A Love That Consumes ♛Delena♛

Por the_teen_author

41.2K 1K 362

What if Damon's compulsion on Elena the first night they truly met didn't work? What if Elena remembers every... Más

In the beginning
Shopping with Caroline
Dining with Damon part 1
Dining with Damon part 2
Hello Lexi
A little party never killed anybody
Last Friday Night
Disaster strikes yet again
Secret boyfriends are the best
Caroline Forbes: the dating expert
It's too late
I feel safe in your arms
Nobody said it was easy
Cutest couple around
True lies
Never Let Me Go
Two Months
Hello again
When nightmares come true
What about angels?
Dirty little secrets

The truth really does hurt

1.6K 52 25
Por the_teen_author

Authors note: thanks to several of you (coralee2001, RaeganSonerhalder, and Delena4life13) for your nice reviews!I dedicate this next chapter to Lanabug1864 for giving me half of the inspiration for this book. Thanks so much! Love ya! <3

Damon's P.O.V

The last month had been perfect. I felt like I was walking on sunshine. Elena was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't imagine my life without her. She takes my mind off of her. Off of Katherine. When I'm with Elena, all of my other thoughts are pushed aside. I only think of her. She is my soulmate.

She knew though. I had heard her, and Stefan talking. They thought that I wasn't home, when really I was just passed out on the couch. He told her everything. From the fact that I was a vampire....to the fact that she is Katherine's doppelgänger. Weirdly, she was accepting . She said she had already know about vampires, and had been putting together the clues about me being a vampire.

She also told Stefan that as soon as I had left her house the night of our first kiss that her dad had told her about vampires, and how they were real. The thing that scared me the most was the fact that they had talked about Katherine's return. Elena now knew she would need to be prepared to fight. Katherine wasn't going to leave without what she wanted.

Stefan nor Lexi had told me about Katherine's threat. Which really pissed me off. Somehow she would always be a step ahead of us, and we couldn't do anything about it. Which sucked.

Elena nor Stefan knew that I knew. Elena had told no one, and hadn't written about it in her diary because I'm always watching her while she writes.

We were currently making out on the couch. My hand smoothly going through her straight hair. While her her arms snaked around my neck, and she leaned in closer. "I love you so much." I heard her mutter under her breath in between kisses. "I love you more." I mumbled against her lips. She pulled away "I love you most." She said smiling at me.

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before rolling us over so she was on top. She laid her head on my chest, and her eyelids began to shut. All you could hear was the roar of the fire.

I felt something wet land on my shirt. I looked down to find several wet droplets. Were they tears? I didn't know. I looked down at Elena. Her head was facing the other way, but I could her her sob. Her tears traveled from her eyes to the back over her neck, and then falling onto my shirt. Where they seeped through the thin fabric.

"'Lena what's wrong?" I asked. I heard her take a deep sigh. She didn't turn towards me or even acknowledge me. "'Lana..." I said placing a hand on her shoulder. She slowly turned around to face me. She stared at the fire though. "Hey, 'Lana please...don't hide from me." I said as my thumb stroked her cheek. She closed her eyes, and a tear rolled down her cheek. She looked at me. Her eyes showed exactly what she was feeling: pain, regret, and worry.

"I have....a confession to make." Elena's voice shook as she spoke. "I know-

Stefan's P.O.V

I sat at a table in the grill. I was waiting for Lexi to finish up her conversation with Matt. We needed to talk about Katherine. I had told Elena everything only a few days ago, and Lexi needed to know. Weirdly, Elena had confronted me about being a vampire. I didn't know what to say so I confessed to everything. I mean everything. I explained to her that she was Katherine's doppelgänger, and that Katherine was coming back. She needed to know. She might be in danger.

I hear laughter coming from the bar. I turn my head to see Lexi. Her body leaning against the bar, and her cheeks flushed red. Matt stood behind the bar cleaning a glass while they laughed.

I had to admit. It was adorable. Lexi giggling was always adorable. I decided to get up. I walked from the small table I was sitting at over to Lexi. "A shot please." I told Matt. He turned to get me one as I turned to smirk at Lexi. She wasn't looking at me at first. She had her eyes on Matt's back. Slowly she realized that I was standing next to her. She started at me for a minute "What?" I smiled at her, and chuckled slightly.

"So..how long have you, and Matt you know.." I winked at her, and her cheeks flushed red. Matt turned around at the sound of his name being called. "What?" He asked confused. "Nothing." Lexi said reassuringly. "I just need to speak with Stefan. Alone." Lexi said glaring at me.

Lexi grabbed me by the ear, and dragged me out of the grill. Muttering under her breath the whole way. She threw me onto the hard concert and I landed with a thud. "What the hell was that?!" Lexi spat at me. Anger flashing through her whole body. She looked pissed. "What?" I said innocently standing up, and brushing off my knees. "You know what you did! I like Matt, and your just embarrassing me!" She quickly covered her mouth with her hands; she was regretting her choice of words. So the truth was finally out......

I smirked at Lexi as she gave me the biggest glare ever. I quietly began to sing like I was in kindergarten "Lexi, and Matt sitting in a tree." I heard Lexi growl at me, and she lunged for me trying to pin me down to the ground. I quickly averted her, and screamed "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Before she pinned me as hard as she could to the ground.

Elena's P.O.V

"I know that your a vampire." I said my voice shaking. "I also know that-" Damon cut me off. "'Lena I know you know everything. From the fact that I'm a vampire to the fact that your Katherine's doppelgänger. I heard you, and Stefan talking the other day." Damon said calmly. He took it better than I thought.

How did he know though? I was about to asked, but then I remembered. Damn vampire abilities. "I'm scared Damon...what if she. What if Katherine comes for my family? There death will be all my fault, and I can't live with that. I just... I can't." I said tears pouring down my face, and seeping into the thin fabric of Damon's shirt. Damon ran his fingers through my hair reassuringly.

"'Lana I swear, I will not let Katherine even get within a mile of your family. I will protect anyone you love until the day I die. If Katherine even thinks about touching a single hair on your head I will break her neck. She will be back eventually, and we just have to be ready. I know your scared I'm scared too. This whole thing scare the hell out of me.We will get through this though. We always do. We can do this." He said wiping away the tears.

"Together?" I asked. He took my face in his hands, and gave me a peck on the cheek, forehead, and chin. God, he was such a tease. Finally he kissed me on the lips, and sweetly smiled.


Authors note: hello lovelies,

Sorry I didn't write as much today. The last book in my favorite series just came out yesterday? Has anyone read The Mortal Instruments? I'm reading the last book (which is 725 pages of pure awesomeness), and they have already killed off one character in the first 125 pages. Even though I just started reading it I will probably finish it by tomorrow. (If you haven't noticed I'm a fast reader.)For younger readers: just a warning these books are Pg-13 for a reason. Anyway did anyone else think that Damon's last line in this chapter was adorable? I did! Question of the day: if you could be any TVD character for a day, who would you be, and why? I would be Elena, because I would get to enjoy the Salvatore's.... Or Katherine.


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