Linstead: Undercover Mission

By chicagopdbabes

97.6K 1.3K 232

Your favorite Detectives take their Undercover skills to Hawaii! Jay and Erin have to portray as newlyweds, w... More

Two Weeks With You
Playing The Part
Not As Beautiful As You
It's The Beginning
He Could Finally Sleep Peacefully
You Were Gone in the Blink of an Eye
She Begged for Him not to Leave Her Side
Whatever You Want, We Will Make It Happen
It Would Become An Everday Tradition
She Needs You
Slowly, it was all Returning to Normal
You Are My Miracle
Our Love is Invincible
Cheers to Milestones
I Am the Dreamer and You Are My Dream
Nature is Even Better Than it Seems
I Am a Better Person Because of You
The Gifts Love Can Give You
These Are The Days We Live For
And So The Adventure Begins
It's Been Too Long, My Dear
When I Met You, Everything Changed.
We Rise By Lifting Others
I Have Loved You Since Day One
The Past Can Be Our Worst Demon
Thankful For The Family We Have
One Minute You Were Here and Now You're Gone
Our Family is a Circle of Strength
In The End, You'll Always Be Here
The Best Gift is Family Wrapped In Love
A Grand Adventure is About to Begin
Sunday Mornings
Dreams Do Come True
Today Was Long Overdue
The Presents Life Gives You
Living A Two Sided Life
Life Can Go Two Ways
We All Have Our Own Coping Mechanisms

The Year's Shadow

1.7K 25 6
By chicagopdbabes

Happy 2018, everyone! I'm looking forward to this year, expanding my writing! Thank you all for the reviews! Both good and bad! The criticism inspires me to do better on my writing skills! Really though, thank you all for the advice! I loved it. And thank you for the good as well, love you all!

All facts about an OBGYN are from my cousin Matt! He is an OBGYN and has been for sixteen years :))


"Have you decided on the cake yet?" Erin and Jay were currently sitting on their couch with their wedding planner, Bailey, and discussing loose ends. Jay and Erin still had not decided on the cake, or the table layout. They found out a mere twenty four hours ago they were going to have a baby. A baby that was made by the both of them. They would be raising it and protecting he or she.

"No," Jay looked to Erin. "Our godson was born yesterday, and with Jaxton's tournament we have been distracted." Keeping this baby on the down low for the next four weeks would be beyond difficult.

"Guys," Bailey looked at the young couple. "I understand you've been busy, but let's get all of those details off the table today." She looked down at her planner for Erin and Jay. "Do you have to be anywhere today?" They both shook their heads. "Great, then we will use that follow up appointment. When you both went to do cake testing last week, I had them book a follow up just in case, so let's use it. Have you guys narrowed the flavors down at all?"

"Actually, we've gotten that far." Erin smiled, whipping out her phone and going to her notepads. "We wanted to do three of four layer cake. Chocolate and vanilla for sure. We have no idea what type to do. German, dark, rich, we don't know."

Bailey nodded as she rapidly wrote down all the notes for later. "Okay. And for the other two flavors?"

"Red velvet and spice, maybe?" Jay shrugged his shoulders. "We have how many people rsvp'd?"

"Right now, one ten. And you have around twenty maybes. I'll be calling to do a checkup next week."

"You know, they should have- we should have, included a cake survey. As long as I can marry Erin, I'll survive." Jay smiled at the thought of being able to marry Erin in a few short weeks. And come August, they'd be parents.

Erin an Bailey both laughed at Jay's comment. "Okay, next question, what about alcohol choice? It's going to be an open bar, and all. They cover the alcohol, but need to know what kind you both will drink the most." She had a list of questions that needed to be answered today.

Erin quickly shot a glance in Jay's direction that told him not to spill the secret. And luckily for them, two years of being partners allowed them to develop a conversation with no words. So, Bailey didn't pick up on the silent conversation they were sharing. "Wine, beer, mimosas, margaritas, the whole nine yards. We will be drinking lightly. We want to somewhat remember the night." Jay laughed softly, Erin nodding.

"Ah, okay. Now, first song? We need to give the DJ a list of usable songs he can put on the slow dance." Bailey got up and got a drink of water from the fridge. Being Adam's sister, she had many benefits. She knew Erin and Jay from the wedding, and they quickly hit it off. So when Erin and Jay got engaged, they gave her a call.

Erin blushed, looking over to Jay. "Amazed by Lone Star." That song had been a special one. It was one of the songs played at Kim and Adam's wedding. They both fell in love with it, but it didn't come up until they were given the task to pick one out a few nights ago.

"Good choice. That's one I've heard, but I think you'll be the first clients to use it." She smiled, making a note in her planner.

"And I emailed you a few songs Jay and I decided on for our first dance with Camille, Hank, Jax, etc." Erin nodded.

"Great." Bailey shut her planner. "Now, our cake testing appointment is in fifteen minutes, so lets get going. See you both there."


Jay and Erin got in the car, Erin taking a seat in the passenger seat. Ever since yesterday, things had been magical for the two of them. She was seven weeks along, and Erin and Jay were beyond excited.

"So," Jay cautiously pulled out onto the street, snow falling lightly and covering the streets. "How is our little guy doing today?" He rested his free hand on Erin's stomach.

"Our little girl," She smirked. "Is doing just fine today. It would be better if she stopped making her mama sick, though."

Jay's smile dropped when Erin said the last part. This was week three of everyday nausea, and it hurt him to see her sick every morning after she ate. He wished he could take the pain for her. "Dr. Robbins said he could give you some medicine. We can talk about that at the next meeting in a few weeks." He ran his hand up her arm to her shoulder and squeezed it for reassurance.

"I don't want anything to hurt the baby, Jay." She was still in her first trimester which meant it was a high risk for miscarriage. Erin wouldn't take any risks.

"Er, Dr. Robbins would prescribe you a medicine that wouldn't affect the baby. He wouldn't give you anything that would risk the baby's health. I can promise you that." He followed Bailey and took a reroute to the cake shop. "Have you thought about how we want to surprise everyone?"

A grin spread onto Erin's face. "Yes, actually." She brought her hand down to rest on her stomach. "I thought in our vows we both could say something. We agreed we wanted to say our vows publically, so I say let's do it then. It will catch everyone off guard, so at the reception it won't be suspicious when I don't drink." She thought this out thoroughly.

Jay pulled into the parking lot of the cake shop, and looked to Erin once he got parked. "You're brilliant." He pressed a chaste kiss against her lips. "Let's go pick out some cake."

Jay walked around the car and held his hand out for Erin to take. She grinned and took it, closing her door. "Jax will be home around six." She smiled. Erin and Jay were still getting used to living with a teenager, and his crazy schedule. But, according to Jaxton, they were doing perfect. "When are you guys going to get your suits picked out?"

"We already have them picked out, we are just doing a final fitting next Thursday. We picked out- Bailey picked out a shade of navy for our ties, so we are going to have all of us there to see how it flows. When is your final fitting for you and the girls?" Jay held the door open so they could meet with Bailey.

"Next Friday." Erin waved as Bailey walked up to them.

Jay nodded in acknowledgement as Bailey began talking. "Who is ready to try some cake!" Bailey clasped her hands together as she leaded them to a table with four chairs. "Okay, so did you both decide on a vanilla?"

"White vanilla."

"Good. So, my friend Kayla, she is the owner of this place. She is bringing out German chocolate, ultimate chocolate, dark chocolate, carrot cake, banana, red velvet, country spice, almond, hazelnut, and lemon." Bailey explained as ten plates of cake were sat in front of the couple.

Erin and Jay dived in, expressing their opinions as Bailey watched. "Definitely going with German chocolate. The ultimate and chocolate were much to rich for our liking." Erin spoke for the two of them.

Bailey nodded, filling out the paper for the cake. "So right now we are settled for sure on White French Vanilla and German Chocolate?"

"That is correct. We aren't even going to try almond and hazelnut. Some of our guests may have nut allergies, so we don't want to take he risk." Jay said as she pushed those two plates aside.

"Good call, Jay." Bailey nodded. "Are we still settled for buttercream frosting and four layers?" Jay nodded as he and Erin bit into the lemon cake. Both of them practically hurled.

"I don't know why we even tried it. Both of us can barely stand lemon flavored food or beverages." Erin spoke, chugging the water she brought in.

Bailey laughed. "Okay, so what do you both think of the country spice?"

Jay and Erin both sliced themselves a small piece, and brought it to their mouths, both moaning in delight. "Make this number three." Jay hummed as he sliced another piece for himself. "What do you think, Er?" She nodded.

"Perfect. It adds a settle taste. What do you want to try now?" She looked over to her fiancé, who was looking at the remaining three flavors. "I have a feeling about red velvet. Banana doesn't seen like a fond flavor, and I'd prefer red velvet over carrot."

"Agreed. Let's try it." He nodded, taking the small slice of cake into his mouth. He studied Erin's face, looking at her changing facial expressions. "And?"

"I think we have our four flavors." She grinned.

"Done." Jay smiled, pressing a kiss against her cheek.

"Great!" Bailey smiled, looking down at the paper. "So, what do you want to be the bottom flavor? Starting from top to bottom, the size of each layer will be six, eight, ten, then twelve inches on the bottom. It's a four tier cake, so it will serve one hundred and thirty four people."

Jay and Erin both looked at each other, evaluating their choices. "I don't know, Er, do you think people will eat chocolate or vanilla more?"

"Hmm.." Erin thought, tapping her fingers on the table. "Do you want to do White French Vanilla on the bottom, then German Chocolate second to bottom?"

"Sounds perfect." Jay smiled. "Then, what do you say, Country Spice next and Red Velvet on top?"

"Works for me." Erin took a sip of her water, the nauseous feeing returning. "So, with having our four flavors picked out, a four tier cake, and buttercream frosting, what will it be?"

"Well, do you want any details or toppings on top?"

"Erin, go ahead and take the lead on this one." Jay laughed, not knowing what she wanted.

Erin rolled her eyes playfully before looking at Bailey. "So, we discussed and decided we want icing around the top of each layer in a navy blue to match our theme, then have a few blue flowers on top in navy, and finally, have 2D handcuffs with stenciled diamonds on top, making it look like a wedding ring, with Mr. and Mrs. in each handcuff. It's cheesy, but I love the idea."

Bailey nodded as she took notes onto the space provided for extra details. "Let me go talk to Kayla, and I'll be back." She smiled excitedly as she left the couple to go confront Kayla.

Jay glanced over at Erin to discuss dinner with her, but the discolor on her face made him forget about any supper plans. "Baby, what's' wrong?"

"Nothing," She waved off. "Just the baby disagreeing with all the sugar I just consumed." She shook her head, laying her head on Jay's chest. "What are we doing for New Year's? It's in three days."

"Unpacking the house with our friends. Jaxton is having Carson over, so I invited Julie and Craig to come hang with the unit." Jay caressed her arm, drawing lazy ovals on her forearm in an attempt to make the nauseous feeling disappear.

"Good call. I haven't seen them since Jaxton's tournament." She sighed as she closed her eyes, craving sleep.

"When we get home, I want you to go to bed. You now need to have the energy for two people, and I want you to stay healthy. I'm making chili when we get home, so you can nap while Jaxton helps me pack the house up some more." He kissed the top of her head as Bailey came back.

"Okay, you two. I have a price." Erin and Jay sat up as Bailey prepared herself. "Each slice is four dollars and fifty cents. That would be six hundred and three dollars," She saw Jay's eyes practically jump out from his sockets as Erin told him to calm down. "But, I talked to her and explained how you are a retired Ranger, and how both of you are respected detectives with CPD. She threw out a fifteen percent discount, but she knows me, so she threw in another twenty five percent, so in all, you both have a twenty five percent discount. Your total would be four hundred and fifty two dollars, twenty five cents."

"We'll take it." Erin smiled. "Thank you, Bailey. We are meeting at the new house on Wednesday, right?"

"Yep." She smiled, shaking Erin and Jay's hands, proud of her work.


  "Jay, we're home!" Erin called out as Jay shut the door behind her.

"Mom! Dad!" Jaxton came into the kitchen, his crutches under each of his arms, a smile plastered on his place. "I got my room packed for tomorrow!" Jaxton wouldn't admit it, or say it out loud, but he was beyond excited for the move. He would live down the street from his best friend, and he couldn't ask for more.

"Good job." Erin congratulated him, embracing him in a hug. "Jay is going to make chili, and I'm going to take a nap. Cake testing was exhausting. Wake me up when supper is ready." She kissed his temple, disappearing down the hall.

"Hey dad." Jaxton went to the fridge and pulled out a Pepsi. "What's wrong with mom?" He didn't want to press his dad for answers, but he knew something was off. She had been getting sick in the middle of the night frequently, and Jaxon had caught onto it.

"Nothing is. She is just tired from all the cake testing. And we are working a case at work right now, so she is just worn out." Jay replied, collecting all the ingredients to finish the chili.He had set the chili all day in the crock pot to cook, and now he just needed to add the final spices and let it cook for a few hours.

Jaxton nodded, not believing a word his dad was telling him. "I'm not going to press because it's not my business, but just know you're a bad liar." He laughed, beginning to help Jay put plates and bowls into a box.

Jay laughed. "Think what you want, Jaxton."

Two hours and way too many kitchen appliances later, Jay looked at his son and his current state. "How is the foot?" As instructed, Jay and Erin took Jaxton to their primary doctor, in other words, they went to go see Will and Natalie at their house. Natalie determined it will be two weeks before Jaxton will be off crutches, three to be on the safe side.

"It's okay. I feel like someone ran it over, but it's okay. It sucks I'm benched and basically on bed rest. I can't go anything with this." He pointed to his wrapped foot. "What am I even going to do tomorrow? I can't load or unload."

"You can help your mother unpack the kitchen. Don't worry about it. Sunday is New Year's, so I think we are having the unit and Meyer's over." Jay looked over to Jaxton who sighed.

"We should've sued the guy."

"We've been over this, Jaxton. We can't. You signed a waiver and so did we." Jay taped the last of the kitchen boxes.


"It's not going to get any colder, Halstead." Hank groaned as Jay and Atwater walked the couch slowly to the back of the moving van.

Jay shook his head, lifting the couch with Kevin's help into the moving van before making his way to Hank. "Hank, why don't you try to lift that couch?"

"I've lifted a lot of furniture today, Jay. We've been moving since eleven and it's three right now." He rolled his eyes, walking back into the apartment.

The Windy City was in full swing- the once light snow was getting denser by the Monet, and the wind was not helping. According to the weather channel, it was four degrees, but felt like negative four. The whole unit was moving boxes and furniture into the moving van they rented. It was a fifteen minute drive from the apartment to the new house. The snow was scheduled to pick up within the next hour, and with the last piece of furniture into the moving van, now the team had to move al the boxes.

Erin, Camille, and Jaxton were all at the house unpacking, while Kim was at the apartment holding the fort down there. Brysen was napping in his portable crib in Jaxton's old room, sleeping soundly making everyone's life easier. The team divided and conquered, each of them stuffing as many boxes as possible into each of their cars. They wanted to get to Erin and Jay's new house before the snow picked up.

"Is that everything?" Adam asked, looking at Burgess.

"I think so." She smiled excitedly. "I double checked every room, and it's all empty, cabinets and all." She finished buttoning Brysen's winter coat. He had gotten so big in his two weeks of life, and Kim and Adam were ecstatic to see their baby boy grow. "Now we are ready to go home, aren't we?" She talked with a playful tone. Brysen's pupils dilated at his mother's voice.

"Okay." Adam said, pressing a kiss against Kim's forehead. "Let's go drop the boxes off at Erin and Jay's, then we can go home." Kim nodded, bundling up her coat and following Adam out the door, grabbing the last of everything.

Within the next hour boxes were scattered all over the house. Some were packed, some weren't. Erin was tackling the kitchen, and Camille was directing everyone where each box goes in the house. Jaxton was passed out on the couch, the first piece of furniture there was. Mouse and Jay were putting together the beds, Hank and Al were following Camille's orders, Kevin and Antonio were instructing the IKEA delivery men where each piece of new furniture went. Kim, Adam, and Brysen were gone, going home for much needed rest.

"Jay, what are these rooms?" Mouse has stopped Jay on the way to the master bedroom with his tool box.

"Erin and I haven't decided. Probably a spare bedroom or an office. It's up to her." Jay simply replied. But, he and Erin knew what it was going to be. Their child's nursery.

"What about a nursery?" Mouse asked nonchalantly as they sat down, back to the job at task- putting the master bed frame together.

"Maybe in a few years when she's ready for kids." Jay looked across the frame, putting the last nail in his side. "Mouse are you almost-"

"Done. Now, let's get the other side." Jay nodded as Mouse began talking more. "I can't wait for you to become a dad. That little kid will be lucky."

"Me too, Mouse." Only seven more months, Jay thought to himself. He and Erin decided they would start looking for room themes once they found out what the gender of their child was in two weeks.

"Well, I know you will be great." Mouse smiles at his best friend.

"Hey, Jay, the IKEA people are here with the mattresses. Bring em up?" Antonio asked as he stood in front of the door frame.

"Yeah, sure. Jaxton's room is all put together, his bed, dresser, and nightstands. Do his first. We will have this bed finished in probably five to ten minutes." Antonio nodded. "What's the process on downstairs?"

"Well, Camille is in charge, so shit is getting done for sure." Antonio laughed. "But seriously, it's looking great. The boxes are all organized and Hank and Al have started putting together the living room. Everything from IKEA is ordered and set up in the kitchen, living room, dining room, and anywhere else downstairs. They just have to put together the upstairs and we're done."

"That's good. How is Erin and Jaxton?" Jay asked, high diving Mouse as the bed was put together.

"Jaxton is still asleep somehow, and Erin is halfway done with putting the kitchen together." Antonio replied.

"Good. She needs to take a break. Tell her that for me, I don't want her getting sick. She's coming down with a cold." Jay lied. "And thanks for being here, both of you." Without the unit's help, it'd take days to move. Now, it only took hours.

"That's what family is for." 


"Well, babe, we are finally settled in." Erin smiles. They had been unpacking, the unit leaving just a little over an hour ago, leaving the family of three in their new home. There were still unopened boxes, and all the boxes that were unpacked were broken down and put at the door for recycling.

"Yes we are." Jay smiles, pressing a kiss against her forehead. "Who would have thought we would have been here a year ago?" He wondered. A year ago, they were strictly partners with feelings long held. Now, here they were with a teenager, a new house, a wedding, and a baby on the way.

Erin leaned into his embrace, and Jay wrapped his arms around her. "I love you." She sighed.

"I love you too, Er." He moved his hand down to her flat stomach, "How is the baby doing?"

Erin chuckled. "I think they're okay. I haven't vomited today, so that's a plus. I guess she's finally getting used to her momma's appetite." She looked into his eyes and tears stung her eyes as she saw the look he gave her. The look on his face, in his blue orbits, the smile tugging at his lips, the crinkle in his forehead, it all showed how unconditional his love was for her.

She was carrying his baby. Erin and Jay were both on cloud nine. They had waited so long, and leave it to one undercover operation to change it all. One event that brought to destined people closer.

"I hate to interrupt this moment, but what's for supper?" Jay snakes his hand off of her flat stomach, both of them turning to face Jaxton sitting on a barstool.

"Jaxton, we just ate." Jay looked at his son. "There is leftover pizza in the fridge. If you don't want that, I can make some chicken wraps. Up to you guys." Jay looked over to Jaxton. "Your mother and Grandmother got the kitchen and dining room set up. All the furniture is here, so you just need to go unpack your room." Jaxton nodded his head, paying attention.

"Yes, Jax, why don't you go unpack your room while Jay makes supper? I'm going to start unpacking the living room and setting up the entry hall." Erin smiled, walking past her son into the living room.

"Okay." Jaxton shrugged his shoulders, turning back to look at Jay. "Dad, when supper is ready, yell for me." Jay nodded and he helped Jaxton up the stairs.

"Erin, we should talk." Jay smiled, pulling out ingredients for chicken wraps.

"About.." she trailed off, fetching a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Baby names! We want to find out the gender, right?" Jay wouldn't admit it, but his phone was filled with baby ideas for names, and the best products to buy. He was beyond excited.

"Jay," Erin shot him a look. "After the wedding we can think about the kid." She laughed. "We have seven months to plan."

Another chapter that was longer than expected! What did you all think about PD's episode? I feel terrible for Jay. He needs to dig himself out of that hole before it's too late. I feel like he is going down what Erin did in the end of season two, tbh. Let me know your thoughts!

Please review!

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