A Simple Snowbird

By RurielFrost

3.3K 80 45

Winter's Story and Crow's Story. A straight ship in rwby. No way. This is purely fan fiction, doesn't follow... More

Chapter 1: Something New
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

492 16 17
By RurielFrost


Winter turned around, a gentle smile already in view for Weiss. Her cute little sister. She texted her early in the morning, her reply was quick.

"Good morning Winter!" Weiss cheered while walking up to Winter for a tight squeeze.

Already enveloping her sister in a delicate hug. "Good morning Weiss, how are you?"



They entered a coffee shop relatively close to where Weiss was dorming.

"So how are your team members?" Winter asked.

"They're fine, a little loud and boisterous, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It makes everyday something new and to look forward too and new you know?" Her sister couldn't help but smile.

Winter couldn't help but feel a little bubbly inside as she watched her sister rant about her school life and teammates, it was one of the only things in her life that consistently made her happy and cheered her up after all the stress from her job piled up.

"Oh! And apparently our history teacher quit her job and now we're getting a new teacher coming next semester. I just hope that our new one won't be as hard as her, because man, she was a bi-"

"Actually Weiss that's something I wanted to talk to you about."

Weiss only tilted her head and stared at her with a confused look.

"I'm actually going to be assisting that new teacher that's coming in for your class."

Weiss' jaw dropped.

"Are you for real!?"

"Yes, I'm being quite for real." Winter chuckled.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing Winter!" Shrieked Weiss. "I get to see you everyday starting next week! We can go for walks, trips to the mall, and you can help me with my homework when I need it! History's actually one of my most hated subjects because of how boring it is; but with you in it then it'll definitely be more fun!"

Winter smiled at her happy little sister. Which made her happy. Moments like these were becoming rarer and rarer the more her life passed by, so she chose to cherish the moments.

"Oh wait! You need to go meet my teammates, they're in my dorm right now, two of them are sisters and their relative came to visit them today so they're there. Blake should be there too reading a book, she always does that, but let's go! Let's go let's go!" Weiss exclaimed while taking Winter's hand and leading her out the door.

"Jeez, I'm coming sis, I'm right behind you." Winter laughed having way more fun than she cared to admit.


They entered the door to Weiss' dorm and entered the elevator.

As the numbers on the elevator continued to rise, thoughts of Winter's previous elevator experiences ran through her mind. That time with Qrow...

Winter felt her face flush with heat and she squeezed it using her thumb and middle and index fingers. She breathed deeply. 'I need to chill.' She sighed. 'Today's my day, I shouldn't be thinking about anything work related.' Categorizing him as "work" related.

"So... Winter... What I was thinking, was that we could all go shopping today! I wanna pay for everyone, I'm feeling really giddy right now." Weiss said.

"Nice try Weiss, but we all know that if anyone's paying it's going to be me, I'm the big sister here, let me do it."

"Hehe, fineeeeee."

They walked and turned to Weiss' dorm room. She pulled out the keys and unlocked it.

"Welcome to Casa del RWBY!"

Weiss opened the door and the first thing Winter heard were squeals of delight and a mixture of heart and childish laughter.

"Hey guys, my sister is here!" Weiss shouted to get their attention.

Still the sounds snorts and joy were all over the place.

"Jeez, hey Weiss, we're just playing a little fighting game, whoever loses has to pay for lunch." A small girl's voice could be heard just outside the door. "And right now we are kicking Uncle Qrow's butt!"

Uncle... Qrow?

"Yeah this old man is pretty trash." A girl with yellow hair looked mockingly at the floor. Winter could see her past the door but she couldn't get inside because her sister was blocking the door from her.

"Well come say hi Winter! They won't bite, unless they had a bunch of sugar for breakfast." Weiss cautioned her.

"Winter?" A deep husky voice asked.

Oh god-

Winter pushed Weiss a tiny bit and popped her head through the door trying to match a face with the voice. She looked down at the floor next to her left and there sat a tall dark man next to the small girl clad in red playing games in front of a TV screen.

"Oh, Qrow... What are you doing here?" Asked Winter.

"These are my nieces, I wanted to pay a visit." He replied.

A girl with black hair watched their interaction with curiosity in her eyes. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah, she's my assistant."

"Assis-Whaaaa?" Asked everyone in the room under the age of 24.

Winter sighed.

"This man will be your new history teacher starting next week. And I'm his assistant."

They could only stare.

The small girl was the first one to break the silence.

"So... Uncle Qrow... When were you going to tell us this?"

"At lunch, but I guess someone wanted to do my job for me, maybe you should do the teaching and let me assist instead." Qrow looked sharply at the older Schnee.

Looking at the window, Winter could only twiddle her thumbs and try to whistle but unfortunately no sound came out.

"Alright." Qrow threw his hands up, "You caught me. I'm your new teacher for Beacon. I don't know how things work yet but that's why I have her helping me out for a bit." He said pointing his finger at Winter.

"I'll tell you guys more later but for now can we all go out somewhere? This room is getting kinda stuffy with everyone in here."


"Uncle Qrow! I want the full 7-course meal complete with two ramen dishes and sides of sushi!" The girl named Ruby yelled to Qrow from the far side of the table.

"Hey me too! Me too!" Her sister Yang exclaimed. "Gotta get swoll with this bowl." She laughed showing off her arms. Ruby and Yang did the same but they weren't as shredded as Yang. Weiss was too busy laughing at that fact and they all turned to Weiss and had her lift her arms.

Luckily the group was in the far side of the restaurant, because all you could hear were childish remarks and retorts.

Winter held her cup of tea with a palm on the bottom of the cup and another hand wrapped around it's cylindrical length. She closed her eyes while she drank, she held herself with a certain grace in public even while being in a family restaurant. She opened her eyes to check what Qrow was doing...

She found him drowning himself halfway through a bottle of alcohol.

She groaned and shook her head. Qrow looked at her reaction to his drinking and chuckled.

"Hehe, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Qrow, you're in front of children, you shouldn't be drinking in front of them." Winter said sternly.

"Don't worry about it." He said nonchalantly. "They already know I drink, it's not that big of a deal to them."

"Just keep it under control when we get to school please." Winter sighed at him.

Qrow responded by drinking the rest of the bottle.

Winter felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Qrow..." She breathed deeply. "God you're unbearable."

"Sorry princess." Qrow retorted. "I never actually learned table manners. Grew up in a tribe, not in a mansion."

This flipped Winter's switch.

"Qrow don't call me princess, I'm a lady and you're a slob. Don't ever compare me to your sorry ass state ever again." She stared at him with toxicity in her words.

The whole table started to quiet down and stared at the two. Although her outburst seemed to have no effect on the man himself.

"Yeesh, Ice Queeeeeeeeeen. Your words are so cold, just like your shallow personality, always trying to please people, just like daddy and just like Ironwood." Qrow said dangerously skating on thin ice.

"How dare y-"

Weiss coughed loudly, she touched Winters hand and pointed at the table servers who placed down the first plate of food on the other side of the table.

Winter closed her mouth, "Excuse me."


They split up after that.

Relative to say, that lunch was not how things were supposed to go. Winter felt embarrassed at herself for attacking Qrow. She didn't mean to ruin the afternoon with the senseless banter that the two adults just ensued in.

She couldn't bring herself to say sorry first though. It was not in her nature to say sorry first. Winter was too proud, too refined to mouth the words. She had hoped that Qrow would say something to her so they could talk it out and apologize properly, but he showed no signs of wanting to.

Deep in thought, Winter didn't pay any attention to her little sister.

"Sis? Hey... Winter?"

"Yes Weiss?" She snapped back to reality.

"Are you okay? If you're mad at Qrow, that's fine, he insulted you. Don't mind him, he's wrong."

"Of course I'm not thinking about that man, why would I need to? He's not worth my time. Don't worry Weiss, I'm fine."

"Okay sis that's good."

She took her sister out to go shopping, nearing the end of the day they forgot what had happened at the restaurant and enjoyed themselves spending their money on clothes and shoes. Although she knew she wasn't going to see the clothes come out of the closet much, she shopped to help her relax and it worked so she wasn't going to stop.

After their shopping spree, Winter dropped her sister off at her dorm.

Unfortunately so did Qrow with his nieces.

They awkwardly met at each other while waiting for the elevator to come down from the highest floor. Their entrance to the dormitory could be heard by the way you could make out the laughter of two female children and an adult.

"Oh." Stopped Qrow.

"Hello, fancy meeting you here Branwen."

The kids said hi to each other and crowded the front of the elevator doors watching the two adults intently.

"Fancy meeting you here too Ice Queen."

"Not drinking I see."

"After I drop them off of course."

The doors opened up.

No one moved.

"Ladies first." Qrow nodded his head toward the elevator.

"Such a gentleman." Winter smiled sweetly and got inside. The girls followed suit.

Qrow relaxed himself inside.


After dropping them off in front of their door, both Qrow and Winter headed towards the elevator.

After the elevator doors opened, Winter hesitated to get inside.

"Not coming in?" Qrow asked.

"I'll take the stairs thank you." Winter said starting to walk away.

Qrow shrugged. "Have it your way." Closing the door.

Winter reached the doors to the stairs.

Damn him.

Damn me.


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