shoulder to Cry On - TFP Ratchet x Human!Reader
Something Else - TFP Ultra Magnus x Furry!Human! Reader
Christmas Lights - Knockout x Breakdown x Human!Reader

Betrayed - Megatron x Human!Reader

1.9K 46 30
By Wish-I-Was-A-Robot


(I know Reader's holding dark energon in the picture, but I drew that just before I wrote this, so it can be dark or regular - It's up to your imagination.)

Right. So @MoonThePrediqueen requested:

"Megatron x reader: betrayal, the gender of the reader is your choice"

And I may have gotten a little carried away and written like a whole novel.

Not sure if it's any good really, but I spent a long time on it and it's a request so I'm not gonna not post it.

Be warned, feels may be imminent. Also Moon, you said the reader's gender was my choice, but I just made it ambiguous so it's everyone's choice.

Hope you all enjoy! 

- ToA~♡ 


You lay on the smooth metal surface, tracing the edges of the crystal shard attached to a length of string around your neck. You stared off to your right - towards a massive metal berth.

You were waiting.

As you waited, you let your mind wander, as it often did, to the events leading up to your current arrangement.


You had been absolutely in awe of these metal giants when you had first met the Autobots. They had rescued you from an accident, and as a result of them revealing themselves to you, they were to protect you from any decepticons who may have intended to use you for information. While you had been thrilled, your chosen guardian, Wheeljack... hadn't been quite so ecstatic.
Over the course of a few months however, you both grew to enjoy each other's company and formed a close bond.


But that all changed when, on a routine patrol when you were walking nearby your partner, a team of decepticons showed up and ripped you from your life as you knew it. Despite Wheeljack's massacre of most of them, one had managed to scramble through a groundbridge, you in hand.

Your captors had thrown you in the brig, hoping to interrogate you for valuable Autobot information. They were disappointed however, when you had been unable to give them the coordinates or whereabouts of your base apart from 'somewhere in Nevada'. This was because you lived pretty far away and were almost always bridged directly into base.

While you had been kept prisoner to be ransomed off to the Autobots, a vehicon had made the mistake of releasing you. You had made it as far as the bridge area before being lifted off the ground by Soundwave.

You must have done something right though, because Megatron himself had witnessed this and had seemed almost impressed.


Which brings you to...

A couple of years ago.

Since then, you had been put to work on board the Nemesis, and it seemed all thought of a ransom had evaporated from the warlord's mind. In fact, you might even go so far as to say a friendship was formed.

When you had realised that was what was happening, you had felt guilty at first. It was only months after having been taken and you were still loyal to the Autobots - especially Wheeljack.
So you had made a deal with the Mighty Lord Megatron: 

"I keep working for you, and you swear to spare my partner's life for as long as I do."

To your surprise and relief he had agreed, and from that day forward, you only grew closer until -

"I trust you have enjoyed your 'lie in' this morning, my dear." Came his voice from across the room as the door slid shut behind him. You sat up to look at Megatron as he strode towards you and sat on the side of his berth.

"Well it was lovely until I woke up and realised you weren't here." You replied, folding your arms over your chest. He sighed and looked down at you.

"I'm afraid I cannot be in two places at once. My Decepticons need orders, and I do not trust anyone but myself to give them." 

You smiled. He was only ever this gentle to you. His gaze softened as he gave a smile of his own.

"But no matter when or where I am needed, a part of me will always be with you." he said as he lifted his hand to touch the crystal hanging from your neck, "This crystal is of the very same substance that flows through me. That is why I gave it to you. You know that."
You wrapped your arms around his finger and rested your chin on his knuckle, smiling up at him.

"I know." You said simply, before continuing with, "but energon doesn't have your gorgeous optics." This earned you a faint chuckle as he scooped you up to hold you in front of his face.

"You never cease to amuse me, [Y/N]" He said softly before resting you against his faceplate. You sat like that for a minute and just enjoyed each other's presence, then you pressed a little kiss just between his optics and leaned away, signaling for him to put you down. He placed you back on the shelf beside his berth before standing and straightening up.

"I am afraid I shall be very busy today my dear, so I will be unable to spend time with you until this evening." There it was. His serious face. Just the one you didn't want to see.

"Oh come on. Isn't there something I could help with?" You pleaded, on the verge of making puppy-dog eyes at him. He paused for a while, optics deep in thought.

"I supose you could accompany me on a routine visit to one of our mines..."
You grinned widely - field trip!

"I'll get changed into something more... suitable for the outdoors." You said, looking down at your [f/c] pajamas.

"But at the first sign of Autobot activity, you are to be bridged back immediately." He commanded.

"Aye-aye captain!" You replied alongside a mock salute for comedy's sake, which earned you a head-shake and a sigh.


Good enough.


You sat upon his massive shoulder, only vaguely paying attention to the talk about the mine, instead turning your attention to the huge, beautiful crystals adorning the walls and floor of your current tunel.

Although you weren't paying much attention, you noticed when the conversation seemed to end, and slid over closer to Megatron's head.

"Everything okay Megsy?" You asked quietly, feeling him tense beneath you.

"I have told you - you are not to call me that outside of a private setting. It diminishes my authority." He says sternly, not making eye contact.

"Sorry," You felt him relax a little, until you whispered "Sweetspark." In his audio receptor. You giggled as he tensed up again and you felt the warmth from his faceplate increase.

You lay back on his shoulder as you watched the tunnels and people go by.
You sat up as you recognise one. He was a vehicon - 5X2-36J - how you ever remembered their ID codes was beyond you. You could tell by the dent in his helm and the way he walked. 

"Hey! '36J!" You called out, waving to him from above. He swung round in panic, before spotting you, relaxing a little and holding up a hand in greeting, before turning back to his work.

A few more minutes of walking and you and Megatron were preparing to leave. The groundbridge had just been opened in the room ahead, when there was an explosion from somewhere down the tunnel behind you followed by cries of alarm and gunfire. Panicked, you clung to the Warlord's shoulder plating as he spun round to look in the direction of the commotion.

Without further hesitation, he scooped you into his clawed hand and set you down on the ground.

"Groundbridge. Now." He boomed.

You did as he said and ran towards the swirling portal, but before you reached it, you skidded to a stop when you heard a familiar voice make a cry of pain. Looking over your shoulder, you could see that the battle had moved alarmingly closer and among it all, your sweetspark was hunched over, clutching his optic.

"Megatron!" You screamed, and sprinted back towards him.

"Megatron!" You cried again, tears in your eyes as you got close enough to see the enegon dripping down his faceplate as he straightened himself.
He couldn't hear you. The fight was too loud.

You kept running towards him, hoping he would see you, only to trip and fall hard on your face.
You pushed yourself up off the ground, amidst the heavy footfalls of fighting cybertronians, the world blurred and shakey.

Suddenly you identify a voice, familiar as though from a distant memory, calling your name above the racket of the battle and a moment later you were being lifted from the mucky ground. You screamed as the owner of the hand holding you turned you around.

Then you fell silent.

Before you was a face you hadn't seen in over two years.

"Wheeljack?" You breathed, trembling. You didn't know what to say, what to do. You just stared, his own pure blue optics staring back.

"[Y/N]? We all thought you were dead! What happened?" He questioned.

But you couldn't give an answer. You weren't ready for this. What could you say? 'Oh not much. I just fell for Lord Megatron. You?' No.

"Actually, stories can wait. We're getting you out of here." He said, interrupting your train of thought. It took you a moment to realise that he was calling for a groundbridge.

"Wheeljack, wait!"

But it was too late and you were whisked away through the portal before you could say another word.


When you woke up, everything seemed like a dream. Everything was bright and blurry and you were lying on a yellow sofa like the one that had been at autobot base years ago. A similar tiny TV sat on a table nearby. It was like a memory, except you couldn't quite figure out when it was from.

That was until you felt the aching in your back and face.

You groaned and sat up.
Then you realised how wrong all of this was. You always woke up in Megatron's room now, usually on his berth, the warlord having already woken.

So why were you back here? Had it all been a dream? Had...


No no no! You thought as you remembered what had happened.

Despite the pain in your back, you leapt up off the sofa and sprinted down the steps, almost tripping over at the bottom. You didn't know exactly where you were going, but you just knew you had to get out of here. Fast.

You made it about halfway across the room before you realised you weren't alone. You skidded to a halt and fell on your rear when you noticed all the optics on on you. You didn't know how you hadn't heard their voices before, but you cerainly did now.

"What happened?"

"Where were you?"

"What were you doing in the mine?"

"Were you tortured?"

"Can't you see they need some time? They're probably traumatised!"

"Autobots! Give [Y/N] some room!" Optimus' s voice boomed above the others.

You kept your eyes glued to the floor as you sat there, trying to calm your erratic breathing. Then, voice as level as you could make it, you looked up at the Autobot leader and asked,

"Optimus Prime, what happened to Megatron?"

You were going to be more specific, but your voice had cut off. You were filled with worry for your lover and you knew they could see your panic. You just hoped you could escape soon to be reunited with him.


If he was still intact.

Of course he was! You were overreacting! You--

"I am afraid he escaped through a groundbridge before we could stop him." Replied Optimus, having moved closer to you and extended a finger to help up.

You mentally sighed in relief.

So he was safe.

Immediately after however, you noticed the regret evident in the Prime's tone and felt a little sick. You almost forgot they all wanted Megatron dead.

Brushing the feeling aside, you stood by yourself and looked around at the cybertronians surrounding you.

"Where's Wheeljack?" You asked when he was nowhere to be seen.
Maybe you could get him to take you somewhere you could call for a groundbridge.

Oh wait.

You didn't have your phone.


"Uh, I think he's still fixing up the Jackhammer." Came Bulkhead's reply from behind you.

You turned to him, and perhaps more desparately than intended, you demanded,
"Take me to him."


There you stood, meters away from the mech you hadn't spoken to in years.

Your best friend.

You weren't sure he still saw you that way though.

You had been there for at least five minutes before he finally looked down to you.

"You gonna give me a hand or what?" He asked impatiently, gaining no response from you.

You were paralysed.

"Look. I'm sorry, Sunshine. What else do you want me to say?" He began, and was met again with silence.

"We thought you were dead. I mean, we looked! Do you know how much 'con aft I kicked trying to find you? I mean I love blowin' up 'cons as much as the next Wreaker, but there's only so much--"

"it's okay." You finally said.

The way he talked about killing Decepticons made you uncomfortable, but he'd always been like that. And he didn't know what had happened to you.

"I should have tried harder." You quickly added.
There was a pause, then,

"What do you mean 'tried harder'?"

"I should have tried harder to escape. To come back to you... I feel like... I've betrayed you all." You looked down at the ground as you scraped at it with your feet.

You did feel guilty for that decision.It wasn't that you regretted your time on board the nemesis, but rather, you regretted your time away from your autobot friends - including Wheeljack.
You were snapped out of your trance when he spoke again.

"Hey. I'm sure you did everything you could."

You fake-smiled a little up at him. You wished you could tell him everything, but you knew he'd never understand.

"But I'm sure you were one Pit of a handful anyway." He joked, turning back to his ship.

You chuckled and grinned. He got that right at least. Still grinning, you walked closer and leaned you back against his leg, craning your neck to look up at him.

"Hey Jackie-boy!" You called.

"Yeah?" He responded, faceplate still glued to whatever he was working on.

"Fancy going for a drive? For old times sake?"

"Why not?" He said with a shrug, picking you up and transforming around you.

"Where were you you thinking?" He asked.

"Anywhere's fine."

You didn't really know what you were going to do about this whole mess, but while you worked it out, you figured a bit of friendly catch-up wouldn't hurt.


You had let Wheeljack decide where to drive, and as a result, you had raced through a groundbridge onto a long dirt road.

So here you were, speeding through what you presumed to be the center of the capitol of Nowhere with your best pal, no evidence of the past two plus years except for the dull weight at the back of your mind telling you this was only temporary.

But you were trying your best to ignore that.

It was about twenty minutes before you struck up a conversation.

"So," you began, "You stayed on earth"

"Well I did leave twice but... I kept coming back to this old space rock. Guess I couldn't risk leaving my second-best bud without someone to talk to if they came back." He explained.

"Oh, because I'd so be struggling for someone to talk to if you were gone. You know? I don't think I'd ever speak again! " you replied sarcastically.


You giggled for a bit after that.

Another twenty minutes of talking passed, before you noticed he was turning onto a forest track. Another ten, and he was pulling over and opening his door for you to get out.

Doing so, you watched as he transformed and stretched his arms.

"What are we doing here?" You questioned.

"Walking?" He replied. "Needed to stretch my servos. And I figured it would be good to just... walk and talk."

"Okay...?" It seemed a littld odd, but you needed the fresh air anyway.

Further into the woods you wandered, your 'walking and talking' fading into plain walking, but you enjoyed your old friend's company all the same.

You had no idea where you were in relation to where you started, but he seemed like he had somewhere in mind. There were times when the pace of his 'wandering' meant you had to jog to keep up.

Eventually, you reached a fairly large clearing - small enough for the trees to create a leafy green ceiling, but big enough to have room for wheeljack to stretch out on the ground if he wanted.

"Why don't we stop here? You look like you could use a break." He smirked down at you.

It was true. You weren't exactly an athlete.

You plonked yourself down on your backside in the middle of the grass, Wheeljack doing the same before drawing a sword and begining to clean it.

You looked around, admiring your surroundings. It was a beautiful spot - especially with the way the sun shone through the leaves above, creating a warm, dappled, green-tinted light that you usually only saw in movie scenes. You lay back in the soft, flower-speckled grass and let yourself relax.
You doubted that Wheeljack really thought about any of this, but it was a nice bonus to the day anyway. Letting your eyes drift closed, you broke the quiet.

"So... What's the occasion?" You were curious as to why you had come all this way to sit in a forest.

There was a long pause and for a minute the silence turned uncomfortable. Then he spoke.

"I missed you." He began " You know I'm not good at... feelings and scrap, but I want you to know I missed you."
You opened your eyes a little and looked up at him, squinting a little in the light.

You were reminded in that moment of the promise that had caused you to stay with the Decepticons in the first place.

You stay, he lives.

You trust Megatron to leave him alone until you get back.
You're about to say something when jet engines can be heard from far above. You stop mid-breath, waiting for it to pass. But it just gets louder.



You'd recognise those engines anywhere.


A wave of relief washed over you. He was safe.

It didn't last long though, as Wheeljack soon realised the situation and picked you up off the ground.

"Wheeljack? What are you doing?" You were begining to panic again, and your voice showed it.

"I'm not risking losing you again." He said, surprisingly calm.

"Yes, but what are you--" you were cut off when you were dropped gently into a deep pit in the ground.


Wheeljack!" You yelled, very confused.

"Stay put." He said sternly, drawing his other sword and turning in the direction of where Megatron had landed.

"What? No! Don't go after Megatron yourself! How stupid are you?!"

"Hey, calm down. I'll call for backup if I need it." He looked at you over his shoulder as he spoke.

"Since when did you know when you need backup?!"

"Hey, come on. It's been, what, two years? People change. " And with that, he turned and walked away, ignoring any further cries of protest.

Eventually, you gave in to the fact that he wasn't going to listen, and began attempting to scale the steep sides yourself. It was easier said than done though, as they were made up of patches of mud and moss, neither of which was much use for grip as you scrambled for foot and hand-holds.
You were begging for them both to be safe. Maybe you'd all be lucky and Megatron would find you before Wheeljack.

You were sure Megatron wouldn't staright up attack the wreaker, on account of your deal and how much he cared for you, but you held no such trust in Wheeljack. If he struck first, there was no telling what kind of damage the warlord would do.

You had to hurry.

Finally, with the help of a rock, a root and a strong fern leaf, you managed to haul yourself out out of the hole.

You sat at the edge for a few moments to catch your breath, until there was the clang of metal on metal somewhere up ahead followed by a cry of pain. It sounded like Wheeljack.

You leapt to your feet and sprinted in the direction of the commotion. You could hear your heart beating in your ears and your mind was working at a hundred miles an hour as you tried to focus on dodging tree roots and general plant life that carpeted the forest floor.

You could hear their shouting - though you couldn't make out their words - which was both useful and worrying. Usefull because you could tell where they were and that they were alive, but worrying because it told you the situation wasn't improving.

You just hoped you got there in time.



You could see Megatron's feet up ahead. There were broken trees all around you, but you could hear Wheeljack's voice so they were both still alive, Thank goodness!
Oh no. Now you could see he had wheeljack held in the air by his neck cables. You can hear their words now too.

"TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE!" Boomed Megatron.

"And why in the fragging Pit do you think I'd do that Bucket Head?" He replied, smugness dripping from his tone.

Oh hell.

Your feet pounded against the ground as the sound of a weapon powering up filled your ears and you opened you mouth and screamed,

"Megatron! Don't--"



You stop and stand there in shock.

You're paralyzed.

Feet bolted to the ground.

Airways clamped shut.

Only now does Megatron process what he just heard, and look down by
his feet. Your wide eyes meet his, and for what feels like an eternity, there is no sound but the fizzling of melting circuits, and no movement but that of the breeze shifting the leaves and a steady stream of smoke.

Everything feels so surreal.

"[Y/N]." comes his voice. It's sounds like a statement more than anything.
And with that, the world shatters back into reality.

Suddenly, your legs give out underneath you and your eyes well with tears, and before you know it, you're a sobbing mess on the ground.
You barely register the huge thump as the body is dropped to the ground and the shifting of metal as Megatron kneels before you.

"[Y/N]" he says again, "I am sorry, but you must understand, ᴵ ʰᵃᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇʳⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵉ ʷᵃˢ..."
He continues to talk, but it is all drowned out by your mind.

You're angry.

You had trusted him, and he had...
He'd betrayed that trust. And now this anger - no, this rage - is clawing at your mind, shredding everything else until it finally breaks the surface.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" You scream suddenly, startling the huge mech in front of you.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING ?! WHY?!" you continue, looking him in the optics and lifting yourself from the ground, tears still streaming down your face.

"YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!" You jab your finger up at him accusingly, taking a step towards him.


"I..." he begins quietly, "I needed you. I was afraid for your safety. The Nemesis felt... empty without you... I missed you."

Despite this rare show of his softer side, his emotion falls on deaf ears.

"Oh Yeah? Well guess what?" Your voice was lowered dangerously until, "So did he! YOUR NOT THE ONLY ONE HURTING HERE YOU KNOW!"

You're getting light-headed from the stress and the yelling, but you don't care about that.

Or the pounding headache that is threatening to split your skull.

Or the churning stomach ache taking hold.

You only care about the burning in your eyes and in your chest. You can feel the flames engulfing you frome the inside out.

It hurts. And you cling to it.

"[Y/N], please listen,"


"That wreaker killed countless Decepticons - Vehicons they may be, but you go out of your way to remember individual designations - so does that not concern you?!" He retaliates.



The silence after your words is deafening and heavy and... dark.

But you don't regret them. You're hurting so much that you really believe each and every one of them.

After what must only be moments, Megatron growls, curling his upper lip. He's never shown such anger towards you, and it feels good that you've made him feel some of what you're feeling.

Then he stands suddenly to his full height and booms,

" FINE ! Have it your way!"
Before folding in on himself and taking to the skies in jet form.

Your tears had stopped and you watched from the ground until he was out of sight, burning a hole through the back of his alt mode with your piercing glare. Once he was completely gone, you felt the anger and adrenaline begin to drain from your body as if someone had pulled the plug.

Your legs became weak again and you once again dropped to your knees. The tears began to fall again as your clothes were soaked with the pooling energon on the ground. You looked to your right, where the body lay, and began to sob again.

As you curled over, clutching your stomach, you felt a light tug on your neck. Without thinking, you grabbed the sliver of energon and clung to it like a lifeline.

It was a symbol of your relationship with Megatron, but it had come to be a comfort - a lucky charm almost - regardless of its intended purpose. And that was all that mattered to you because right now, your world was ripping itself apart.

Here you are, all alone in the middle of a forest. The two people you cared for most were gone. And they were nver coming back.

You felt broken.

You felt...

You felt betrayed.


If that ending wasn't satisfying for anyone, I'd gladly do a sequel or a prequel - All you have to do is request it!

I might actually do it anyway at some point but idk

Also, I tried using superscript to make Megatron's words look like they were fading out, but I don't know how well that worked...

Oh well!


- ToA ~♡

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