Trying To Forget (Spencer Rei...

By AHS_Ashley

41.8K 786 233

After Maeve's death, Reid can't handle the pain of her going. So he turns to the one thing he used to forget... More

Focus On the Case
Overwhelmed & Tired
Talk to Me, Kid
I Couldn't Save Her
I'm Fine
Just One Last Time
I'm Sorry
How Could You?
Take A Walk
Who You Really Are
Hang in There
I Need a Medic!

Hidden Emotions

2.6K 55 11
By AHS_Ashley

Derek Morgan sat impatiently in the hospital waiting room with the rest of his team. Series of questions ran through his mind on what he should have done. "This is all my fault," Morgan thought.

"If only I would have stayed with him, I should have known something could happen".

His eyes started to dampen with hot tears that threatened to fall. The thought of losing Reid was too much for Derek to handle. Abruptly, Morgan stood up and headed towards the bathroom hastily, leaving sympathetic expressions on every team members face.

Once Morgan entered the bathroom he punched the wall in anger of himself. He couldn't believe how blind he was to Reid's emotions. Spencer was obviously in a lot of pain from losing Maeve. "I should have been there for him more, then this wouldn't have happened" he thought while the tears failed to stay in his eyes.

"Oh great, now I'm crying" Derek noticed, trying to control his emotions. But a person can only contain their feelings for so long.

The sound of the door opening shook Morgan from his thoughts as he rushed to the sink, pretending to wash his hands. He didn't realize that it was Hotch who walked into the bathroom. There was a moment of awkward silence between the two.

"Are you okay?" Hotch asked in his usual stern voice.

Trying his best to conceal his sniffling, Derek replied with "Yeah", it was all he could say without his voice breaking into a meltdown. Footsteps from Hotch came towards him. Morgan felt a hand touch his back.

"This isn't your fault, I hope you know that" Hotch said, trying his best to sound comforting, but it still sounded like his usual, demanding tone.

All Morgan did was nod, hoping that Hotch didn't see the stain of a tear on his cheek.

"Hotch, I'm fine, I just want Reid to be okay" Morgan stated as brave as he could before walking out the door, leaving Hotch behind.

When Derek returned to the waiting room, Garcia was there now. She jumped up and gave Morgan a hug upon seeing him. Morgan let out a small smile, "Hey baby girl" he said softly.

Garcia seemed to know exactly what Morgan had been feeling because immediately she said, "Reid's gonna be just fine, don't worry". Oh how he loved Garcia's positivity.

A doctor came out holding a clipboard, "You're here to see Spencer Reid, correct?" she asked.

"Yes, is he okay?" JJ asked, standing up. The other team members standing up as well.

The doctor smiled, "Yes he will be fine, the bullet wound didn't puncture any major organs. However he did lose a lot of blood. But we were able to replace it with a transfusion. He is coming out of his surgery. You can visit him now if you would like" she said and headed towards Reid's room, the team following close behind.

Reid lay peacefully in the hospital bed, he looked pale but still in good condition, well, considering he was just shot. Every minute that passed by where Reid laid there sleeping felt like an eternity. Everyone wanted to see their boy genius awake to reassure them that he was going to be fine.

Morgan pulled up a seat next to the bedside and held Reid's hand in his. "I'm sorry" he whispered, barely audible.

Garcia saying, "Look!" brought Morgan to see Reid furrow his eyebrow.

Reid stirred before his weak eyes slowly opened. Then Reid got a confused look in his eyes, something that the team didn't see often. It was so strange seeing their young genius so confused and disoriented.

Garcia placed her hand on Reid's cheek. "It's okay Reid, your gonna be fine" she said sweetly.

Reid placed his hand back on the pillow and asked the obvious question, "Why am I in the hospital?" he said with a slight lick of his lips.

"You were shot" Prentiss answered.

Reid's eyes shifted up in thought as he recalled the events that led to his injury. "Oh, it's coming back to me now" Reid said. A relieved sigh came from the team members. They didn't want Reid to struggle with memory, it was what made him such a genius.

Reid's lip began to quiver and a tear streamed from Reid's eye, shocking the team.

"Oh Reid, what's wrong?" Garcia asked, looking close to tears herself.

"Maeve" Reid whimpered, he went on, "She was never alive, was she?" Reid came to the realization of his past thoughts that Maeve was alive still.

"Reid, look at me" Morgan said, holding on to Reid's hand. "What happened to Maeve was not your fault, I want you to know that. But I should have been there for you when you were struggling. And that is my fault, I'm sorry man" Morgan admitted, this comforted Reid a little.

"Thank you" Reid whispered out before he was embraced in a hug from Morgan. The whole team joined in after him. What would they have done if they had lost their wonderful boy genius?

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