That's Ace {Fourth book in Th...

By neverlandhiraeth

4.5K 143 48

Ace Weasley, son of Fred and Orion Weasley had a pretty normal life, growing up as a wizard with semi-famous... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Please Read

Chapter 1

667 23 13
By neverlandhiraeth

"Come on you lot!"Yelled Fred Weasley from the shop counter of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, "otherwise we'll be late!" It was September the first and that meant all of the children were returning to Hogwarts for another year.

After rushing to hospital that day, it was how Angelina and Orion thought. She was pregnant, six months as they had surmised. Three months later she gave birth to their oldest child, Ace a small redheaded boy with very pale skin.

Three years later his younger sister, Poppy was born.

A year after that, the twins, Esme and Elliot were born. They were who completed Fred and Orion's children. Not sixteen like Fred had joked about, just four. Four beautiful redheaded babies, not one of them were metamorphmagus'.

Now Ace was going into his fourth year of Hogwarts, aged fourteen, his youngest siblings going into their first year. It wasn't just these siblings that were in Hogwarts out of the family, Teddy would be two years above Ace. They also have some of their cousins in school with them.

"Come on!" Screamed Esme, as she ran into her fathers arms. "Daddy it's Ace, he's taking too long!"

Poppy and Elliot joined them moments later, Orion, George, Angelina and their daughter following. "Love, why is Ace taking so long?" Fred asked Orion as she checked her bag for everything.

"I don't know, I'll go check, yeah?" She kissed her husbands cheeks and clambered up the stairs entering the flat that the twins put an extension so that there were more floors, enabling all of the children to have bedrooms and them to stay at the flat. She carried on up more flights of stairs until she reached Ace's bedrooms. Knocking on the door she entered to find him fumbling around in his room. "Ace what's wrong Sweetheart? We need to get going."

He glanced at his mother before returning to searching, "I can't find my wand, mum, please help."

Flicking her wand and muttering "accio", Ace's wand flew out from inside of his trunk and into his mothers hand. "Just don't worry, you're getting too stressed and doing crazy stuff, Ace. If you've forgotten something owl us or tell Uncle Remus and he can come and get it."

Remus has been reappointed DADA teacher when the school reopened, and so far he has been able to keep it since, the curse not affecting him, he was the first DADA teacher to not leave after one year and that caused for a celebration, Sirius threw a big party for his brother, and seeing the pair of them drunk was hilarious.

"Okay, thanks mum."

Orion smiled and shuffled her son out of the door, levitating his trunk down the stairs. "Right come on you lot, Ace you and Poppy go with your mother, you know what to do. Now, monkey and monkey,"Fred turned to Esme and Elliot, "hold on tight to your trunks and to my hand, this is your first time apparating with trunks so hold on tight."

The twins nodded and did as they told excitement bubbling over them as they waited to go on the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Angelina and George and already disapparated with Roxanne their daughter who wanted to wave her cousins off as she was still too young to go to Hogwarts. The six disapparated and landed in an alleyway not too far from Kings Cross Station.

Fred led the way the twins skipping and giggling next to him, Poppy walking beside her father whilst Ace hung back with Orion. "Mum are you and dad gonna be okay?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

Ace shrugged his shoulders, "You know, now that all of us are at Hogwarts."

Orion chuckled and sling her arm around his shoulders, "we did have a life before you guys came along, but yes we will, it might be a little weird at first but there is still Roxie in the flat and we have work. But don't go worrying about us, if you really want to talk and not through letter, owl us and one of us if not both of us will be there at Hogsmeade to talk." Ace nodded as they came across the barrier. Fred took the twins through first, Poppy following.

"Mum can we go through together? Please?" Orion nodded and held onto her sons trolley next to him and the pair broke off into a run, pushing through the barrier and entering the platform. "Look there's Teddy! Mum can we go over there please?"

"Sweetheart, that's where we were going anyway." Orion smiles and the pair joined Fred, the twins, Poppy and the rest of their family, most of whom had come just to see the others off.

"Alright Ace?" Greeted Teddy as he brought him into a hug.

"I'm good, you?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."

Ace's parents greeted the rest of the adults with hugs and cheek kisses and began to talk for a while. Arthur approached Ace as he saw him look away from the group. "Are you alright son?" He asked.

Ace nodded, "I'm just looking for Sam."

Sam Davies son of Katie and Roger Davies was Ace's best friend. They were inseparable and practically tied to the hip. "I'm sure you'll find him soon." Arthur smiled pushing his glasses up. "Do you want some good luck for the year?" Arthur always asked his grandson this when it come to leaving for Hogwarts and each year it was the same. Ace nodded and his grandfather dug into his pocket to find his rubber duck, he pulled it out and squeaked it. "Good luck, son."

Fred laughed at his fathers antics and joined his son as his dad walked away. Getting closer to Ace Fred slipped something in his pocket. "Enlarge them when you get to school." He whispered patting his shoulder, "And don't tell your mother, she is very hypocritical. She didn't have anything against pranks when we were in school."

Ace smiled at his father as his mother wrapped her arms around Fred. "I heard that." She said. "What has he given you?"

"Nothing, Mum."

"You know Ace, you can never lie to me." She raised her eyebrows. Sighing in defeat, Ace pulled at a small bag of shrunken dung bombs. "Honestly Fred, you'd think you're supposed to be responsible."

"I am responsible. I am a business man." Fred smirked and Orion smacked his arm. "See son, this is love."

Ace rolled his eyes and bade his parents goodbye as the whistle sounded. "I'll see you at Christmas." The pair kissed his head, then kissed Poppy and the twins goodbye before they scurried off onto the train.

"Those four are going to give McGonagall a heart attack." Orion said, "all together they're little shits."

"It's only Georgie and I's legacy living on. Wait until Roxie gets there."

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