BTS Pregnancy Series

By minjehee

130K 1.8K 653

BTS Pregnancy. About the members and scenarios of the pregnancy. Please enjoy reading! <3 More

Talking About It
Finding Out
Telling him
Morning Sickness
Telling Your Family
Second appointment
Not an update! {CLOSED}
The start of showing

First Appointment

12.1K 167 27
By minjehee


You and Jin had scheduled an appointment to see your precious little baby. You were sitting in the waiting room with jin and he was extremely nervous.

His leg was bouncing and he was praying. You turned to him and giggled. You grabbed a hold of his hand.

"Oppa calm down, everything will be fine." You giggled.

He sighed and frowned.

"I know I'm just nervous that's all." He pouts.

You lean over and peck his lips.

"Everything will be okay." You assured.

"Kim Y/n?" The nurse called.

You and jin stood up and she smiled at you both. You followed her into a room and you bit your lip.

"Alright, Mrs. Kim please just lay down on the bed please and I'll get things ready." She ordered sweetly.

You nodded and laid on the bed lifting your shirt. You inhale a breath as you felt the gel on your stomach. You reach out your hand for jin and he instantly enlaced your fingers together.

She turned the machine on and placed the Doppler on your stomach. Suddenly the room filled with a muffled boom.

"That's your baby's heartbeat, we are able to hear it because you are about 11 weeks along." She smiled.

You heaved out a breath.

"That's amazing." He sighed.

She finally turned on the screen and popped a little sac with a small little baby.

"And there's your little baby." She cheered.

Tears were in your eyes as well as Jin's. You finally saw your baby. You felt jin squeeze your hand. You squeezed his back. That little bundle was your baby.


You were in the doctors office laying on the bed. The ran some tests on you like blood pressure, weight, height, stuff like that.

You and Namjoon were very excited to see your baby for the first time. Your hand was enlaced with his and you were nervous.

The doctor came in and smiled at you.

"Alright so from what I have, you seem to be about 8 weeks along so we should be able to hear your baby's heartbeat." She nodded.

You smiled and nodded.

"Alright this is going to be cool to the touch, lift your shirt please." She ordered.

You lifted your shirt and squeezed Namjoon hand when you felt the cold gel touch your skin. She turned the machine on with the screen and the room roared with muffled beats.

You saw the screen and saw a small looking baby. You felt your cheeks become wet with tears. You turned to Namjoon and smiled widely.

"That's our baby oppa." You sniffled.

He chuckled.

"Yea..our miniature us." He smiles.

You stare at the screen and the widest smile spread across your face.


Yoongi was outside of the room getting a soda for him to drink, and a water for you. You have been feeling a little parched these days and it really worried you. You weren't sure if something was wrong with your baby.

Yoongi walked back inside with your water and smiled at you.

"Here Jagiya." He smiled.

You gladly took the water from his hands and gulped some water down. You immediently felt relieved. You turned to him and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you yoongi." You smiled.

You both heard a knock at the door, and your heads turned to the door.

"Come in!" You called out.

The door opened to reveal your OBGYN. She smiled at you walking in, before shaking your hands.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kim. I am going to help you look at your child and make sure that everything is going well." She informed while walking over to the machine.

The doctor turned the machine on and grabbed the lube. She squirted it on your flat tummy, while you squeezed Yoongi's hand tightly. She set the doppler on your tummy before a light thumping sound filled the room. Both of your heads turned to the screen befoer you saw a little bean.

Tears filled your eyes out of joy and felt Yoongi kiss your knuckles. You turn your head towards him smiling, then he leans forward to kiss your lips.

You have never felt so happy, having a miniture you and him gives you butterflies. Its an amazing feeling. Even though you could barely see your baby, you were thrilled to become parents.


You are currently laying on the bed of the doctors room and panicking. What if the baby was unhealthy? What if there was a problem in the pregnancy?

You never really thought of anything else but your baby. You knew that you had troubles getting this baby so you dont want any troubles. You stared at the creme colored celing, sighing. You have waited for so long to see your baby for the first time.

Hoseok, being the greatest husband he is, he grabs your hand pulling it up to his face to kiss it. You turned your head looking at his face, emotions mixed with happiness, sadness, worries, and mostly concerns. You knew that he was worried for you.

"Whats wrong" he asked you softly. You didnt wanna say anything knowing it just might put or stress on him. You simply just shook your head. He frowned before gravbing at both your hands. You feel the warmth transfer from his hands to yours.

You looked up at hoseok, meeting his eyes with yours. You dont really know what to say to him as he just stared into your eyes. "Y/n pleaae tell me whats wrong, your killing me."

You sighed looking at your lap, not wanting to hurt your amazing husband any longer. "Im just worried that something is gonna go wrong. Im scared something is gonna happen to the baby, or"

His grip at your hand softens. He pulls your hands to his face, kissing them lightly. "I wont let anything happen to you, or our baby. I promise." He told you. His words bring tears to your eyes, they sooth your mind as you lean over to kiss his lips. You both parted smiling at each other.

A knock was heard at the door, making the both of you turn your heads. "Come in!" Hoseok called out. The doctor walked in smiling at the both of you. "Anneyong, I am Doctor Kim I will be looking at the growth of your baby today." She says with a bright smile. She turns around towards the machine. She turns it on, the beeping startling you. Hoseok notices and clentches your hand in his.

You looked towards him and smile. As you both settle into the appointment, the doctor starts the ulstrasound. "Alright, just let me get a look around for the baby." She says moving the scanner around. Once she found your baby, a light thumping filled the room. Your heart filled with warmth and happiness overcame your body. Hoseok smiles widely. "Thats our baby." You hear him whisper to himself.

You turn your head towards him and smile. You look back towards the screen just staring at the child you are bearing in you. The doctor checks over everything and smiles at you. "Everything looks fine. There should be no complications." She say with a bright smile. Those words made your whole world spin. It was everything to you. As the doctor left and you wiped off your stomach. You gave your husband a huge hug.

You both left the room to check out and left the hospital with happy thoughts.


Sitting in the room alone, you waited paitently for the doctor to enter. Jimin couldnt make it to the first appointment which brouht the both of you down. He was busy on his tour and had a very busy schedule. As you just rested nervously on the bed, your phone began to ring. You glance over at your purse and move towards it. You takeyour phone out to see that jimin is trying to face time you. You smile answering the phone. "Anneyong jagiya!" He greets you warmly.

You smile at him, warmly. "Anneyong oppa." You greet back.  He sighs loudly on the other side. "Mianhae, i couldnt make it." He pouts. You giggle. "It's ok, i understand." You say meaning it. However your afraid that with his busy schedule, what if he wont be there all the time for his baby? Just then the doctor had knocked on the door. He poked his head in and smiled softly. You bowed your head at him. "Oh anneyong." You greet. He bows back and checks the clipboard. "Annyeong, im Dr.han ill be doing your ultrasound today."

You smiled and looked at jimin through the phone.  Jimin sighs making the doctor look at you. "Your husband?" he asks politely. You smile nodding. "Ne, this is my husband. He couldnt make it today." You say while looking at the phone. The doctor smiles sincerely at you before continuing with the appointment. You lift your shirt revealing your stomach. He squirts the gel onto your stomach and you squeal lightly. Jimin's eyes are attentive on you even though he isnt there. The doctor looks at you holding the baton in his hand, "I will begin now." He informs you. 

You turn the camera towards the screen and the doctor places his instrument on your flat stomach. The room fills with a very very light thumping. The screen light up with a grey and black setting, but soon your baby had come into the middle of the screen. Jimin gasps lightly at the sight of the bean like shape. "Jimin-ah, that's our baby." You say while smiling. You hear jimin chuckling on the other line. "That's our baby.." He whispers to himself. The doctor freezes the screen and prints off picture for the both of you.

Soon enough the appointment is over with and you wipe off your stomach. Jimin and you had hung up on the phone. You were instructed to call him once you got home which you were excited to do. You quickly gathered your things and walked out to the lobby to check out. Once you did, you quickly ran to your car and drove straight home calling jimin and ending your day wit long talks. 


You both were in the room where the doctor was going to proceed on the upcoming appointment. Taehyung held your hand tightly and you giggled at him being so cute. He was currently swinging his feet back and forth on the chair and playing with his cheeks. He looks like a child and anything but an adult. Sometimes you wonder if you married a child. (A/N: thats because ya did ;) hehe okie ill stop) "Taehyung-ah~" you cooed out to your husband. He looks at you with a smile that you love to see from hm. 

"Ne, Jagiya." He cooed back. You lean into his shoulders for comfort, him instantly putting his head on top of yours. You sigh and smile closing your eyes. He looks down at you and closes his eyes as well. As you both were cuddling into each others embrace, there was a light knock at the door startling the both of you slightly. "Come in!" You called out. The doctor walked in and headed straight towards her seat. "Hello, I'm Dr. song I will be doing your ultrasound today." She says looking down at her clipboard then up to the both of you. 

You laid on top of the bed and lifted your shirt. Dr. Song immediately squirts the gel onto your belly and turns to the both of you. "Alright I will begin now, It seems you are about 8-11 weeks along so we can hear the baby's heart beat." She says with a smile. You both nodded and held hands. The doctor puts the instrument on your tummy and Taehyung kisses the back of your hand. You immediately heard the small beating of your baby's heart beat, the sound bringing a huge smile to your face as well as Taehyungs.  

The screen had light up with your baby on it and it looked like a small bean with a heart beat in it. Taehyung looked at the screen then to you. "Is that my baby?" He asks innocently. You nodded your head and smiled at him and the baby. The doctor had finished up with the appointment and left the room. You wiped off the extra gel off your belly and pulled your shirt down. You hopped off the table and gave Taehyung a big hug. You both checked out and went home to cuddle each other to sleep.


You were sitting in the room with the doctor alone and staring at the door. Jungkook hasnt made it to the appointment yet, making him late for this. The doctor looks at his watch and then to you."Ms. Kim,we are gonna have to start soon. I have another appointment at 2:30." He says softly. You turned your head at him and nodded sadly. "Alright.." You said softly. Just as you began to lay down on the bed, Jungkook busted through the door, panting. "I'm here." He says out of breath. 

You sigh of relief and smile with a tear running down your cheek. He rushes to your side and hugs you. "I'm so sorry im late.." He whispers in your ear. You hug him back tightly before whispering back, "Its ok.". You both had looked at the doctor to proceed the ultrasound and he smiles before placing the gel onto your stomach. You inhale sharply as the cold gel touched your skin. Jungkook squeezes your hand in comfort as you smiled up at him. 

The doctor had put the instrument onto your stomach and a light thumping was heard. You both turned your heads at the screen to see a small bean forming inside of your stomach. Tears had filled your eyes and escaped. They ran down your cheek freely while Jungkook had kissed your wet cheeks. His tears couldn't be held back either as he saw his child, his first born, on the screen. The doctor checked on the baby and finished with the ultrasound. You wiped off your belly and stood up with the help of Jungkook. 

The both of you had headed home and made sure that you both had alot of time spent together.

A/N: Heyyyy beauties! How are you all? Im so sorry that it took forever to write and finish this chapter! Gosh I have just been so busy these days and im so sorry that I haven't updated soon! Hopefully the next chapter can be faster and I wanna thank you guys for being so patient for me. Saranghae beauties!! 

To be continued.

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